The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP03 - English

  • last week


00:01What's this?
00:02Vegetables, sire. I suppose this is her way of saying thank you.
00:07Allow me to ascertain their safety for you.
00:14Is it good?
00:15Yes, sire. It's quite good.
00:19That's unusual. Why is there a key on the floor?
00:23I'm guessing she opened the window on her way out and locked the door from the outside,
00:27then tossed the key back in.
00:30Typical hero. All exemplary in her conduct.
00:33What would you have done if you were her?
00:35Isn't it obvious? First I would have locked the door,
00:38and then I would have taken the key with me.
00:41Typical demon.
00:42Would you have me any other way, sire?
01:00Imagine it.
01:02What can you do?
01:06There are things you can't believe.
01:10You can go beyond.
01:17Everything is born from zero.
01:20To that shining sky.
01:27I want to fly as high as I can.
01:31With the best smile.
01:34Let's go with a smile.
01:38Let's fly to the unknown world.
01:44Choose the future.
01:46It's up to you to decide.
01:48Let's chase our dreams.
01:51There will be tears.
01:53That's an important wish.
01:56Don't disappear.
01:59I'm sure we'll meet again.
02:01To you of tomorrow.
02:07Choose the future.
02:22I feel so violated.
02:30In other news,
02:31multiple shots were fired in the Shibuya area
02:34before dawn this morning.
02:36The area was littered with numerous bullet holes.
02:39An abandoned bicycle hit multiple times
02:41was found at the scene of the crime.
02:44Those jerkwads!
02:46Well, I guess it's not my problem.
02:49Police are also investigating possible links
02:51between this incident
02:52and a recent string of late-night muggings
02:54and storefront robberies.
02:55Although the exact nature of the connection
02:57remains unclear.
02:58Let's a hop, skip, and a jump from here.
03:00Darling, isn't that really close to where you work? approximately 6.20 this morning.
03:08I'm not joking or imagining things.
03:10I really think an earthquake is coming.
03:12So, if you don't mind,
03:15So, if you don't mind,
03:17could I ask your advice about this in person?
03:23And send.
03:27Does tomorrow evening work?
03:29I've got the day off.
03:30And you're not on shift either, are you?
03:35Chiho, are you working today?
03:38Uh, no, I'm not.
03:40But I am real busy today, you know,
03:42with lots of other stuff.
03:44You just be safe out there.
03:46Why wouldn't I be safe?
03:48That's my middle name!
03:49This neighborhood's not like it used to be.
03:51Yeah, I know, Mom.
03:53What is the matter with you?
03:55Um, nothing, I'm fine.
03:58Emi, you heard about the shooting, yeah?
04:00Wasn't that pretty close to where you live?
04:03No, I'm like three stops from there.
04:05That's crazy.
04:06Anyway, what you doing for lunch?
04:08Wanna hit that curry place I told you about?
04:10Yes, there'll be a line,
04:11but it is totes worth the wait.
04:13Uh, thanks.
04:14But I'm way too busy to stand in line today.
04:17Plus, I lost my wallet.
04:18What? That sucks!
04:20Yeah, and now I have to fill out
04:21a bunch of forms on my break.
04:26Thank you for your call today.
04:28I'm Emi Yusa. How can I help you?
04:31Sounds to me like you're fitting in quite nicely.
04:34Emilia the hero.
04:36May I ask who is calling?
04:38Someone who knows about the hero and the devil.
04:41And that's not all.
04:42I'm gonna do everything in my power to destroy you both.
04:45Understood, sir.
04:47I'll do whatever it takes to keep that from happening.
04:50I gotta admit,
04:51I didn't expect you two to join forces.
04:54That was not our company's desired result either.
04:57I guess not.
04:59Either way,
05:00King Satan will be taken out.
05:03As will Emilia the hero.
05:05It's Entei Yusa's will.
05:07Is that right?
