The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP05 - English

  • last week


00:00Oh, it is in the great King Satan.
00:06Oh, right.
00:07I suppose I should call you Sadow Mao from now on, yeah?
00:12And the hero Amelia, too.
00:21Oh, eekly-drestif.
01:51Kitto aeru kara
01:53Asu no kimi e
01:55None other than me
01:59Chose you
02:07No, it can't be.
02:09I ran my sword right through your chest.
02:10I did the you-killed-my-father bit and everything.
02:20And yet, here I am.
02:22Now, how could that be possible?
02:24Does it have something to do with your new friend hiding over there?
02:28One of the six high priests of the church.
02:31Why don't you stop lurking in the background and show your face already?
02:35Ulva Mayor.
02:39When Amy came through the gate,
02:41you were the one right behind her, weren't you?
02:44Soon as I heard that, I put two and two together.
02:48You and your crew are a shady bunch, but I'll give you credit.
02:51You're the shadiest.
02:53Congratulations. You found me out.
02:56And Amelia, you're certainly looking lovely.
03:05How could you work with Lucifer?
03:08You want to know, huh?
03:10I'll tell you, but it'll be the last thing you ever hear.
03:13The hero was really throwing her weight around, and you couldn't abide that.
03:17So you figured, after she ousts the demon army, let's execute her.
03:20Spot on, huh?
03:22And you got Lucifer here on your side by promising him a golden ticket back to Heaven Town.
03:26Damn! How'd you know that?
03:28Please, you're joking, right?
03:30Come on, man, that's the oldest trick in the book.
03:32And who says the last thing you'll ever hear?
03:35I've seen B-movies with better scripting than that, Baldy.
03:38Get away!
03:42And what is a B-movie?
03:44Sorry, sire, but I'd be derelict in my duty if I let that slide.
03:49Am I to infer you've been wasting our money on movies again?
03:52First, I'm a little busy right now.
03:54Besides, it's my allowance, isn't it?
03:56So all this time I've been working my fingers to the bone?
03:59And cleaning up your messes without so much as a morning off?
04:02No more allowance for you, sire!
04:03You're going there? You're really going to go there?
04:05Knock it off already, you moron!
04:11That was fun.
04:14But I'm afraid the show is over.
04:16I'm going to have to close the curtain early.
04:19Just promise me, sire, when you see a movie,
04:22go on the first of the month. It's half off.
04:25You're going to be okay.
04:27Also, don't tell me what to do.
04:30Now, I suppose it's Emilio's turn.
04:33Or should the king be first?
04:35Decisions, decisions.
04:37I'll kill both at once.
04:44Yeah, I know you're not supposed to play with your food,
04:47but I just can't help it.
04:49This whole feeding on despair thing is just so much fun.
04:54Relax, Baldi.
04:56It's not like they're going to be able to stop us.
05:00Good plan, coward.
05:02Running with your tail between your legs.
05:04Oh, please. Like you're in a position to be critical.
05:08His magic's so strong.
05:10His magic's so strong.
05:12Way stronger than anything you or I have been able to achieve.
05:16It's because he's feeding off negative human emotions.
05:19Those two are definitely the ones behind all the trouble.
05:22The robberies and the shootings, too.
05:24I don't get it. Why would they...
05:26Cause fear, despair, and sadness.
05:28The more negative people's emotions, the more power they can absorb.
05:31They want them in a state of panic.
05:33Because that equals fear.
05:35And fear turns into every negative emotion you can think of,
05:38which then intensifies their magic and makes them more powerful.
05:41I'm impressed you figured that out.
05:43Well done.
05:46You made it easy, so thanks.
05:48I realized it when I was trapped inside that cafe after the quake.
05:52I could feel the humans' fear and despair flowing directly into me.
05:56That's what returned me to my original form.
05:58If that's the case, why haven't you tried to get more magic?
06:01All you had to do was keep stirring up their negativity.
06:04Eventually, you would have been powerful enough to find a way back home.
06:07That's true, but the thing is, I don't want to go back.
06:11I like it here.
06:13Being human isn't half bad.
06:15This world's done a lot for me, and I don't want to cause it any trouble.
06:21If I were you, I'd leave this realm alone.
06:25How sweet.
06:26You've gone soft on me, haven't you, sire?
