The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E14 - English

  • 5 days ago
00:00Welcome to the Grotto!
00:07Hey, Chi. Have a sec.
00:10I'm sorry. I was loud again, wasn't I?
00:13Both you and the patrons deserve peace and normalcy.
00:16Bring that battlefield junk in here and you won't get promoted to the second floor.
00:20Guess you're right about that.
00:22But even without my new volume prop, I'm not getting up there anytime soon.
00:27Yeah, I can understand that feeling.
00:29I don't get it. How does her coffee come out so super yummy?
00:33Beats me. She uses the exact same pot and beans that we do.
00:38I wonder what her secret is.
00:40Me too.
00:43Hey there!
00:45Welcome in.
00:59That day, you smiled in my dream.
01:04That alone made me happy.
01:12The sky reflected in my eyes was blue,
01:17and I was tired of worrying about the world.
01:22I pretended to fight by myself,
01:27but my clenched fists stabbed me in the eye.
01:32I thought it would be easier if I just threw it away.
01:37I don't want to be like that, do I?
01:41I felt like I was going to drown.
01:46I felt like I was going to forget the dream of that day.
01:51Even now, I'm still waiting for you in this place.
02:01I couldn't forget the hidden voice that broke.
02:08The song I played and the smile I had with you.
02:13That alone saved me.
02:22Bye. Be safe getting home.
02:24Yes, sir. Have a very lovely night.
02:27If you run into trouble, use that big voice to scream my name.
02:33Gosh, it's not nice to tease me, you know.
02:36Just be careful out there. Oh, also...
02:39Great, what now?
02:41You're working hard. Thank you.
02:44I realized I hadn't said that yet.
02:47I'm doing it for lots of logical reasons, not just for you!
02:54Was Chi's volume any better today?
02:57For sure. There were a couple times that she cut it close,
03:00but she's trying her hardest to rein it in.
03:03I see. I wonder if Chi's found a new goal that she's working toward, too.
03:07Wait a sec. Two? You got some big scheme?
03:12Don't worry about it. It's nothing.
03:17Oh, yeah! Speaking of our goals and stuff,
03:19I've been meaning to ask you how your coffee is so awesome!
03:26McGronald's barista training?
03:29Do you know what barista means?
03:33Fire the ballista!
03:37No, ma'am! That sure sounds cool, though!
03:40Barista is an Italian word.
03:42Most people think it's someone who makes coffee.
03:45But really, baristas make all types of non-alcoholic beverages,
03:49one of which is coffee.
03:51Sweet gig!
03:53Some baristas handle a lot more than the drinks.
03:55They're experts on everything from the equipment to the customers.
03:59They call themselves barmen.
04:01That's my dream. I want to join their ranks.
04:05I swear you're going to rule the whole world someday!
04:08Like MIG-R's royalty!
04:10Well, thank you, but...
04:16If you want to make coffee like mine,
04:18then you should really sign up for this course.
04:21Since you've worked as a shift manager,
04:23you don't even have to worry about paying the fee.
04:26Got it.
04:32Welcome back home, Your Majesty.
04:34Next door. Why is Sue still up?
04:37Miss Sasaki is visiting.
04:39I'm sure they're nearing the peak of Celestial Force fun time by now.
04:43She's working her past midnight?
04:47Hey, Chi? You in there?
04:50I think it's time for you to head home.
04:53Silence, Satan. You are not her keeper.
04:56I have Good Chiho's true guardian's blessing.
04:59Her mother says she can stay here tonight.
05:01Oh, funny. Has she now?
05:05Yes, indeedy.
05:07I should have told you.
05:08Nah, I just wanted to say...
05:10Don't push yourself too hard.
05:12Yes, sir!
05:13It's rather droll that the demonic warlord
05:15believes himself more compassionate than me.
05:18We have finished training for the night.
05:20Before you so rudely barged in, we were enjoying the girl talk.
05:23Now I bid you good night!
05:27Girl talk, my left-ass cheek.
05:31Normalcy's a lie, huh?
05:33As soon as it's normal, it's gone.
05:35Game-o time?
05:37Nah, I was just thinking about how everything's always changing.
05:42I guess normal doesn't mean every day is identical.
05:45Just that the wicked hand of Big Papa Time
05:47is marching along at the same invisible rate.
05:50Damn, has the man got you down?
05:53Or are you finally losing your mind?
