The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP11 - English

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00:00I'm so debilitated, I can't even manage to go shopping.
00:03Yeah, just stay here. I'll take care of dinner tonight.
00:06Sire, yet again you shower me with your kindness.
00:10Such a hopeless servant does not deserve you.
00:12We've got some rice left. Maybe I can mix that with an egg.
00:16Great. Emi again?
00:18Special delivery!
00:20Oh, no!
00:22Oh, no!
00:24Oh, no!
00:26Oh, no!
00:28Boe's again?
00:29Special delivery!
00:31Son of a bastard. Did you go behind my back and place more orders online?
00:34You know, I did not. And if I did, I'd have had them delivered while you were gone.
00:39Have a nice day.
00:43I've found lots of wonderful things in Hawaii.
00:47So, would you sell them for me at the Neighborhood Association's Summer Bazaar?
00:54One, two, three, not it!
00:56Hey, either complain or cough, but pick one.
01:02It's you.
01:04Yes, I remember you from the church.
01:10You are Crestia Bell, the Death Scythe.
01:14Yeah, I'm okay
01:19To lose your light
01:25This moment, this place is the start
01:29Let's imagine it
01:32What can we do?
01:35There are things we can't believe
01:40We can go beyond
01:47Everything born from zero
01:50To the shining sky
01:57I want to fly as much as I can
02:01With the best smile
02:04Let's go with a smile
02:07Let's fly to the unknown world
02:13I'll choose the future and decide
02:18Let's chase our dreams
02:20There are days when we cry
02:22That's an important wish
02:25Don't disappear
02:28I'm sure I'll see you again
02:31To you of tomorrow
02:37To the sky
02:55I'm starting to get worried.
02:57I haven't seen Tom in a shop for several days now.
03:00Do you know if he's been sick?
03:02I haven't heard anything.
03:03But you know, that guy was always defying the Grand Hoshin Church.
03:06And rumor has it, he even gave the Federation of Knights priority when he passed out food and supplies.
03:11You think he'll have to face the Inquisition?
03:13Keep it down, you fool!
03:15What if they're listening to us?
03:22I've received intelligence that Lucifer's army is invading Porridge Village.
03:27Most unfortunate for the platoon of Church Knights who are stationed there, they don't stand a chance.
03:31Why don't we send in reinforcements and then they can owe us one?
03:35No, it wouldn't make much difference.
03:37The enemy force is too large.
03:39The most intelligent course of action is to just pretend we never heard about it in the first place.
03:44Following such a strategy will let the world know the Church failed to protect the village,
03:48allowing doubt to set in.
03:50Our Federation will then be able to take advantage of the mess and proceed with our plans to subdue Satan.
03:54And we will lose only one minor village in the process.
03:57A sacrifice well worth it if we can win back the people.
04:01Who goes there?
04:04Wait, what?
04:08It's in the wine!
04:18You wench!
04:19You're with the Inquisition, are you not?
04:21Damn you!
04:30Church Slapdog, you will pay!
04:36Spare me!
04:46Well done.
04:47Your work was as efficient as always.
04:50I'm impressed.
04:52Now wipe off all that blood.
04:54A portion of the blame for the Knights' inability to band together against Satan's army lies with the Church.
05:01Why does no one try to compromise?
05:04We should not be at war with each other.
05:06Do not think above your pay grade, dear.
05:09Your only concern is your duty as the bailiff of the Inquisition.
05:13A questioning spirit is a prideful one.
05:17Here is the next list of heretics.
05:22In the end, it was the hero who saved the world.
05:26We were just part of the problem.
05:30The amusement park?
05:31Did you go with Mao?
05:32Why would you jump to that conclusion?
05:34You mean you didn't?
05:35Okay, well, I guess technically I did see him there.
05:38But I went with Chihou and Susanoo, not him.
05:41You can keep denying it all you want, but I still think Mao, the shift-maker,
05:44is the one who should be in charge.
05:46You're right.
05:47You can keep denying it all you want,
05:49but I still think Mao, the shift-maker, is the one who should be in charge.
05:52Am I right?
05:53If you want the truth, Susanoo's the one most on my mind at the moment.
05:56Sorry to burst your bubble.
06:00Good afternoon!
06:03Oh, Chih! We've been waiting for you!
06:05Um, Mr. Mao? What's going on?
06:08Our landlady sent all this junk from Hawaii.
06:11She said to sell it in the summer bazaar at the shopping arcade.
06:15Apologies, Ms. Sasaki.
06:17I'm afraid we had to bother you because of me.
