The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E19 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
00:05I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
00:10I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
00:15I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
00:20I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
00:25The sky reflected in my tired eyes is blue.
00:32I still pretend to fight alone.
00:37My claws prick my clenched fist.
00:42I wonder if it would be easier if I threw it away.
00:47I don't want to be exposed to that kind of cloud.
00:51The faint hope that seemed to break.
00:56The dream of that day that seemed to be forgotten.
01:01I'm still waiting for you here.
01:09Ah, the voice that was broken.
01:15I can't forget the song I played.
01:20I laugh with you.
01:23That was my only salvation.
01:45I don't know what to do with my life, but I can't help but laugh at myself.
02:15I don't understand why he left home to come and get his ass kicked.
02:20And I don't love that our micro army is down one Amelia.
02:24Did the big lug tell you anything freaky before we showed up?
02:29Libby Coco. Say it.
02:32Like Libby Coconut?
02:34Try again!
02:36Oh, not really. He did mention rampaging, though.
02:40It sounds like he wants us here.
02:42But what could he be trying to distract us from?
02:55Careful, Bozo. What did this roof ever do to you?
02:59You're going to go and get yourself killed.
03:02He's hardly a threat.
03:04This fight could be much more even.
03:06If you would cease the wind spell, we could partake in a serious duel.
03:09But you won't, will you?
03:13Clearly you have some other objective here.
03:16However, you need to release the school at once.
03:19If you disobey, unfortunately I will be forced to give you a death sentence.
03:24Kill me if that is your wish.
03:30That it is not.
03:32If I do kill you, it will be once I've determined beyond a doubt that you have brought evil upon these people and their world.
03:41My time in Japan has opened my mind.
03:44Just because someone is a heretic or even a demon, that does not mean their murder is justified.
03:50Miss Susanoo...
03:52Poor girl. You will regret your sympathy, but by then your only choice will be to suffer.
03:59I would much rather regret my sympathy than I would lose the crux of my fate.
04:04And I will not be left to suffer.
04:06My comrades stand at my side and have strength yet.
04:09Don't you now, comrades?
04:11I've got strength to spare and I wouldn't want my training to go to waste!
04:14I'm your comrade?
04:16Whatevs. Let's figure out this wind. What are we...
04:24Yo, Tubby. Was that you?
04:29This isn't gonna be good. I need a raise.
04:40What is this?
04:42Belle! Get Chi out of here! Hurry!
04:46Hold on tightly!
04:57Oh my gosh! Is he gonna be okay down there?
05:00I don't know. But going back now would mean your incineration.
05:09I see him. I'm going to drop you off in the schoolyard for now.
05:14Guess they're back.
05:21Step aside. We're quite busy.
05:23Do you think that they're friends with Mr. Gabriel?
05:26I don't believe so. As I recall, his soldier's armor is far less ornate.
05:31Who sent you? Had your troops come here to aid the demon faction?
05:35Archangel Shamuel! Come out and tell us what you're plotting!
05:45Look! He's bleeding!
05:56I never would have thought you'd go along with a shit show like this.
06:00I never would have thought you'd go along with a shit show like this.
06:04So, what brought on the change of heart, champ?
06:14Hand it over, small one. Quickly! You know what I want!
06:22Oh, come on! Of all times to lose self-service!
06:27Guess Gabey made an oopsie. I didn't think there'd be regular peeps hanging around here. Chill out.
06:33Uh-huh. As if.
06:35Don't worry. I'm a good guy and don't really love scaring the lady folk.
06:39Come on. I don't want to hurt you. So do me a solid and take my word for it.
06:44Stay the hell away from me! Hey, please wake up! I need your help, Ashia!
06:50It's cool. Home invasions make for bad first impressions.
06:54Are we?
06:55Hey, I may look like a tough cookie, but you're kind of busting my bum here, compadre.
07:00I'm really sorry, okay? Letting out your emotions is awesome. Maybe we can quit with the ouchies?
07:08So what? You're just going to kidnap them?
