The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E01 - English

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00:00All who lived in Ente Isla knew of Satan, ruler of demons.
00:17His very name was synonymous with the terror and cruelty that ruled his demon realm, as
00:22well as the creatures of the night that thrived in its depravity.
00:27Four trusted generals served the devil, Adrammelech, Lucifer, Alciel, and Malakota.
00:36Satan was an ambitious ruler.
00:39He sought to crush the humans and their world, thereby creating a land of peace and prosperity
00:45for all night's creatures.
00:49However, a hero named Emilia rose up against them.
00:55She stormed the devil's castle, sacred sword in hand.
01:47Ente Isla, the war raged on.
01:54After Satan, the mighty general Alciel, and the hero Emilia vanished from the realm, the
02:01five-continent federation of knights conducted a large-scale operation.
02:07They wanted to wipe out every last remnant of Satan's army on the central continent.
02:13In the midst of the chaos, a lone figure ventured deep into the devil's masterless castle.
03:43His name was Alciel, and he was one of the most powerful knights in the world.
03:50He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
03:56He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:00He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:02He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:04He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:06He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:08He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:10He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:12He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:14He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:16He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:18He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:20He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:22He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:24He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:26He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:28He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
04:58He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:00He was the only one who could defeat Satan, and he was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:02He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:04He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:06He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:08He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:10He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:12He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:14He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:16He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:18He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:20He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:22He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:24He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:26He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:28He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:30He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:32He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:34He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:36He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:38He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:40He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:42He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:44He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:46He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:48He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:50He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:52He was the only one who could defeat Satan.
05:54Depleting the community picture?!
05:56It's as simple as placing a packet into a bit of tap water!
05:59Your true colors have been revealed!
06:01You're a freeloading troglodyte who-
06:03Hold down the fort for me.
06:04I've gotta hurry or I'll be late for work.
06:06Have a pleasant and lucrative day, my liege!
06:13Oh, it's Amelia!
06:14The world-renowned hero with a penchant for eavesdropping!
06:17Yeah, right! You were so loud I didn't need to eavesdrop!
06:20The devil and his trusty demons were sitting around this crappy apartment with no A.C.,
06:24crying about the heat and arguing over who should make more instant tea.
06:28Rude much?!
06:29Did you come here just to mock our poverty?!
06:31Your bougie ass has A.C. at home and at work, too!
06:34At least we ain't frying the ozone!
06:36I'm terribly sorry I can afford an apartment nice enough to have air conditioning.
06:40FYI, it is an energy-efficient model,
06:42and double FYI, it's set to eco mode.
06:45I'm quite the environmental warrior.
06:47Screw you.
06:48Thanks for the friendly reminder of how much better you have it than us.
06:59Weird face. Something wrong?
07:02Chill out. It's nothing. Probably just the fan.
07:05I'd hate to take up more of your time, A.C. Princess.
07:08I've gotta get to work anyway. See ya, Amy!
07:18Well then, with his majesty gone,
07:20it's time we discuss the burden placed upon him given our single income status.
07:24As of this very moment, I pledge to stop taking one-off jobs!
07:28I will search for an occupation in which shift offerings are regular and secure!
07:33Knock yourself out, champ.
07:35Unfortunately, this new endeavor invites the danger of disarray
07:39into our perfectly maintained household.
07:41I'll leave the duties in your grease-encrusted hands.
07:44I'd just ruin stuff.
07:46Not after you go through my meticulously devised housekeeping boot camp.
07:52Hi, Mr. Mao. Good morning.
07:54Oh, hey. Morning, Chi.
07:56Are we on the same shift today?
07:58That's right.
07:59Oh, is somebody the owner of a shiny new bike?
08:02Uh-huh. It's the six-speed Bridgestone CityCycle.
08:05I present to you...
08:07Dulahan II!
08:09Dang, I bet that thing was expensive.
08:11Susan-o bought it for me.
08:13Noji Dulahan's death was her fault, after all.
08:17Check it! Though Dulahan nobly died protecting its master,
08:20its soul still remains!
08:21And I bonded it to this new ride!
08:23See that, Chi?
08:25It's Dulahan's reflector!
08:28You bought Mao a new bike?
08:30I had expected a steep cost,
08:32but it came out to a meager 30,000 yen.
08:35Felt rather anticlimactic.
08:37In what world is 30,000 meager?
08:39Come on, Belle, you just moved here and have no semblance of a job.
08:42Are you sure you can afford that?
08:44I traveled to this world with several relics from the Grand Hoshin Church.
08:47They sold for quite a large sum at Mugihyo.
08:52Is something the matter?
08:54Yeah, I kinda feel like someone's watching.
08:57I noticed Mao seemed worried about something earlier.
09:00Do you think Heaven sent down another assassin?
09:03Sariel might be back for the Sacred Sword!
09:06I highly doubt the latter.
09:08Have you seen the Archangel lately?
09:10He's steadily grown, rather.
09:12In fair Tokyo, where we lay our scene!
09:15You from McRonald's!
09:17I from the Grand Palace of Suntucky Fried!
09:19Oh, Starcross!
