The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E09 - English

  • last week


00:30All we have to do is scare it away.
00:51What, are you gonna sumo the damn thing?
00:52I'm shooting from the hip here.
00:53You could help, you know.
00:59What's she doing?
01:04Now they totally think I'm a freak!
01:19Mom, I'm so cool! She made Mr. Bagel flat!
02:19Mom, I'm so cool! She made Mr. Bagel flat!
02:49Mom, I'm so cool! She made Mr. Bagel flat!
03:19We don't know anything about it. You all should go.
03:25Come on, you're lucky nobody snapped a picture of you. You'd have to flee the country to avoid those hacks.
03:33This sucks! I never would have had to wrestle the damn bear in the first place if it weren't for that stupid horny tone of a driver!
03:40Please, friends, keep yourselves calm. We'd hate to concern our hosts.
03:45Hello, sir.
03:48Yusa, let's talk.
04:00You protected the people I love. I am forever in your debt.
04:04Huh? Uh, no problem.
04:08Rest up. You've more than deserved it, after all.
04:12If he had chosen to pry about your uncanny strength, I was prepared to tamper with his memories.
04:21On his behalf, neither he nor the good Hinako has disclosed the details of the brawl to me. Therefore, I'm confident they wouldn't do so to the press.
04:30Perhaps that's all thanks to Chihou. Their worries might be deterred by the fact that you're friends.
04:36That makes sense. On the whole, you'll make it out of this unscathed, though you now have the nickname Bear Buster.
04:43Excuse me, I'm sorry, I beg your pardon, who is calling me what?
04:47Bear Buster.
04:49Um, no fear. Merely the devil and Elsa Yell are using it.
04:54I'll kill them with my bare hands!
04:56Please, don't go to your fury! Your aftonmanji and your bloodlust might scare the country folk!
05:02Come on, Belle, let go! And have you seen Alice Ramos? Crap, what if she's with them?
05:07She's downstairs. The children are napping. Worry not!
05:11Oh, I'm worrying! Can you imagine it? That sweet baby voice saying,
05:15I love you, Bear Buster! Sweet dreams, Bear Buster!
05:18You've been busting demons all over the place for years now. I don't get the big deal.
05:23Shut up or I'll bust your fat head!
05:31Think this is the last one.
05:33Great, thank you for your help.
05:35Mr. Manji, I've completed the bulk of the weeding.
05:38Roger that. Great work today, boys.
05:41Hope things go smoothly from here.
05:43They should, I'm just getting too old for this.
05:46I wish I could retire and leave it in Kazuma's hands, but there's no way.
05:50I can't let up when he and Yumiko are working so hard.
05:53Wait, Yumiko too?
05:55That's right. My wife's the one responsible for expanding the family enterprise in the first place.
06:00She inspired our son to study business and agriculture in Tokyo.
06:05With them on board, we're doing three times the business we did back in my dad's day.
06:09Three times? Impressive!
06:12Kazuma borrowed some solar panels from his university and put them on the land that we can't farm.
06:18He headed an initiative to sell organic veggies straight to Tokyo restaurants.
06:23He used to throw away misshapen produce, but he packages it up and sells it at a discount.
06:28Ah, are those panels over there the ones you mentioned?
06:32Yes, those are them.
06:34The electricity they generate runs the fans inside our greenhouses.
06:38They're hugely important when it comes to maintaining temperature and humidity.
06:42Those panels give us the power to grow so much.
06:45Science is great, isn't it?
06:50It all makes sense.
06:52I think I understand why the Demon Realm warred non-stop before I united it.
06:59Why's that, Sire?
07:01With enough magic in the atmosphere, demons don't need to eat.
07:05That's why there was no society.
07:08We didn't need to produce food.
07:12We should head on back.
07:14You don't want your dinner to get cold now, do ya?
07:18I'd rather it be warm.
07:26Something's up.
07:27No one's safe.
07:28I hear there are victims in Miyagi, too.
07:30Hey, neighbor!
07:31What's going on?
07:32Hello, Manji!
07:33Perfect timing!
07:36I don't think I've had the honor of meeting these fellows.
07:39Well then, allow me to introduce you to Mao and Ashiya.
07:43They're part-timers Sinichi recommended.
07:45Meet Mr. Onda, Neighborhood Association president.
07:49I guess you guys aren't suspects, then.
07:52Someone's been robbing fields in the area, and it looks like they're going after fruit!
08:00He said they've stolen high-value fruits like watermelons and region-specific or specialty vegetables.