06:20I'm still rather ill.
06:24Watch it, yo!
06:25Be careful with those boxes!
06:28Are you alright, Mr. Ashiya?
06:30Having help is fine, I get it.
06:32But are you sure we're even going to have enough room in here?
06:35You know, with Emi coming over, too?
06:37What? How do you know she's coming?
06:39Because I planted a tracker in her purse.
06:42Like, forever ago.
06:45Yeah, she's gonna kill you.
06:47What on earth is wrong with her, anyway?
06:49We're busy!
06:53Oh, you're at that door.
06:56Why should I have to help you out with this weird sale?
06:59It's not like I live here! I only came over to check on Susanoo!
07:02Speaking of weird Emi, I don't understand why you feel I need to be checked on.
07:06I'm gonna go back to our place.
07:08I'm a hermit, remember? I have a strict rule against going outside.
07:11You're helping! You'll be fine so long as you don't leave the building.
07:15I didn't think our landlady could freak me out more than she already has.
07:19But what's she doing with a bikini top like this?
07:21Well, I actually think this one's kind of cute.
07:24Yeah, it kind of is. Maybe I should buy it.
07:26Doubt it'll fit.
07:27Shut it, hermit!
07:30There's food, too!
07:32Macadamia chocolates!
07:34Ew, Spam!
07:36Oh, and there's juice!
07:38This note says she wants us all to eat the food together.
07:42What's guava juice?
07:44Why don't we try it?
07:46I'll go get cups.
07:47You know where they are, right?
07:48I think so.
07:51I don't believe that's how you open it.
07:53Watch your eyes, everyone. That cork's about to flop.
07:58What is your problem?
08:00Here, this'll help some.
08:03What's wrong?
08:06Oh, um...
08:08Oh, um, it's a nothing.
08:11I really am sorry.
08:15I can only find five, Mr. Mao.
08:17Well, none for Orochihara, then.
08:19Dude, why not? There are exactly five of us.
08:22Me, Emi, Susan, Ochi, and Ashi is not dead yet.
08:25How about you stick to water?
08:27I might have seen a used to-go cup.
08:29Ah, what the crap? Why do you guys keep treating me like the plague?
08:32What did I do to deserve this? You guys suck so hard!
08:36Thanks. You were all a massive help today.
08:39Oh, no worries. It was fun.
08:41Just like the day before my school's culture fest.
08:43Yeah, it seems the prep for stuff like this
08:45always gets people more excited than the actual event, you know?
08:48Something wrong?
08:50Not at all. I was just thinking.
08:53It's been years since I've had the time to enjoy a proper festival.
08:56Well, in that case, we have to hang out and enjoy it.
08:59We'll do the prep first, and then go check out the festival.
09:03I would love to, but I gotta head out.
09:05I work tonight, so I've gotta get ready.
09:07Okay, have a good shift. We can finish up what's left for you.
09:10Geez, Chiho, you don't have to spoil the poor idiot.
09:15Why do you waste time with silly festival preparations?
09:18You need to carry out the objective.
09:20If the devil regains his magic, it will be too late.
09:23I know, but...
09:25I believe we're past hesitation.
09:27Your hands have been through a lot.
09:29I'm sure you can handle it.
09:31Your hands have been thoroughly stained with blood already, have they not?
09:36Curse Saint Heir! Always so self-righteous the moment there's peace.
09:40Their current goal is to prevent us our rightful access
09:43to the rebuilding of the Central Lands.
09:45They will exploit any weakness to come after us.
09:48How did they acquire the assassinated nobleman's corpse?
09:51Not to mention the transcript of the trial proceedings from the Cathedral.
09:54What has the Prince Bishopric of Belbin doing?
09:57It may seem wise to let our lead bailiff take the fall,
10:00but I don't think handing her over would change the situation.
10:03After all, the Inquisition conducts a number of unfair trials without her.
10:07What do you suggest we do?
10:09The hero Amelia is a former knight of the Church
10:11who defeated the Devil's army with the assistance of the High Priest Olba.
10:15I would imagine that means the people owe this peacetime to the Church.
10:19Not so fast!
10:21You were still the ones who made the trials severe and unfair to begin with,
10:24and those actions will not be left unpunished!
10:26One of us should most assuredly take the blame.
10:29Nonsense! Why should we be blamed when the High Priest Olba was in charge of the trials?
10:33And now that he's conveniently disappeared on us,
10:35we have no reason to take responsibility.
10:40To avoid delays in trying the heretics while the Grand Inquisitor is absent,
10:44Father Robertio will establish a Doctrinal Correction Council
10:48and transfer all officers of the Inquisition to it.
