The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E10 - English

  • last week


00:30And the weirdest part is, I'm almost entirely convinced that this character is actually your mother.
00:40Everything alright? You've been lost in thought for a while now.
00:44Have I?
00:48What's wrong? Where's the enemy?
00:49Keep it down, you tools! You're gonna wake up the baby!
00:53It's time to buy a TV!
01:00I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:02I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:04I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:06I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:08I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:10I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:12I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:14I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:16I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:18I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:20I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:22I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:24I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:26I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:28I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:30I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:32I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:34I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:36I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:38I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:40I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:42I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:44I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:46I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:48I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:50I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:52I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:54I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:56I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:58I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:00I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:02I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:04I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:06I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:08I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:10I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:12I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:14I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:16I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:18I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:20I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:22I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:24I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:26I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:28I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:30I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:32I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:34I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:36I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:38I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:40I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:42I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:44I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:46I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:48I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:50I'm sorry, but I have to go.
02:52By the way, I got the word
02:54Satay's not your real name.
02:56Oh, it's not.
02:58If my real name somehow got out,
03:00the world would go up in flames.
03:02That sounds bad.
03:04My life story features a fall
03:06from CEO to homeless man.
03:08But never fear,
03:09because I've got a new business in the works.
03:11You'd share that, but not your name?
03:13Also, shouldn't you get to work, man?
03:15Ha, you're right.
03:16We'll talk more later.
03:18Heck of a guy.
03:20I've been to heaven and back,
03:21and I've never met anybody so full of life.
03:29And on the flip side, you've got me.
03:32Dead fish have more life in their eyes.
03:36A friend?
03:39Yeah, hello?
03:41That's right.
03:42You're quick.
03:44No sweat.
03:45I'll come get you.
03:47Cheese and crackers.
03:49What's the purpose of all this?
03:51You're an angel, Gabriel.
03:53Obviously, the purpose is justice.
03:56But for what purpose?
03:58You've said it yourself.
04:00A television is by no means intrinsic
04:02to our understanding of this world.
04:04Remember, we have worlds of useless info.
04:07You must be pointing at the computer, not me,
04:09because my info is priceless.
04:11On Jungle, maybe.
04:12Screw you.
04:13The fridge in the washing machine took priority.
04:16That's why we didn't buy a TV.
04:18So, now that we have some cash,
04:20it's time to saddle up and ride this pony to Television Town.
04:24Why must this be an issue now?
04:26Let me break it down.
04:28Emi has a TV at her place.
04:30Huh? So what?
04:31It's not fair.
04:34I should be able to watch cartoons with Alice Robbins, too!
04:38Radical honesty.
04:40I barely watched the thing.
04:41I'd give it away if someone wanted it.
04:45Not you.
04:46My liege, I completely understand.
04:50There are still cable fees to think about.
04:53I believe I can figure this out.
04:55We're up against a fierce enemy known as the Budget.
04:58And the only way to quell this beast is with research.
05:01Research on?
05:03Well, cable contracts to start.
05:05It would also behoove us to contact the landlady as soon as possible.
05:09If she says our endeavor will require additional fees,
05:12this conversation can die.
05:14I seriously doubt it will.
05:16Myron includes all that stuff.
05:17I beg your silence, please!
05:19I secretly don't want a television!
05:21It's not a secret now.
05:23Answer me this, Ashiya.
05:25If the cable thing doesn't end up being a big issue,
05:28just how much can we spend?
05:33Math done!
05:35I conclude, if we consider the income from our temp jobs,
05:39we can pay 5,000 per person.
05:42That's a total of 15,000 yen.
05:44Hell, I'll allow 20k.
05:46Dude, you're making me pay too?
05:48But of course!
05:49You should be grateful, young man!
05:51I should seize all of your earnings to compensate for your love affair with!
05:5820,000 yen, you say?
06:01Silly Ashiya, you're forgetting something.
06:03What might that be?
06:05Where'd I buy the washing machine?
06:07And the fridge, too.
06:09Well, as I recall, the Yorogawabashi camera in Shinjuku...
06:15You figured out my plan!
06:17You... you have...
06:18Points on points!
06:20I bought all that crap in the middle of a 10% points back promotion!
06:24I am the king of points!
06:26I can't believe it!
06:29Ha! That's easy!
06:31If I factor in all my points, that's a whopping 26,239 yen total on rock and win!
06:37That can't be!
06:38Who's drifting now?
06:39Thanks for the free rope! I had just enough to hang you in!
06:43Sorry you had to see this.
06:45It's cool. I like watching his passion.
06:49You wanna come all the way to my place?
06:51Yes. I believe I left something there I'd like to pick up.
06:55And while I'm over, I might as well briefly inspect your television set.
