The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E12 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00Where could Regal be? Any ideas?
00:06Because he's using TV signals to boost his sonar. There are only two places he could
00:12Then why the hell did we come here? This is my office, not a broadcast station.
00:21Regal set up camp in one of these towers, and we gotta figure out which.
00:24How could we possibly do that?
00:27We're gonna use his own strategy against him and send out a sonar pulse on Doco Demo's
00:31frequency band. We'll know it's him when we ping a big-ass spot of celestial force.
00:36Huh? The TV's exploding already scared the crap out of people. These poor humans won't
00:42have any crap left to crap if their phones blow up too.
00:45Reign in your strength and that won't happen. Worst case scenario is a network outage.
00:50You know how much of a pain that'd be? My shift at the call center tomorrow would be
00:54a living nightmare.
00:57So sorry that I don't want unnecessary work. Let's split up and find this guy ASAP.
01:02He's fine.
01:03I'll hit that one. You guys head over there. Don't screw up. Divine Boots of Light!
01:10Perhaps she's right. I'd like to believe we've outgrown our penchant for destroying the city.
01:15Yeah, yeah.
01:16Susanoo and Urushihara stay here. If either tower is looking action-packed, give them
01:23Let's go, Ashiya!
01:24Right. As you wish.
01:30Next stop, Aoyama Ichome. Aoyama Ichome. Exit here for Ginza and Hanzomon.
02:24Let's go!
02:54This place is stupid crowded. You think an angel could really be holed up in there?
03:15Well, it's our duty to investigate.
03:17This blows. We had to spend money for this jerk.
03:21What's our plan, sire? How should we ascend this beast? The typical choice would be the
03:26elevator, but it's possible to climb up via the stairs. They seem rather unused. Perhaps
03:31he's hiding there.
03:33For real? That's the Everest of staircases!
03:43Wrong tower, maybe? I should hang here for a while and then I'll go check on him.
03:52Mama! Bad guy's up there!
04:00Oh, my beautiful buttcheeks. You've Humpty Dumpty'd me. So it's freezing to death already.
04:06Then die faster!
04:09Hey, got a tissue? One of those moisturizing ones, perchance?
04:14Nuh-uh! Run away!
04:17You missed me.
04:20Bam. I'm the winner.
04:22So, are you going to kill me and take Alasramis?
04:25No offense, but I'm over that now.
04:27Are you the one playing with Sonar?
04:29Well, me? I'm supposed to make sure this tower's signals don't interfere. The mastermind you're
04:35after would be Rigel.
04:36Do you know where he's hiding? And why this tool bag is so desperate to find my mother?
04:41Oh, man. I wanted to be the one to tell you Lila was here. Oh well. Good thing I have even juicier info.
04:48Don't toy with me.
04:50Whether or not you believe it is up to you, but don't you want to hear?
04:58Hey, Hashia. What is it to my leash?
05:02It just occurred to me that there was an easier way to do this. We could have elevated up
05:09and taken the stairs all the way down.
05:12That's true!
05:13I swear, if he's downstairs, like, shoving food into his dumb face hole,
05:18I'ma stuff a soda up his ass so fast.
05:23I haven't seen a single sign of conflict from either of the towers.
05:27I bet they're still looking. It's summer vacation, so tourist spots are gonna be packed.
05:33This sucks booty.
05:37We could always do my sonar idea now that the lemur is gone.
05:41Are you suggesting that I do it?
05:43Well, duh. I'm not gonna do it.
05:49Come on, Mom. I keep telling you that I can't have milk in my coffee because it makes my guts rumbly.
05:59What is this place? A hospital?
06:06Can I help you?
06:09What do you mean I'm being too picky? How rude!
06:12Every tummy is built different, and some are more sensitive than others.
06:16My left hand?
06:19You're saying that this is a shard of your sword?
06:25It's not hot anymore, but I'll share some sips if you're thirsty.
06:28Don't do it! That guy has bad stuff!
06:31Relax. I didn't poison it or anything.
06:35Ew, cold.
06:36Gonna spill your juicy information?
06:39You should know all of us angels live by the same motto.
06:42Avert crisis in heaven with all your might.
06:47What does that have to do with my mother?
06:50Heaven is on the verge of splitting in two.
06:53You might think I'm joshing, but a big part of that reason why is you.
06:58I don't have time for this. Just spit it out already!
07:01Somebody's impatient.
07:03Simmer down, hero.
07:05The second you stepped on Earth, your very existence was designated a heavenly crisis.