05:11I'm afraid we won't have any specifics
05:13till we've had a chance to investigate the situation.
05:16The devil and the hero running away from a little gunfire?
05:20That situation?
05:21And how are you gonna investigate it?
05:24A vile tone that seems to echo from the pits of darkness.
05:28He's a demon.
05:30Alciel is the only reputable general still walking among us.
05:34So that would make you nothing.
05:37If you think you can scare me with words like Entei Yusa's will,
05:40you're dead wrong.
05:42I don't listen to idle threats from nobodies like you.
05:45When this is all said and done,
05:47I guarantee you'll be singing a different tune.
05:58Takes all kinds, huh?
06:01Hey, so how about that curry place?
06:03I remembered how busy the bank is during lunch.
06:08Yeah, hello?
06:10Hello there.
06:11I'm trying to get in touch with a Miss Emi Yusa?
06:14Yes, that's me.
06:16I'm calling from the Yoyogi police station.
06:21The police?
06:29Didn't think there was a snowball's chance at home
06:31they'd ID us from that bike.
06:33These cops are good.
06:34Well, we were definitely right about one thing.
06:36Regarding her age, the hero fudged the truth.
06:39If I remember correctly, she's only about 17 or 18.
06:42Yeah, I told you that.
06:44But she must have registered as being at least 20.
06:46No idea why, though.
06:48I thought women lied about their age to appear younger.
06:51I don't understand why fudge means lie.
06:54Who the crap cares about that?
06:57Why me?
06:58I wanna know.
06:59Cause I'm a little confused.
07:01I'm a hero!
07:02So please tell me why I just had to post bail
07:04for a couple of ass and I'm good for nothing demons!
07:08Dude, would you please calm down?
07:10I'm sorry, but we couldn't think of anybody else.
07:13We weren't positively overjoyed about asking for your help either.
07:16But we had no choice.
07:17Well, I for one never thought I'd have to use my seal and ID card
07:20for something that's just so dumb!
07:22I suppose I could have asked my manager at work to help us out first.
07:25We can't annoy your boss with such trifles.
07:27So you annoy me instead?
07:29Well, duh, causing trouble for heroes is the whole point of being a devil.
07:33Uh, you win. Can't argue with that logic.
07:36Don't be mad. We let you stay at our place.
07:40Emi, relax. Heroes aren't supposed to have nervous breakdowns.
07:43Yeah, that's cause they never make you, jerks!
07:46Your fridge was completely empty!
07:48Put a little more thought into your grocery list next time.
07:51You're a demon general and you don't even know how to shop!
07:54I'm on a diet. I'm watching my calories.
07:59Just so you know, I got a threatening phone call at work today
08:02and it wasn't very pleasant.
08:04They're after you too, Mao. Mr. King Satan himself.
08:07Thanks for the heads up.
08:09It was just a heads up. So don't get the wrong idea.
08:12I'm still going to be the one to take you down.
08:14And don't you forget it!
08:16Just a reminder, we're in public, so stop acting like a psycho.
08:21You suck! Just make sure you don't get murdered by some loser nobody
08:24before I get the chance to kill you first!
08:28They're after both of us, huh?
08:30And they called her at work, of all things.
08:34It's a diet and workout place.
08:36Oh, get a grip! Really!
08:38Nobody cares about your stupid exercise routine!
08:41I'm home!
08:58To clarify,
09:00what time are you meeting Miss Sasaki, where are you meeting her,
09:03and when can I expect you back?
09:05What are you, my mom now?
09:07Five o'clock, Shinjuku Station.
09:10We do have a bit of time to spare, then.
09:12In that case, sire, you and I must go.
09:14Wait. Go where?
09:23Oh, yes. Quite fabulous.
09:25Whatever. Where did you get the money to pay for this stuff, anyway?
09:28Naturally, I've set aside a secret stash of savings
09:31for just this sort of emergency.
09:33Emergency? I'm just gonna sit there, hear her out, and come home.