06:59So are you gonna get one, too?
07:01It sounds to me like the devil is going to make his purchase sometime tomorrow.
07:05For the sake of efficiency, I'm planning on buying mine at the same time.
07:08Aren't all of them jobless right now?
07:11Why is he so gung-ho to spend money?
07:13Eh, guess it's not my problem if those dinguses get themselves into financial trouble.
07:18But wouldn't it be best if things stay exactly how they are?
07:22Yeah, good point.
07:25I think about that kind of stuff a lot.
07:27If things can stay the way they are, and if all the people I love can find happiness with each other.
07:33Seems doubtful.
07:34Bunny, you're more like Mr. Mild than you'd think.
07:37What now? That's a cruel joke.
07:43Finding happiness...
07:46I wonder how much longer things will stay this quiet.
07:50I've been thinking. We all should prepare ourselves.
07:53I fear that before long we will need to act in opposition to our ultimate goal.
07:58I won't be shocked if there comes a day when we'll need to protect the devil.
08:03Why would we?
08:05After what happened in Choshi, the Demon Realm knows he's alive and well.
08:09Worst case scenario, he's kidnapped and taken back to Entei Isla.
08:13The demons would take him?
08:15If they prevail, I'm positive.
08:17It will be with the intention of persuading him into re-establishing his army.
08:21Do you recall the Zealots? If they're as Kamiyo said, they're still loyal to Satan.
08:26Yeah, but there's no chance he could raise an army the way he is now.
08:30He's still a king. He made that evident in Choshi.
08:34What do you mean?
08:35If he's forced to choose between his two lives, he won't abandon the citizens asking for help.
08:40If that happens, he'll never return here.
08:43You said you're shopping with them, right? Is that to keep an eye out?
08:46Yes, but I sincerely want a television set.
08:51I'm content with the bubble in which we live.
08:54Wait, what bubble?
08:56Our lives of comfort feel rather ephemeral.
08:59If we can keep the Devil in Japan, he's no longer a threat.
09:02What's more, the two of us get to live ever so comfortably.
09:05In this world, we're blessed by a rich culture, good friends, and several luxuries.
09:10But what's next?
09:11Though I quite enjoy this life, I have to wonder when the bubble will pop.
09:17All that said, I'll work against the worst case, and watch over them.
09:21Sure, heads up. Few things are more boring than surveilling those goons.
09:30Hey, did you call?
09:33Please don't laugh.
09:34You know that I won't, so tell me.
09:37Well, I, uh, I'm fully aware of how weird it is for me to ask you about this, but...
09:43You're the only person that I can.
09:46So, uh, what kind of clothes do you think Ashiya is into?
09:54You there?
09:56Cheap stuff, obviously.
09:58What does that mean?
09:59No snobby designer brands?
10:01The dude exclusively wears the same cheap junk from Uni-Slow.
10:05Must have picked the crappiest shoes they had on purpose.
10:08Wait, that's not what I need to know.
10:10What do you need to know?
10:12Please, don't play dumb! I need your help!
10:15Come on, Emi, just tell me what style of clothes you might find attractive on a woman!
10:21May I ask you a question first?
10:23Yeah, what's up?
10:24Is there something going on between you two?
10:27No, nothing's going on in the slightest, duh!
10:30There is one thing.
10:33It's small.
10:36He asked me out!
10:37He wants us to go shopping together tomorrow!
10:44This outing is purely for research, sire.
10:46Research these nuts.
10:48And dude, what made you invite Rika?
10:51She can provide us with objective advice.
10:53I'm sure she's experienced this sort of thing.
10:56She must be so smart.
10:58You think I'm not?
10:59I've put a lot of thought into this for your information.
11:02And yeah, there have been like buttloads of times when I wished that we had a TV.
11:06Huh? You never told me.
11:08It first happened back in my early McRonald's days.
11:11You know how we served that happiness meal for kids?
11:14It comes with a toy.
11:15Go on.
11:16One fateful day, a young boy ordered a happiness meal.
11:19Cool! I said, which toy would you like?
11:22And he said...
11:24The one who says Giroro!
11:31See? That face you all just made was the same as mine after he stumped me.
11:36Poor boy.
11:37What's Giroro?
11:39Way back then, I was too naive to know that sound was made by a Poketure.
11:43I did a quick search.
11:45It seems like that one was introduced in this movie.
11:48Digiro, the frog Poketure.
11:50Turns into a dragon when it transforms.
11:52I would have thought Giroro was enough of a clue to guess it was the one that looks like a frog.
11:56In Japanese, sure.
11:58But animal noises vary from place to place in this world.
12:01In some countries, toads say weird crap like ribbit ribbit.
