The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP07 - English

  • last week


00:00Why would someone come by so early?
00:02Not sure.
00:03It does seem a rather unusual time for a salesperson.
00:10Perhaps that girl from yesterday?
00:19You mean that girl who fell down the stairs?
00:21Yes, sire.
00:25Yeah, coming!
00:27Good morning. Forgive the early hour.
00:29My name is Susan L. Kamizuki, and as of yesterday, I am your new neighbor.
00:33I'm afraid I've already been rude and caused trouble,
00:36so I must humbly apologize for my wretchedness.
00:38Your wretchedness?
00:40Um, thanks, that's very courteous.
00:43I'm pleased to formally meet you.
00:45My name is Sadao Mao.
00:47This is but a small gift of my thanks and good wishes, as your new neighbor.
00:51I have been told that noodles are very good for you.
00:54As your new neighbor.
00:55I have been told that noodles are the best gift for someone to give their new neighbor.
00:59New neighbor, got it. That's very nice of you.
01:03Sire, do you need assistance? That looks heavy.
01:06That's because it is!
01:08Oh. Good morning, miss.
01:10My name is Ashiya. I'm an old friend of Mao's. It is a pleasure to meet you.
01:14Likewise. I actually know who you two are.
01:16I have never met the landlady of this fine establishment before,
01:19but I received a letter from a person whom I believe to be her,
01:22and it instructed me to come to you if I had any issues.
01:25Oh. Does it now?
01:27Yes, there was a photo enclosed if you would like to see it.
01:33No, no, that's fine. I'm sure it's her.
01:37At any rate, I am relieved to have such helpful new neighbors.
01:41I wonder if you would be kind enough to instruct me in the lower class living?
01:45The lower class living?
01:47Is there another person here?
01:49Yeah, we inherited a third roommate recently.
01:51I'm Arushihara. Nice to meet you.
01:54And I'm a lazy bum.
01:56Well, that's not my choice, is it?
01:58And why is that exactly?
02:00Because you... Shut up!
02:03I see. I understand.
02:05You understand what?
02:07I shall excuse myself for now. Salutations again.
02:10Yeah. Salutations.
02:19I'm Arushihara.
02:21Nice to meet you.
02:23I'm Arushihara.
02:25Nice to meet you.
02:27I'm Arushihara.
02:29Nice to meet you.
02:31I'm Arushihara.
02:33Nice to meet you.
02:35I'm Arushihara.
02:37Nice to meet you.
02:39I'm Arushihara.
02:41Nice to meet you.
02:43I'm Arushihara.
02:45Nice to meet you.
02:47Everything is born
02:49To that shining sky
02:56I want to flap my wings
03:00With the best smile
03:03Let's go with a smile
03:07To the unknown world
03:09Let's fly now
03:13Choose the future
03:15It's up to you
03:17Let's chase our dreams
03:19There will be tears
03:21That's an important wish
03:25Don't disappear
03:28I'm sure we'll meet
03:30Tomorrow's you
03:36True sky
03:45I'm Arushihara.
03:47Nice to meet you.
03:49I'm Arushihara.
03:51Nice to meet you.
03:53I'm Arushihara.
03:55Nice to meet you.
03:57I'm Arushihara.
03:59Nice to meet you.
04:01I'm Arushihara.
04:03Nice to meet you.
04:05I'm Arushihara.
04:07Nice to meet you.
04:09I'm Arushihara.
04:11Nice to meet you.
04:13I'm Arushihara.
04:15Nice to meet you.
04:17I'm Arushihara.
04:19Nice to meet you.
04:21I'm Arushihara.
04:23Nice to meet you.
04:25I'm Arushihara.
04:27Nice to meet you.
04:29I'm Arushihara.
04:31Nice to meet you.
04:33I'm Arushihara.
04:35Nice to meet you.
04:37I'm Arushihara.
04:39Nice to meet you.
04:41I'm Arushihara.
04:43Nice to meet you.
04:45I'm Arushihara.
04:47Nice to meet you.
04:49I'm Arushihara.
04:51Nice to meet you.
04:53I'm Arushihara.
04:55Nice to meet you.
04:57I'm Arushihara.