09:37I don't think this is necessary.
09:39Au contraire, sire! Do you not see?
09:41A fragile teenage girl never divulges her deepest fears
09:44to anyone but her closest confidants!
09:46And that's you! Did she or did she not reveal it to you?
09:49Surely you cannot be blind to what such a disclosure means!
09:52Yeah, okay, will you just chill out?
09:54And besides, there is no way I'll allow you to go on a date
09:58dressed like some dowdy transient bum.
10:00Ouch! Why so harsh?
10:02I do not dress like a transient bum, and you will take that back!
10:14Got this.
10:17There you are!
10:19Hey, Chi. Oh, wow, is that a new haircut?
10:21Glad you noticed.
10:22Yeah, it's short. So what do you think?
10:25Uh, looks good.
10:28I like your outfit.
10:29I don't think I've ever seen you all cleaned up like this.
10:33Uh, not to say you look bad before. You always look good.
10:36It's just now you look better is all.
10:38Um, I didn't mean better.
10:40What I mean is, you look so cool.
10:42Yeah, my roommate told me I needed to dress a little nicer for our date.
10:45Wow. So are you saying you think of this as a date?
10:48Uh, I guess so.
10:50I guess so, yeah.
10:52So, what now?
10:54There's a great cafe not too far from here.
10:56It's cheap and pretty laid back, too.
10:59You'll love it!
11:00And since you're giving me advice, it'll be my treat!
11:02Does that sound like a good plan?
11:04I can't let you do that.
11:05I mean, thank you, but I can't accept.
11:08This lunch is on me.
11:10Ah! Mr. Mao!
11:13You see, the thing is...
11:15What's up? Are you all right?
11:17Yeah. Just wanted to hold your hand.
11:20Oh, that's all? Yeah, no problem.
11:26You okay?
11:27Huh? Yeah, I'm great! Never better, actually.
11:30Thank you for asking, though.
11:32This way, making our way through the crowd, we won't get separated.
11:35You're right, that's true.
11:37Better safe than sorry, I suppose.
11:48What sort of no good are you up to?
11:53Emilia! It is you!
11:54Don't use my real name!
11:56You realize how creepy and suspicious you're acting right now, don't you?
11:59What are you doing? Tailing somebody?
12:01No. I mean, it's none of your business!
12:03I'm a hero, so it is my business
12:05when I see you behaving like some creepster weirdo, isn't it?
12:08Yeah, I guess so. Drop it just this once for me.
12:11You've gotta be kidding me.
12:13I knew you when you were a demon, or have you forgotten?
12:19Curses! I've really done it this time, haven't I, Sire?
12:22You scumbag! Assface!
12:25What are you planning to do to that girl? Tell me!
12:26You've got it wrong!
12:28His Majesty's intentions are nothing but pure, I can assure you!
12:31He's a devil! I seriously doubt he knows what pure is!
12:33I beg you, listen to what I have to say!
12:38Well, that's unexpected.
12:40So you understand me now?
12:41If you mean, do I understand that His Majesty's
12:44as much of a you-know-what as ever, then yes.
12:47But what I don't understand is why they need to go on a date.
12:50I wondered the same thing initially.
12:52But it's clear to me after observing her
12:54that this Sasaki girl is more than just a little fond of your old rival.
12:58It seems so.
12:59Um, I'm sorry, that doesn't bother you at all?
13:02You want it to?
13:03Well, no, I...
13:04I just find it extremely unbearable and highly insolent
13:07that a mere human girl has become so enamored of my king!
13:11Personally, I'm surprised a girl that cute
13:13would waste her time with a no-good, very-bad miscreant like your king.
13:16You dare insult His Majesty so?
13:18Of course I do.
13:20Anyway, from a girl's point of view at least,
13:22it's pretty obvious she's into him.
13:24The trendy little dress she just bought,
13:27brand-new hairdo fresh from the salon,
13:30and those boots are new too.
