The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E22 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:01Yeesh, the sun was brutal today. You want some barley tea? We have permission to raid the fridge, remember?
00:07Right. I'll get some glasses for us.
00:13You know your way around here.
00:16Yeah, I use this kitchen a lot.
00:20Hey, so, you've seen Mr. Mao get up to some weird stuff, but how much do you know?
00:27I'm 100% sure he's not from Earth, and it's clear the man is no human.
00:32Since he can use magic, I would bet he's probably a demon or something like that.
00:36Based on everything I've picked up from you guys, his people lost a big fight with useless people.
00:41He skipped town and started doing part-time work here because his magic ran out.
00:50I was going with my gut on that one. Plus, you folks tend to be real chatty.
00:54Can I...?
00:55Ask me a question, right? I don't see why not.
00:58But for your ears only.
01:03Now we can speak freely without fear of creepy eavesdroppers.
01:08In that case, I've got a whole lot to ask you, ma'am.
01:11Oh, are you gonna take notes? You're serious.
01:14So, what you wanna know?
01:17Miss Amane, do you know about the Sephiroth? Please detail your exact relationship to the Tree of Life.
01:24Straight to the deep end. Seems you know your stuff.
01:27In a way, I'm quite a bit like Alus Ramus in Osseath.
01:31But I don't come directly from shards of Sephiroth like your pals do.
01:35My dad came from a Sephira, but my mom is as human as they get.
01:38Guess you could say I got the best of both worlds.
01:41If you're curious, my Aunt Mikiri is Dad's older sister.
01:44She came from a Sephira just like him.
01:47So, yeah. And due to her role as a...
01:55Hello, Miss Chihou. Let me ask you something, dear.
01:58You can learn the truth if that's what you want.
02:01But can you bear the burden of immense knowledge without any power to change things?
02:06Yes. I'm certain.
02:09Even if I end up regretting it.
02:11If I run away from the truth, then I'll never get anywhere.
02:15I love my friends, and I'm ready to stand by their sides forever.
02:19Running's not an option anymore.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:33I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:35I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:37I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:39I'm sorry.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:41I'm sorry.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:43I'm sorry.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:45I'm sorry.
02:46I'm sorry.
02:47I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:49I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:55I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
02:59I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:03I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:05I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:07I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:09I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:11I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:13I'm sorry.
03:14I'm sorry.
03:15I'm sorry.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:17I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:19I'm sorry.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:21I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry.
03:23I'm sorry.
03:24I'm sorry.
03:25I'm sorry.
03:26I'm sorry.
03:27I'm sorry.
03:28I'm sorry.
03:29I'm sorry.
03:30I'm sorry.
03:31I'm sorry.
03:32I'm sorry.
03:33I'm sorry.
03:34I'm sorry.
03:35I'm sorry.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:37I'm sorry.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:39I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:41I'm sorry.
03:42I'm sorry.
03:43I'm sorry.
03:44I'm sorry.
03:45I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:47I'm sorry.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:49I'm sorry.
03:51Defeating a Mawbranch leader is quite the promising start.
03:55It shows the people that the hero's presence is helping our gallant troops.
03:59I still don't understand why we had to kill them.
04:02It was a necessary cost in order to save the Emperor Unifier.
04:11I'll be brief.
04:12It was Emilia who slew one of your leaders.
04:15Now she's on her way to Heaven Sky.
04:17The hero's back in Entei Isla?
04:19What is she doing here?
04:21It's safe to assume Heaven's objective is to further weaken the Demon Realm and subjugate our kind.
04:26For this would garner them human faith.
04:29That's why Olba has the Church's pawn leading the army.
04:33What a fool.
04:34She acts so superior and then drags us all into her chaos.
04:38Sire works the morning shift on Monday, the evening shift on Tuesday, and all day on Wednesday.
04:43On Thursday the morning, plus a late supervisory shift.
04:46He's in from noon to close on Friday, off Saturday, and off the following Monday with a shift Tuesday morning.
04:54His main obstacles would be finding a sub for Sunday and dealing with Thursday's supervisory shift.
04:59And I believe that staffing was already going to be light those days.
05:03The best time for him to make a move would be sometime on Thursday afternoon.
05:08Where is the Emperor Unifier?
05:10I pray you haven't killed him.
05:12No, he's a symbol now, the prize lying at the end of their war.
05:16We've confined him in the Cloud Retreat.
05:18He shouldn't be affected by a magic there.
05:21Take me so that we can have a word.
05:24At once.
05:27Screw that!
05:28Keep in mind it's for your own safety.
05:30Come on, that's such a load of crap!
05:32I get no respect around here!
05:34Yeah, what did you expect?
05:36Since you got here, all you've done is eat and sleep.
05:38No, I also set up a tent! I'm not a Rushihara!
