The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP01 - English

  • last week


00:00In the great sea of Ignora lay five islands in the shape of a cross.
00:13Four point in each cardinal direction around a larger central island to form Ente Isla,
00:20the islands protected by the gods.
00:23All who lived in Ente Isla knew of Satan, ruler of demons.
00:29His very name was synonymous with the terror and cruelty that ruled his demon realm, as
00:35well as the creatures of the night that thrived in its depravity.
00:41Satan was an ambitious ruler.
00:43He sought to crush the humans and their world, thereby creating a land of peace and prosperity
00:50for all night's creatures.
00:53Four trusted generals served the devil, Edrammelech, Lucifer, Alciel, and Malakoda.
01:02These four great demons launched merciless attacks on the four continents.
01:23However, a lone hero rose up against them, a sacred sword in hand.
01:46Along with a band of comrades, the hero crushed Lucifer's army to the west.
01:51They went on to defeat Edrammelech in the north and Malakoda in the south.
01:56Then the federation of knights led by this hero invaded the central continent where the
02:01demon lord kept his castle.
06:16Okay you two, behave yourselves.
06:38This is Katsudon, Okay?
06:41Yes, that's right. Yes.
06:45They coated animal flesh in some sort of grain and fried it in hot oil.
06:50Then a mangled bird embryo was placed on top,
06:53and the whole thing was heated even further in a fish broth.
06:57Look, I'm not supposed to provide food, but I can't let two injured kids go hungry.
07:02We'll just call it my treat.
07:04Heh heh heh.
07:12Of course.
07:26Hey now, son, you can't just waltz on in here!
07:34I want to talk to you about something important.
07:39I don't want to talk to you about something I don't want to talk to you about.
07:44I don't want to talk to you about Earth.
08:05I see, sire. And what is that substance on the table they fed me?
08:13Cat's Doom...
08:15Yes, that name has a powerful ring to it.
08:18This is of great interest.
08:20Incorrect. Now focus. Food is neither interesting nor important right now.
08:24In this world, we are only fantasies.
08:27These humans don't consider things like demons or even the devil to be authentic.
08:31No one believes magic legitimately exists.
08:33They do not believe in magic? How do they survive?
08:40I see. So because there is insufficient magic in this pathetic realm,
08:44we are unable to retain our demonic forms.
08:46Yes. But I never imagined stripping our magic would cause this.
08:52Our physical change makes me wonder if humans might actually be the foundation for all living creatures.
08:57Surely you jest, sire. I'm certain it is merely an effect of this world and the gate.
09:03I still retain a fraction of my magic, but it is quite an effort to stem its outward flow.
09:09How is it with you, Alceo?
09:23Looks like it worked, sire.
09:25No. I highly doubt this carriage was conjured with magic.
09:31If I adjust the amount of magic I release, I won't run out for a fair amount of time.
09:35The undeniable problem is we currently have no way to amass more.
09:39However, if the Earth is familiar with the concept of magic, even as imaginary,
09:44we may have a chance.
09:46The path left to us now is to discover that method and regain our natural strength.
09:52Until then, we have no choice but to live in this world and obey these human rules.
09:58What a cruel reality this is.
10:00Indeed. But we might as well do what we can.
10:07We must obtain official records at what is called a Ward Office.
10:12We have to click Natolos.
10:15Huh? Okay. Here.
10:19Good. Next, we create accounts at the bank.
10:23To do so, we use this.
10:25What is that paper?
10:26Tis this country's currency.
10:28I borrowed it from that police officer human right before I created our own personal seal.
10:33I have to say I'm rather proud of myself.
10:35As am I.
10:36Here you are.
10:37Here you are.
10:39Lastly, we must secure a base of operations from a Realtor.
10:43Ibtitu. Searching. Ibnid house.
10:47Sure. What sort of home did you have in mind, sir?
10:49Oh! I'm toostabroop!
10:51Halt, zouch! Ixio refelsiel!
10:54As ektik fwangi zoyshi sikwafi grithos tose! Grithos ipap!
10:59Feb. Okay, bro.
11:01I am finally getting the grooving.
11:04The landlady at this location is a very admirable person.
11:08If I may speak frankly, she says she wants to set an example by taking on persons of unknown backgrounds like the two of you fine gentlemen.
11:16Fix. Fear him, Paul.
11:17Rish. Seek a geese as a rax.
11:20Kleb. Raspia gripia or ixtrapsum. Sheep thee boots. Rax vichuv taif. Reet.
11:26You'd be renting room 201 here.
11:30Good afternoon.
11:32Rifi. Zom?
11:35You two adorable creatures are the new rental applicants, correct?
11:39Rizal jist! This woman owns these apartments and lives next door.
11:44The name is Miki Shiba. In kanji, that's with characters meaning beauty and radiance.
11:51But please, boys, call me Miki instead. That's so much more fun, no?
11:58Sire, are you sure we should waste our time here?
12:01Remember, in this world, they like the saying, patience is a virtue.
12:05In the end, this castle might be a welcome change of pace.
12:09I don't think we should waste our time here.
12:12Remember, in this world, they like the saying, patience is a virtue.