12:04And what is the moral of this fable?
12:07The point is, if I had seen the toys on TV, then I would have had knowledge on the brand.
12:13Therefore, I could have better served the young customer.
12:16Kiss ass.
12:18And of course, you could always ask...
12:20Why would we be watching Poketure?
12:22And I answer you, we wouldn't even have to.
12:25We know a ton just from ads.
12:27We should depart soon.
12:29Sire, let's go.
12:30Uh, right.
12:31We should be back soon. Bye.
12:33Have fun, dweebs.
12:35I have more reasons.
12:36The other day, some people were talking about a variety show in the break room.
12:39Stop this madness.
12:46That's right.
12:48Feel free to call whenever you need.
12:50Thank you for your patience.
12:51It's been such a pleasure to serve you today.
12:55Uh, Yusa?
12:56So, uh...
12:57What now?
12:58Oh, crap.
12:59My bad.
13:00It's nothing at all.
13:04What's up?
13:05Well, it's just...
13:06I wanted to know if you and Rika are fighting right now.
13:09Why would you say that?
13:10Just cause.
13:11She was acting all weird and nervous yesterday.
13:14And she mentioned something about calling you.
13:16Now she opts to take the day off and...
13:18You look like you're out for blood.
13:20I can see why you thought we were fighting.
13:23Oh, so you aren't.
13:24Well, that's good to hear.
13:26But what's with her?
13:27Did she get a boyfriend or something?
13:30You good?
13:31Yeah, of course.
13:32The goodest.
13:37Screw this crap.
13:38They can't do this to me.
13:43Does Rika have any idea that Mao and Belle will be there too?
13:47She never used the word date, but still...
13:50I imagine she'll be a little disappointed that they won't be alone.
13:54Why would I care about that?
13:58I've got to get it together.
14:00That man is a demon.
14:02I'm not gonna play interspecies matchmaker for some dandy demon in my work life.
14:06I could think Belle's there.
14:07Not only will she make sure Rika's safe, but the dumb and dumber are too.
14:12Stop, Green! We hate them!
14:16So, Yusa, been sleeping well?
14:19Why don't you take the day off?
14:24Mama, something wrong?
14:26Everything's fine. I'm going to be fine.
14:35If I'm gonna get a little time off, I better not let it go to waste.
14:40Grub supply is low.
14:44You're still in Japan, huh?
14:46Well, you missed Mao. He's out shopping today.
14:49I am well aware. I'm here to shoot the breeze with you, compadre.
14:56I also know his right-hand man and that flying neighbor chick are out with him.
14:59It's a perfect chance to chat.
15:01Oh, great. Just keep it short and sweet, please.
15:04If you can't manage that, I'll tell Ashiya you're raiding his precious fridge.
15:08You fuddy-duddy.
15:10You had a guest come over. Obviously, you were going to provide some refreshments.
15:14First, you aren't a guest.
15:16Second, it doesn't matter what the hell I do, I'll get yelled at.
15:19Yelled at, you say? That's funny.
15:22What happened to you, man?
15:24You were the sun of the dawn, the one closest to God.
15:27Now you get dunked on by greasy demons?
15:29Wash your hair. You invent it greasy.
15:32Whoa, chillax.
15:34Tell me why you serve a punk like him.
15:36Everybody up in heaven says it's all because your power levels went the way of the dodo, you know.
15:41But I wanted to hear firsthand what made you fall down to the demon realm.
15:47There was nothing to do.
15:49Excuse me?
15:51My life is fun now.
15:53Surfing the web and suffocating in this hole is fun?
15:59It's infinitely better than going crazy from sitting up in heaven all day with nothing to do.
16:05I couldn't take the boredom any longer.
16:07So I swooped down and joined up with Satan's crew.
16:10The rest is history.
16:11Now we're talking, buddy.
16:15I carted my tone little booty all the way to Sasazuka to try to get some real info on Satan.
16:20Talk to him yourself.
16:22Aw, man, I'm not talking about the Lord of the Fries.
16:25I want to know about the OG.
16:27The one you used to pal around with.
16:30I want all the deets on the legendary demon king, Satan.
16:36Is that all you wanted to know?
16:38I wasted my serious face.
16:40Slow down the dismissiveness, man!
16:42Couldn't you tell I've been trying to establish a this-is-very-important mood?
16:46Needs who read the mood are B tier.
16:48Does a top tier need a good thing to be?
16:50Needs who care about others' opinions are C tier.
16:53Wouldn't someone like that get kicked out?
16:55Only D tier and below get booted.
16:58However, those of us who make it to the S tier know exactly how parasitic we can be before our hosts go for the extraction.
17:04Sorry, but I can't wrap my head around neat pride.
17:07This is your life.