05:41Keep your dumb ideas in your dumb heads!
05:43It's our only option. You are unable to fight in this state.
05:47You would be a liability on the road, so you must stay here.
05:52Now, wake the hell up, kiddo!
05:53What's up?
05:54You got any clue why my magic isn't coming back?
05:58What are you talking about?
06:00Maybe eating some yummy shrimpies will unlock the truth.
06:05Your anger is fair, but we are not resorting to child abuse!
06:08She's a damn rock!
06:11No shrimp for me!
06:17Okay, muscles! I get it! Now get off me!
06:20Calm yourself. It's neither her fault nor yours.
06:23This sucks! What was the point of skipping all those shifts if I can't even battle?
06:27If you go into combat without your full power, you will most certainly get hurt.
06:32I promise to bring everyone back safely.
06:41You have done plenty, Mao. We've let your power carry us this far.
06:46I must ask that you allow us to return the favor.
06:49This is my official recommendation as a general of the Devil's Army.
06:53You mean that?
06:55I don't know what you got up to in Japan, but I for one never surrendered to any army of yours.
07:01I'm well aware. But if we're both trying to rescue Emi, teaming up will save some brain cells.
07:06The more allies, the merrier, I say.
07:08Don't go crazy, demon.
07:10While I have you, there's something I've been wanting to ask.
07:14Why didn't you kill me?
07:16Why'd you let Emi live in Japan for so long without ever shooting your shot?
07:20I was kind of thinking you and Emirata would snipe me when she wasn't looking.
07:24Well, I can't tell you we didn't consider as much.
07:27I knew it!
07:29I'm not sure why Emirata decided against it, but I bet it had to do with respecting Emilia's wishes.
07:35Beyond that, you best say a big thanks to Adromelech and that Sasaki girl.
07:39Huh? What do you mean?
07:41Come along. It's time that we part ways.
07:44I've been hearing rumors that the Volunteer Army butted heads with the Maulbranch.
07:48Apparently, they took out a Maulbranch leader.
07:51There's a good chance Emilia's involved.
07:55You stay here and behave.
07:57And be sure to keep a close eye on your sacred sword, friend.
08:01Before we get going, what exactly did you mean back there, good Albert?
08:05Mean by what?
08:07When you said give thanks to Adromelech.
08:09I was being a little facetious, but the truth is...
08:13I've known for a while that the Devil's Army hasn't been on some grand quest to wipe out mankind.
08:18I've also known demons can be pretty reasonable folks.
08:22Adromelech made that clear.
08:24He and his army made us look like a bunch of weaklings.
08:28I was prepared to die at his hand.
08:31Our objective is not to massacre your people.
08:34Submit to us and I'll spare your life and the lives of your men.
08:39Can't say he was a gem.
08:41He would slaughter anyone who stepped out.
08:43But I'd bet my life that he wouldn't kill a civilian for fun.
08:47We eventually crossed paths again on our way to defeat the Devil.
08:51Fall back. I can handle this one on my own.
08:54One on one.
08:57True warriors don't allow themselves to be carried by such cheap pride.
09:01Come! Face me, hero and company!
09:06He was a far better warrior than I was, and in many ways a far better man.
09:10Though it does feel like a strange way to refer to a demon.
09:16Adromelech wouldn't follow a king who was a bloodthirsty beast.
09:19So when Emilia said she wouldn't kill Satan, I was okay with sitting back and watching for a while.
09:25I was ready to learn more about him.
09:28And find out what sort of people the demons and their king really are.
09:32If you ask me, they're a sort not much different from our own.
09:35Perhaps. So what's our plan?
09:38With the Devil unable to use the Sacred Sword, openly taking back Emilia and the others may prove a challenge.
09:43We have two primary objectives.
09:46Well, to release Emilia, we must rescue her father.
09:50We have approximately twelve hours to save him and the Emperor as well.
09:54We must get to them soon, to beat the Volunteer Army.
09:57Whoa there. You're suggesting that we not only free Nohr, but kidnap the Emperor Unifier while we're at it?
10:03That's not impossible. Not for us.
10:06Both parties are blind. The reasons for which they're fighting, neither are sure.
10:12We'll do what we must to end their ignorance here and now.
10:17I know we all gotta spend time on the bench, but I can't just sit here twiddling my thumbs.
10:23Look who's here.
10:26They got the yummy Wagyu.
10:29You ain't getting Wagyu money out of me, kid.
10:31Hey, sleepy, wake up!
10:33Yumi, I was about to take the perfect bite!
10:36Don't come between me and my food!
10:38I was about to eat the tastiest pork pastrami in the history of ever!
10:41You clearly didn't relish your Wagyu enough.
10:44Now get up. Time to train.
10:46I'm not feeling 100% either, you know.
10:49My stomach's digesting itself.
10:53At the very least, you could explain some things to me.