04:59Nice to meet you.
05:01I'm Arushihara.
05:03Nice to meet you.
05:05I'm Arushihara.
05:07Nice to meet you.
05:09Where is that girl anyway?
05:13Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
05:21Why does it always seem to be so hot outside?
05:25And it's not like those guys are up to much.
05:27I feel like I'm sweating out here for nothing.
05:35It's all about perspective.
05:37The fact that they're just working
05:39and eating like normal people is a good thing, right?
05:41They're behaving.
05:47I guess another way of looking at this
05:49could make me seem like a weirdo
05:51stalking a nice group of boys who all live together.
05:59can you not adequately hang one piece of laundry?
06:01You truly know nothing of chores,
06:03do you, good Hanzo?
06:05Dude, lay off me.
06:07You cannot allow clothes to dry wrinkled.
06:09If you do, they will lose their shape.
06:11Is that...
06:13Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
06:15Jeez, you're like the ghost of Ashiya
06:17haunting me before he's even dead.
06:19Okay, what's going on?
06:21Think, Emi.
06:23Could she possibly be a new demon?
06:25This might be a little risky,
06:27but what choice do I have?
06:29You need to get your act together
06:31in times of crisis like this.
06:33Pay attention.
06:35Chop the welsh onion,
06:37grate the ginger, and dilute the broth in cold water.
06:39Now all you have to do is boil some udon noodles
06:41and you've got a delicious meal in a flash.
06:43Once the noodles are done,
06:45give them a quick rinse and you'll have a very respectable cold udon.
06:47If we had a raw egg,
06:49it would be even better.
06:51Ugh, how can you stand to boil anything
06:53when it's this hot out?
06:55Good Shiro does this for three meals every day.
06:57Do you feel no filial piety?
06:59Thank you, Miss Kamazuki,
07:01and please keep trying with the boy.
07:03That creature refuses to listen to his own family.
07:05Go on.
07:07Grate some ginger.
07:09Surely you can handle a simple grater.
07:11Don't call me Shirley.
07:15Ashia, it looks like we're out of ginger.
07:17Oh, right.
07:19I finished the last of it yesterday.
07:21I beg your pardon, Miss Kamazuki,
07:23but let's just add welsh onions this time.
07:25What are they even doing?
07:27I shall fetch ginger from my room
07:29and return forthwith.
07:41I don't think you actually know how to use stairs.
07:43What? Now?
07:47You need a light practice or something.
07:53What's going on?
07:55Who fell?
07:59I apologize.
08:01This is because I opened the door so suddenly.
08:03No, so not your fault.
08:05I'm the one who's sorry.
08:07I should have been paying better attention to what I was doing.
08:09Yep, totally.
08:11Yet she claims to be a hero.
08:13So, yeah, you're welcome, Mimi.
08:15I picked up all the crap you dropped outside.
08:17Oh, good.
08:19I suppose you can just put it over there, then.
08:21And I suppose you can just cut the stupid,
08:23pretentious tone.
08:25What is this?
08:27I'm a big fan.
08:29Stuff will give you heat stroke
08:31like our lady Ashiya of the floorboards.
08:33For real? You're suffering from heat stroke?
08:35No, I just get sick every once in a while,
08:37like most human beings do.
08:39I'm afraid my gift was the culprit for your current state.
08:41I should have chosen something
08:43more thoughtful and nutritious.
08:45Oh, no. You're hardly responsible,
08:47Miss Kamazuki.
08:49Sorry, I haven't introduced myself.
08:51I moved in next door to these kind gentlemen last week.
08:53Nice to meet you.
08:55I'm Mizuno Kamazuki.
08:57As I hail from an ancient and old-fashioned family
08:59in another land,
09:01I am still fairly unaccustomed to this particular area.
09:03I would be most happy if you could instruct me
09:05in city life.
09:07Sounds a lot like me.
09:13My name's Emi Yusa. It's a pleasure.
09:15Yab. Thanks for the grub.
09:17There's too much to do and memorize.
09:19I'm exhausted.
09:21Because your part-time job is just so hard.
09:23I'll have you know,
09:25while you spend your days dilly-dallying
09:27through your little life on your little telephone,
09:29I've been greatly maturing as a human.