05:55I think change is a good thing.
05:57Life would suck if it was always the same old same old.
06:00Yeah, like I need advice from you!
06:02I'm just saying that I know this subject more intimately
06:05than anyone else, actually.
06:08I see.
06:09Then perhaps you would like to vary our daily routines.
06:12I'll loaf and you do chores.
06:14A real interesting idea,
06:16but some things are just too set in stone to touch, so...
06:21I must admit, I didn't expect you to develop
06:24such steady activation abilities in a week.
06:26It might well be time for us to move on to Basic Idea Link training.
06:30You really think so?
06:32You certainly have the aptitude.
06:34If you had been born in Inti Isla,
06:36you could have become a mighty Celestialist.
06:39Oh, no way!
06:42This is, like, super selfish,
06:44but I wish you all could forget about the messy Inti Isla stuff.
06:49Then maybe the new normal we've found together here
06:51could go on forever.
06:53If we all tried our very best to get along,
06:55I think it could happen.
07:00I, um...
07:01know Miss Yusa's struggling.
07:04She's different,
07:05especially in the way she treats Mr. Mao.
07:11Your Mr. Mao is not the father killer that Emilia set out to slay.
07:17In fact,
07:18if recent information is correct,
07:20her father is alive.
07:23Up until this point,
07:24vengeance and duty have been the driving forces in her life.
07:28Having lost her mission,
07:30she doesn't know how to proceed.
07:33But you've given our friend more purpose than you know.
07:36Teaching you the arts has somewhat occupied her mind.
07:40Emilia is in dire need of distractions like that
07:43to turn her focus from the Devil.
07:45It's fortunate that McGronald's is open again.
07:48Wait, why does that matter?
07:51Sariel works at Kentucky Fried across the street, doesn't he?
07:54That should keep Oba and the demons well away,
07:56lessening Emilia's Mao-related load.
08:00Oh, Dad.
08:01I'm not so sure we can rely on him right now.
08:05We can't count on Sariel to crack skulls anymore?
08:08Apparently not.
08:09According to good Chihou...
08:11The apple of my eye!
08:13I'll give you exactly ten seconds to explain why you're holding up my crew.
08:18Just a bit of company research, nothing more.
08:21You're banned from our store until further notice!
08:27She says that he's been a husk of his former self since.
08:31He's certainly taking up less space.
08:33Maybe he went home for the day.
08:35No, I can very faintly sense his presence.
08:38Perhaps he's taken shelter beneath the furniture.
08:41Come on, he's a grown man, not a cockroach.
08:44But if his power levels are feeling remotely bug-like, that's bad news.
08:48I guess Chihou was for real.
08:50Have a good night, sir.
08:58Chubby Cherub has lost his chubby!
09:02My beloved!
09:06He's deflated.
09:09What do we do?
09:15It's less Chateau and more shithole.
09:20Check it out.
09:21Isn't that Mao and Chihou's manager?
09:28I know you're here!
09:33Did my fair goddess pass by you just now?
09:36Don't you play spy with me, Chihou!
09:42Did my fair goddess pass by you just now?
09:44Don't you play spy with me, Christine!
09:46She was here!
09:47I said I already gave you a proposal, I beg you!
09:49The cops won't give a damn about your heartbreak.
09:51Let her go in five seconds or I'm calling.
09:54My love was here.
09:56That much I can smell.
09:58Her personal fragrance lingers.
10:00The coffee fruit by any effort could never smell as sweet.
10:03I can't do this!
10:08Why do we have to deal with this headache?
10:10We're putting ourselves through hell to protect the devil.
10:19Up until this point, vengeance and duty have been the driving forces in her life.
10:24Having lost her mission, she doesn't know how to proceed.
10:29I wonder what Mr. Mao thinks about the whole thing.
10:32Maybe he would want to tell me.
10:34The hardest part will be getting him alone for enough time.
10:38I can't ask for alone time!
10:40That's like a day!
10:42Got something on your mind, Chi?
10:43Oh gosh!
10:44Oops, I totally spaced out again, didn't I?
10:47Am I all that easy to read?
10:49To tell you the truth, I've been feeling anxious lately too.
10:52It's given me a sick sense to see those in the same boat.
10:55You get anxious too, Miss Kizuki?
10:58I am only human, you know.
11:01For now, worry about what's in front of you.
11:04Right here, right now, there's only one thing for us to do.