08:05And they take a ton!
08:07The Sasukis raise watermelons and specialty tomatoes.
08:11Yeah, it's made the news.
08:13No front pages, though.
08:14Let's patrol the farm tonight and catch them ninja-style?
08:17With all these fields, it's way too much ground to cover.
08:20Plus, it's impossible to know exactly whether or not the culprit will be here tonight.
08:24That's true.
08:25On top of that, we do have an early morning tomorrow.
08:28We wouldn't want to wear ourselves out patrolling the grounds for nothing.
08:31Hey, Chi.
08:32Have Kazuma and the others mentioned anything about a plan?
08:35They said that they'll think about countermeasures.
08:38But no, nothing concrete like that.
08:42Sad face.
08:43What are you thinking?
08:45Okay, hear me out.
08:47The crimes have all happened in a week.
08:50They must have some safe place where they can sell the goods quickly.
08:53To steal from fields, they'd need a vehicle.
08:56A pickup would blend in but expose the cargo.
08:59An 18-wheeler might work, but it would be super easy to track down.
09:04Let's cut to the chase, Sherlock.
09:06Do I have to spell it out for you?
09:09The car we saw today.
09:11It'd be perfect for lowlifes on the prowl for produce, don't you think?
09:15You wouldn't be able to see it at night.
09:18It's big, so it can carry a lot.
09:20And it didn't seem to have trouble driving on dirt roads.
09:23You might actually be correct.
09:25It's just a hypothesis.
09:27But if it turns out I'm right,
09:29tonight's the night they'll show up.
09:32They wouldn't expect us to be out in the pitch-black fields after there was a bear attack today.
09:38Come sundown, the Sasaki farm will be their ideal hunting ground.
09:42What'll they want? Watermelons?
09:45But I'm sure they grow plenty of crops that we haven't seen yet.
09:48I heard about some organic vegetables.
09:51You think they might be after those?
09:54Emi, Suze, could you fly up above the farm?
09:57Might help to get a bird's-eye view.
09:59Yeah, nah.
10:01Sure, we can fly, but it's not like we have night vision.
10:04And people seeing us up in the sky would be real bad news.
10:07Yeah, you're right.
10:09Hey, yo, Geek Squad!
10:10Doesn't that one search engine have super-detailed maps?
10:13Give me a break, Grandpa.
10:15Those maps aren't, like, updated in real time.
10:19Should we stake it out?
10:21Maybe we should ask someone who actually knows the land.
10:25Whoever these thieves may be, they tried to goad a bear into mauling me and Emi.
10:30We don't have any problem with hurting people to get their hands on what they want.
10:34We can't let the Sasukis get any more involved in this.
10:37But we might be able to turn the tables if Emi or Suze scares them straight with some celestial force.
10:43How do you propose that we keep watch?
10:45The land's too vast for us five.
10:47And that's without counting good Chihou, of course.
10:50Oh, awesome. That means you're counting me.
10:53We'll patrol the areas we are familiar with. Yes?
10:56That might be our best option.
10:58But first, let's think about which routes that car could take.
11:01Did someone just say routes?
11:03How long have you been there? When did you...
11:06I didn't sense her presence at all.
11:08Did you hear anything? Any weird stuff?
11:11Well, hon, I don't need hearing aids yet.
11:14But don't you worry your little heads. Your secret is safe with me.
11:18I won't tell anyone the plan.
11:20Wait, really?
11:22The details went right over my head, and I don't have the energy to go blabbing people's secrets anymore.
11:28Maybe you aren't quite typical folks like Chihou or me.
11:32But it's clear that you have good hearts.
11:35And that you want to protect my family.
11:37How could anything else matter?
11:39Thank you for all you've done for us already.
11:44You, show me what you're looking at there.
11:46Uh, yes, ma'am.
11:49You got it, Pen?
11:52This path intersects with the biggest road on the farm.
11:55Right over here is where you had that grizzly run in with the bear.
11:59The only places a big car could get through are here, here, and all the way over here.
12:04Geography, Grandma!
12:06That would put them closest to the watermelons and the tomato greenhouse.
12:10That's excellent. It's much simpler with just two locations, right?
12:15We shall split into groups. One with Susanoo, and one with Yusa.
12:18Slow down a sec.
12:20What about this spot? My bet? It'll get hit.
12:23Dude, that's not even a field.
12:25Exactly. It's a way better target than a bunch of nasty vegetables.
12:30You could store them until it's safe to sell, and they won't go bad.