07:11And why's that?
07:14Your mom is an angel, and your daddy's a human, right?
07:19Yeah, so what's your point?
07:21Excuse the crude example, but...
07:23Do you think that a human could make a baby with a chimpanzee?
07:27No, that would be impossible, obviously!
07:29They're totally different species!
07:35Yeah, that same logic could get you thinking,
07:38how do a human and an angel reproduce?
07:42Angels aren't the paranormal beings legends made us out to be.
07:46We're just the same as humans.
07:48But that info is the tippiest, toppest of top secret.
07:51If people found out that angels are regular dudes and dudettes,
07:55their system of faith and worship would crumble.
07:58That explains why you're after my mom.
08:00She's not our only target.
08:02And depending upon Regal's final judgment,
08:04Heaven may go after your pops, too.
08:07Now that he's here on Earth.
08:09Are you for real?
08:10You're saying that my dad is here?
08:13I wasn't lying when I told you this was juicy.
08:16Them's the facts.
08:18Papa Noor Justina's alive.
08:23That's my story.
08:24I hope you're willing to help me.
08:26This must be hard.
08:27I'm asking you to take my word on so much.
08:30I'll help.
08:31All the Inti Eastlands I know are good people.
08:34Though they probably wouldn't tell you that.
08:37Wise choice.
08:39Tell me, what's your preferred weapon?
08:43Never really used it as a weapon before.
08:47But thanks to the Archery Club,
08:49I know my way around a bow and arrow.
08:54You know, that's how gamers replenish their force, too.
08:58Well, it's now or never.
09:03Holy Seeker.
09:10I hoped the observation decks would be lucrative.
09:13Screw him.
09:14Those dumptop deck tickets cost extra!
09:20Two hits, 15 kilometers that way.
09:23Amy and Raquel?
09:25But it could also be Emilia and Alice Ramos.
09:28And is it Mouse Tower?
09:30There's one hit.
09:31Then that's gotta be the Watcher, doesn't it?
09:34We should give everybody a heads-up.
09:36Hold on.
09:37I'm sensing one more hit.
09:39We must ready ourselves.
09:41It's coming toward us.
09:42It's coming toward us.
09:44We must ready ourselves.
09:46It's coming toward us.
09:52Uh, good Chiho?
09:57Damn, girl.
09:58You cool?
09:59I don't have time to explain right now.
10:01Miss Susanoo, did you send out that sonar?
10:03Yes, t'was I.
10:05She told me that's not good.
10:07Don't do it anymore, please.
10:09She says the world could get thrown off balance.
10:12Dude, who's she?
10:13You've gotta fill us in.
10:17And now I'm supposed to say,
10:18leave me alone, dummy,
10:20and stick out my tongue.
10:23What are you talking about?
10:28Quake friend, ignite!
10:33The Heavenly Regiment.
10:35Everyone, remain where you are.
10:37Chiho, if there's a task you must fulfill,
10:40you can leave them to us and be on your way.
10:42Right. Good luck, guys.
11:02If you wish to pass, challenge me.
11:04Lay down your weapons now, you foolish girl.
11:07Impede us, and you impede the will of God.
11:10Silence, Philistine!
11:12You dare speak to me of God's will?
11:14The same God who told us to love thy neighbor?
11:17That God disdains you.
11:19You terrorize this world,
11:21and you try to lay your filthy hands on an innocent woman?
11:24Want to know God?
11:26I'll expedite your meeting.
11:27You're merely a human.
11:29You can't judge heavenly servants.
11:31Get out of our way!
11:34Starrend, ignite!
11:38Pain's our existence.
11:40Don't underestimate mankind.
11:42Who shall be my next victim?
11:44Yeah, get rekt.
11:49She's not even that hot!
11:50She's so hot!
11:55My liege, our disrupted dues give evidence of another sonar usage.
12:00Raquel is nowhere to be seen,
12:02and I can't get Emi to pick up her phone.
12:04Whoa, what's that?
12:05More Borealis?
12:06I can't see that from here.
12:08Some result of celestial force?
12:10I don't think so.
12:12Looks like...
12:14That waste of wings Gabriel screws up one more thing, I swear.
12:20You again.
12:21Hey, if it's not my udon chop amigo.
12:24FYI, the udon they sell here is good, too.
12:27Not to brag, but I even use chopsticks.
12:31You're Raquel?
12:33And you've been eating down here this whole time?
12:38Sire, pardon me.
12:40Is this...
12:41Oh, without a doubt.