11:07To flip those burgers like there's no tomorrow!
11:12Yeah, yes ma'am!
11:14You're so wise.
11:18One thing.
11:22So we're going to be honing our barista skills together then.
11:29It seems we caught you on your way home.
11:33What'd I do this time?
11:35Sounds like an admission of guilt if you ask me.
11:39Big shot.
11:40Princess wants an excuse to fight me.
11:43I need an excuse to fight you, an excuse to see you.
11:46Why does the hero always have to justify dealing with the devil?
11:50I don't know.
11:51It's just that I don't want to fight you.
11:53Why does the hero always have to justify dealing with the devil?
11:57What's gotten into you?
11:59You've been acting all weird lately.
12:06Are you okay?
12:10Emilia's daddy-o, man is alive and kicking.
12:13All I did was tell her so.
12:15I'm still angry.
12:17And I won't forgive you, no matter what you do.
12:21I've been thinking.
12:26Maybe the human world isn't the one for me anymore.
12:31I've got a whole lot of demons waiting for me back home.
12:34One little call to cameo and it's like I was never here.
12:37I've put off world domination for long enough.
12:44No way.
12:45You don't mean that, do you?
12:47This charade never made sense anyway.
12:50I led hundreds of tribes back in the demon realm.
12:53More than 500,000 soldiers hung on my every word.
12:57What could I possibly have to learn from this place?
13:01We all know what that would mean for you, Miss Hero.
13:04If I were to bring back the violence, I can guess where you would be.
13:08Right back at my throat, just like the good old days.
13:12Wait till I tell Ashia.
13:15I hope he'll let me terrorize Japan before we bounce.
13:19That's hilarious.
13:22Even if you did have it in you, I know that you never could.
13:27Cool it with the yelling.
13:29You'll freak out, Miss Kizuki.
13:31Just tell me what it is you want, Mao.
13:33I thought I made that clear, to dominate the world.
13:36And after you do, what comes next?
13:40You'll rule a land that holds no appeal for demons
13:43other than a captured population of humans to hunt.
13:46What comes after that?
13:49Well, the next logical step is to plunge the world into despair.
13:53It is painfully obvious to me and everyone here
13:56that you would never do such a thing.
13:58And it hurts!
14:00If you were really this cruel, bloodthirsty demon you pretend to be,
14:03then I would...
14:05I would still know what the hell I'm supposed to do!
14:08Miss Yusuf!
14:10I don't believe you've ever wanted to conquer anything!
14:13It's all overkill!
14:15Murder so that you can matter?
14:17Murder so there's a chance that someone out there respects you?
14:28Where did Mr. Mao go?
14:33Well, you might have just saved me from saying something
14:36I wouldn't be able to take back.
14:38But I'm pissed that it cost me the sickest clap back of the century!
14:42So, who are you two supposed to be?
14:45State your name, say your piece, and scram once you're satisfied.
14:49Or else.
14:51I'm already P.O.'ed!
14:53Don't test me!
14:55King Satan.
14:57My name is Farfarello.
14:59I am a leader of the Mao branch
15:01and come to you today to speak on their behalf.
15:04I figured you were a demon.
15:07How about you, micro-samurai?
15:09You a demon too?
15:11A rune.
15:14Why are you hanging around this guy?
15:17Uh-huh, right.
15:19And what do you want with me?
15:21I bring exciting news.
15:23We've captured their strongpoint.
15:25The Mao branch now rule the eastern continent.
15:28Therefore, we humbly ask you to return and join us in taking over-
15:31Ah, I'm good.
15:34Don't you harm me!
15:36Get lost!
15:37But why, your majesty?
15:40No service.
15:41Where did he go?
15:43Could this be the work of...
15:45a demon?
15:52A barrier.
15:54My sweet goddess!
15:56I have come to save you!
15:58I am iron!
16:05What have you done with my love?
16:07Nothing in the slightest.
16:09She's not here.
16:10Hold on.
16:11Where's Chiyo?
16:13I didn't see her leave.
16:15Why would an ordinary barrier make someone disappear?
16:18That's no ordinary barrier.
16:21a dimensional phase shifter.
16:25I already told Chiriado I have no desire to come back.
16:28Besides, do you really take me for the type of pantywaist
16:31that would wrestle it out in another man's fundoshi?
16:34Another man's fundoshi?
16:38A fundoshi is a type of Japanese underwear!
