The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E16 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00I'm sorry to bug you. Can I come in?
00:11Hi, Ms. Suzumi!
00:14What a pleasant surprise. Were you over at the Devil's Castle?
00:17Yeah. Hey, can I leave her with you for a sec?
00:21Is something the matter?
00:23Oh no, it's nothing.
00:32It's just one measly night. Why won't you let her sleep over?
00:35Because I have a working brain between my ears.
00:37To think you call yourself her mother.
00:39Ignoring a child's wish to be with her father is cruel and barbaric.
00:43Hero, you say? Nay, you are the villain of your daughter's tale.
00:46Where do you get off calling anybody barbaric?
00:49You don't even have futons!
00:51You gonna kiss the baby night-night and tuck her into the floorboards?
00:55If you want me to consider letting her sleep over here, buy her a futon.
01:00You nimrods miraculously have plenty of space.
01:03To my chagrin, that closet's been sacrificed as Urushihara's storage.
01:07Way to objectify the hot one.
01:09And on the top shelf, if you organize the bottom a little, you can fit a futon down there.
01:14Why is everybody treating me like I'm some lame gift you hate but feel too guilty to get rid of?
01:21We buy for life around here. Every purchase we've made has been super practical.
01:26When we leave for Entei Isla, we'll take our stuff with us. Even the appliances.
01:31I figure we can make the fridge a microwave magic-powered.
01:34I get it. That's my plan too. But wouldn't futons be a good addition?
01:39They wouldn't do us much good back home.
01:42Think about it. Demons are huge. What would we do with a human-sized futon?
01:53It's just not worth it for us. And to keep things real, we don't have the money anyway.
01:58You guys have been living in Japan for a year now. What did you do in the winter?
02:04Put on all our clothes and slept under the kotatsu.
02:08I might not need to take you down.
02:10Sounds like there's a decent chance that you'll do it yourself.
02:13Before I say this, just know your backs don't matter to me.
02:17But the kiddo needs a comfortable place to sleep.
02:20So here's my offer. I'll pay for half the futon, but I get to help pick it out.
02:50I'm tired of feeling sorry for the world.
02:54The sky reflected in my eyes is blue.
02:59I pretend to fight on my own.
03:04My claws prick my clenched fist.
03:09I wonder if it'll be easier if I just throw it away.
03:14I don't want to let go of your warmth.
03:18I'm about to drown.
03:20I'm about to forget the faint hope.
03:25The dream of that day is still here.
03:30I'm still waiting for you here.
03:38I'm drowning.
03:40I can't forget the voice I hid.
03:45The song I played with you.
03:50That was my only salvation.
04:01Ugh, why'd I make a big deal about helping pick it out?
04:04Is something wrong?
04:06Uh, not anything too terrible.
04:08But do you happen to know where they sell kids' futons?
04:11Ugh, why are you in the market?
04:13Oh, well, uh, remember that relative of Mal's I was telling you about?
04:18That poor baby girl who was convinced that you were her mama?
04:21Yeah, her. She's been coming over to visit me a lot lately.
04:25And sometimes she spends the night.
04:27Hold the phone. Is Mal guilt-tripping you into babysitting a kid that's supposed to be his responsibility?
04:32No, that's not really it.
04:34Then what is it?
04:35Because if he's pulling anything funny over on my girl, I'll tear him a new one.
04:39Let me hook you up with a lawyer through my parents' business.
04:42Take a breath, Rika.
04:44I swear that Mal's not an evil child neglecter.
04:47She, well, she misses her mom.
04:49And regardless of how I feel about Mal, I'm having a really great time hanging out with this sweet girl.
04:55I'm only letting her stay with me when she needs some feminine energy, you know what I mean?
04:59Yeah, sure. Still sounds pretty weird to me, though.
05:03Well, I spent a couple of minutes looking for futons online.
05:06But since it's for a little one, I wanted to feel how soft they are for myself.
05:10Oh, yeah. I think I know just the place.
05:14I appreciate her paying for half.
05:17But where do you even find a futon that small?
05:20You look so deep in thought. Something wrong?
05:23Nah. I don't want to ask Chi, but nobody at home will have a damn clue.
05:29Oh, hey, Ma. Hey, Chi. I brought you back some souvenirs from my big vacay.
05:34Oh, nice. You shouldn't have.
05:36And here's yours.
05:38Aw, thank you very much.
05:43It's all the rage where we were staying.
05:45Were you guys in the Amazon? Do they even have crocs down there?