12:42I don't have a clue what's going on,
12:44but we got magic, people!
12:47Hey, who the hell are you guys?
12:50Just the fools you scammed.
12:52We wasted so much money looking for you.
12:59I hope you like soda, deuce fro.
13:04He's been alive all this time.
13:13Are you sad because your tummy has ouchies?
13:16Oh, no. I'm okay, baby.
13:18Just confused.
13:20Mama doesn't know what to do.
13:23Do what you want.
13:25Based almost everything on wanting to avenge my father.
13:30What does it mean for me if he's alive?
13:33If there's no one to avenge, are you still my enemy?
13:37The time has come.
13:40Wait, you were serious about the soda thing?
13:43How sweet.
13:45This looks like a fun little gathering.
13:47I assure you it isn't.
13:49He went full King Satan on me.
13:51Thanks for no heads up about that, Gabe.
13:54I didn't know there'd be a wave of magic.
13:56Must have been Lila's handiwork.
13:58Why are you here?
13:59I gave you very clear instructions to stay at the other tower.
14:03He was at the other tower?
14:05Where's Emi?
14:07Yeesh, dude.
14:08She was doing pretty bad.
14:10I don't believe that she'll be joining us tonight.
14:13Sister needs some real TLC.
14:15What did you do to her?
14:17Every time that something happens, you assume that I'm the bad guy.
14:21I didn't do a thing to her.
14:23Just lost the will to fight.
14:25What does that mean?
14:27Emilia's daddy-o?
14:29Man is alive and kicking.
14:31All I did was tell her so.
14:38Jeez, Gabriel.
14:40You've been around for millennia and still can't read the mood.
14:43According to recent info, that means I'm on my way to being an S-tier neat.
14:47Well, fair enough.
14:49Was it fun to pull the rug out from under her entire life's purpose?
14:52You're scum!
14:54I'm helping.
14:55Now she won't be tripping over the defeat the devil rug anymore.
14:59There's a lot of stuff happening out in the world.
15:02Her primary concern shouldn't be the fry cook fiend.
15:05Well, my fun here is done.
15:07Not so fast!
15:09All thanks to your stupid angel's quarrel.
15:11A good friend of mine got hurt!
15:15You step on people like they're ants and then have the gall to call it righteous.
15:19That's low, even for us.
15:21You're familiar with what we call the beings of our realm, are you not?
15:25Well, duh.
15:28That's right.
15:29We're demons.
15:31We're monsters.
15:32We hunt and kill and terrorize just to survive.
15:35But we know what we are and we own up to it.
15:38And here, the humans persist, acknowledging the weight of their sins and misdeeds.
15:44They're far nobler than you!
15:46To be honest, I'm lost, but I'm getting the feeling you want to fight.
15:49The vibes of violence.
15:51Okay, Gabe, this one's all you!
16:05I told you.
16:07Even with your full devil powers, I can kick your booty to the curb.
16:13Maybe being the hero is too much responsibility for me to deal with.
16:17You hate being the hero?
16:20I sure used to.
16:22But the older I get, the more I see how much good it's brought into my life over the years.
16:27It brought me my favorite girl.
16:30Hey, that makes me think.
16:32Think what?
16:33Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up?
16:37Rilakkuma! I want to be that!
16:40Are you saying you want to be a teddy bear?
16:44Because Mama really loves Rilakkuma!
16:46And Alice Ramos really loves Mama!
16:49I'll be the best Rilakkuma ever!
16:51And make you happy!
16:59Sorry, baby. I guess I lost my courage for a minute.
17:02Here! No more sad!
17:06You just snapped all the sad right out of me.
17:10No sense worrying about it now.
17:12Let's go.
17:18Feel free to head out.
17:20My leash.
17:21Arcea! Stop him!
17:25It won't be easy.
17:27The tip might be gone, but she's still sharp.
17:29Slicing and dicing all day.
17:31Prove it to me, you fool!
17:39You fight like the hero.
17:40Strength over strategy, huh?
17:45What is this?
17:46You barely touched the real goods.
17:48You've merely been ragging on my replicants.
18:00Looks like I'm just in time.
18:02You have your existential crisis?
18:04Thought that'd be harder to process.
18:06I'm repressing that crap. I'll deal with it later.
18:10Procrastination's a no-no.
18:12If you start slacking now, you'll end up in need like Lucifer.
18:16Hey! Since when did you know this trick?
18:30This one! He's the real deal!
18:32Hurry! I can't hold him for long!
18:38Heavenly Fang of Life!