16:41If you're gonna come barging over here, learn my culture!
16:44In the traditional martial art of sumo wrestling,
16:46you're only allowed to wear a fundoshi.
16:49It basically functions like armor.
16:51So one wins once he's destroyed his opponent's...
16:55Son of a-
16:56It's just a phrase!
16:57Nobody wrestles with their hogs out!
17:01I'm sorry to be that guy, but...
17:03sumos wear mawashi now.
17:05Huh. Oh yeah, sounds right.
17:08So why is it fundoshi in the idiom, then?
17:10Because that's what they wore a long time ago.
17:13Hey, why are you here?!
17:15It's not safe, chi!
17:16You can't take Mr. Mao back to Entei Isla, you hear me?!
17:20He still has a lot of stuff to do in Japan, so...
17:23Stay behind me.
17:25Your Majesty,
17:26am I to believe that what this girl says is true?
17:29And why does this stuff involve protecting a human?
17:32If I didn't know better,
17:33I would think this world has made you lose your way.
17:36This world...
17:37has convinced you to abandon your own kind.
17:40It ain't true!
17:41I won't forget where I started!
17:43And I won't forget those who believed in me!
17:46Not for my life!
17:48I didn't realize what world domination would mean.
17:51I was able to turn a blind eye for a while.
17:53But I can no longer look past the tragedy I caused
17:56in the name of conquest.
17:58If I try to walk that same path of ruin again,
18:01the hero really will kill me,
18:03and demonkind will be doomed!
18:05But we have grown.
18:06We won't make the same mistakes again.
18:08If we keep throwing violence at the world,
18:10it's gonna throw violence right back at us!
18:13I'll say it one more time.
18:16Leave the Eastern Continent, and go home.
18:19Chiriato will help you figure out the logistics,
18:22and Kamiya won't punish you.
18:25My, my.
18:27What a shame.
18:28Ulba had warned me that this country had defanged you,
18:31but I refused to believe him.
18:34Though if what he was saying is factual...
18:38Let me guess, he'll kill me here and now?
18:40Let Barbaricia make himself king?
18:44I will ask that you take this.
18:46What's that?
18:47A travel-sized bit of condensed magic.
18:50If you were to consume it,
18:52I believe that your heart will be restored to its former ferocity.
18:57Guess I'll keep it.
18:58Though I can tell you my feelings won't change.
19:01Keep it.
19:02Please, sire, you must eat it now.
19:04Oh, what's with the big hurry?
19:06Will you see?
19:12Heavenly bang of light!
19:17Whoa, Annie?
19:19Glad you're here.
19:20And we're glad you're all right.
19:22Emilia! Belle!
19:24Watch out for the child samurai.
19:26He's making the barrier.
19:28The second that I pick a fight, I've got the nerve to disappear.
19:32It really pissed me off.
19:33The hell? I didn't get a clap back in.
19:35Well, at least I could take out a little anger on the barrier.
19:39I feel way better now.
19:41You freak.
19:42Leave those dorks to me.
19:43You just protect Shiho.
19:46Who are you?
19:49You're a demon, aren't you?
19:51You really don't recognize me.
19:55You can't be.
19:57Emilia Justina.
19:58Get it right next time.
19:59If there is a next time.
20:12If you forget everything you've seen here,
20:14I'll let you scurry on home to the demon realm
20:16and quietly live out the rest of your days.
20:18I can't stop you from trying anything.
20:20Just be prepared to lose your head.
20:23Why does she always sound more like a villain than a hero?
20:32Stay back!
20:38Holy mirror flare!
20:58No more!
21:00No more being a medic!
21:06Please stop it!
21:09It's no time for baby talk.
21:11Gaze of the Paul!
21:21We withdraw.
21:28Your Majesty,
21:29I shall be back to bring you home.
21:31Says the demon being carried by a scrawny human kid.
21:35Nice try,
21:36but you two can't escape my...
21:38Oh, come on!
21:41God, you suck.
21:42Excuse me!
21:43But hey,
21:44you did technically help us.
21:46So thanks, I guess.
21:48Yikes, Zeus.
21:49You good?
21:50I think so.
21:51All of my bones are intact.
21:53But he backed a punch.
21:58That Heron kid...
22:01I think he might be like Alice Ramos.
22:05Aha! Your son is me!
22:07And my friend Herona is Gabura!
22:33One love you
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