10:51The Inquisition will be suspended until the return of Father Olba.
10:56Under this new leadership, the Council shall conduct fairer trials.
10:59That should be a sufficient story to feed the kingdoms.
11:03It is always this way.
11:05They refuse to discipline themselves out of shame and fear of damage to the Institution.
11:11They keep their hands from getting dirty while stealing their glory from others.
11:16I... I never wanted to execute anyone.
11:21For the last time, Belle, you have a job to finish.
11:25Kill the devil.
11:31He shall die. I swear it.
11:55No way.
12:00Look, dude. If you're that sick, why not go to the hospital?
12:04I'll even call an ambulance.
12:06No, that's way too much to... pay.
12:10Sound nuts. I'm calling for help and you're going to the hospital.
12:16Wait! Do you know how much an ambulance costs?
12:19I don't know if insurance will cover it!
12:25Oh, there she is.
12:27Miss Susanoo!
12:29Where have you been?
12:31Is everything okay?
12:33Yes, fine. I was just doing some thinking.
12:38So, uh, I've been wondering. How's your job search?
12:42Cause if you haven't found one yet, I'm sure we could get you hired at McRonald's with us.
12:48Can you imagine how much fun we'd all have working together?
12:51Good Chiho.
12:54You should not associate with Mao any longer.
12:57What the crap, Susanoo!
12:59Emilia, please stay out of this.
13:01Emilia? Miss Yusa, how does she know your real name?
13:05So you do know about King Satan. My instincts were correct.
13:09Something has been telling me you knew the awful truth already.
13:13Emilia! Believe me, I know you have your own agenda here.
13:17But you must understand I do as well.
13:21It was my mistake. I should have killed him immediately.
13:24Miss Susanoo! Please, where is all this coming from?
13:27How could you want to kill him?
13:29Listen to me.
13:30Don't you remember how as soon as the devil decorated those trees for the festival,
13:34your McRonald's was suddenly flooded with customers?
13:38What do you think that means?
13:41That he's good?
13:42It means he used magic.
13:45Those slips of paper were filled with human desires.
13:49And then tied to bamboo to exercise the bad energy.
13:52Satan subconsciously used that whole thing as a medium for casting a spell.
13:56He only wanted customers to come in so the store would do well.
14:00I mean, yes, I guess cheating isn't exactly fair, but still.
14:03Not so bad if that were all.
14:05But there's no guarantee he won't start making more dangerous magic and hurting people in the process.
14:09No! Mr. Mao would never do that!
14:11Remember those alligators in the pool?
14:13What do you think will happen if the devil works his way up in this world?
14:17Everybody ends up trusting and respecting him like you do.
14:19It'll be the perfect opportunity for him to betray us all.
14:22I don't think so.
14:23You don't?
14:24No offense, but uh, do you really think getting a promotion at a fast food joint
14:28means he's capable of taking over an entire world?
14:31Demons live a long time.
14:33We have no idea how elaborate his plans are.
14:36We should kill him now while we still can.
14:38No, please!
14:39I realize this must be painful.
14:41But we are from an entirely different world, good Shihou.
14:45You and Satan should never even have met.
14:47The best course now is to erase your memory
14:50and eliminate all traces of Entei Isla from this land.
14:57Erase my memory?
15:00Why? Why would you do something like that?
15:03I don't want to forget about all of you!
15:05Not Mr. Mao or Miss Yusa!
15:07Or Mr. Ashiya or you!
15:09Or even Mr. Urujihara!
15:13We were lucky enough to become friends!
15:16And we've gone through so much together!
15:19But now you want to make me forget part of my life
15:22because of your precious Entei Isla?
15:24That's not fair! What about me?
15:26The situation is not about you, Shihou.
15:28That said, taking advantage of your feelings may actually be part of his plan.
15:32He might be trying to sow seeds of doubt and confusion.
15:35I'm telling you he's just not like that!
15:37Why would you say such horrible things?
15:40He's worked hard, and he's been so nice to everyone!
15:44So how can you do this?
15:46How can you defend him?
15:48The devil has killed thousands in Entei Isla!
15:51He's the ruler of demons!
15:53Fine, since you know so much, tell me something!
15:55Did you ever meet him before he came to this world
15:57and turned into my friend, Sadao Mao?
15:59You only fought with his army.
16:01You never even met him in person,
16:03so how would you know anything about him?
16:05False logic!
16:06Every commander bears full responsibility for the actions of his troops!
