The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP08 - English

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00:00So basically you have no confidence if I lose I don't think I'll ever be able to recover
00:06Okay, ignoring the fact that she was happy you're early for New Year's the girls still put together a really nice bento box
00:11I just don't trust her as far as we know
00:14This is all part of her elaborate plan to slowly poison them to death if she's a real assassin from into Eastwood the jobs already
00:20done, right
00:22Trying to make everything about all that angel demon stuff is just a lame excuse. You gotta tackle this thing head-on
00:29Yeah, good point
00:32Yes, one moment, please
00:37Greetings good. So now you have visitors. Hey, hold on a sec. Who is it?
02:28First you slice them in half then you gather them into bunches before usually in
02:41That is the way lettuce is you simply wash it and shake the water off
02:48Geez it's getting crowded in here. Hope we have enough bowls and chopsticks
02:57Okay, I guess there's nothing to worry about miss Susan Oh is cooking in my stead. I'm a disgrace
03:03Whoa breakfast already? Wait, where the heck am I supposed to sit?
03:10Not cool, bro
03:12Unacceptable you make room for me, but not for me. She's technically our guest. These are the balls from that stupid takeout
03:22I hope one day I can become a great cook like you miss Susan. Oh, I am certain you will learn quickly
03:28You think so as long as you remember even when serving others a chef has motives of her own in this case
03:35I'm forcing everyone to help me get through my abundance of noodles. I
03:39Bought in bulk to save money till I can find a job but with the summer heat
03:43I don't know if I'll be able to finish it before it spoils speaking of what kind of jobs are you looking for?
03:47I do not reasonably expect to find full-time work. So long as my expenses are covered. I will indenture myself wherever I am able
03:55Indenture herself who says that well, you could always come work in McGronald's
04:01Yeah, she could train you and I'd be there to help out too. So it wouldn't be that stressful
04:06Yeah, learning the job part is not what's gonna be stressful. We've been pretty understaffed lately
04:11We could use another set of hands think about how little miss high school's gonna take it
04:16Don't you think she'd be a big help? She
04:23Well, hey, there's no need to make a snap decision here trust me when it comes to working with your friends
04:28There are just as many minuses as there are pluses. That's very kind good Siddal
04:32I'll take your extremely generous offer under consideration and let you know if I require your help. Cool. Sounds good
04:39Perhaps I will rely on you as well good. She hope
04:44Finding a job is indeed of high importance
04:46But in the interim your time may be better served helping the young lady acquire new clothing and belongings
04:51It's true. My wardrobe is a bit barren. I don't even own a decent pair of shoes much less a purse
04:56Hang on. All of your clothing is traditional like that. Indeed it is
05:03What is that unusual well, I wouldn't exactly classify it as run-of-the-mill
05:08You know where to find this fashion stuff
05:11I don't want your slacker germs all over my stuff. She's chill. I've never met a person who had less shame than you
05:17Mr. Rishi Hara the crap. Why is everyone always such a jerk to me? He does make a good point though, miss
05:23You so why don't you take her shopping? Sure. Maybe after I get off work. Yes. Thank you
05:28I shall explore the shopping area until you're done. Sounds like a plan. Yeah, totally. I look forward to it
05:34Me too
05:39Many things
05:40Hey, wait, did you just change clothes? I did
05:46Jeez, her options really are limited
05:49Something wrong. No, not at all. Well, we'd better get a move on
05:54All right
05:56Visiting so early. I sure hope you feel better soon. Mr. Ashia. That's very nice
06:01I'd sincerely appreciate everything you've done here now sire. Please be the kind trustworthy gentleman
06:07I know you to be an escort miss Sasaki home. Yeah, sure. We'll do mom. I
06:13Like your bike. Mr. Mal. My steed. He's called Doolahan. Oh, why doesn't it have a carrier on back?
06:18Well, he's a utility bike so he wouldn't have a feature like that. It's kind of a shame, huh?