13:32Oh? How can you tell?
13:34Well, it's not so apparent to a man, I guess.
13:36Her dress is screaming, I'm young and available,
13:39and the form-fitting cut is there to emphasize her...
13:41Damn, those are huge!
13:43What are huge?
13:44Nothing, pervert! I said nothing!
13:45Besides, big ones just get in your way when you're fighting in a battle.
13:48Small ones mean small armor, which saves money
13:50and means you're less constricted in your movements!
13:52I think you've lost me.
13:54Just forget it!
13:55Back to the matter at hand.
13:57Do you think he can get anything useful out of her?
13:59Don't ask me.
14:00I'm only trailing in the event that any undesirables decide to show up.
14:04You're here, so you fail by default.
14:07Still, this whole earthquake thing is definitely a cause for concern.
14:12One thing I know for sure,
14:13I'm not going to sit here and find out the hard way.
14:16Not really any point in spying on him from out here.
14:19Follow me in.
14:20Follow you in where?
14:21To get a table. Now are you coming or not?
14:24Wait a second!
14:25How could I expect His Majesty to excuse such extreme audacity?
14:28No! Stop right there!
14:38Maybe you could just go over the details one more time, please.
14:41Yeah, sure.
14:43I told you how my tinnitus got really bad, didn't I?
14:46It happened right around the time I started working at McRonald's.
14:50At first, I thought I was just tired from doing a bunch of work I wasn't used to.
14:55But then, last night...
15:03Someone there?
15:10Hey, I can hear you!
15:14What the heck?
15:21Quite a thick one.
15:29Not only could I hear what he said, but I understood him.
15:32So you can see why I'm confused.
15:34Yeah, and because of the quakes we've had lately,
15:37you assumed they're the disturbances he was referring to.
15:41The Idea Link.
15:43A method of communication where beings in different worlds
15:46tune their minds to each other and share impressions and concepts.
15:50They're able to transfer these ideas across time and space
15:53by utilizing sonar probe technology.
15:55When the signal reaches the desired target,
15:57it causes a magical explosion that creates various phenomena.
16:02In this case, these pulses could have easily caused all the recent earthquakes.
16:08And if that's true, given the number of quakes we've had,
16:11the only possible explanation is that somebody is dead set on tracking down me and Emilia.
16:17A big one is coming soon indeed.
16:21Things are happening faster than I expected.
16:25What's the matter, Mr. Mel? Are you alright?
16:27Oh, come on! What is Emi doing walking in here with Ashia?
16:31What's wrong?
16:33Nothing. I haven't done anything wrong.
16:37So anyway, to wrap this up,
16:39the tinnitus and weird voices you've been hearing aren't really a cause for concern,
16:43so don't worry about that.
16:45The real issue is whether or not a big one is actually coming.
16:48And assuming that it is,
16:50I think simply being able to warn the people around you will make a big difference, don't you?
16:54I'm glad I built up the nerve to actually ask you about this.
16:57I feel a million times better already.
17:00Hear that, Emi? I'm doing a good thing here.
17:03Anyone can see I'm just trying to help this girl out.
17:07Can't tell my parents about it.
17:09Our school friends either.
17:11That's why...
17:12Well, I guess I knew you'd be the only one who'd believe me.
17:15You're kind and so gentle.
17:17I love talking to you.
17:20See, thing is, you're real nice and I...
17:25Well, Mr. Mel, I like...
17:27That's enough!
17:29I hope you know you're conversing with the worst being in the world.
17:32Please, not now.
17:33Trust me, little girl, this one is not what he seems.
17:36He's cruel, cunning, stupid.
17:38Hey, now! Don't pop out of nowhere and start saying hateful things like that!
17:42That's about as rude as a person can be!
17:44Who are you to him anyway?
17:46I'm his arch-enemy.
17:47Look, take it from someone who knows he sucks.