12:16In the end, this castle might be a welcome change of pace.
12:20Oh, sire.
12:22We have no other choice, but we will move forward from here.
12:27King Satan!
12:31King Satan!
12:37I didn't realize this body was one that required food.
12:40Well, you do have a human body now, sire.
12:43That gruesome IV drip thing will cost us as much as a full month's rent on the castle!
12:47You know what that's called? Rubbing salt in a wound!
12:50Tis what the nurse said, at least.
12:52That uncanny landlady spared us a good deal of trouble, sire.
12:55She tells me that Japan requires residents to carry something called health insurance.
12:59Never mind her. Money is clearly of the essence in this human society, so we need to possess it somehow.
13:05I cannot afford to expend more of my magic.
13:08So that means we really only have one option left to us.
13:11And what is that, sire?
13:16Curses did it wrong again.
13:18You idiot! Resume forms do not grow on trees, you know!
13:22Okay, my new name is Sadao Mao.
13:25And mine, Shirou Ashiya. Do you find this name strange, sire?
13:28It's a little late to ask that now. We've already made both our IDs.
13:36King Satan.
13:39Might I suggest you put a little more thought into your spending?
13:42Give me a break. I put thought into spending.
13:44Summer's around the corner, so we need a fridge.
13:47Owning a washing machine is cheaper than a laundromat in the long run.
13:51And I have to have the bike to get to work.
13:53It's not what you purchase that concerns me, sire.
13:56I just think paying an installment's worth more than the cost of a bike.
14:00It's not what you purchase that concerns me, sire.
14:03I just think paying an installment's worth more than the cost of a bike.
14:07Well, I hate loans, so...
14:09Don't so me, sire.
14:10Nag all you want, but installment plans come with interest and fees.
14:14And I ain't gonna pay for something I can't touch with my own two hands.
14:17Impeccably worded, sire. But do tell me...
14:20How are we supposed to make it to payday on milk, jelly, and...
14:23Oh wait, we have cucumbers too?
14:25I see your point.
14:27But calm down. It's not like we don't have any money left.
14:30I still have some cash. We'll be fine until payday.
14:33Don't forget, they give me lots of food at work too.
14:38We're gonna die.
14:40You propose we eat burgers and fries three times a day until you get paid?
14:42What is this, supersize me?
14:43You plan to eat a high-calorie, high-cholesterol diet at such a young age?
14:45I'm looking forward to the next ten years,
14:46but now I'll have to hope you don't die prematurely of a lifestyle-related illness before we get home.
14:49I must apologize to my county, sire. However, you're the one who aren't even biding our time.
14:50You have all the people I'd advise constant diligence and health maintenance.
14:52Stop freaking out! I gotta go to work!
14:54Wait, sire!
14:55Lecture me later!
14:56That's not it! You forgot your umbrella!
14:58Let's roll, Dullahan!
15:04And he's off. Guess I'll get ready too.
15:36Here, you can take this.
15:38Please, all yours.
15:40I, um, okay?
15:42I'm not going that far, just to the train station.
15:44I work at the McGronald's over there.
15:50You can throw it out for all I care!
15:52Wahoo! That is brisk!
15:57The End
16:02This week is key.
16:03Soon we will know who had the highest featured item sales in our district.
16:07I swear, I will be the one who breaks the sales record for Black Pepper Fries!
16:13Hello and welcome. Would you like to try a meal today, sir?
16:16Nah, just a cheeseburger and a small spark.
16:19Of course, sir. Might I also interest you in some Black Pepper Fries?
16:22With that, it's our featured item.
16:24Nah, thanks though.
16:26Yes, these little continuous efforts are necessary for my eventual comeback as Lord of Demons.
16:31Let me get your change.
16:33That's one chicken sandwich, one iced coffee, and one happiness meal.
16:36Will that be cash or card?
16:38Hi ma'am, we hope you're having a great day.
16:40I'd be happy to let you use our microwave if you want.
16:43Have you brought any milk or baby food with you?
16:46I don't mind heating it up at all.
16:48Uh, you sure that's okay?
16:51Of course, my pleasure.
16:59Mr. Mao, you were like super way cool!
17:02I can't believe you thought of her baby's food! That was so sweet!
17:05Oh, no big deal.
17:07Accommodating all of our customers' needs when we have the time gives us a long-term advantage.
17:11I was just doing my thing.
17:13You are beyond incredible! You're like a for-real grown-up!
17:16Thanks, but hardly.
17:18I'm just a part-timer.
17:27I can't believe you were fired again, Ashiya. You suck.
17:30I wish you'd keep calling me All-Seal, sire.
17:32I wish you'd get over it, but that's not important.
17:34We need to focus on finding a way home, not doing awful day labor, capisce?
17:38Right, and your point, sire?
17:40You are now in charge of finding a way to get our magic back.
17:43I'll work and get money, you do research.
17:46Magic's at least a concept here, so if we trace that alleged fantasy back to its source,
17:50well, maybe we'll be able to find something that's helpful.
17:53Do you believe there's a chance we can recover our powers?
17:56Hopin' so. I mean, why stop at just Entei Isla?