12:34What do you mean? We're lost.
12:36Just think, even at dirt-cheap prices, they'd bring in some dough.
12:40Way more dough than a few dozen vegetables.
12:42You guys got to see them up close, yeah?
12:44We saw them earlier today. With the right tools, even an amateur could remove them.
12:49They would fit it in that car.
12:51I'd say they're about to Tommy Matt's size, so not too big.
12:55And you could stack them up.
12:57Wait a second. Do you mean...
12:59Uh-huh. And if they get away with them,
13:02everything growing in those greenhouses is virtually garbage.
13:06They want the most out of it.
13:08Why must I be paired with you?
13:10Is it so bad? Since Urushihara's our resident tech whiz,
13:14we needed to station him by the panels.
13:17That puts you with me or Ashiya, two stellar options.
13:21Without your magic, you add as much value to a fight as these vegetables.
13:27A vehicle!
13:32What's that?
13:34A vehicle!
13:38It looked like a normal pickup, but I should text Emi just in case.
13:51You're going to have to explain how your lifeless corpse will have the ability to text anyone!
13:54Chill out! Don't smash me!
13:56That was completely my fault and I'm sorry!
13:58Just don't crack me like a melon, I'm begging you!
14:04Why is that car driving so slow?
14:06They're searching for something.
14:08He stopped! Second sight.
14:16It's too dark to make him out.
14:21Got it. There's four people up there.
14:34Why did you stop me?
14:37We need to watch them for a bit.
14:39I guarantee they're after more than a watermelon.
14:42You sure?
14:43I am. I have no doubt that's them.
14:45We need to tell Emi.
14:50The produce pirates pulled up.
14:57Yep, that's definitely the car.
14:59One of them is holding something. Some kind of tool.
15:03Two guys are holding the panels steady.
15:06It's off.
15:09Stay where you are!
15:11Tell me, who gave you permission to handle the Sasaki's property?
15:15Put the panel down, scoundrels!
15:28So quick to abandon their comrade.
15:34Divine Boots of Light!
15:38Agent Chiho, you read me?
15:40Yep, headed that way in an SUV.
15:42Looks like it's some foreign make.
15:44They're on Route 49, headed toward the bridge by Coppacorn.
15:47No way Emi lets them cross.
15:49Let the cops know.
15:52Hey, O'Bell.
15:54The target is on the run, headed for the Coppa Museum.
15:57Happy hunting.
15:59What happens now? If Mitsuru gets arrested, we're screwed!
16:02Shut up!
16:03We'll get to the highway, ditch the car, and get the hell out of here.
16:06Mitsuru isn't the toughest loss yet.
16:08Look where you're going, man!
16:15Guys, I think I might have hit her.
16:17Who? A big tanuki?
16:19No, a chick. She was even wearing a kimono.
16:22In the movies, a kimono is a surefire sign of a ghost.
16:25We gotta get the hell out of here.
16:30I think we're stuck on something.
16:32Why don't you guys get out there and check?
16:34I guess I can do it. Just don't ditch me.
16:39Kimono ghost lady!
16:45Resistance is futile!
16:48I'm way too freaking young to die!
16:50I'm sorry, farmers! I'm sorry!
16:56We gotta jump down and see!
16:58Hey man, has the roof always been lumpier?
17:09Did you really think you could escape me?
17:14You think lives are worth risking for cash?
17:16Well, your asses are about to be my ATM!
17:22Ah, gross!
17:27That coward won't make it very far.
17:29How dare a cretin like this piss in my presence?
17:32At least there's no fecal matter.
17:40What's going on?
17:47I hope you're not dumb enough to think this is bad luck.
17:51You've brought this on yourself.
17:54We only stole to survive!
17:57But you and your little friend stole out of greed,
18:01without a care in the world about the people you're hurting.
18:04If I had let you make a clean getaway,
18:06you never would have given them another thought, would you?
18:10What a shame.
18:11That greed, it's rotting your heart from the inside out.
18:18Whatever remains of your measly life
18:21will be spent atoning for carelessly harming others.
18:26Same way I'll spend mine.
18:30Mao and the others caught the thieves?
18:32You're certain they got them and they're alright?
18:34Well, I can feel a cold energy from down in the valley.
18:38At the very least, it's over.
18:41There they are!
18:43How did they manage it?
18:45I saw folks like them all the time in my day.
18:49But now that our lives are so much safer and easier,
18:52I reckon there's no need for people to be born with special powers like there used to be.
18:57Good night!
18:58You had me worried for a second there!