09:31In what way?
09:33Also, you don't really count as human.
09:35Did you forget, Emi?
09:37A mere two days from now, this Sunday,
09:39I will be the new shift manager
09:41at the McGronalds over by the train station.
09:43I will be the assistant boss!
09:47Hey, don't act like it's not a big deal!
09:49Shift managers get paid more
09:51I'm sure it's a big deal to you,
09:53but the point you seem to be missing is that I couldn't care less.
09:55Fine. Be that way.
09:57But don't act surprised when I eventually climb past heights
09:59you can't even imagine!
10:01Are you an idiot?
10:03No, ma'am. I cannot allow you to speak
10:05to the head of our household in such a disrespectful manner.
10:09Good Emi, do you perchance have an intimate relationship
10:11with Good Sadow?
10:15Not funny, Susan O!
10:17Well, I have noticed your conversations seem to flow
10:19back and forth quite easily.
10:21It is rather as though there is no restraint between you two.
10:23Yeah, like an old married couple or something.
10:25Shut up, twerp!
10:27Nobody asked you!
10:29No, there's no restraint between us,
10:31but more importantly, there's no trust or friendship
10:33or anything positive!
10:35In fact, I pretty seriously want him to drop dead,
10:37so don't get it twisted!
10:39We will never be intimate!
10:41Oh, I see.
10:43I'm getting some serious déjà vu right now.
10:46Look, I'm sure I'm reading this wrong,
10:48but are you maybe crushing on Mao?
10:54Ah! Emi!
10:56That was so loud! What if he heard what you said?
10:58Oh, no, I'm sorry.
11:00I didn't actually think you were, so I...
11:02Well, be that as it may, I'm very impressed.
11:05How did you figure it out?
11:07I don't know. I can't really explain it.
11:10Probably shouldn't mention
11:12I've been through this before with another girl.
11:14You know, I guess it's just our lady's intuition.
11:17Of course. How remarkable.
11:19At first, I thought she was an assassin from Inte Isla,
11:22or possibly another demon.
11:24But assassins don't normally stay still for a whole week,
11:28and as far as demons go, she's way too polite.
11:31Maybe I should give her a warning.
11:33Hey, I'm Susanoh.
11:35I'm sure you've heard of me.
11:37Hey, I'm Susanoh.
11:39I'm sure you'll think this is none of my business,
11:41but I need to tell you something.
11:43You do?
11:44Yeah. You shouldn't get too close to those guys.
11:46It'll only end badly for you.
11:48What do you mean, badly?
11:50Mao's not the kind of boy a normal girl can handle.
11:53I just think it's best to steer clear of him.
11:56No, I'll be fine!
11:58I know I may not look it at the moment,
12:00but I'm a seasoned warrior!
12:02Still, though, since this warning is coming from you,
12:04I'll be careful.
12:06I thought you'd mention this to me
12:08if you didn't have a reason to believe it.
12:10Nevertheless, it's too late for me to leave.
12:13I'm sorry if this is impertinent,
12:15but would you lend me your aid should I need it?
12:18Sure. I'll do whatever I can to help.
12:20You will? Wonderful. I can rest easier now.
12:23I have an idea. Wait here a sec.
12:28You guys didn't go and do anything stupid
12:30while I was out there, did you?
12:32What, and incur the wrath of a daring hero?
12:35Here you go. I've written down my cell number,
12:37my email, and my address.
12:39If these buttheads are rude or make you feel uncomfortable at all,
12:41just let me know, okay?
12:43Thank you. I am in your debt.
12:45Come on! Quit freaking out!
12:47What do you think we are?
12:49Bloodthirsty demons who are more despicable than cockroaches?
12:51I'm sure I don't have to say this,
12:53but if you pull anything with that girl,
12:55I'll cut off your head and display it on your filthy windowsill.
12:57Jeez, what are you now, the evil police?
12:59Alrighty then, I think that should take care of that.
13:02Don't worry, though.
13:04She's a lot better behaved than I generally give them credit for.
13:06See you later!
13:14I'm fine!
13:16I am okay this time. I'm good.
13:18Nothing to see here.
