The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E04 - English

  • last week


00:00And so, the story of the four...
00:03Make sure she gets home safe and sound.
00:06Yes, sire. I shall return shortly!
00:09Bye, Chimi! See you soon!
00:12Bye! See ya!
00:14Why does your grand plan involve me sleeping in this hellhole?
00:18If things get intense when Gabriel shows back up,
00:21I'll have the hero on my side to kick some ass and take some names, amirite?
00:25Are you kidding? Or are you just stupid?
00:27I'm not asking you to be my ally.
00:29I think you need to change your mindset a little.
00:32Just think of it as a big ol' favor for the Rugrat and not for me.
00:35Yeah, I guess I can do that much.
00:38I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
00:41Have you no sense of charity?
00:43I'm not showing charity to the freakin' devil!
00:45You gotta cut the pity party crap!
00:58I'm not asking you to be my ally.
01:00I think you need to change your mindset a little.
01:02Just think of it as a big ol' favor for the Rugrat and not for me.
01:05Have you no sense of charity?
01:07I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:10Have you no sense of charity?
01:12I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:15Have you no sense of charity?
01:17I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:20Have you no sense of charity?
01:22I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:25I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:28Have you no sense of charity?
01:30I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:33Have you no sense of charity?
01:35I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:38Have you no sense of charity?
01:40I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:43Have you no sense of charity?
01:45I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:48Have you no sense of charity?
01:50I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:53Have you no sense of charity?
01:55I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
01:58Have you no sense of charity?
02:00I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
02:03Have you no sense of charity?
02:05I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
02:08Have you no sense of charity?
02:10I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
02:13Have you no sense of charity?
02:15I'm getting real sick of begging you to help all the time.
02:18Have you no sense of charity?
02:21The next day
02:26Has there been any trouble on the front?
02:28Don't worry.
02:30I'm sure Heaven's Hunk of Meat won't come back until tomorrow.
02:33How's Chihou doing?
02:34Not good.
02:35She was worried about His Majesty the whole time.
02:38I'm sure.
02:39But I think it's important that we keep her away from this.
02:42I agree.
02:43And I've told her.
02:45She shouldn't step foot in the Devil's Castle until this is settled.
02:49I don't get the room assignments.
02:51In case something goes wrong,
02:53I wanted to give Alice Ramos one last night with you.
02:56Way to bring the room down.
02:59We don't know what'll happen tomorrow.
03:01If she is a Sephira, a shard of Yesod,
03:05I imagine the stakes are pretty high.
03:08Well, in the simplest of terms,
03:11the Tree of Sephira, or the Tree of Life,
03:13resides in Heaven and continuously creates the world.
03:17Our world?
03:19The Tree houses ten fruits, which are called the Sephirot.
03:22These fruits correspond to components that shape our lives.
03:25For example, the ninth Sephira, Yesod,
03:27governs the astral world and our connection to it.
03:30Its number is nine, its metal is silver,
03:33its planet is the moon, its color is purple,
03:36and its guardian angel is Gabriel.
03:39Too much too fast.
03:40Just give me like three buzzwords.
03:42Was that really too complex for a former archangel?
03:45That's nice to him. He hasn't studied in a while.
03:48At any rate, if we believe these legends,
03:51then Gabriel's point is quite justified.
03:54One might worry for the components which Yesod controls.
03:57They could be in grave danger.
03:59So he needs Alice Ramos back to maintain universal balance.
04:02I suppose he's just doing his job.
04:04Oh, jeez.
04:05Guess that means the right thing for us to do is to send her back home.
04:09Only if we choose to believe the legends.
04:13It so happens that we lack any and all physical evidence
04:16that the Tree of Life is sustaining the world as we know it.
04:19One tree dooming a planet seems preposterous.
04:22Okay, someone put on their business pants.
04:24I highly doubt keeping the child would unleash any astral mayhem.
04:28But the angel wants the shard.
04:30And unfortunately, we aren't in a place to resist his demands.
04:33The whole situation is downright absurd.
04:36I'm not sure what to do.
04:39For real?
04:40You're actually planning to pick a fight with Gabriel?
04:43If that's my only option, I'm going to do what any good parent would do.
04:47Since when is the devil so capable of compassion?
04:50Give me a break.
04:51I'm literally reaping what I sowed.
04:53But when I think about all the people who died during my invasion,
04:57I'm sure that tons of them risked their lives to save their kids.
