The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP04 - English

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00:11Why why would the devil rescue humans?
00:30Let's imagine this place is the start
00:35I wonder what we can do
00:39There are things we can't believe
00:43We can go beyond
00:50Everything born from zero
00:53To that shining sky
01:00I want to fly as high as I can
01:04With the best smile
01:07Let's go with a smile
01:11Let's fly to the unknown world
01:17Choose the future
01:19It's up to you
01:21Let's chase our dreams
01:24There are days when we cry
01:26That's an important wish
01:29Don't disappear
01:31I'm sure we'll meet
01:34The you of tomorrow
01:40Choose the future
01:59There are no casualties reported
02:01I repeat, at this time, the police are not reporting any casualties
02:09Almost there, Daddy!
02:14I brought us some lunch!
02:16Oh, great! Thanks, sweetie!
02:21You like it?
02:23Of course!
02:24Afternoon, Nord! Hi, Emilia!
02:26Wow, that looks good! Did you make it?
02:29I sure did!
02:31I bet it's delicious!
02:36Here, you have some, too!
02:38Well, that's very kind of you!
02:43Did you hear?
02:44Both the Eastern and Northern lands fell to the Devil's army
02:48Everyone's saying the West is bound to be next
02:52We're protected by the Grand Hoshin Church and the Royal Army
02:55So I have no doubt we'll be perfectly fine
02:57There's nothing to worry about
02:59If you ask me, there's a lot to worry about
03:01Especially if the Demon General Lucifer attacks
03:05I certainly hope you're right, though
03:09Are the demons coming here?
03:11If they do, I promise you'll be okay
03:14The Holy Father's prayers protect us
03:16No one will hurt you
03:19My daddy's right, you know!
03:21Listen! My daddy never ever lies!
03:25Tell him, Daddy!
03:28Yup, that is true
03:30You're a smart girl, Emilia
03:41It's you, Holy Father!
03:43Did you come to save us from the demons like my daddy said you would?
03:54Look! The Holy Father came to save the village!
04:11Emilia, he didn't come here for the village
04:14He came here for you
04:15Me? But why?
04:17Sweetheart, I've been protecting you for this day
04:20For what day?
04:22I know this is confusing
04:24But you are an angel's child
04:26The only human in Anteisla with the power to defeat the devil
04:29No, that can't be!
04:31I'm your daughter, not the daughter of an angel!
04:34But you are, Emilia
04:36Your mother was an angel
04:38That doesn't make sense!
04:40I don't understand what you're saying to me, Daddy!
04:43You will, sweetheart
04:45You're coming with me, right?
04:47Don't make me go with them all by myself, please!
04:51I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
04:55I pray you lead a life full of light
04:57In a world you've freed from any trace of evil
05:00Emilia, my darling girl
05:02I love you with all my heart
05:06And that was the last time I ever saw my father
05:10Several days after I was separated from him
05:12Our village was burned to ashes
05:14By the demon army sent to crush the West
05:17General Lucifer led the attack
05:24I know you're in pain, Emilia
05:26But do not lose heart
05:28Remember you have inherited the power of your mother
05:31One of the great angels
05:34Now listen
05:37Now listen
05:39Better half, the sacred evolving sword
05:42Is a holy weapon that only children of both a human and an angel can wield
05:47You, my dear, are the only human in Ente Isla with the power to defeat the devil
05:52Then, will you please teach me to fight with that sword?
05:56I swear I will defeat the devil myself
05:59Back off!
06:01What? You were acting like your life was flashing before your eyes
06:04So I thought something was wrong
06:06I'm fine
06:07And besides, the devil isn't allowed to worry about me
06:12Why are you back to that crap-tastic form?
06:14See, now that was just uncalled for
06:16Mr. Mao?
06:19I... I wanted...
06:22I'm just glad you're okay
06:25Hey, you kids
06:26It's dangerous here
06:27You need to...
06:28Hold on
06:29You're Inspector Sasaki's daughter, aren't you?
06:32I'm Chiho
06:33I mean, yes, that's right
06:34Sonichi Sasaki at West Shinjuku Station is my father
06:40I knew I recognized you
06:42Give me a sec, I'll go get him
06:46Um, Mr. Mao?
06:48Oh, hey, I get it, don't worry
06:50No girl wants to tell her father she ended up at a disaster zone
06:53Especially because of a date
06:56I feel the same way
06:57I'm sorry
06:58Please, it's no big deal
07:00I'll see you tomorrow
08:02Oh, who could possibly be after both of us?