06:29But you and I both know there's no chance that's gonna happen.
06:33Because I'm hungry.
06:35What's on the menu?
06:36Ooh, look, a scared little girl served medium rare.
06:39Let her go!
06:40No, don't do it!
06:42Not your cup of tea, boss?
06:44I think you're right. That would be a lot of trouble.
06:47So how about I just eat her raw instead?
06:50Go, now!
06:56Wow, figured she wasn't a fan, but from the vibe I'm getting,
06:59this girl's really jealous of you, Emilia.
07:07Son of a bitch, that hurts!
07:09Human bodies suck! So much-
07:11Stop whining, tough guy!
07:13Some demon king you are!
07:17Oba, why are you using a gun?
07:20Sorry about that, but I need to save enough power to control the gate on my journey home.
07:26It's too bad.
07:27He used to be such a big shot, and now look at him.
07:30King Satan's all washed up.
07:32Chit-chat, kill them both now. Two birds with one stone.
07:35Yeah, me.
07:37Prepare yourself.
07:43Rockin' a little teleportation action.
07:46Someone had more juice than they let on.
07:55This is... Yoshikaito Road?
07:58We're right by Sasazuka Station!
08:00Why bring us somewhere so crowded?
08:02Oh, I see. You came here to catch an ambulance, didn't you, you big wimp?
08:06Could you cut me some slack, please?
08:09You can run, but you can't hide, sire.
08:12The party's over.
08:16Do it quickly. There are far too many witnesses already.
08:20I think you need to relax, Oba.
08:23We can kill them, too.
08:25But first things first.
08:34Snap out of it, okay?
08:37Get up.
08:39Hate to break it to you, but he's not gonna bounce back like he did in Shinjuku.
08:43So, now that he's out of the way, I suppose I don't need her anymore.
08:47Knock yourself out.
09:03Oba! The show's almost over!
09:06But first, it's time for the big finale!
09:09Help me kick up a tasty brew!
09:11Stop it, Lucifer!
09:13Don't do this! Please!
09:15Thought she liked to party.
09:43I did that?
09:56No way.
09:58That's a B-movie for you.
10:02Guess I owe you one, Lucifer.
10:04Thanks to you, I managed to get my true form back.
10:09You're okay!
10:15Is that... Mr. Mao?
10:19Yeah, it sure is.
10:22I see.
10:23He brought us to the most populated area he could think of,
10:26so he could absorb the fear and despair of the crowd.
10:29As if Lucifer and Oba weren't enough to deal with on their own.
10:32Step out of it!
10:33Yeah! Hey, what's happening?
10:35This is no time to be spacing out!
10:37Get with the program!
10:39Hurry up and take those guys out, right now!
10:42This stuff is freaking heavy!
10:44Come on!
10:45Can't hold it much longer!
10:47Can't see I'm slipping, right?
10:55Please hurry!
10:58You're such a loser.
11:00Seriously, like I have never seen a devil as lame as you.
11:03Whatever! Just do something already!
11:05Help me!
11:08Sorry, what I meant to say was pretty please.
11:11You're on your own!
11:12Did you forget I'm the hero?
11:14I would rather die right here and now than help you do anything!
11:17What? You can't be serious!
11:19I always am!
11:22Just hold on a bit longer, okay?
11:24And don't worry, I'll clean up your mess for you.
11:28But what about me?
11:30It's alright, you'll be safe in there.
11:32It's weird for some reason.
11:34I've decided to let you know the truth about us.
11:37Here we go!
11:40Manifest now, my true power!
11:43So I may vanquish all evil!
11:49She can still do that?
11:58I am a hero born!
12:00Though the world may change, I swear that fact never will!
12:04Lame! Free-write!
12:06Oh, shut your trap!
12:07After I finish with those two, you're butts next on my list to kick.
12:10So let's get to it!
12:12I'm so excited!
12:13I'm so excited!
12:14I'm so excited!
12:15I'm so excited!
12:16I'm so excited!
12:17I'm so excited!
12:18I'm so excited!
12:19I'm so excited!
12:20I'm so excited!
12:21I'm so excited!
12:22I'm so excited!
12:23I'm so excited!
12:24I'm so excited!
12:25I'm so excited!