13:21She make it okay?
13:23No, but she only fell halfway this time.
13:25Baby steps, Simi. Baby steps.
13:35The next day
13:39Alright, I'm out.
13:41May the tides of war be with you, sir.
13:43Don't worry about seeing me off.
13:45Just stay in bed.
13:47Dealing with Emi saps my energy every time.
13:50Good to see you!
13:52Oh, Miss Kamizuki. Sorry about Emi earlier.
13:55She can be kind of a handful.
13:57I hope she didn't say anything rude to you.
13:59No, she didn't say anything rude at all.
14:01Oh good, that's a relief.
14:03I've got to head to work, so I'll see you later.
14:05Um, here. It's for you.
14:07What is it?
14:09So how's it going over there, Emilia?
14:11Is the Holy Vita Beta working out so far?
14:14Well, I've been drinking it regularly,
14:16but I haven't really had a chance to see if it's doing much quite yet.
14:19We haven't been in any fights, so I haven't needed celestial force.
14:22Wow, really?
14:24Does that mean you're getting along better with the devil and his demon friends these days?
14:28I wouldn't say that.
14:30We bicker pretty much whenever we see each other.
14:32And since we're both so busy working,
14:34neither of us has the energy to actually go out and get a life.
14:36You know what's funny?
14:38That sounds like the quintessential complaint of couples
14:41who don't get to spend enough time together.
14:43Whoa! What?
14:45Where did that come from?
14:47I'm Itaizu's hero, and he's the freaking devil!
14:49Now he's my enemy no matter what situation we're in!
14:52Couple? Seriously? That makes me furious just thinking about it!
14:55I've been literally stalking him to make sure he's behaving!
14:58How could you say something like that?
15:00I'm sorry.
15:02But please don't do anything to make things more difficult than they need to be, okay?
15:06With everything else that's going on, we can't afford to start fighting demons, too.
15:10Why would I do that? I am the hero!
15:13If it makes you feel better, I swear on my parents' names I won't screw anything up.
15:17Now, how are things progressing on your side?
15:19I suppose they're better than we thought they'd be at the moment.
15:22None of the countries have made any obvious moves, per se.
15:25No obvious moves is a good thing?
15:27Well, it's the best we can hope for.
15:29I'm getting information from a lot of sources right now, but so far it's all just whispers and rumors.
15:37Also what?
15:39I heard the church's missionary division is trying to uncover the truth behind Olba's disappearance.
15:44It's possible some people are setting their sights on finding you, hoping it might help them figure out what happened.
15:50Bottom line is, under no circumstances are you to let your guard down.
15:55From what I've been told, some of these interested parties may not be above taking out Japan if it gets them faster answers.
16:01I guess catching a break is too much for a hero to ask for. Lucky me.
16:05Seems that way.
16:07Well then, this bill will be out of control if we stay on the phone much longer, so I'm going to hang up now.
16:12Be safe! Talk to you later!
16:14Sure. You be safe, too.
16:17As you know, Suntucky Fried Chicken across the road, which is expected to pose a huge threat to us, will finally be open tomorrow.
16:24Unfortunately, I'll be out of town, so I'm counting on you to run the ship.
16:28This is a big deal for you, Mao. Think you'll be able to handle it?
16:32Of course, in case there's an emergency, I'll let you know where you can reach me at any time.
16:35But unless it's someone died serious, I want you to try and handle things on your own.
16:40This is a chance for major personal development.
16:43I understand, ma'am.
16:44Tonight you're low on staff, so stay out of the weeds.
16:47In case you couldn't tell, your new job as shift manager is starting right now.
16:52You might as well take a break now, since you won't be getting one later.
16:55If you can get back here by six, you can run and grab some dinner.
16:59Or if you'd rather, you can eat here, no charge.
17:01I brought food today, but thanks anyway.
17:06Hi, Mr. Mao! Are you taking a break?
17:08Yep. Gotta refuel and all.
17:13Excuse me, what's that?
17:15What? My bento box?
17:17Your bento box? Because it looks pretty darn fancy to me.
17:22Did Mr. Ashiya splurge on that for you?
17:24No. It's not really my bento box.