08:05And also, who can produce that kind of power in a world where we can't even replenish our own magic or celestial force?
08:11Hey, Emi, it's me! Over here!
08:14Wow, you actually have a friend? Didn't see that coming
08:16Shut up, like you can talk
08:18Oh, go on, she's waiting
08:19Yeah, I hear her
08:21Let's get out of this nightmare
08:23Oh, thank goodness you're okay
08:25See you later
08:26Your Majesty!
08:28What now?
08:29Please, please, forgive me, sire
08:31Not only did I allow Emilia near you, but I failed to notice the enemy closing in
08:35Then I selfishly put you in a position to save my pathetic life
08:38How can I ever be pardoned for this atrocity?
08:41Quit making a scene, man
08:43You're not hurt, are you?
08:45You graciously inquire after my welfare?
08:49This is creeping me out!
08:51Let me go!
08:52Oh, so your parents live abroad?
08:55Yeah, you could say that
08:58I'm sorry for just crashing
09:00Hey, no problem
09:01I'm sorry for dragging you over here
09:03You didn't drag me here
09:04Did, too
09:05Because, based on my own experience
09:08I don't know, I just
09:10I figured you probably shouldn't be alone right now
09:15Here you go
09:16You missed out on dinner, right?
09:18Yeah, and I'm starving
09:20Feels like my stomach is eating itself
09:22Then by all means, dig in, sister
09:24Please, sire, punish me harshly
09:26You cannot dismiss this
09:27I am unworthy to stand at your side
09:29I already told you
09:30Just forget about the whole damn thing
09:33Excuse me
09:34Could I have a word with you two?
09:36That was amazing, thank you
09:38Oh, you're more than welcome
09:39I'm glad you enjoyed it
09:41But with an appetite like that
09:42Guess I didn't have to worry
09:45Excuse me for a second
09:50Oh, good, you got it?
09:52No, it wasn't expensive at all
09:54Grandpa loves pretty much any liquor
09:55Couldn't care less about the brand
09:58Today's quake?
10:00Oh yeah, that wasn't a big deal at all
10:02I was close for sure, but I'm totally fine
10:04So let everyone know, okay?
10:06Alright, bye
10:08Moms, sorry about that
10:09That her?
10:10Yep, one and only
10:11Do they live close or are they abroad like mine?
10:13Oh no, they're just in Kobe
10:15Not too far away
10:16I don't normally talk about where I'm from
10:18Because I always get awkward questions
10:20Awkward? Like what?
10:22Well, people want to know about that whole earthquake thing
10:25What tragedy was like for me
10:28I was just a kid when it happened
10:30But it's not like I have a super easy time talking about it
10:33That disaster was the scariest thing I've been through
10:36I don't know why
10:38But everyone always asks the questions that are the hardest to answer
10:43Yeah, I can empathize with you there
10:48What's with the surprise hug?
10:50You were the first one, Emi
10:52You were the first person I've ever met
10:54Who didn't ask anything insensitive
10:56As soon as they found out I was from Kobe
10:58Once someone's perspective gets shifted so dramatically
11:01You can't tell which way they'll go
11:03So it's hard to have faith in people
11:05There's always those ones who take advantage of the chaos
11:08To do bad things
11:09To hurt people
11:10To hurt people
11:11To hurt people
11:12To hurt people
11:13To hurt people
11:14Some people take advantage of the chaos to do bad things, you know
11:17But then others are so kind-hearted
11:19They'll do whatever they can to help you
11:21Even after they've lost everything
11:24So I was thinking that
11:26You know how when you feel unsure
11:28It's kind of like your angel side and your demon side
11:30Are arguing with each other over what you should do?
11:32It's like, well, it's up to people to make that choice
11:35They can either go with the angel or go with the demon, right?
11:38Yeah, maybe
11:39They can choose
11:42Now, you boys are with an acting troupe
11:45I used to want to be an actor
11:46So I know exactly where you're coming from
11:48But you can't practice lines on the sidewalk, okay?
11:52I'm sure it's tough trying to get a full house
11:54But there's gotta be a better way
11:56Just don't give up
11:57Look, it may not mean much
11:59From a man whose dream never came true
12:01But the minute you give up, it's all over
12:04Oh, and watch your backs
12:06We've had a lot of muggings around here lately
12:08Don't want people to start accusing you
12:12You can take the first bath, Emi
12:14Okay, thanks
12:16Yet another businessman has had his briefcase stolen
12:19On the way home from work
12:20What? Another one?