09:21We're the fast-food industries Romeo and Juliet!
09:25Okay, he's all yours.
09:28Hello and welcome! May I take your order?
09:31I'll have ten large Big Meat Meals.
09:33Oh, and some fries and a cold lemon, Lord, what say you?
09:38So he's... chubby.
09:40Thank you! Come again!
09:42He's gained some weight.
09:44Big time.
09:45So that's what happens when you scarf down ten large meals every day.
09:48Cautionary tale.
09:49The creep has managed to become a major contributor to sales,
09:52but he's gotta knock it off with a flowers and lardy bard act.
09:55Our customers are finding it disturbing.
09:59Welcome to McRonald's!
10:05Here's a special menu just for kids.
10:07Take all the time you need.
10:09Thank you, young man.
10:11Does anything look yummy to you, Kintaro?
10:13Uh, yeah!
10:24Mr. Mao, you got something on your mind?
10:26Kinda. This morning there was...
10:30Nah, I don't need to talk about it at work.
10:34First mission. Put today's laundry in the washer.
10:37Once the sequence is initiated, we enter the opportune window for vacuuming.
10:42You betcha.
10:43Say yes, sir, maggot!
10:46Dude, where'd you find this relic?
10:49You steal it from a pharaoh's tomb?
10:51It looks older than you.
10:53Aren't fully automatic machines kinda standard these days?
10:56For the layman they might be, but semi-automatics have advantages.
11:00The greatest of which is that they aren't controlled by a computer.
11:03If you take a moment to consider the total amount of water and detergent used,
11:06you'll find far and wide that they are the more economical choice for small but frequent loads.
11:10What's more, they can wash and spin dry simultaneously.
11:13This allows us separation.
11:15We can have loads of towels, underwear, lights, and darks,
11:17saving time and protecting our precious fabric.
11:20I get it. I'm in the presence of greatness.
11:23Just show me how to use the thing.
11:26For starters, the washer is on the left and the spinner is on the right.
11:30After you insert the clothes, gently turn this dial to set the timer.
11:34And nice shirts go in this little bag, don't they?
11:37Stop that. Not so fast.
11:38It's paramount that you undo the buttons at the cuffs.
11:41They're like microscopic. Why is it so important?
11:47Poor girl.
11:48We're forced to listen to boring conversations like this every day.
11:51Such is my life.
11:53Today's talk is more esoteric than usual.
11:55Odd. I've somehow grown curious.
11:58Are fully and semi-automatic so different?
12:00No clue. I've only ever had to use the fully automatic kind.
12:04There's more work to be done.
12:06Shortly, the clothes will be dry and we'll bring them inside to neatly fold.
12:10After that, we can put them away.
12:13Pay attention. T-shirts should be laid sideways like this.
12:16Then the sleeves fold in equal widths on the right and left.
12:20Lastly, you bring the bottom up to the neck.
12:23Well, soldier? Are you even listening to me?
12:26Yeah, but I just picked up on a present in the room.
12:29A present?
12:32Hey, do you think it could be...
12:34a Blatella Germanica?
12:37Blatella Germanica, you say?
12:39No chance. That would be impossible.
12:41The Devil's Castle is so perfectly defended that an invasion is inconceivable.
12:45One intruder and I have failed as a general.
12:48I don't know.
12:49It could be a Paraplanetta Fuliginosa.
12:52Silence! You better not be using fear tactics to worm your way out of doing chores!
12:56I must embark on a quest to the library and supermarket.
12:59Now, take in the laundry and finish the cleaning before I return, or you'll regret it!
13:11Thank you and come again soon!
13:13I've got the washrooms looking clean and tidy!
13:15Great work today, Chi.
13:17I know your shifts aren't quite over yet, but you two can head home early.
13:22Mr. Mao, are you going to be, like, super busy tonight?
13:25Not me. No plans are the best plans.
13:28Well, in that case, is it cool if I hang out at your apartment for a little while?
13:32I want to show these to Ms. Susanoh.
13:35Oh, yeah, it's Bone Festival time.
13:37Aren't these the flak stalks you burned to guide your ancestors back?
13:41Oh, wow! Dang, so you already know about them?
13:44Yeah, we got to your world around this time last year.
13:47We did loads of research on all your magic and rituals.
13:50That's awesome. Ms. Susanoh must be less familiar.
13:53I promised to bring some over so she could see them in person.
13:56That sounds fun. One problem.
14:01Nothing personal, but I don't think you should come by today.
14:04Oh, why not?
14:06I don't know. I just have a bad feeling.
14:10Ugh, it's barely working.
14:13Cheap products, cheap results.
14:17Changing the bag wasn't part of boot camp, so guess I'm done.
14:25I knew it was you.
14:29Bold of you to show yourself, Blathella Germanica.
14:34It's no use.
14:37This cheap vacuum is no match for Blathella's speed and endurance.
14:40I knew I should have ordered some legit weapons for moments like these.
14:43Too late now.
14:53Here comes Lucy.
14:57Could that be a Paraplaneta Fulligenosa?
15:04Ugh, literally any other time, Rain.
15:07Shoot, I totally forgot my umbrella.