06:23I'd give you a pump but there's a pretty hefty fine if we get caught one person per bike
06:27Yeah, that's not really where I was going with that
06:31So hey, I'm kind of curious about something
06:34What do your parents have to say about you coming to hang out at my bachelor pad matter of fact?
06:39They didn't mind one bit. I was just honest about where I was going and they said, okay
06:44Guess we're mother approved as they say like the cereal. What about your dad? He was all I think it's great
06:50You've already found a man you want to cook for
06:54Speaking of since miss Susan Oh won't be there to cook for you. Do you have any idea what you're gonna do for lunch?
07:00No, I guess I haven't really thought about it. Oh, so no plans, huh? Great. Do you mind if I bring you something?
07:07Well, I suppose I'll she would be happier knowing I was eating your home cooking a set of subsisting on junk food
07:13So yeah, since you offered I'll take you up on it. How wonderful then I'll make sure it's a hearty nutritionally balanced meal
07:20So Asha doesn't get himself into a panic. All right, she tell me the truth
07:24Aren't you a little weirded out that weird what that's your demons and angels from another world
07:30Yeah, um that well since you asked I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me
07:36Miss you son and I have been texting each other back and forth
07:39So I've learned a lot about who you are and the things you've done
07:42But I felt for you way before I knew about any of that stuff. So none of it can change the way I feel now
07:47I mean just look at that face. That is not the face of a person who wants to take over the whole world
07:54Yeah about that
07:56Miss you said did everything she could to keep me from falling for you because she was trying to save me from getting hurt
08:02But I know what's in my heart and I won't turn away from it
08:05The only person who can ever stop me from caring about you is me
08:09Even if you just think of me as a friend or a trusted co-worker, that's totally fine because that won't change things
08:15It's not going to change my mind about how I feel and it's certainly not going to make me act differently towards you. Ah
08:22Geez this is what makes you humans. So scary. You know that I do
08:26Especially us girls mess with one of us and he might lose a body part
08:31I'll be sure to keep that in mind. You are truly loved my good sedan
08:39Long enough
08:44You're extremely virtuous and quite cute to be so honest about your feelings regardless of whom you pick
08:56Man she's gonna break her neck riding all crazy fast like that
09:00Surprising, huh? What's surprising the fact that I'm concerned about a friend
09:05Apologies, but yes
09:06Be honest, what is your opinion of a person such as yourself? Whoa, what's with the third degree your curiosity? Nothing more
09:15Well, let's see
09:16After she was so straightforward and honest with me
09:19It's not fair to her to play dumb and pretend like I don't get it and besides her folks
09:23Trust me at least I mean, well her mom does anyway, so I figure I should take the olive branch while it's extended
09:30What's that look for? Oh, nothing good. So now if you'll excuse me
09:35I've kept good any waiting long enough if you're headed to the station. Let me walk you there
09:41Or not no
09:45That would be fine
09:51You find your wallet
09:54Yes, thank you. I apologize for keeping you waiting, please. It's fine. So, um, we're about to ride the
10:02What's it called train?
10:05Yeah, we're only one stop away from Shinjuku, but it's a bit far to walk while we're on the subject
10:12I should mention I've never been on one before
10:18Although I did learn that Tokyo residents pay for travel with watermelons, do you know where I might obtain one? Yeah
10:24That's not wait back up now. I'm confused about something. How'd you get to Sasazuka in the first place?
10:31Well, that's a silly question. I arrived here through the gate. Obviously. Oh, yeah
10:38Wait, did you just say the gate?