17:50Nothing good will come from knowing him.
17:52Emi, cut it out.
17:54Never tell me what to do.
17:56You need to calm down, too, Shi.
17:57No, Mr. Mel, I won't calm down!
18:00I remember you!
18:01You came into our restaurant a couple of days ago, right?
18:04Yeah, so what?
18:05What's the deal? Are you his ex or something?
18:10Where'd you get that idea?
18:11I was dead on, you totally are!
18:13In that case, what I do with him is none of your business, got it?
18:16And if you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of my way!
18:19You don't even know what you're saying right now.
18:21It's not like that with us, so why don't you just relax?
18:24Oh, yeah? If that's true, tell me why you're always around him like a stalker!
18:28You need to stop yakking, little girl, and listen, there is nothing between us!
18:32If anybody here needs to stop yakking, it's you, sister!
18:35You better take that back now!
18:37You think I'm afraid of you? Please!
18:39Can we please take it down a notch or three?
18:54Mr. Mao!
19:00What... what happened?
19:02Oh, good. I'm glad you woke up.
19:04Where are we?
19:06Well, we're trapped. This used to be the cafe.
19:10Where's Mr. Mao?
19:11Not with us, I can tell you that much for sure.
19:14Yeah, but do you think he's okay?
19:17Oh, you're worried he got crushed by the rubble, are you?
19:21Well, it's true he'd make a lot of people happy if he kicked off, me included.
19:26But I guarantee he's alive.
19:29I'll be the one to defeat him.
19:31He's not allowed to die here. No way, no how.
19:37Yeah, right. I'm sure he'll be fine.
19:42Oh, he will. Trust me on that.
19:45Emi Yusa, by the way.
19:47In case you're still wondering, there really is nothing between Mao and me, I swear.
19:52Chiyo Sasaki. And I guess I'll pretend to believe you for now.
19:56So, what made you fall for him anyway?
19:59What are you talking about? I haven't fallen for him!
20:01Then you picked a fight with me in a public restaurant because you don't like him?
20:05No, I do! I mean I... not like...
20:10I guess I really am super obvious.
20:13Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.
20:17That might be more comforting if you told me how you really feel about Mr. Mao.
20:22How I feel?
20:23For someone who claims to be his enemy, you sure do seem chummy with him whenever you're together.
20:29Like the Godfather says, friends close and enemies closer.
20:34I've known him for a long time, Chiyo. Almost my entire life.
20:38Just cause I'm friendly with him doesn't mean what I said to you is any less true.
20:42Loving Mao will get you hurt.
20:44I guess I don't quite understand what you mean.
20:47You'll get it.
20:49But in reality, maybe it's better if you don't.
20:53For now, rest up. You could use a little sleep.
21:03I hear you breathing! She's asleep, you can come out!
21:08Stay out of my business!
21:11Mao? What happened to your body?
21:14Don't know. It just changed on me.
21:18His magic. It's back.
21:21Man, this is the worst. How am I supposed to explain this?
21:25This is it. Now's my chance.
21:28If I focus all of the Celestial Force I have left, I can still make a Synchron Sword strong enough to defeat him.
21:34Take care of Chi. These people need me.
21:37Hopefully there aren't many casualties, but we don't have time to wait for the rescue squad.
21:42I'll figure something out.
21:45Is he serious?
21:49Alright, it's time to go.
21:53What? Why? Why would the devil rescue humans?
21:58Why? Why would the devil rescue humans?
22:28I cut my finger off, pretending not to see
22:31The tip of my pinky
22:33If I'm a laughing moon
22:37I'll disappear
22:40To the other side of yesterday
22:44Liars, cowards
22:47All together, if it's me
22:50I was blooming in a dream
22:55Hiding in the shadow of the moon
22:58I was actually crying
23:01Tears won't flow anymore
23:04I've dried up
23:06If I could forgive everything
23:09I might be able to flow
23:13But there's so much I want to protect