05:50I don't know. Do they?
05:55Seisuke Sakuragaoka, is it?
05:57Yeah. She says it's massive. Lots of stores mean lots of futons.
06:02Should be easy. We're gonna go knock it out the day after tomorrow.
06:06Good idea. Looks like tons of big shopping centers are connected to the train station.
06:11That comes as a relief. Last night's disasters have been resolved.
06:15I'm sorry you got dragged into it.
06:18Hm? What's that?
06:20This? It's a present from my co-worker.
06:23Apparently there's crocodile meat in it?
06:28Curious. I wonder how it will taste.
06:31Hey, if you really want to know so badly, it's yours.
06:34You're certain?
06:36Yeah. It's only one serving, so it's not enough to split three ways.
06:41Just give us your review once you've tried it.
06:44My lord! But our food reserves are precious!
06:47It's no biggie. Besides, we're gonna owe her after we get this futon.
06:51Hm? You remember how this works.
06:54Now that all Esramas is fused with the sword, she has to stay within a pretty tight radius of Emi.
07:00Oh, that's right. It's approximately the distance between two train stations, correct?
07:06Which means if little buddy stays here with us, Emi can't go back to her place in Evacucho.
07:12Will Alciel and Lucifer sleep in my room, like they did when Amelia stayed here during our little tiff with Gabriel?
07:18Huh? Am I not allowed to stay in my closet?
07:22You just volunteered to store yourself.
07:26I don't know how, but we're bound to inconvenience you at some point.
07:30So yeah, take the curry. I'm sure it'll be a nice break from the usual udon.
07:41Truth is, it'll pair well.
07:50For long last, let the feast commence.
07:58It's a big day. You gonna be a good girl?
08:02Takin' notes, bucko?
08:04I'm supposed to grab stuff for Ashiya if I find it cheap.
08:08So, one bag of onions, shirodashi, natto, and a refill for the hand soap dispensers.
08:14Is a minor discount really worth carting all this stuff back on the train?
08:17Probably not.
08:21Dada! McBlow's out!
08:23Yeah, there she blows.
08:25She won't stop begging me to eat there lately. I told her we should probably wait until she's a bit older.
08:30Well, that's funny.
08:31Guess it smells like you. Cute, huh?
08:37Hey, don't cry. You're a-okay, baby face.
08:40Sorry to disturb you, everybody.
08:46Dramatic much?
08:52She goes toe-to-toe with an archangel without a tear, but a boo-boo on her head and she's all boo-hoo?
08:58That's our princess.
09:00Parenting really is full of surprises, huh?
09:03We should consider ourselves lucky that she can't run off on us.
09:10Something wrong.
09:13I'm not loving how much we're acting like a married couple right now.
09:20Well, this storage space will have to suffice for them.
09:24Dude, are we really gonna sleep at Bell's when baby's here?
09:28It's not my cup of tea either, but if Alice Ramos wishes it, then we must.
09:32Bark, bark, doggie. Nah, you can't take my closet away.
09:36A dust bunny like you doesn't get a vote. We're in Amelia's hands now.
09:40This shouldn't be about Emmy. The whole thing is gonna be a major burden to Bell.
09:45I actually don't think she'll mind. That said, we should make our arrangements ahead of time.
09:50I'll go confirm that we're squared away.
10:07Oh, she's adorable. Looks like she has her mother's eyes.
10:11But don't you worry, Daddy, she got your smile.
10:17Can you just be normal for once?
10:19Is there anything that I can help your beautiful family find today?
10:23Uh, yes, please. We're looking for a futon about her size.
10:27Oh, I see. Is someone upgrading from a bassinet to her very own big girl bed?
10:31She actually co-sleeps with Mom right now.
10:34Hey, she's not gonna cut the cute family a deal if you're acting like a freak.
10:40Well, do either of these two catch your eye?
10:43Are they supposed to have heads?
10:45Yes, they're stuffed animals your child can cuddle as they drift off into sleep.
10:49As the seasons change, you can adjust the filling in the comforter to make it warmer.
10:54All this, plus a pillow and a blanket for 29,800 yen.
11:00This one goes for a little more. Two comforters.
11:03And it just cost 45,800 yen.
11:06Oh, ouch!
11:10No amount of knocking brought her out.
11:12Maybe she skipped town because she doesn't want us to sleep over.
11:16That is ridiculous. After all, it was she who suggested we sleep there in the first place, not us.
11:21Minds can change. She's probably sick of our crap.