15:10These kinds of showers stop as quickly as they start.
15:13Maybe we should wait it out in the break room together.
15:15Nah, I'm more concerned with my apartment than the rain.
15:18Okie doke! In that case, why don't we share my umbrella?
15:22That's really nice, but I'm worried about you being at my place.
15:25Don't be! If there's a problem, I'm gonna help you! Trust me!
15:30Ugh, Ashi is gonna be mega pissed if I don't wash all this crap again.
15:38The enemy is in hiding.
15:40Guess I can rewash the stupid clothes during this stupid truce.
15:43But no way am I separating lights and darks.
15:59What's wrong?
16:03It's a cockroach!
16:08How about this?
16:18It's airborne!
16:21Light of Iron!
16:32You need a minute to grab some fresh pants.
16:34I wasn't scared of that thing!
16:36You'd brownstripe yourself too if it was all up on you!
16:39Well, you'd better get used to pests if you're gonna live in dumps your whole life.
16:42I've never once seen a cockroach at my apartment.
16:45Don't say sea roach. It's so pervy.
16:47Whoever made that crap up knew what they were doing.
16:50We use the Latin names. Like Blatella Germanica.
16:53Paraplaneta Fulligenosa is common as well.
16:56At McGronald's, we just call him Taro.
16:58I didn't know about that.
16:59Then that makes you one of the lucky ones.
17:02It's like how we say washrooms instead of toilets.
17:05No one wants to hear cockroach when they're munching on a Big Mac.
17:08Everything's prepared. Time to light the fire.
17:21Come to think of it, does the devil have ancestors?
17:24Yeah, of course.
17:26Demons don't just pop out of the ground or grow on trees, you know.
17:29We all have ancestors and parents too.
17:32Whoa, you have parents?
17:34I do. Ancestry's pretty foggy for demons because most of us don't mourn like humans do.
17:39There's no way I could figure out all that stuff.
17:41To be honest, I can barely remember my folks.
17:44I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you spill your guts.
17:47Don't be. I mean, I'm the one who started talking about it.
17:57Heads up! Grab on to something quick! It's the gate!
18:08An apple?
18:10Even the demon realm doesn't grow apples that massive.
18:13The only time weird stuff like this happens to me is when I'm around you.
18:16That might be because you're always around me. Ever think of that? Stop being creepy!
18:20Please! That couldn't be further from the truth.
18:22I came to give Belle info on you clowns because she's stuck living here.
18:25Protecting the world from you is my duty.
18:27You think I stalk you?
18:29Well, there wouldn't be much to stalk, Mr. One-Ratty-Unisloat-Shirt.
18:32Shut up! I understand you hate me, but what did Unisloat do to you?
18:35Do they not carry sports bras and size pancake in this itty-bitty hero committee?
18:42That does it. I'll decapitate you here and now!
18:46Put that sword away!
18:48What, Timmy?
18:49Let's just use our words.
18:51Too late for that!
18:52I'm coming, Lord Satan!
18:55What's wrong with Chiho?
18:57I got a hug from Mr. Belle! I got a real hug!
19:04We lost her.
19:05Please, kill this enemy of womankind!
19:08Don't make this worse! Stop her!
19:10Shoot, I forgot you're committee member number two!
19:13For shame! Our plans for world domination have been cut down before my very eyes!
19:17Who would have thought our doom would involve an insult about a Brazil?
19:21Pervert! Time to die!
19:31The hell is going on?
19:33I can die happy now!
19:36Light of Iron!
19:51I can't breathe!
20:15So, anybody have a clue what just happened?
20:18Nope, and it's getting really late, so good night!
20:20You're staying right here!
20:21Belle and I have nothing to do with this mess!
20:23Baby Smith Apple's all yours!
20:31My name...
20:33You can speak our language, child?
20:35Uh, a little bit.
20:37Then fill us in. What are you?
20:39I'm Alice Ramos.
20:41So, is that your name?
20:43Yeah, I'm Alice Ramos.
20:51Well, it's really nice to meet you, Alice Ramos. Where did you come from?
20:55I, uh... don't know.
20:59Could you tell me who your parents are?
21:01Parents? What's that?
21:03He means your mama and your dada.
21:05Dada is... Satan!
21:08Awesome! Your dada is Satan!
21:15Me? For real?
21:17What's that? Dada! You have a child!
21:20No, gee, please don't freak out!
21:21You had a wife and kids back when you were Mr. Big Shot!
21:23Devil, that's not a very nice secret to keep!
21:25Calm down! I don't have a secret family!
21:28You had better be telling the truth, sire!
21:30Ha! Et tu, Hasha?
21:32An illegitimate heir is no laughing matter in the demon realm!
21:35More than that, I thought we told each other everything, my liege!
21:38Chill! Why are you all taking a toddler's word for mine?
21:41Oh, I know! Tell us who your mama is!
21:50Huh? Are you pointing at me right now?
21:53Dada! Mama!
21:56Either the child is a liar, or you have some explaining to do.
21:59Okay, miss, you say you can tell us the kid is lying and getting tired now!
22:04Dada! Mama!