05:00If they were willing to do that,
05:02it seems fair that the devil should grow some balls and do the same.
05:06I realize things sound way less profound when you use the word balls.
05:10Yeah, whatever. Let's just go to bed.
05:13Sure. Let's.
05:15I'm going to bed with you right now!
05:17Mama, sleep with me!
05:26Pardon me, but I have a question.
05:28No, I will not be paying you rent for the night.
05:31The only person cheap enough to ask such questions is you.
05:35I'm curious about the devil's army.
05:38What spurred your interests into world domination?
05:42I just can't comprehend that desire any longer.
05:47You know what I like? Refrigerators.
05:50Each time you crack it open, your produce and dairy are perfectly preserved.
05:55If your supplies run low, you can simply go buy more.
05:58Then you can go home and feast.
06:00In a way, we invaded Ente Isla in pursuit of something like that.
06:04You know, we'd do anything for it.
06:07If you don't understand, well, that's quite all right with me.
06:11If every last one of us works diligently, we'll return soon and we'll reach our dream.
06:15Did you hear that? We'll work!
06:19Maybe you should work on your people skills.
06:24You leech.
06:29What you looking at?
06:33You really like that thing, huh?
06:35Watch out. If you hold it while you sleep, it's going to get all crumpled up.
06:39Let's leave it right over here.
06:43Okay, lights out.
06:46Jeez, kid.
06:50But you're way too close.
06:52Come on, don't flatter yourself.
06:54It's not my fault. The little nugget pulled me over here.
06:57Hey, Dada, can you tell me a story?
07:00You don't want one from Mama?
07:02Tomorrow I do.
07:05Fine, let me think. Where'd we leave off yesterday?
07:09Traveller just met a nice angel.
07:11How could I forget?
07:13You've got a good memory, smarty.
07:17The Traveller was hurt by evil demons and thought it might be the end.
07:21But a kind angel swooped down to save him.
07:24She told the Traveller tales of amazing things he'd never heard of before.
07:29The tallest of mountains.
07:31The bluest of seas.
07:33Powerful kings and their knights.
07:36And delicious food that made his tummy rumble.
07:39She spoke of God and the world of the stars.
07:44Before she had to leave, the angel gave the Traveller a good luck charm.
07:48As he set out on his journey once more, he made sure to always keep it safe.
07:54Thanks to all he learned from the angel's stories and with the power of the charm,
07:59the Traveller would eventually become king, living happily ever after.
08:04Good night.
08:10Hey, so what ended up happening to the Traveller after he became king?
08:17Did he ever find his way back home or try to find the friendly angel again?
08:22The hell would I know? It's not so deep. I've been making the whole thing up every night.
08:27So what? Apparently I'm telling tomorrow's story. I need reference material.
08:34Why would he want another country when he was already the king of his own?
08:38I thought he was supposed to live happily ever after.
08:42Maybe the power made him greedy.
08:47If Alice Ramis wants to hear the rest, I'll figure it out then.
08:52Wait, Mao.
09:13Hey, morning sunshine.
09:21Did you really have to get here so early?
09:23I know. Let's use our words like big boys and girls.
09:26Says the freaking home invader.
09:28Okay, judgey. I'm not a bad guy and I've been very patient.
09:32Attacking a sleeping family is personally a big no-no.
09:35Aren't I considerate? In return, you can drop the sword and hear me out.
09:42How dare you poke my perfectly sculpted neck?
09:44It doesn't get any closer to God's image than this. Trust me.
09:48It's five in the morning. What's the big...
09:53Hey there. Good morning. Sorry to disturb your adorable slumber.
09:57Leave or we'll disturb your face.
10:01Here's the nitty gritty, my friends.
10:03If you won't be cool and give me the girl and the sword, I'm fine taking one for the time being.
10:09So you sowed. Not only was the poor Sephira stolen, but it was shattered to bits.
10:14It was my duty to protect it, so I must find the pieces.
10:17Trust me, they're all over.
10:19Here's one. And there's the other.
10:21The sacred sword was made from a shard of you sowed?
10:24Amen, sis.
10:25I mean, haven't you wondered what that purple crystal you've been toting around might be?
10:33Give up, dear. The sword can't defeat me in its current form.
10:38Your majesty! Is something the matter?
10:40Now that I've laid it all out for you guys...
10:43Pretty please? You know what I want?
10:46I'm very concerned for you, my liege!
10:48Say something! Anything, sire!