18:48Stop wasting our time!
18:49The future of Heaven is entirely dependent on whether or not we're able to capture Lila, you know!
18:54So quit interfering!
18:59That's not going to happen.
19:01Whoa, this is new.
19:03Is this something you don't see every day?
19:05I don't know whether you're possessing this girl or using some weird puppet technique,
19:08but now that you're finally here, I hope you're prepared to face my wrath!
19:12I thought wrath was frowned upon.
19:15Huh? I'm... all woozy.
19:22I'll concede. You beat us.
19:25We'll get out of your hair.
19:27We will?
19:29I understand we're in no position to betray orders from Heaven,
19:32but I've never been one to fight a battle I might not win.
19:36What's more, after watching you lot and the humans here,
19:40I think I'm about ready to see the old world change.
19:44You want that too, yeah?
19:47Nah, not like I care.
19:50Hasta la bye-bye!
19:54We could have crushed him.
19:58Lila, is that you? Is that you, Mom?
20:02This is bad. She says that we messed up the world's energy balance.
20:06I guess we went a little overboard gathering up that magic.
20:09Who is she?
20:12You're talking to my mom, aren't you?
20:14Chiho, please let me say something.
20:18Sorry. She says we don't have any more time left.
20:21Yes, understood.
20:24I'm so sorry!
20:26The sun is going to come back out tomorrow!
20:52Guess it's game over?
20:59Hey, Chi!
21:03Yeah, you should rest.
21:10The lady you spoke with never gave you her name?
21:15I can't believe you were so willing to trust her with your body!
21:18Something about her told me that she was a good person.
21:21Plus, I got to fight.
21:23I've always wanted to be able to protect you guys the way that you protect me.
21:27It was a nice change of pace.
21:30You're making me nervous.
21:32You're almost too ready for action these days.
21:36Go ahead and blame my crazy friends for that.
21:38They've turned me into quite the thrill seeker.
21:41Feel okay after putting your body through that?
21:44Physically, I'm totally fine.
21:46It's just...
21:48There are all these memories in my head that I know for a fact don't belong to me.
21:52Brand new images, with intense emotions attached.
21:57For example, I see a tiny demon.
22:03Yes, of course. I'm terribly sorry.
22:05Absolutely. I'll be compensating customers.
22:10Wonder if that weird stuff yesterday caused those...
22:13Did you see it?
22:15There were these bright waves of light expanding in the sky.
22:18Oh, wow!
22:19I was busy giving Alice Ramos a bath, so I must have totally missed it!
22:26Mama, can we see Tini at the hospital?
22:29Sure. We'll go make sure she's okay after work.
22:34I'm home.
22:35It's about time, sire. Welcome.
22:38How was good Chihou fairing?
22:41She's doing really well. Almost too well, if you ask me.
22:48Hey, yo!
22:49Check it!
22:50Pics on the TV!
22:51Told you it was a good investment.
22:57For example, I see a tiny demon.
23:01He's crying a lot.
23:03And he's so beat up that if I don't help him, I think he'll die.
23:07You see, I only ever wanted to help you.
23:12Sorry. I was so fixated on stoking your flame of life that I forgot things.
23:17In fact, I forgot the most important lesson of them all.
23:21For that, I've always wanted to apologize.
23:24Who are you? What are you doing with Chi's body?
23:27Don't fool yourself. You could never forget about me.
23:32Satan Jacob.
23:36I want restoration of all worlds.
23:39And to Isla, Heaven, and the Demon Realm as well.
23:43It's no coincidence you found yourself in this world.
23:47How could you?
23:49You're here because this is a Sephiroth land.
23:52I'm here because this is a Sephiroth land, and it wasn't too far away.
23:56I don't know what you're talking about!
23:58She holds the other key.
24:01And that father of hers.
24:04Tell me, where are you hiding right now?
24:08I beg you.
24:09Find the Doth of Inta Isla.
24:12And return the world to its proper form.
24:15Work hard, King Satan.
24:19So, uh, I'm pretty sure I have this random memory of you as a kid.
24:24Huh? Something the matter, Mr. Ma?
24:27Huh? No. Nothing at all.
24:32The woman who wore that ring, did she say anything about the future?
24:36She didn't. Also, would it be best if I left the ring with you or Miss Yussa?
24:41Neither. You should be the one to keep it.
24:44Might be lucky.
24:48First, you gotta press the button to turn on the TV.
24:51What about these? Do the colors correspond to different tasks?
24:55Yeah, those are too advanced for you.
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