17:27A new neighbor moved in next door and let me borrow it.
17:30New neighbor, huh? Living right next door to you?
17:33Oh. Yeah, she's cool. I think you'd like her.
17:36Your neighbor is a she?!
17:37Why are you yelling? There's no reason for yelling!
17:39Wrong! A she moved next door to you!
17:41She's already loaned you her personal fancy bento box!
17:44Something's going on! What is it?!
17:45Please stop shaking me! It feels not good!
17:47What you're telling me here is the new girl who moved in next door
17:50lent you her personal bento box, is that correct?!
17:52Yes, she. That is correct!
17:55Now, Mr. Mao, I'm sure my fears are completely unfounded.
17:57I'm sure it could not possibly be the case.
17:59But I have to ask, is the meal homemade?
18:02Yeah. I'm fairly certain she put it together herself.
18:07I'm sorry! I need to see the food now, please!
18:09Sure! Do whatever you want! Just stop shaking me, please! I'm begging you!
18:15It's a New Year's meal.
18:16What's that mean?
18:19You want to see what's on the bottom?
18:20No, wait! Just hold on a sec! I'm not mentally prepared for that yet!
18:23Um, okay.
18:24I've got a bad feeling about this. Something's wrong.
18:28I know the adrenaline has gotten me this far,
18:30but if this is my chance to turn back, I should probably take it.
18:33But, on the other hand, after coming this far, how can I just quit?
18:38Now, Mr. Mao, show me the bottom!
18:40Right! Yes, ma'am!
18:52Good evening, sir. Welcome.
18:54Great. Yet another uneventful day stalking demons.
18:59I swear, I buy the same meal every night.
19:03Thank you very much. I'm sure we'll see you again tomorrow.
19:11Hey! What just happened?
19:15Aw, jeez.
19:16Sir! Are you okay?
19:18Stay back!
19:24Don't leave this store! And call the police immediately!
19:37I'm not scared of you, and whether you're a demon or a human being.
19:41You should be ashamed for attacking me out in the open when other people are around.
19:45It's one thing coming after me,
19:47but if you so much as think of hurting anyone in this world, I will show you no mercy!
20:03What did you do?
20:18Take this!
20:20Miss! Please tell me you're okay!
20:22Are you alright? I'm sorry for pushing you, by the way.
20:26Oh, I'm fine. I just hit my forehead snowbaggy.
20:30Did you call the police like I asked?
20:32I'm pretty sure tripping the alarm called the security company,
20:35so they should have contacted the cops for me.
20:37By the way, I have to tell you...
20:39Yeah, what?
20:40I know this sucks, but the emergency manual states
20:42that we're to have the customers remain in the store until the police arrive.
20:47So would you mind waiting until they show up?
20:49I'm sorry, I hate to even ask.
20:58It is working.
21:00The better half that I activated this time.
21:03It contained a heck of a lot more power than back when I fought Lucifer two months ago.
21:10With this power, I might even be able to use the evil crushing robe.
21:15But that just makes it harder to figure out what that purple light might have been.
21:19I've never encountered an enemy who nullified a sacred sword and celestial force.
21:25Excuse me, miss. I picked these up. They're yours, right?
21:28Oh, yeah. Thank you for grabbing them.
21:32Grab me at the turtle cloud!
21:33Wow, that scared me! I still seem to be a little jumpy, huh?
21:37Me too.
21:38Miss Yusa?
21:39Yeah? Chiho?
21:41Yes, it's me. And there's trouble.
21:43Chiho, what is it? What happened?
21:45It's Mr. Mao. Mr. Mao!
21:48What about Mao? What did he do?
21:50Mao, um, today he brought... he brought...
21:55He brought what?
21:56He... he brought the heart with the bento and the rice!
22:00And the homemade New Year's and the two layers of the shi!
22:09One, two, three, four...
22:39Yesterday was more beautiful
22:44Liars, cowards, everyone together
22:48I was blooming in a dream
22:55Hiding in the shadow of the moon
22:58Actually, I was crying
23:01Tears won't flow anymore
23:03I'm dry
23:06If I could forgive everything
23:09I might be able to flow
23:13But there are so many things I want to protect