10:41Okay, just to clarify you're saying you're from intake Isla, yes, of course I am did you not know
10:59Maybe not but you did you asked if I was after the devil and
11:03Then you warned me that it would end badly if I got too close to him and as a favor you advise me to steer
11:08clear remember, huh
11:10Countless brutal battles. I'm not one to shy away from fear
11:13But once I heard that even you a hero considered him a threat. I had no choice but to withdraw left with no alternatives
11:19I asked for your assistance you then punched your aid and gave me your contact information
11:32Being a tad bit odd all of a sudden a sweet young girl like myself moves next door
11:40You are the last person who should talk about what's ridiculous
11:54Why did you ask me if I had an intimate relationship with him
12:03We were forced coincidentally to take down a mutual adversary together and that's it
12:08You sound like an idiot saying things like that
12:11And please don't tell me you actually believed I was conspiring with the devil to exact my revenge against the church
12:17You were the one at the convenience store with a sneak attack last night
12:24Well guess the mystery of the intake Eastland attacker is solved
12:27The assailant had the power to neutralize my sacred sword so I knew they couldn't have been a demon which means it was you wait
12:34Hang on
12:36She doesn't have any paint marks and she doesn't smell bad. I did no such thing you moron
12:42I know how powerful Emilia the hero is
12:46Fine, if that's the case, then who are you and what are you doing hanging around the devil's castle?
12:51Sure fee is seat. Hey speak. Rest your bell. We have a chemist. Oh, it's Kanye
12:57It cuts right several signal all the refetch Satan. Oops. Buzz. Oh for the uptops beneath X crosses
13:04I don't want to be late for work. So save all the details for shopping. Okay?
13:10Relax this is how it's done
13:39Still can't get over that
13:42It was a flat-screen television dummy not a puppet theater
13:48Where did you learn about Japan anyway, like what is up with the kimono?
13:52I did a fair bit of research into the history of this place in every book
13:55I read you cut down kimono where the preferred mode of fashion for everyone. I studied something called historical drama
14:02Several documentaries gave me some real insight that explains a lot
14:05In fact, some of them were incredibly helpful
14:07Oh Arashi, you know lone lion and cub as well as my personal favorite three for the sleigh
14:13Mito fuku shogun and uncle rainbow shogun though did quite resonate with me
14:18Yeah, right. So getting back on topic
14:22Why did the doctrinal Correction Council's head investigator move next door to the devil's castle explain that part to me?
14:28My investigation started with all the mayor
14:31The only useful details he had were the location of Satan's residence and a vague idea of his lifestyle
14:36I thought if I kept tabs on the devil, then I'd show up. Yeah, that makes sense
14:41Okay, but what do you want from me first? Let us be certain
14:45We understand one another what father mayor did to you was completely deplorable
14:49I cannot apologize to you enough for his actions and since based on our initial conversations
14:54I assumed you knew I was NTA Eastland. It became quite clear to me. The story of you joining forces with the devil was false
15:01Oba's will is not the collective will of the church and while it is not my place to speak on their behalf
15:06I would like to be on your side. But is out of the picture now, so cut to the chase
15:11I want for you to join me in my quest to eliminate King Satan and then return home with me
15:17The church would make your survival public information, but they would cover up all those insidiousness. Do we have a deal? No
15:24I am doing everything within my power to restore your honor hero
15:27So why not because I don't care what the church or the kingdoms or anyone else thinks of me anymore
15:33Surely you understand why I can't just up and trust someone who works for your organization
15:37The same one led in part by the jerk wad who caved in a crowded mall just to kill me and the devil
15:42Sorry to disappoint you Susan Oh, but unfortunately, that's the way things have to be now
15:47Oba teamed up with that idiot Lucifer in his attempt to murder me
15:51Imeralda and Albert can give you a first-hand account of how much trouble he caused these people or you can ask Arusha Hara himself
16:00I'm a hero taking on the devil is my duty. Not yours. Do not interfere
16:04But if we cooperate we can optional correction counsel. Just call it what it really is the new Inquisition
16:11I can't believe you're with them and you still don't get it
16:14Also, I don't know what you're up to with this whole cooking for demons thing
16:18But tread lightly because if you mess with him or pull any cheap tricks on him
16:21I absolutely guarantee you that now we'll see right through your little charade
16:26He may not look it but he's still the devil. I
16:30Appreciate the warning good. Just promise. You'll also give some thought to your own position in the council. Okay?