10:56Why exactly are you and Alice Ramis cool with fusing Dami and me?
11:00Something to do with that mistletoe thing you mentioned?
11:03First of all, could you pass me that stew, pretty please?
11:08You're big mistaken if you think I'll give up on my secrets that easy.
11:12For real?
11:13I'm just messing with you.
11:15The truth is, I don't know why I confuse with you or Dad.
11:18It's just something that I know deep down in my guts that I gotta do.
11:21I don't think that the others know why either.
11:25You mean that my sissy didn't tell you?
11:27She really never once brought up Malhuth or Geburah.
11:30Oh, them. I didn't realize they could take on human forms, too.
11:34Malhuth is a genius and the smartest one out of all of us.
11:37They came up with the term mistletoe and taught the rest of us.
11:40So, where's Malhuth now?
11:42I don't know. I'm starting to feel like I haven't talked to them in forever.
11:47You can't really pull off the depressed face with the hamster cheeks you're rocking.
11:51But here's the good news.
11:54We're gonna get you back to Alice Ramis in no time.
11:57We just gotta work.
11:59Boo, you got me there.
12:01I'll train, but it'll make me hungry.
12:03Just ten more bites and I'll be good to go.
12:06Hey, wait!
12:07I'm gonna die.
12:08We're never gonna get anything done, aren't we?
12:13Oh, those? Supposedly they ward off evil.
12:16Take all the help I can get, with a piece of our nation on the brink of collapse again.
12:21Here are your leftover buns and some of those firecrackers.
12:24Take them as a souvenir. They're good luck.
12:27Souvenir, huh?
12:29That gives me the creeps.
12:31Hey, wait!
12:34Souvenir, huh?
12:36That gives me the creeps.
12:38Nuh-uh. I'm way too full to train.
12:40Long walks should help you digest.
12:42Aw, jeez. A walk where?
12:44To the shops!
12:51Yucky. Sesame's corn soup is way goodder than this stinky one.
12:56Alright, how about we try this?
13:00Ashiya's is way goodder.
13:03I know. Keep trying. We'll find something you like, cutie.
13:07Can't go wrong with fried chicken.
13:09Cheeky sounds like cheating!
13:12We'll have our friends make a big dinner when we get home.
13:15This is only for now.
13:17When do we get to go home?
13:20Listen, I know the food here isn't as good as it is in Japan.
13:24But we still have to eat.
13:27Come, Emilia. Time for a war council.
13:32You'd buy this kind of stuff?
13:34I don't know if this place really fits your style.
13:37Well, it's not for me. We're gonna buy Chi a sick souvenir.
13:40We're shopping for souvenirs?
13:42You really think we have time for that sort of thing?
13:45Like you're one to talk. Your brain is a stomach.
13:48We're supposed to throw a birthday party when we get back.
13:51A joint shindig for Emi and Chi.
13:53I know Emi. She's the one fused with my sister, right?
13:56That's right. The party got postponed, but better late than never, right?
14:00The last thing I want to do is let Chi down.
14:09Sounds to me like you're buying one girl a birthday present with another girl's money.
14:14I'm planning to pay Suze back in yen later.
14:16Wait, so I know that you consider Suze and Chi your friends,
14:19but I didn't realize that Emi was your friend, too.
14:22Speaking of, we should probably pick up a gift for her.
14:25Chi would be sad if I didn't get them both a present.
14:27So who exactly is this Emi lady to you?
14:30There's a little weirdness surrounding her, Alice Ramis, and me.
14:34But I guess you could say...
14:36I think rivals describes our relationship the best.
14:39Why is that?
14:41She treats me like an equal, even though she thinks she's better than me.
14:45She has everything I lack, and I couldn't stand to lose to her.
14:48I mean, she does say I'm her archenemy, after all.
14:53So you're giving your archenemy a birthday gift? You're such a weirdo.
14:57Check it out. These are good, right?
15:00They seem practical, and they're pretty cute.
15:03They look great to me.
15:05Awesome, then I'm sold.
15:09I'm ready to check out.
15:12That was fun. Now then, has your stomach settled down enough to get in some training?
15:22Not inside!
15:29What's the deal with your guts? That's not cute!
15:32I don't think this is from too many buns.
15:35Is that something to do with Alice Ramis?
15:37Damn it, Zeus and Albert better not have fumbled this early in the game!
15:41Look alive! Just get to the ground and...
15:43Oh crap, hold it in!
15:45We can't get any higher!
15:58Lady Amelia!
15:59What is it?
16:00A message from the troops in Heaven Sky.
16:03I must ask that you brace yourself.
16:05What? Tell me already.
16:07I know that it's hard to believe.
16:09Sightings have been reported of Demon General Alciel in the castle tower.
16:13You're saying Alciel's in Heaven Sky? Are you serious?