07:11Of course we're not. We're bringing these lost puppies to their homes. Back where they belong.
07:16What does that mean?
07:18Aw, don't worry your pretty head. Now, do me a favor. Don't call the cops. Not that they could catch us, but, you know, aw.
07:26Get your creepy hands off my friend!
07:29Whoa, careful, miss. You'll rile my goons. Let's take a deep breath.
07:40Calm down, buddy.
07:43Take this!
07:49Well, that's a kicker. Who are you, and how did you get in here?
07:54I'll be the one asking the questions. You and your toy soldiers are on my turf.
08:00Anyone who messes with it dies. And winged meatheads like you are no exception.
08:07You talk a big game. I just want to get to know you.
08:11Sorry to pull rank, but I used to be Ashia's big boss back in the day.
08:16Huh. This wind is clearly magical.
08:20Get a peek up there. It looks like somebody tore a hole in it with celestial force.
08:25If we whack it again in the same spot, I bet it would all fall down.
08:29But, I'm betting you can't handle that, meaning this job is up to me.
08:33Which is fine, but unfortunately Dad isn't here to be mistletoe for me.
08:37Mistletoe? Do you think I could be that?
08:41Maybe, but I don't want you to be all creepy about it.
08:44I hate to break it to you, but you can't be my new Earth Dad.
08:47That's super messed up of you to even suggest.
08:50I suggested no such thing. I'm sure I can help.
08:57I need you to get me to my friends. If you can do that much, I promise to keep you safe.
09:02Oh, wow. I guess you promise to stay by my side in sickness and in health, too.
09:07Back to reality.
09:09And now, Mao, get a little closer.
09:16You're going to get me on a watch list!
09:18I didn't know this world has rules against forehead bumping.
09:34Hold on a sec. Let me get this straight.
09:37Are you the...
09:39Freaking King of Demons?!
09:41You really hadn't put that one together yet?
09:44That's something you tell a girl right away! What the heck's wrong with you?!
09:48Hey, you hid under your hat!
09:51I can't believe I'm handing over my body to the literal devil.
09:55Sorry about this one, Mommy. You raised me much better than this.
09:59Geez, kid. Phrasing!
10:05I've seen this before.
10:08Yeah, with Alice Ramos. Right before she comes popping out of Emmy.
10:14Quickly! I'm over it, barista!
10:21You mustn't give in!
10:22Are you sure? But Mr. Orochihara...
10:25Hush! Under no circumstances will you get the shard!
10:28I have you in a corner!
10:30Your only escape from me now is death!
10:33I'll steal her shard, and I'll swallow it whole to keep it from you!
10:37Do you truly believe that having to disembowel you,
10:40would serve as a deterrent?
10:42If that is my fate, so be it! I would sooner die than submit to you!
10:50Try to hang on there!
10:53I'm all right. They didn't break skin.
10:59Make your peace!
11:02It's pretty obvious that I'm just going to be getting in your way!
11:05Just plop me on the roof! It'll be easy!
11:08Just plop me on the roof! It'll be easier for you to fight these guys without me!
11:14Hide it yourself! You'll bite your tongue!
11:17You're who they're after, not me!
11:21No good! I must ask you to close your eyes now!
11:24Lightning Flash!
11:27Out of my way!
11:32You're not good, Chihou! We shall soon be rid of them!
11:35Is that so?
11:37Your smoke and mirrors won't fool the Marlbrons!
11:48Miss Susanoo! What did you do to my friend?
11:54Forgive me, Chihou!
11:58How dare you defy the angels!
12:00You're a high-ranking disciple of the Grand Hoshin Church, are you not?
12:05You would dare go against fellow servants of your god?
12:09You have nothing to gain by your treachery!
12:12I have allied with villains to disrupt this world and kill its people!
12:17If they were angels once, they are no longer!
12:20Very well! And though I would typically take pity on a warrior with such resolve,
12:25I cannot allow such mercy today.