11:25Oh, hey, I almost forgot.
11:27While you were tooling around shopping yesterday, she came by and dropped something off.
11:33I no longer desire these things. They're yours now.
11:37Why didn't you tell me earlier?
11:42It's... Udon!
11:45This is an awful omen. Why would she just abandon her noodles?
11:52And please, feel free to look around as much as you like.
11:58I can't deal with the extremes of this business.
12:01The first place selling them for over 40,000 was crazy, but the 3,000-yen ones here seem way too cheap.
12:08The super-inexpensive ones are just nap sets for daycare, remember?
12:12They're fine, but completely different from the bedtime futon that we're looking for.
12:16The first price we saw was so steep, my gauge is all messed up now.
12:20Going ritzy would suck, and getting something too cheap would be a little scary.
12:26Dada, you okay?
12:29Yeah, I'm great. Just want to make sure we get you what's best.
12:35Look, see what I see? We've got a staircase. Hold your mom's hand tight for me.
12:41Wait, what?
12:49Oh, come on, Emi. Get used to this.
12:52Mama, is something sad?
12:57Nah, I think your mama's tired, so let's break for some lunch.
13:06Is it that tough of a choice?
13:08Mama, she's still sad.
13:10I'm okay, I promise. While Mama loves being your mom, she's still the hero, too, and that can get tricky.
13:17I'll be fine. For now, let's figure out what you can eat, sweetie.
13:22Sorry to hear that. The devil and dad combo is much simpler. Does soba sound yummy?
13:30I don't recall asking for the itty-bitty pity committee. The noodles there come with tempura. It's too pricey.
13:37Yay, tempura!
13:39What do you mean by that? You want tempura?
13:43That could literally mean one thing. Wait, you can't even afford to eat out at all, can you?
13:50I have a little cash on me. Ashiya lets me take some fun money from each month's paycheck, and I get a 300-yen allowance on days that I work.
13:59But is that what we were talking about?
14:02No duh, that's our ticket to lunch.
14:04You know, it's a good time to talk about the bigger issue here instead.
14:09If you were more dad and less devil and traded this World Conquest crap for living out your days in Japan, my life would be easy.
14:21I know.
14:22Know what?
14:23They do have a Megar's here. We can order some fries and hold the salt.
14:29I hear that you've been wanting to try it. No harm in letting her have a few, right?
14:33I don't know. Guess not.
14:35Let's do it. We'll get it to go and eat over there. Like a picnic.
14:43Why would she give up on it now?
14:46Perhaps she's left on a long vacation.
14:48Yeah, probably to Udon World.
14:51Surely you jest! She would have gone ages ago!
14:54For shame, His Majesty is out on the hunt for a futon.
14:58If Belle doesn't return to her abode before nightfall, his dreams of family time will be shattered!
15:03This sleepover won't come to pass!
15:06This place has a ton of empty apartments. Why don't we just stay in one of those?
15:11This place has a ton of empty apartments. Why don't we just stay in one of those?
15:16It wouldn't be a big deal.
15:18Genius! We can ask the landlady!
15:24Alas, I don't have the resolve.
15:29I would dare let down my lord to avoid that witch!
15:34Whoa, this park is enormous.
15:38Be careful, no more boo-boos.
15:45And there.
15:47Come on, let's eat.
15:55It's McWyatt!
15:57Slow your roll.
16:00It's McWyatt!
16:02Slow your roll. What do we say before lunch?
16:06Thank you for your food!
16:08Good job. Let's get you cleaned up.
16:21Here, for you.
16:23Here, for you.
16:29It's good.
16:31I know. I sell it at the old 100-yen shop.
16:36Have some tea. Fries can make me thirsty. How about you?
16:46You two really look like father and daughter right now.
16:49Hope I start to get used to it soon.
16:52Yeah, like you. You seem pretty at home in mom mode lately.
16:56Uh, well, I suppose I am.
17:00I wonder how long we're going to be able to be with her like this.
17:04Hopefully a while.
17:08Mama, you got the rice?
17:10Right, I do. Here.
17:14Wow, going straight for the pickled radish is a real grown-up move.
17:22You know, there's no point in thinking about any of that right now.
17:27Since you're not going to use a sacred sword to kill me anytime soon,
17:31we can focus on the present.
17:33Hey, speak for yourself.
17:35I don't know why you think I've given up on my goal of smiting you.
17:38I'll need to get defensive.
17:40I'm not going to pull something evil while your guard is down, okay?