12:26I'm so excited!
12:27I'm so excited!
12:28I'm so excited!
12:29I'm so excited!
12:30I'm so excited!
12:31I'm so excited!
12:32I'm so excited!
12:33I'm so excited!
12:34I'm so excited!
12:35I'm so excited!
12:36I'm so excited!
12:37I'm so excited!
12:38I'm so excited!
12:39I'm so excited!
12:40I'm so excited!
12:41I'm so excited!
12:42I'm so excited!
12:43I'm so excited!
12:44I'm so excited!
12:45I'm so excited!
12:46I'm so excited!
12:49My bad.
12:50So not awesome.
12:53You won't get away with this, Lucifer!
12:56You gotta fess up! How exactly did you plan on taking me out when you can't even recover
13:17your celestial force? Now what could be so funny? It is certainly not my wish to do
13:26battle alongside a hero. But since I've sworn allegiance to King Satan, I have no choice.
13:32Alcee-al! So right now that makes you my sworn enemy,
13:35Lucifer! Well, well, I thought you were dead.
13:38On the contrary, my king saved me. He left me just enough magic to escape death's mighty
13:43clutches. Yeah, if that's true, what the heck took you
13:46so long? I had to go back to the apartment and pick
13:48up my general's cape. I knew that was coming. In the future, I'd
13:54prefer you let me handle things on my own. I'll let you thank me later. Right now, you
13:59and I need to focus our energy on taking these two out.
14:01Dude, you're the worst! Seriously, you've gotta be like the worst partner in the history
14:05of time! You gotta do anything! I do not have the means to replenish my celestial
14:10force! If I use it all now, I can't go home! What do you think happens if we lose?
14:17Is it just me, or does my role in all this seem a little anticlimactic?
14:27This is real. It's actually happening.
14:33Guess there's no way to talk our way out of this one.
14:37Holy flakes, fight! Lucifer!
15:01Emilia! You're a fool! How could you join forces with a demon?
15:07Are you kidding me?
15:17Man, that was heavy. I mean, like, super heavy. But still, way to go me. Seriously,
15:33awesome job there. Good work. Damn you!
15:38What do you say we wrap this thing up? If we don't get a move on, she and I are gonna
15:41be late for work. Right, Chi? I promised to teach you how to fix the ice cream machine
15:47today. As for the rest of you, you got some nerve relegating a demon king like me to a
15:55menial task like holding up a stupid bridge. Time for a little payback!
16:06Suck on this!
16:08So, Emi, what do you think I should do with this guy?
16:17Let's see. I'd say a great place to start would be punishing him for wrecking the neighborhood.
16:22Good idea. Oh, and Lucifer, if I'm late to work today, it's your fault.
16:27What are you talking about?
16:29If I lose my perfect attendance bonus because of you, you're gonna regret it.
16:34Don't think about that one too hard. I don't understand it either.
16:37You're a great demon general, aren't you? Where did all of this fear come from?
16:42Face your doom like a man!
16:55So, uh, it seems a little late for me to ask this, but, uh, what exactly are you guys?
17:03You know, just out of curiosity. No offense or anything.
17:06I'm all shy now that you come right out and ask me. But truth is, back home, I'm a demon king.
17:12You don't believe me, do you?
17:15No, I do for sure. I saw you do all those incredible things. It was beyond amazing.
17:21Well, you're sweet, but it wasn't that big a deal.
17:24Sire, modesty may be a virtue, but at this moment, braggadocio is the wiser course.
17:29I'm not like him. I'm just a person. Well, guess I do have half angel blood.
17:33Huh? Seriously? You're half angel?
17:35Don't act so surprised. You're a demon king.
17:39Why are you laughing, Chiho?
17:41I'm sorry. I don't mean to pull fun. It's just that, well, honestly, when I picture an angel or a demon in my head, they don't look so ordinary.
17:49No, I see your point. Who'd think a demon king would work at McRonald's, right?
17:53Like you're one to talk, little miss thanks for calling. How can I help you?
17:57Here's what I want to know, angel face. If you have that much power left, why haven't you attacked me?
18:03Because I'm not careless. For all I know, you could have been pretending not to have any power this whole time.
18:08And besides, I had to conserve enough to make sure I could get back through the gate, didn't I?