17:59Why not rule this world, too?
18:01I like this plan so much better, don't you?
18:03Yes, sire, I do!
18:05It's Mao.
18:07As you wish, sire.
18:09Mao, I, All-Seal, vow to discover the path to your supremacy.
18:12You will rule all worlds!
18:14Thank you, All-Seal. Now rise.
18:16You're embarrassing me.
18:18Yep, still, we got nothin'.
18:20Guess what? I totally got a raise today!
18:23I don't trust that new guy. He's too good for my own good.
18:26You're excited to be the lowest person on the fast food totem pole, sire?
18:29If the devil is considered nothing more than an underling, what does that make me?
18:34Though, how can I judge? I can't even do research properly.
18:38With only books to go on, all I can do is speculate.
18:44Mr. Mao, it's an earthquake.
18:47So it is.
18:51Hey, Chi.
18:53Everyone makes mistakes.
18:55But it's the sixth time I've dropped fries on the floor this month!
18:58I'm the klutziest person in the world!
19:00Yeah, I guess you do drop them every other day.
19:03I don't know.
19:04I don't know.
19:05I don't know.
19:06I don't know.
19:07I don't know.
19:08I don't know.
19:09Yeah, I guess you do drop them every other day.
19:11All I do is clean up after myself while everyone else waits like customers.
19:15At this rate, potatoes will start sprouting from the floor!
19:20Hey, I know you guys are on break, but I need a quick minute.
19:23I'm not that scary, Chi.
19:25Is everything okay, manager?
19:26Would you please call me Miss Kiseki?
19:28It's getting crowded out there.
19:30When your breaks are over, I want you both at 100%.
19:32This is when the fight for number one gets real.
19:35So bring it.
19:37Oh, and Chi, sweetie, try not to plant too many potatoes, kay?
19:40Thank you!
19:42Yes, ma'am.
19:45Another large order of black pepper fries, please!
19:48Will that be cash or card?
19:49Can I take your order?
19:50Fries and your phone number?
19:55Yeah, not on the menu, sorry.
19:57If we keep this up, we'll do it!
19:59We could be number one in the district!
20:03They're not cooked all the way?
20:05Don't tell me the fryer's broken!
20:08Why did it have to be the black pepper fryer?
20:11Okay, Mal, focus.
20:13What now?
20:14If I don't do something, being number one is the least of our problems!
20:19Should I use magic?
20:20It is kind of an emergency.
20:22Make sure you save your magic only for extreme emergencies, sire.
20:36What's wrong?
20:39Life has failed.
20:40It's not your fault, Mr. Mal.
20:42Everything's fine. The guy fixing the fryer will be done by tonight.
20:46Yo, yo, Ma, you got a sec?
20:50What's going on?
20:51Is she gonna blame me for us not getting number one?
20:54Surely not.
20:55It's not like I broke the lousy thing.
20:58Maybe she's suspicious because I was about to use magic!
21:02Thanks for waiting.
21:03Relax, kid. It's not bad.
21:05In fact, I'm gonna make your day.
21:07I was just waiting to get final approval from our district office.
21:11Oh? For what?
21:12For your promotion.
21:13So now, Mal, as of today, you are A-level staff.
21:19Oh, yeah! I am A-level staff, Ashiya!
21:22I got a raise! I'm a rock star!
21:30Hey, it's you.
21:32I went to your restaurant after our conversation.
21:34Oh, you did? Really? I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
21:37Next time, just say something and I'll come say hi.
21:39I watched you all day from the bookstore across the street.
21:42You look so different.
21:44I thought for a second I must be wrong.
21:46But then I saw you start to cast a spell.
21:49A spell?
21:54Who are you?
21:57First tell me why you're working part-time at a McRonald's!
22:00Why, Satan!
22:02The hero, Emilia?
22:30I love you.
22:31I love you.
22:32I love you.
22:33I love you.
22:34I love you.
22:35I love you.
22:36I love you.
22:37I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:39I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:41I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57I love you.
22:58I love you.
22:59I love you.
23:00I love you.
23:01I love you.
23:02I love you.
23:03I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:05I love you.
23:06I love you.
23:07I love you.
23:08I love you.
23:09I love you.
23:10I love you.
23:11I love you.
23:12I love you.
23:13I love you.
23:14I love you.
23:15I love you.
23:16I love you.
23:17I love you.
23:18I love you.
23:19I love you.
23:20I love you.
23:21I love you.
23:22I love you.
23:23I love you.
23:24I love you.
23:25I love you.
23:26I love you.
23:27I love you.
23:28I love you.
23:29I love you.
23:30I love you.
23:31I love you.
23:32I love you.
23:33I love you.
23:34I love you.
23:35I love you.
23:36I love you.
23:37I love you.
23:38I love you.
23:39I love you.
23:40I love you.
23:41I love you.
23:42I love you.
23:43I love you.
23:44I love you.
23:45I love you.
23:46I love you.
23:47I love you.
23:48I love you.
23:49I love you.
23:50I love you.
23:51I love you.
23:52I love you.
23:53I love you.
23:54I love you.
23:55I love you.
23:56I love you.