17:43Whoa, you lost some bonito.
17:46Hey, help me out. Got chopsticks?
17:49I'll get a new wet wipe.
17:51You were hungry, weren't you?
17:54Well, this is humbling, huh?
17:57Temple and hero don't matter on mess duty.
18:14What a pretty day.
18:17We're running out of precious time.
18:19Should we stay at the internet cafe by the station?
18:23The overnight packages for the two of us would be 1,980 yen doubled.
18:28That would put an immense strain on this month's finances.
18:31Should we sleep outside in the park?
18:33As if that would ever work.
18:35Though I could get away with it.
18:37One look at you and we would be reported to the police as suspicious persons.
18:41But wait, there's one from whom I can trust.
18:44But wait, there's one from whom I can seek counsel.
19:03How dare you, Mao. Have you no shame?
19:05Oh boy, what'd I do?
19:07You took a nap on my non-consenting shoulder for the entire ride home.
19:11I really did that?
19:13Don't play dumb with me.
19:15An old lady got on and cooed at us.
19:17Oh, what a sweet couple. Have fun, lovebirds.
19:19You owe me big time for that humiliation, you jerk face.
19:22Is this real or a mirage?
19:25Oh, uh, hey, Chi.
19:27What a coinkydink. Are you guys shopping too?
19:30Yeah, just picking up a couple boring things is all.
19:36It's Chibi. Hi, Chibi. Good morning.
19:39Good morning, cutie pie.
19:41Did you go on a big adventure today?
19:44We had a nice picnic with Mama and Zada.
19:47A real picnic, wow!
19:51And Mama and Zada sleepover tonight.
19:54Cool. So you're gonna get to snuggling later?
19:57Whatever you're thinking, Chico, I promise it's not like that.
20:00Be rational about this. I wouldn't be caught dead sleeping with that weirdo.
20:04Can you buy a futon?
20:08I guess this means the three of you are going to be an official family now.
20:12We'll be moving in soon, Ms. Yuasa. That's awesome!
20:18Get a grip. Everything's fine.
20:20Do you seriously think I would sleep with her?
20:23I wouldn't sleep with you either.
20:25And now what matters most is that you decided to follow your heart.
20:31Mama and Zada, no more fighting!
20:35You gotta calm down for us, sweetie.
20:38Nobody's fighting, okay?
20:40King Satan and female company?
20:43What's all this commotion, Your Majesty?
20:48Oh, I see. The futon is so that all us Ramas can sleep over.
20:53I tried to tell you that.
20:55I was a wee bit caught off guard.
20:57You three look just like a cute little family.
20:59I really do, cute.
21:00You're on the same wavelength.
21:02What about the futon? I don't see one.
21:05Was the big mission a failure?
21:07I guess? That's why I invited Emi over.
21:10We need to get your opinion.
21:12If you care for my input, then it must have been a lofty sum.
21:15I suppose we'll all survive without one for the day.
21:18Oh, by the way, who were you on the phone with earlier?
21:22About that...
21:23I reached out to Ms. Suzuki for a word of advice.
21:26For some unknown reason, we've lost contact with Bell.
21:29For real?
21:32Bell! Open up!
21:36Perhaps she really did leave for Udon World.
21:42Hello? It's me, Chiyo.
21:46I'm gonna come say hi!
21:53Don't cry. Hey!
21:55What on earth happened to you?
22:02I... I...
22:12The crock curry I gave you!
22:14Did you use that stuff to make some curry, Udon?
22:18And when I went in for a bite,
22:20I splashed it all over my favorite kimono!
22:25I see.
22:26The shock led you to turn your back on Udon for a while.
22:30Call me next time and I'll help you clean up the stain.
22:33How could I ever admit to something so pathetic?
22:36I know. It's not a big deal.
22:38Well, it was to me!
22:39The ordeal gave me quite a fright!
22:42The road to sleepovers is a long one.
22:45Seems so.
22:49Long story short,
22:50I'm pretty sure that we're gonna go back and buy the futon next week.
22:56What's wrong?
22:59I don't feel like I know myself anymore.
23:03I wonder if people have always felt this impatient.
23:06Or if cell phones are really the nail in the coffin for humanity.
23:13I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
23:16Should I defeat the devil or not?
23:19Well, you know what most wives say when they have trouble with their husbands.
23:23I just need to go and stay with my parents for a little while.
23:27I'm nobody's wife!
23:30But you may be right.
23:34Spending some time in Entei Isla and sorting out my feelings doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