12:22There've been a lot of muggings lately
12:24Yeah, it's totally crazy
12:25Makes me wish I had my own personal bodyguard
12:27Maybe one with a nice six-pack
12:29You should consider yourself lucky, Emi
12:32You know, I'm not sure I'm the lucky one
12:34But I'm sure I'm the lucky one
12:36You know, I'm not sure I'm the lucky one
12:38But I'm sure I'm the lucky one
12:41You know, you've got that guy you were talking to before
12:43What? That guy's a twit!
12:45You two gotta be close to know that
12:47Sorry, I'm gonna be a nosy Nancy
12:49Now, Dish, who is that hot guy anyway?
12:53Whatever! He means absolutely nothing to me!
12:57I'm leaving some towels here for you
12:59Cool, thank you, Rika
13:04This feeling...
13:07What could it be?
13:09It's so warm
13:12Is this... the power of the human heart?
13:18If so, is that what was affecting him when he saved those people?
13:27Geez, what do you want? It's early
13:30Don't worry
13:31It's not poison or razor blades or anything like that
13:34Funny, because I can't think of any reason you'd give me something not dangerous
13:38Oh, well, sweet
13:39Does that mean I get to keep the money I owe you?
13:44Consider us even
13:46Huh? Hardly
13:48Or did you forget your promise to leave us alone for a while?
13:50Did you forget how I bailed your asses out?
13:52Like I said, even!
13:53You still suck!
13:55Yeah, shut up
13:56How's Alciel? Did he make it out of the collapse okay?
13:58For the most part
13:59He's not physically injured
14:00But he seems to have taken a sizable psychological hit
14:04Please, your majesty!
14:07I told him about how I'd gotten some of my power back
14:10But he still beat himself up all night for not being able to do anything for his king in crisis
14:16So he's taking the morning off and sleeping in
14:20So what about you? Have you had the chance to recover from our little attack?
14:24Correct me if I'm wrong, but you used some of your power to put Chi to sleep
14:28Yeah, thank you for asking, but you don't get to know everything
14:31Fine, be that way
14:33And feel free to skedaddle, too
14:35My pleasure!
14:37It's too early for this
14:40Oh, and be careful with those shoes on the stairs
14:50I have never, for the hero who very nearly vanquished King Satan, even in this assumed form
14:56To sustain so many injuries falling down a simple flight of stairs
14:59Well, you have sullied his majesty's reputation
15:03Oh, we only have bandages
15:06I thought we purchased gauze. Did that not happen?
15:08Apparently not
15:09I know it's a pain, but would you make a quick run to the pharmacy and pick some up?
15:13Medical tape, too
15:14I really don't want to have to hear her whining at me again
15:18As you wish, sire
15:20Might I borrow Dullahan for this journey?
15:22Permission granted
15:26Guess we can go ahead and disinfect it
15:29Here, use this to...
15:30Don't touch me!
15:32I can handle it myself
15:33Jeez, well excuse me, princess
15:36Have at it
15:42Stings a bit, huh?
15:43Does this?
15:45Dude, what was that for? Chill out!
15:47Shut up!
15:48What are you doing? You're the devil!
15:50So why haven't you been acting like a demon at all?
15:53Like not a single atrocity!
15:55I honestly don't understand where all this is coming from
15:58No? You're poor, you cook, you're respected at your lame job
16:01You charm your way into the hearts of high school girls
16:03I've never heard of a devil being proud of some random teenager having a crush on him
16:07That part seems a little personal
16:09Because it was personal!
16:11Well, I've never seen a hero who's so inept that she falls downstairs, cries, and has to get put back together by a couple demons
16:21Why are you being so courteous?
16:24Why be nice to me? To people?
16:27Why are you being nice to this world?
16:30If you have the capacity for compassion
16:33If you have the capacity for kindness
16:36Why didn't you show it when you killed my father?
16:40The devil I know is cruel and vicious
16:42He murders humans and squashes them under his feet like they were bugs
16:46And do you know what makes that devil happy?
16:48Death and destruction and sorrow and blood!
16:51I, uh...