16:10If he was evil and plotting to do all the things you think he's doing,
16:13then why would he bother saving people
16:15and fixing the expressway after it collapsed?
16:17There must have been an ulterior motive.
16:19Something to do with his nefarious plan.
16:21What reason is there other than just being an actual nice guy?
16:25When a good person causes someone else problems,
16:28they apologize and then try to fix the situation.
16:31Mao did what good people do.
16:34Did you know?
16:35I learned everything about my job from him!
16:38He has taught me so much!
16:40When I screwed up, which I did a lot,
16:43he always made me feel better.
16:45He's kept his promises, too.
16:48Even when he turned back into a demon.
16:50I went in to learn how to use the ice cream machine,
16:53and he remembered.
16:54If you still think he wants to take over the world with his army,
16:58well, I'm sure he must have a pretty good reason to do it!
17:01But you believe we should just forgive and forget
17:04the atrocities and horrible things he's done to us?
17:06Just pretend it never happened!
17:07Is that what you want us to do?
17:09Calm down, both of you!
17:11Crestia Bell.
17:13To be perfectly honest, I agree with you.
17:15Then join me!
17:16However, I don't agree with all of it.
17:18I hope for a peace that will allow every person to be happy,
17:21not just a select few.
17:23And that peace is what I've been fighting for all this time!
17:26Looking the other way while we make our friends cry
17:28is not acceptable.
17:30Believe me, the means don't always justify the end,
17:33and I won't allow you to behave as though they do.
17:35You cannot truly be serious.
17:37I am.
17:38Then you're dreaming!
17:39There's no way we can win this without someone getting hurt!
17:42I'll find one.
17:43Sacrifices will have to be made!
17:45This is war!
17:47No one needs to suffer.
17:49I'll figure it out.
17:50I am a hero, after all.
17:52It's what I do.
17:59So right now you have no intention of defeating the devil.
18:03Not right now.
18:08Miss Susanoo!
18:19I think I went too far.
18:21I don't know anything about Auntie Isla,
18:23so how can I understand where she's coming from?
18:25I wish I hadn't have been so mean.
18:28Don't worry.
18:30Susanoo realizes we don't always get to choose
18:32who we fall in love with.
18:33You think so?
18:41You again!
18:43And just like last time,
18:45it's like you have a thing for attacking me out in the open.
18:47I suppose it doesn't really matter, though.
18:49This won't take long.
18:51Careful! Things might get rough!
19:05I gotta call for help!
19:07Who are you?
19:10I tried to warn you.
19:13Men will always take advantage of vulnerable women.
19:16She can creep!
19:23Please don't beat me up!
19:27It's no use.
19:28The power of my gaze
19:29makes angels fall from grace.
19:32It subdues all who use celestial force
19:34and belongs to me alone.
19:37Hold on, does that mean...
19:38Yes, that's right.
19:40You're welcome, Amelia.
19:41I'm here to release you from your painful mission.
19:49Since you don't need the better half anymore,
19:50I'll be taking it back.
19:54Miss Susanoo!
20:07Not you, too!
20:09You're just like that awful man, Oba, aren't you?
20:11She's in your way,
20:12so you think it's okay to get rid of her?
20:15How can you do this?
20:16Mr. Mel may be a demon,
20:17but you're the one who's got no problem
20:19betraying the only person who fought for your world,
20:21so what does that make you?
20:26Good Chiho.
20:28I'm sorry.
20:31Oh, she called, huh?
20:35Yeah, hello?
20:36Hi, this is Chiho Sasaki's mom.
20:39I just wanted to thank you
20:40for taking such good care of her.
20:42Yeah, you're welcome.
20:44So, Chiho's not home yet.
20:47Is she with you, by chance?
20:51Have I seen Chiho?
20:52Sorry, dude.
20:53No, she hasn't been by here.
20:56While I've got you,
20:57I investigated that SFC place.
20:59For a chicken joint, it smells fishy.
21:01What does that mean?
21:02Well, you said the manager's name
21:04was Mitsuki Sarue, right?
21:06That name is not on their employee list anywhere.
21:09Yeah, the data's been manipulated.
21:11You planted that tracker on Emi.
21:13Is it still on her?
21:14Can you tell me where she is right now?
21:16Give me just a sec.
21:19That's creepy.
21:20She's moving in a straight line,
21:21through buildings.
21:24Wait, I'm wrong.
21:26It's not Emilia, it's Susanoo.
21:27Where's she headed?
21:28Looks like government building.
21:33Whoa, now!
21:34Where are you going?
21:37On my way, chief!
21:55To Be Continued
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