17:08Don't you want to do more than leech off your friends?
17:10Look who's the fuddy-duddy now, Gabey-baby.
17:14If that crap hadn't gone down way back when, all y'all would be living that neat life just like me.
17:23You just read the mood.
17:24That's so B tier.
17:26My bad.
17:27Come on.
17:28Try to stick to the topic, please.
17:30I want any info you have on Demon King Satan's treasures.
17:34Mind spilling the beans to your old pal?
17:38Aren't you busy tracking down the shards of who cares?
17:40Emi got another one recently.
17:42She's wrecking you, dude-brah.
17:44Good for her.
17:45I gave that hunt a break.
17:47Truth is, they took me off the case after I blew it.
17:57I've got the Sacred Sword, Alice Ramis, and the crystal that led Chiriato our way.
18:03I'm pretty sure the shards of Y'sod attract each other.
18:07Not only did that woman know Alice Ramis' name, but she knew about the shards, too.
18:12Could she be...
18:13Shut up!
18:14You seriously think you met my mother?
18:18Sorry I didn't call you sooner.
18:20We're having a teensy bit of trouble over here.
18:23Trouble like what?
18:25The Epsahon Empire to the east.
18:27They want to conquer the central continent, so they declared war against every other country.
18:33Wait, so while I was here, a war broke out?
18:36That's right.
18:37Apparently, their army is tough.
18:39There have even been demons spotted against them.
18:42Real talk, do you need me to come back home?
18:44Not at all.
18:47You see, if you came flying down Sacred Sword in hand to take part in a war between humans...
18:53The hero would lose power, and choosing sides like that could quickly undermine my credibility.
18:58That's it exactly.
19:00So work hard and stick it out in Japan for a while longer.
19:04I know you have Satan to worry about, but Lila might be there, too.
19:08Oh, yeah.
19:09Can we address that?
19:10How'd you ever get the idea that she's my mom?
19:13Let me explain what happened.
19:16One day I dropped into my local bar, and that's when I found a kindred spirit of sorts.
19:22I invited her to stay the night with me, but she decided to move in for a bit.
19:26The two of us got along well.
19:28She has long silver hair and pretty eyes and a face that looks a lot like yours.
19:33Good grief, this sounds like a your mom joke.
19:36For whatever reason, she vanished into thin air.
19:39But not without leaving a thank you note, of course.
19:43She wrote, I'm glad I got to meet my daughter's friend.
19:46And that got me thinking.
19:49Maybe she disappeared to Japan so that she could check out what you were up to.
19:57My mom?
19:59Your handwriting blows.
20:01I can't tell where the words start and end.
20:03Get some help.
20:05Man, is this really all there is?
20:08In my experience, people called Satan are always poor for some reason.
20:12I can't remember anything that'd be worth calling a treasure.
20:15That's all I can do for you.
20:19I guess I'll call it a day then.
20:21Just keep in mind that I'm the only reason he's standing down.
20:24What now? Who's he?
20:26The Watcher, and he's here.
20:29With his partner Sariel gone, you should have predicted he'd show up in Japan sooner or later.
20:36How could I? You all went ghost mode for years.
20:39Why are you showing signs of life now?
20:42Call me if you remember anything else.
20:46In your dreams.
20:48Hope you have a nice day, bud.
20:55And done.
20:57Now to add Celestial Force.
21:02It worked!
21:06If I did this right, it should lead me to more shards.
21:11I really wish that I could have gone TV shopping with them.
21:14Huh? TV shopping?
21:16Yeah, that's right. Mr. Mao and Mr. Ashiya are out looking for one today.
21:21Wait, why cute?
21:22Just think about it. Those are your two male friends who live together, aren't they?
21:28Two roommates? Shopping as a pair?
21:30Well, not quite. I think Miss Suzuno was going too.
21:33What? Do you think they'll hold hands, or will they allow their fingers to gently graze across the other thigh?
21:39Or will they be too nervous?
21:41Takao, are you feeling okay?
21:52I'm home!
21:54I wonder if the boys have already gotten their TV.
22:11Kawaranu ima ni itoshisa wo sekai ni shukufuku wo
22:23Nagareboshi ga hitotsu hikatta
22:39Yume kara sametara kieteta
22:44Utsukushii mono wa itsudatte
22:49Todokisou de todokanai
22:53Doredake taisetsu ni omoeba
22:58Ano ko wo mamoreru no darou
23:03Tsumetaku sunda yoru no kage ni
23:08Inori wo sasagu you ni
23:15Kawaranu ima ga tsuzuku you ni
23:19Sekai wa hitotsu ni narezu tomo
23:25Kono saki nando mo warau tabi
23:29Atarashii hikari ga hora