16:35Oh, I grabbed this at the station for you this one, too
16:39If you're gonna be sticking around you gotta figure out how this place works
16:43For reals the way you talk and dress is more than a little bit on the old-fashioned side
16:49Anyways, I got a runner. I'll be late for work. We can go over the finer details after my shift tonight
17:00Forgive you for what?
17:03Oh that
17:11Yep dead today just like I figured the new SFC across the street jacked all our customers
17:19And that menacing smile on miss Kizuki's face is freaking me out. This is bad
17:24I have to go down to corporate today and report our numbers not looking forward to telling them about our 80% sales drop
17:32Yeah, no
17:33One time an employee about my age lost big time to a competitor and his punishment got shipped off to Greenland for real
17:41No way, we want to freeze our butts off in Greenland, right?
17:45No, ma'am. I don't care what you have to do. I authorize any means necessary
17:50Beat SFC. Yes, ma'am. Oh
17:56Man this sucks can't believe this is my first day as fill-in manager
18:04Mean for interrupting. I know you must be busy. I was wondering if I could speak to your manager, please
18:09I'm terribly sorry, sir, miss Kizuki's out on business right now
18:13But I'm the shift manager on duty and I will be happy to assist you in any way
18:17I'm able sit down now. I've heard a lot about you buddy. So nice to put a face with the name
18:22They say you're sociable hard-working and open-minded and that you add a wonderfully human touch to everything you do Wow
18:30I'm a flattered really what's with this guy?
18:33How rude of me if you pay me the compliment of accepting my business card. Ah, thank you, sir
18:41You're the manager of Suntucky fried chicken
18:44Mitsuki Saru a how do you do? Sorry for not coming by to introduce myself sooner as you can see. I've been a bit busy. I
18:52Must admit this is a delightful neighborhood. It is the absolute perfect combination of business and pleasure
18:59And the women are quite lovely as well
19:01Yes, that's true. At any rate. I look forward to doing business with you. Mr. Saru a
19:08Well, it's a real shame I can't lay eyes on your famously ravishing manager, but
19:18Would be honored if you'd utilize those incredibly sensual hands to prepare a special meal with extra love and a side of passion for yours
19:26sexy princess
19:32Sorry Chi, I probably should have stepped in and put that creeper in his place
19:39Besides who does that disgusting little weirdo think he is wearing those dumb sunglasses inside and so much cologne. I'll be smelling it all day
19:49That's right, huh, we'll have workable intel on the enemy soon I dispatched my top spy really
19:57I will not let you down my dear King
20:00I shall thoroughly investigate sentucky fried chicken and bring those vile intruders to justice
20:08I'm a hungry girl. I can tell you that much for sure
20:12Salutations have you completed your service for the day?
20:15Did you seriously end up just buying more yukata? Where'd you even get that kind of money?
20:21It was quite simple. Really. I had some easily converted assets, which I took to a resale shop called Mugi
20:27Oh, this is the real deal and I'm sure they didn't lowball someone as wise to the ways of the world as you
20:33And look here. I got my own card, too
20:54Yeah, great job so Emi I'm guessing this girl is a friend of yours
20:58Oh, well, she's more like a you know, let's just go with that
21:01I've waited here all day because I would make another request of you could Emmy. Oh, yeah
21:06I would like to go see good Sadow's workplace. Would you accompany me?
21:10This is maybe not the time now. I feel like I know that name
21:14I realize you don't want me getting too close to you, but unfortunately for you. I cannot simply step aside
21:22This is my life now
21:23Scandal here. I know I'm like way butting in but you can't work these traumas out on your own
21:28You know, you need a third party to be an important
21:33Don't worry girls, I'm on the case. So, where is this? Mr. Sadow? He works at the McDonald's near Hatagaya Station
21:40Oh, well the train will have us there in no time
21:48I know this place is way better than McDonald's. Sure. I can take your order if you're ready. Go ahead