16:52You burned our fields with your fire
16:54Destroyed our castles with lightning
16:56You swept away our towns with floods
16:58You're the ruler of demons and you allow your monsters any brutality
17:01I swear I will never forgive you
17:04Our home
17:05Our fields
17:06My father's life
17:08You took away everything I've ever loved
17:10I was happy
17:11You destroyed it all
17:14I'll never forgive you
17:19Wow, okay
17:21I've never given it much thought, but...
17:25I'm sorry, you know?
17:27Back then, I didn't really understand what humans were like
17:32Morning, Mr. Mao!
17:36Look who I ran into while I was at the pharmacy
17:38I asked her to come by and...
17:43And I should not have come
17:45I'm interrupting something
17:47You... you two really are a thing
17:49Chi? No!
17:51I swear we're not... it's not how it looks
17:53I'm sorry!
17:58So, that was bad
18:00Maya lovers cry with his old flame over his beautiful new girl
18:05And without warning, the newest sweetheart arrives on the scene
18:08Just in time to discover her darling love
18:10Never truthfully broke things off with his ex
18:14Well, this is the variety of sort of romantic drama
18:17That's syrupy enough to cause the diabetes
18:20Yes, I feel the same way
18:22Of course you do
18:23I'm Miki Shiba, and the landlady of this fine establishment
18:26I take it you're Mr. Mao's girlfriend?
18:28Or one of them at the very least?
18:30I'm not dating this loser!
18:32You're the loser! Miss Shiba!
18:34No, Mikiti, please
18:36Right, forgot
18:37Listen, kids
18:38I'm having some repairs done to the building
18:41This is my official notification to the tenants
18:44Quite a few disturbing occurrences these days
18:47Cave-ins and muggings and what have you
18:51I wonder if something will happen again today, don't you?
18:54I, uh, I hope not
18:56Which reminds me
18:57That adorable young lady who was just here
19:00Seems to have run off toward the train station in tears
19:06Another earthquake?
19:07Mr. Mao
19:09If you've involved her
19:10I hope you're prepared to take full responsibility
19:13For what?
19:14Come now, surely you've realized the truth
19:16That child took a direct sonar hit
19:18And received an ideal link transmission
19:20An earthquake at this moment is hardly a coincidence
19:23A human being's thought and will have immense power, right?
19:27I imagine if anyone knew that to be a fact
19:29It would be the three of you
19:31In my opinion, you should run to her rescue
19:33Before it's too late
19:36That was... weird
19:39What is this?
19:41What's going on?
19:43I don't know
19:45But it looks like something's wrong
19:47It's a high-respect soul of yours
19:50You mean...
19:51It's Chikio Grigsov's son?
19:53Yes, that's right
19:55He's the son of a great legend
19:57And a great man
19:58And a great man
19:59I'm sure you've heard of him
20:01He's the son of a great Japanese priest
20:03And a great man
20:04And a great man
20:06What happened?
20:08I don't know
20:11But he's the son of a great man
20:14What do we do now?
20:16We'll have to find him
20:18Just wait
20:19I'm coming!
20:21We'll find him!
20:29Why am I even crying?
20:34I can't believe it!
20:35Leave it! I must love Mr. Mao after all!
20:40I'm sorry.
20:41Well, well. You'll make a nice meal.
20:44I've been watching you since my massive fail earlier.
20:48You know, just in case.
20:50But I never figured you'd get so miserable so easily.
20:54Shiho Sasaki.
20:57I'm gonna feed on your bitterness and despair over the devil and the hero.
21:01With your sad little heart, I'll materialize right here.
21:04Hey, get out of the way, bro.
21:13It's time for the hunt.
21:15Today, I rise above Satan himself.
21:23This won't go well for us.
21:26It's him.
21:27Him who? Hang on.
21:29Is that who's been behind all of this?
21:31Isn't it obvious?
21:42Ha. I knew it was you.
21:44No. No, it can't be.
21:46Ooh, if it isn't the great King Satan.
21:49Oh, right. I suppose I should call you Sadao Mao from now on, yeah?
21:53Call me whatever you want. Why are you here? Aren't you dead?
21:56Demon General Lucifer.
22:04One, two, three, four.
22:34Yesterday's school
22:39Liars, cowards
22:41All of us together
22:43We were blooming
22:47In a dream
22:50Hiding in the shadow of the moon
22:53The truth is, I was crying
22:56Tears won't flow anymore
22:58I've dried up
23:01Ah, if I could forgive everything
23:04It might flow
23:08But there are so many things I want to protect
23:31Thank you for watching