16:18I am. Seems he suddenly appeared there several days ago.
16:21Sources say that he's lying in wait for our army.
16:24Is he alone? Or is King Satan with him?
16:27There have been no reports of King Satan.
16:29Such news would come as a shock seeing as you have defeated him, yes?
16:32Yes, of course. Stupid question.
16:35In any case, General Alciel is no match for you without his king behind him.
16:40You will lead the army on a campaign to wipe the demon vermin clean from our territory.
16:44After we reclaim our land, we will go to Heaven Sky,
16:47obliterate Demon General Alciel, and rescue the Emperor Unifier.
16:51We will crush that demon at long last.
16:55So that was my role in this, huh?
17:00Alciel is here?
17:02Does that mean Dada can save us?
17:06Dada save us?
17:08Dada... the devil.
17:11Huh? What's the matter with you?
17:15I'm sorry, I need to skip the meeting. I don't feel well.
17:20I'm willing to fight the strongest enemy myself, if that's what you want.
17:24Please feel well soon.
17:33This sucks. What the hell's wrong with me?
17:36No matter what, he'll always be... he's still my...
17:39He was supposed to be the one who... who killed my father!
17:43I'll show you how incredible that world can be.
17:46He's my enemy. So why?
17:50Why do I feel so... jerk?
17:53This isn't fair.
17:55Why'd you have to go and mess with my heart, you demonic douchebag?
17:58Screw you, Satan!
18:00Mama, Dada's gonna be here.
18:03He can give us head pats and huggies, okay?
18:06You're right. He'll be here.
18:14I don't know what to do.
18:16Not a single thing in my life makes sense anymore.
18:19Mal, please. Please, Satan, I need your help.
18:25Emirata, Al, I'm so sorry.
18:30Forgive me, Dad. I'm the sorriest to you, but I can't do it.
18:35I can't fight alone anymore.
18:43Oh, I'm sorry that you have to see me like this, baby.
18:47Seems your mama has hit her limit for a little while.
18:55I was all alone before, just like you.
18:59No more.
19:01Because now I get to be with Mama, and Papa, and Jimmy,
19:06Ashiya, Suzumi, Lucy, and Radami.
19:11Anywhere we go, they're with us.
19:13And my friend Ashiya's with us, too.
19:16You're a wise kid.
19:18Everything is gonna be okay, yeah?
19:21We'll see all our friends again real soon.
19:24You're right. We will.
19:27Just know, things are gonna be different now.
19:31And I doubt they'll ever be the same.
19:34I didn't have a choice but to obey Oba.
19:36And in doing so, I let a whole lot of demons perish.
19:40There's no way Mal and Ashiya will forgive me after everything I've done.
19:44Lady Emilia? I apologize for intruding on you while you're unwell.
19:50She has arrived.
19:53Feeling better, I see.
19:55I was told we just received a letter from Alciel. Think I can get a look?
19:59Please be careful. It's written in a mysterious language. It may well be a curse.
20:07Gonna go out on a limb here and say it's not.
20:10Well, what does the blasted thing say?
20:12For real? You can't read this.
20:15I recognize it as what the other world calls kanji.
20:18But still, all I can decipher is chilled.
20:21A kanji for luggage? And an idiom which I'm confident expresses a desire for revenge.
20:27What does that nonsense mean?
20:29I can't say I really get it myself, but...
20:32It says, I vow to pay you back for the hiyayako and ginger bud.
20:36I've never heard of such things.
20:38They're both food. Hiyayako is a chilled tofu. It's white and jiggly and doesn't have a ton of flavor.
20:43And ginger bud is a reddish-purplish type of bulb vegetable. It's really bitter when you chew it.
20:49Could they be ingredients for some sort of demonic potion?
20:52No way. They're delicious. If you slice the ginger bud and put it on the tofu...
21:05The one who's paying me back is... the devil.
21:08What's the matter with you?
21:10We need to leave for Heaven Sky at once.
21:13It's a code meant only for me. He's telling us to withdraw our troops if we want to survive.
21:18Slow down. What if it's nothing more than a bluff?
21:21It's not. Alciel is able to use chilled tofu and ginger bud to unlock a power that far surpasses that of Satan.
21:27What? But how?
21:29We have to hurry or it'll be too late.
21:31Fine. We'll do what we must.
21:36I guess Ashi is less of a dork than I thought.
21:39When he's not scamming the grocery store, he's actually pretty cool.
21:44The devil is coming.
21:46For me, I just have to hold off any bloodshed until then.
21:51Is Mama feeling better?
21:54I think so. She's definitely getting there, sweetie.
22:00There's no way he'll forgive me for what I've done.
22:03It's safe to say we'll be enemies until the bitter end.
22:07But I'll take it.
22:13To be continued...
22:43Thank you for watching!
23:13Please subscribe to my channel!