10:52What are you doing?!
10:54Come on. Just leave Alice Ramos alone!
10:59Not a chance. I won't fall for any more puppy dog eyes.
11:03I'm fully prepared to bargain with you.
11:07Instead of the child, take my head.
11:09Good deal, if you ask me.
11:13Don't be such a moron!
11:15If anyone gets your head, it's me!
11:17Well, excuse me, princess!
11:19Have you considered marriage counseling?
11:21We're not married, okay?!
11:23Wow, so in sync!
11:25Okay, since you're the devil, why are you hung up on this tot?
11:29I was saved from a really terrible place.
11:31Her shard became a symbol of hope and light.
11:35Somewhere along the way, I forgot about that.
11:37But now that I have her, I'll keep her!
11:41That's really touching, but she can be—
11:43Look, I know about the legend of the ancient king Satan.
11:47I can't let her go with you. I refuse.
11:50Come on, let her stay with me!
11:53Well, I've had a quick change of plans.
11:55I'm obviously a nice guy,
11:57but after what you said, I have no choice but to employ force.
12:04I've heard your gaze.
12:05It's time for me to take out some demon trash.
12:08Stop it!
12:09I hate you, bad guy!
12:11I'm good, just look at my hair.
12:14You're a bad old liar!
12:16Maho told me everything you did!
12:18You all became gods because of your lies!
12:21You took my friends away from me!
12:23You locked us up!
12:25And worse, you were mean to Mama and Dada!
12:29I hate you, bad guy!
12:35Where'd she go?
12:36Divine Boots of Light!
12:38The barrier is down!
12:42Are you all right?
12:43They all just took off!
12:45Hold on.
12:46Where did Emilia and the child go?
12:49Get away from my baby!
12:51Trust me, hun, I'd love to!
12:59Yeah, it must be the drugs.
13:03How's Romus? Are you okay?
13:05She's great! Everyone's getting well!
13:13Would you put a sword on a toddler?
13:15I would!
13:16Especially if said toddler is chasing me through the sky in a murderous rampage!
13:20Careful, Maho! That sword is where it's at!
13:23So that's Durandal, Sword of Gabriel.
13:25You did your research.
13:27This beauty is super tough and can slice you just about anything.
13:30Like butter?
13:31Feel me?
13:32It's actually pretty awesome.
13:36As your sown supervisor,
13:38I refuse to let that shard slip away from me again.
13:43I need you, Susanoo.
13:44Please, take me up there.
13:46You'll stay right here.
13:48Halt, King Saint!
13:50These losers.
13:51You will not impede Gabriel.
13:53Do you have any idea who you're talking to?
13:57You sure you're in the position to tell us off?
14:00Seems like Gabriel needs to tighten your leashes.
14:05Get out of his way.
14:09Wait, what did you do to them?
14:11Did my best bud, Ashia, forget my whole backstory?
14:14I was the top archangel before I fell, you know.
14:17Look at you, you really are useful sometimes.
14:20Sometimes, huh?
14:21Screw you guys.
14:22Go save the baby.
14:24One move against me, hero,
14:26and I'll be forced to bring the wrath of heaven down on your happy little tush.
14:31Hey, Mama!
14:32What's up? Something wrong, baby?
14:34So, will you stay with Dada?
14:37Do you love Dada like I do?
14:40I, uh...
14:43I just bought this underwear!
14:45Quit whining.
14:46I clearly recall you telling me that they were the extra-stretch variety!
14:50That's what I told you!
14:53Of course.
14:55I'll be there with him, I'm sure.
14:59Until death do us part.
15:04I hate my dirty socks!
15:07Not Hammy!
15:10Quick, kill us both!
15:11Are you idiot? There's no way I can do that in front of a kid!
15:14This is our only shot!
15:28What the...
15:32You saved me. Thank you.
15:33Welcome. I want to be with Mama and Dada forever.
15:37So, for just a little bit?
15:43Are you alright?
15:47Alice Romas!
15:51That puey is still alive.
15:53Stubborn, huh?
15:54Me too.
15:58Come on, give me a break!
16:04Sorry, Angel Face.
16:06But I'm afraid you'll be going home empty-handed this time around.
16:09Oh, I see. The church gave you more than one piece of heavenly silver.
16:13Someone's been a lucky girl.
16:15But sadly for you, that luck ends here.
16:18Interesting. Angels bleed red just like mortals.
16:23You're finished! Stand down!