18:13Don't you see? We could never be in a romantic relationship together because we hate each other's stinking guts. So relax.
18:19Whatever you say.
18:21Well, what are you going to do now, huh? I mean, now that you've gotten your magic back, are you going to go back to Inte Isla or what?
18:28No way. I'm already scheduled for tons of shifts this month.
18:31You need to get your priorities in order, sire. What matters more, Inte Isla or a job at McRonald's?
18:38Uh, excuse me? What should I do now?
18:41I've been meaning to ask you something. You were the one who called me at work and threatened me, weren't you?
18:46Yeah, sorry about that.
18:48I knew it! How did you find me?
18:50Hey, off my back!
18:53This is... my wallet!
18:57Lucifer, did you really look inside a lady's wallet without asking permission?
19:01Now that's love.
19:02Ugh! I will destroy you!
19:06Fix! Fidrim yulfirizizulf.
19:09Akasigatir loisix.
19:15Emeralda! And Albert!
19:19Wow, you missed all the fun.
19:25Raxpuce upfimripram alselfet.
19:29Yes, you are correct!
19:30Tremble with fear, peasants!
19:33Habisa. Firospuk olba alfamchener. Extitidruidfadzitzori.
19:40Taubtufrififibur gixetenbraixtexoszoka?
19:44He said to head back to the Devil's Castle and that they had everything under control.
19:49That's it. Just up ahead there.
19:57Trust me, you're preaching to the choir.
20:01Okay then.
20:02Sire, are you completely sure you won't regret this?
20:06Yeah. Can't exactly leave things the way they are, can we?
20:10You're kidding me.
20:11His Highness has spoken. That means the discussion is over.
20:15Dude, what the hell is that all about? You just do whatever he says?
20:19Yeah, pretty much.
20:20The boss is responsible for the mistakes of his subordinates.
20:23That principle's as true at McGronald's as it is back in Enteisla.
20:28The Supreme Ruler's got to take on that responsibility.
20:38Igam Tevez ziv Grixis alchikvim niga.
20:51Espurimcha. Isischa roa esblorte eb jesal.
20:55Prispegem zuplea nevnotri.
20:58Ebcha morochral ebrocho brishimilia.
21:01Rifabrosi vi. Ebroxo tanofluis.
21:04Broxhexo jaiseners. Upspegem jemroxo jix.
21:09Wait, your voice. It's the one I was hearing in my head all those times.
21:13Uptrimraxor ipsi.
21:15What did you hear?
21:17Listeretzi ebrefex kandifor chonspolor foxgrinkix roa gris seitan.
21:23Bob! Itebis bes seitan, Fabulzum! Go feezy next time!
21:29Hey guys, we're home.
21:38All righty, we're all set.
21:40Good. Can't be too long or the church will be able to get away with who knows what.
21:45Guess you know this already, but it'd be a big help if you'd come home soon, too.
21:52You did well, though. No fatalities and the city's basically back in one piece.
21:56Apparently no one remembers much, so that's good.
22:00I tell you, he's really something, isn't he?
22:03Are we positive this kid's the real Demon King?
22:09Thank you, come again!
22:12Mr. Mao?
22:15I was wondering...
22:18Are you going back home?
22:20Not planning on it.
22:22More like I can't, I guess.
22:25I used up most of the power I had rebuilding that neighborhood, so I'm stuck.
22:30But I do have a little gas left in the tank.
22:33You know, Chi, it's enough to erase your memories, too.
22:37I mean, if that's what you...
22:42You did you!
22:43My bad!
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:16I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:20I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:27I'm sorry.
23:28I'm sorry.
23:29I'm sorry.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:31I'm sorry.
23:32I'm sorry.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
23:38I'm sorry.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
23:45I'm sorry.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:48I'm sorry.
23:49I'm sorry.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:51I'm sorry.
23:52I'm sorry.
23:53I'm sorry.
23:54I'm sorry.
23:55I'm sorry.
23:56I'm sorry.
23:57I'm sorry.
23:58I'm sorry.
23:59I'm sorry.
24:00I'm sorry.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:02I'm sorry.
24:03I'm sorry.
24:04I'm sorry.
24:05I'm sorry.
24:06I'm sorry.
24:07I'm sorry.
24:08I'm sorry.