19:00Good grief, I'm so glad you're all okay.
19:02Thanks for all your help.
19:05Chin up.
19:06Whoever they are, they protected your wife and son and saved the farm.
19:10But more than that, it's clear that our Chiho trusts them.
19:14Let's leave it at that.
19:17Well, if Chiho trusts them,
19:21then the best thing we can do is put them to work like usual tomorrow morning.
19:29You have a delivery.
19:30Signature, please.
19:32How extraordinary!
19:34With this hefty bounty in addition to our ever-so-generous paychecks,
19:37our wallets will be smiling for months!
19:39I worry your joy is clouding our predicament.
19:42These won't fit in the refrigerators.
19:44How goes it, Chi?
19:46We got a sweet delivery from Komagane.
19:48I wanted to give you a quick call just to say thanks to you and your parents.
19:53Yeah, could you put them on?
19:55Hey, this is Mao.
19:57First of all, thank you so much.
20:00Just got a news flash about our veggie villains.
20:03The suspects were found responsible for a series of produce thefts,
20:06upon which they were charged and turned over to the public prosecutor's office.
20:11The young men who committed the crimes were university students,
20:13using their meager spoils as fun money.
20:17The sheer belligerence of those cretins!
20:19Apparently, they were all messed up after they were caught
20:22and started telling the officers that they saw a demon.
20:33I'm sorry.
20:34I'm sorry.
20:35I'm sorry.
20:36I'm sorry.
20:37I'm sorry.
20:38I'm sorry.
20:39I'm sorry.
20:40I'm sorry.
20:41I'm sorry.
20:42I'm sorry.
20:43I'm sorry.
20:44I'm sorry.
20:45I'm sorry.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:47I'm sorry.
20:48I'm sorry.
20:49I'm sorry.
20:50I'm sorry.
20:51I'm sorry.
20:52I'm sorry.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:55I'm sorry.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:57I'm sorry.
20:58I'm sorry.
20:59I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
21:01I'm sorry.
21:02I'm sorry.
21:03I'm sorry.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:05I'm sorry.
21:06I'm sorry.
21:07I'm sorry.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:10I'm sorry.
21:11I'm sorry.
21:12I'm sorry.
21:13I'm sorry.
21:14I'm sorry.
21:15I'm sorry.
21:16I'm sorry.
21:17I'm sorry.
21:18I'm sorry.
21:19I'm sorry.
21:20I'm sorry.
21:21I'm sorry.
21:22I'm sorry.
21:23I'm sorry.
21:24I'm sorry.
21:25I'm sorry.
21:26I'm sorry.
21:27I'm sorry.
21:28I'm sorry.
21:29I'm sorry.
21:30I'm sorry.
21:31I'm sorry.
21:32I'm sorry.
21:33I'm sorry.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:35I'm sorry.
21:36I'm sorry.
21:37I'm sorry.
21:38I'm sorry.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:40I'm sorry.
21:41I'm sorry.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:44I'm sorry.
21:45I'm sorry.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:48I'm sorry.
21:49I'm sorry.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:56I'm sorry.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:02How's this gonna get me?
22:03Where's this supposed to go?
22:05Now see what?
22:06You're not gonna bust my bear, are you, Mama?
22:09No busting?
22:12Of course not.
22:13Don't worry, bear.
22:16Screw you, Mao.
22:17I'll wring your scrawny neck till your head pops off!
22:20And next, we have an update on the serial agricultural facts in Komagane Nagano.
22:26Something's bugging me.
22:28There isn't a crazy amount of negative emotion here.
22:31So how was Mao able to transform?
22:34Could it be...
22:35the Kappa?
22:37They say the exhibits in that museum are genuine and curated by ethnographers.
22:42Perhaps he took humanity's Tara of Kappa accumulated over millennia and converted it to magic.
22:48Seems within reason.
22:58I've been letting my guard down around them a lot lately.
23:02But there are several ways they could regain their true power.
23:06Even here in Japan.
23:07Due to that, the investigation is ongoing.
23:12Howdy, stranger.
23:13It's been a while.
23:14I know.
23:15I'm so busy recently.
23:16It's tricky to find time to call.
23:19Ah, guess what?
23:20I just got back from Nagano.
23:22I did all kinds of farm work.
23:24We harvested eggplants and cucumbers.
23:27But there's something I need to ask you.
23:29Has Lila dropped by recently?
23:33Who's whom now?
23:35Well, that's an odd reply.
23:36Isn't Lila your mother?