16:26This isn't over, sweetie. With time, I'll collect even more.
16:29Don't you want some more?
16:38Wait a minute!
16:46It's over, sweetie. With time, I'll collect each and every shard of Ysote. I'll be back for yours soon enough.
16:52You left Ysote alone for centuries. What suddenly happened that made you so worried?
16:58You care to know? Too bad you shot down my attempts to talk it out.
17:03Perhaps you should do some self-reflection. Figure out who you truly are, Hero.
17:08And more, what your silly fight against me means.
17:12In time, you'll get it. Or when you do.
17:29Emilia! We're here!
17:33I'm gonna be fine. And it looks like Gabriel is gone.
17:37So, where's Saldas Ramos?
17:42No way...
17:44What am I supposed to do now? I'm out of ideas.
17:55Did you hear about what went down this morning?
17:58I stopped by the apartment. So, uh... did he... did the bad guy take her away?
18:05This wouldn't have happened if I were stronger.
18:08You shouldn't talk like that. It's not your fault.
18:10It was stupid of me not to take down that angel the second he showed up. Not that I could've beaten him.
18:15Come on, please don't blame yourself.
18:17Chimi! Mama! What's going on? You get hurt?
18:22No, we're okay. We're just sad because...
18:28Hi, Chimi!
18:29Wait, Alice Ramos! But how did you get... I'm glad you're alright!
18:34Come here!
18:36Wait a second. The way people were talking, I thought she was gone.
18:40They still think so, too. I don't really know the best way to explain this.
18:47Be careful, kiddo!
19:00Yeah, about that...
19:07Alice Ramos ended up becoming one with my sword and armor.
19:11Chimi, do I look tough?
19:13Well, yeah, you look super tough.
19:15So, why the heck haven't you told everybody else she's okay?
19:19Mr. Mao is so depressed at work he barely got anything done.
19:24Is that so? Then we have a unique opportunity here.
19:27He'd benefit from a taste of what it feels like to lose something precious.
19:31But here's the thing.
19:33This might seem cute right now, but it'll suck when I defeat the devil.
19:36I have no choice but to make Alice Ramos slice and dice her own dad!
19:40What do you think I should do?
19:42Maybe you could put the mortal enemies thing aside and try to get along?
19:47You know, I have a pretty good idea of what you ought to do first.
19:58Resorting to arson, are we?
20:00It was a sending-off fire.
20:02Since she came during a welcoming fire, it seemed right.
20:06Well, after all those years and becoming a king,
20:08the traveler remembered how precious the good luck charm he got from the angel was, right?
20:12Let it go, Emi. That was just a dumb story.
20:15I know at least one person who didn't think your story was all that dumb.
20:19And she's a smarty.
20:26What's going on?
20:28Hey, kid! Is it really you?
20:30Dada, you're great, Emi!
20:32Well, how do you like them apples?
20:34So she's still ours? This isn't some messed-up prank?
20:37No, but I was fully prepared to let you suffer a little more until somebody started demanding to see Dada, so...
20:43Wait, are you crying?
20:46Dada, did you get a boo-boo?
20:49He's alright. I think your daddy is just really excited to see you.
20:54Happy tears. You know, they're pretty common.
20:57Right, Mr. Moe?
21:00These aren't tears! I'm sweating from my eyes, idiot!
21:03I knew she were here the entire time!
21:07In fact, we already prepared her dinner for today, I'll have you know!
21:11Asha, Susan, we need food for the kid!
21:13I think it is time!
21:14I'm on it!
21:16How is the devil such a terrible liar?
21:20I hope you'll act with caution.
21:22Especially if the safety of the world is of any importance to you.
21:27Trust me, we don't want a second coming of Demon King Satan's calamity.
21:33Well, that was... ominous.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:56I'm sorry.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05I'm sorry.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07I'm sorry.
22:08I'm sorry.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10I'm sorry.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:12I'm sorry.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:14I'm sorry.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:16I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:18I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:20I'm sorry.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:22I'm sorry.
22:23I'm sorry.
22:24I'm sorry.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:26I'm sorry.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:28I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:30I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:32I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:44I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:16I thought the other wing ended up...
23:18Well, with love's light wings...
23:20I over-perched the yellow awning.
23:23Sorry, I got carried away.
23:26I'm not trying to be disrespectful but it's pretty obvious who has the other one, yeah?
23:33Just think, who was it that stole your sword in the first place?
23:37You know, Emilia's mother.