12:28Now, barista, give it to me for your own good,
12:33but now!
12:35Good Chihou! You shall do no such thing!
12:38What if they hurt you?
12:41I gave you fair warning. My conscience is clear.
13:09Oh, what is it now?
13:18Yay! You finally made it!
13:20Sorry. It was quite a haul to get over here, you know.
13:24It's cool.
13:25Not hurt, are you?
13:26No, sir! Miss Susanoo and Mr. Arushihara kept me nice and safe!
13:31You surely took your time, but I'm glad you're here.
13:35Least I made it before they Armageddon this place.
13:39Hey, you alive?
13:41Lucifer has entered low power mode.
13:44Hang in there just a minute.
13:46Thank you for holding down the fort. Leave the rest to me.
13:53I'm impressed. Good for you jerks.
13:56No one's ever knocked out my generals. Except for Emi.
14:00You son of a whore! You cut off my arm!
14:04You're a measly, mild-branched figurehead.
14:06You should be more careful of taking that tone with me, tubby.
14:13That's not magic.
14:15Or Celestial Force.
14:17He's wielding unadulterated power.
14:20Well then, do you want to fight?
14:22Want to put your lives at risk?
14:24The hero is willing. Maybe you will be, too.
14:31The Sacred Sword!
14:33Let her have...
14:37If you go now, I'll let you and your buddies leave unharmed.
14:40But so you know...
14:42If outsiders cause issues on my turf,
14:46it's my duty to make their experience painful.
14:50Okay, boss. We'll go.
14:52I don't get my crew into fights that we'll lose.
14:55Mind if I bring these sacks of potatoes along?
14:58No way, you creep! You can't just kidnap them!
15:01We're not kidnapping! We're kid... helping!
15:04These guys seriously need a lift back home. Do you mind letting out?
15:07Go ahead. I can't interfere with anything like that.
15:10It would be against protocol.
15:12Get out of here before you cause any more trouble.
15:15You're a smart cookie.
15:18That's not right! You can't get away with this!
15:22Hold on. I didn't catch your name.
15:25Gabriel. Often preceded by a little title that rhymes with the Schmark Angel.
15:30Oof. Embarrassing.
15:32Mr. Ashiya!
15:36How dare you! Unhand me, you brute!
15:39Please don't take him!
15:41Glad to see you're alright. Thank goodness.
15:44Miss Amane, I have a message for Mao.
15:47This ain't magic.
15:49Not looking forward to the hangover from this power trip.
15:52Yo. Listen, Sir Bleeds-A-Lot.
15:55I'm sure you've got conflicting duties here, but I can't say that I care.
16:00Don't piss me off anymore.
16:03And as for you freaks...
16:05How many times are you going to mess with Japan? You can pick on me!
16:09But didn't you say you were going to help us?
16:12And as for you freaks...
16:14How many times are you going to mess with Japan? You can pick on me!
16:17But didn't your mommies teach you guys nothing?
16:20You can throw a tantrum. Just don't do it at a grocery store.
16:23And ruin everyone else's day, too. Feel me?
16:27Demon King Satan!
16:29Eh? What?
16:30Demon King Satan! Satan!
16:33Nope. Not creepy at all.
16:35Satan! Satan! Satan!
16:38Satan! Satan!
16:45Now that's what I call a sword.
16:47It's no wonder that this sacred stuff kicks ass.
16:52Satan! Satan! Satan!
16:57A trap that never occurred to me that a sword could be too strong.
17:01Hey! Release! Now!
17:03Roger that!
17:06Did he find another Alice Robbis?
17:20In there, bro.
17:22Looking rough.
17:24Gabriel, you jerk!
17:26Stop that, Osseath!
17:28What a weird day.
17:29Watch your noggin, because it's raining coinkydinks.
17:32So you've been burying your nose in our crap yet again?
17:35Don't care for that mental image.
17:38Time to go, Chamuel.
17:40Don't push this further.
17:41The Greed Goblin's got you down.
17:45Yeesh, tough break.
17:46Someone needs to get out of here quick.
17:48Don't you want a good fight?
17:50Save this for when you two are both at full power.
17:53Plus, I met a girl we don't want to cross.
17:55So what? You're gonna run home without an explanation?
18:00Your pet Neat has my number.
18:02Feel free to give me a buzz. We'll catch up.
18:05Take this as an apology.
18:11That was cool enough to not only undo the storm damage,
18:15but to erase the last hour of the students' memories.
18:18So, uh, let us off the hook for now.
18:20For now tells me there'll be a rematch in our future.
18:24Sure. If you'd like one.
18:26I would much prefer to pass on that.
18:28But I don't think I'll have the choice.
18:30Good. I like it.
18:32I'll see you soon.
18:34We do have Amelia, after all.
18:37Ta-ta for now, oh Demon King Satan.
18:40Oh New Calamity.
18:47He should have to pay for my re-retest.
18:55There they are!
19:01Ashio was kidnapped?
19:03Are you for real?
19:07And my dad, too?
19:09Yeah. This tall smarmy dude calling himself Gabriel snatched him.
19:13Said he was taking them where they belong.
19:16So, you're acquainted with that freak show?
19:19Yes. But I have no idea why he would kidnap Ashio.
19:23Before they beamed off, Ashio gave me a message to relay.
19:26He's waiting at the Gates of Hell, over inside the Ueno Art Museum.
19:30Aw, that sounds super creepy.
19:32I don't want you meanies to drag me there.
19:35Interesting. He would go there all the time for his research.
19:40Stop that! Don't touch our stuff!
19:47Does it sting too bad?
19:49No, it feels fine. You're remarkably kind, Guchiho.
19:53This is the least I can do.
19:55It's my fault that this happened anyway.
19:58And, uh...
20:00You kinda made my week.
20:03Remember what you said back there?
20:05And I will not be left to suffer.
20:07My comrades stand at my side and have strength yet.
20:10You called Mr. Mao and the others your comrades.
20:13Uh... I did.
20:15That's it! I get it now!
20:18Hey, Zeus!
20:19Wait! Hold on! It's not a good time to come barging in here!
20:29You were serious about being able to open a gate with an amplifier, weren't you?
20:36Well, we have one.
20:39Ashia was looking into it.
20:41It's called the Gates of Hell.
20:43It's an art museum in Ueno.
20:46If he was confident, it's well worth trying.
20:51We're gonna rescue Ashia, Alice Ramis, Nord, and Emi, too.
20:57That means I gotta find somebody to cover my shifts!
21:00Heads up. I can't do this alone.
21:03I'm gonna need some real help here.
21:05Don't worry! You can count on me!
21:08Excuse me! Mind telling us who you are first?
21:21When I woke up, I muttered to myself
21:27that I should wait a little longer for tomorrow.
21:35This world is full of colors,
21:41but I won't change, I won't change my feelings.
21:49I'm collecting fragments of nostalgia.
21:56I'm listening.
21:59Even if it's light, even if it's dark,
22:03I'll get used to it.
22:06It's sparkling.
22:07Look, it's shining.
22:10It's dazzling.
22:13Open your cheeks wide.
22:17It's sparkling again today.
22:21I'm dancing.
22:24I want to hold you tight.
22:28The overflowing drops
22:31are reflecting.
22:35You were there.
22:50You should really be more careful, little monkey.
22:53You don't want to bump your head again, right?
22:56Poor Chi. Belle, too.
22:58I totally broke my promise.
23:00Don't be sad, Mama! Papa's gonna save us!
23:03I should think more like you.
23:07Come in.
23:10What do you want from us, Olba?
23:12I just received word from Heaven Sky.
23:14Your dear father has finally arrived.
23:17The stage will soon be set.
23:19I ask that you rest and build up your strength until then.
23:24Listen, Emilia.
23:26If you can control yourself and do as I say,
23:28no harm has to befall you.
23:33Mama said...
23:38I need you.
