The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E08 - English

  • last week


00:00Nure-senbei are unique. They have a rather smooshy texture, I'd say.
00:04They're super soft and tasty. Is this your first time trying them?
00:08Yep. Never had them. I usually go for more crack in my cracker.
00:13So, did they ever get your friend Mao's apartment all fixed up?
00:16Mm-hm. They should be moved in by now.
00:19Huh? Here, let me get this one.
00:30What's good, brother? How you doing?
00:37Don't know why I expected the place to be less of a dump.
00:42Have you not eyes? Look! The kitchen faucet has been tightened!
00:47No matter how hard I twisted the knob, it would drip, but the good repairman hath saved me!
00:52Yay, repairs!
00:54You understanding stuff! You're my little smarty, aren't you?
00:58You've lost all hope of being cool, from demon king to dorky dad.
01:02I'm so glad you're digging the family bonding, but McRonald's is still closed for a while, right?
01:08You should look for a temp job before we come down with the poor.
01:11Silence, hypocrite!
01:16Hi, everybody!
01:18TV is home!
01:20What's up, Chi?
01:22Good news! I found you a job! In Nagano!
01:52What's wrong?
01:56What's wrong?
03:00Urushihara, you faring well?
03:03Why don't you take a guess?
03:06Sorry he's gross. He's not used to leaving the house.
03:09Oh, it's okay. Little Chiho here used to get carsick when she was young.
03:13She was worse than this, though. She would be sick out of both ends if you know.
03:17Let's just keep that to ourselves, Mom.
03:19You know, maybe there's something to be learned here. We all get sick, even Dark Lords.
03:24Huh? Dark Lords? What's that?
03:26What did I say? Not Dark Lords, that's for sure.
03:29You did! Because that's what you call black bears, isn't it?
03:32Yeah, that's right. You know me. Scared of bears.
03:35Speaking of, are there bears in Nagano?
03:38You would hardly see them back in the day.
03:40But I hear that lately they've been coming down the mountain to find food.
03:45Miss Sasaki's grandmother. She was attacked by a wild boar on the farm, correct?
03:50Yes, but she wasn't hurt too badly.
03:52Though it was enough to scare away all the kids they had working part-time.
03:56Hence their shorthanded.
03:58With the summer harvest coming up, my brother-in-law needs help.
04:02That's where you boys come in. Thanks again.
04:05Sure. We're just happy to have something to do until McRonald's reopens.
04:10It's a little late to ask, but do you think that we should have invited Miss Yusa?
04:14I'm sick of her following us around. I could use an Emmy break.
04:18My liege! Look ahead! What a sight to see!
04:21That building has the face of a kappa!
04:25It's called Kappacon. It's a museum related to the old legends and all things kappa.
04:30The kappa? These spirits are known for their diverse interests.
04:34Sumo, and cucumbers, and the shirikodama, a.k.a. the butt soul.
04:40Lost me at butt.
04:41It's the truth. Kappa are known to extract an orb called the shirikodama straight from the human's chocolate pocket.
04:47And without this mysterious globe, the human is robbed of all of their nerve and vigor.
04:52Perhaps that's what happened to you, Arushihara!
04:56Give the poor guy a break. He's too sick for a comeback.
05:01Well, we're almost there.
05:03Hey, here's a fun fact. All this land you see out here, minus the roads of course, belongs to our family.
05:13Riho, I hope the drive wasn't too bad.
05:16It's good to see you, Auntie.
05:18I'm glad you came, Chiho. You've grown up so much since I've seen you.
05:23Is that boy Mr. Mao?
05:25Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you.
05:29I'm your niece's friend, Ashiya.
05:31Um, Arushihara...
05:33I'm Yumiko, Chiho's auntie. That ride must have tuckered you folks out.
05:38Relax for a bit in your rooms.
05:40Dear, why don't you show them the way?
05:47This devil's castle could fit in the damn foyer!
05:50In fact, imagine for a moment the area of Sasazuka and Hatagaya combined.
05:55That would still be smaller than the land the Sasagis own.
05:58What are you waiting for, slowpokes? The stairs are over this way.
06:02Hey, Ashiya, did our secretly rich friend just say the stairs?
06:06Um, I believe so.
06:08This place is even bigger than we thought.
06:10True. What sorcery is this?
06:12Hurry or they'll smell your poverty.
06:15Thanks for being here. You're doing our family a huge favor.
06:18I'm Manji, Chiho's uncle. You met my wife, Yumiko.
06:23And that's my son, Kazuma. He runs the place.
06:27So I'm Chiho's cousin. That's my wife, Hinako, and son, Hitoshi.
06:32Hello. Can you tell our friends hello, too?
06:37Wait, so you're Chi's cousin?
06:39I just have some experience babysitting my cousin's kid.
06:43Thank you, sir. We'll forever be in your debt.
06:47Well, looky here. The gang's all back together.
06:52I was under the impression you were hurt.
06:54Takes a lot more than that to keep me down.
06:57Lastly, this is my mother, Ei.
06:59We heard you were gored by a boar or something.
07:01Just a headbutt. I'll be all right, but you should see the other guy.
07:06Well, I'm really glad that you're doing okay.
07:08Let us cover the physical labor. We're here to help out.
07:12So rest up and leave the farming to us, ma'am.
07:16Hey, Hinako, why don't you show our guests around the fields?
07:21Chiho, you mind watching the little guy for a while?
07:23Of course. Sounds fun.
07:25How responsible. You're becoming a fine young lady, aren't ya?
07:29Her mom says she's been working on cooking, too.
07:32Rumor has it she's spent a lot of time learning some fancy new recipes to impress Mao.
07:36Oh, yeah? Whose team are you on, Mother?
07:39Don't just tell people that stuff!
07:41Oops. It came up in conversation, hun.
07:44I'm not buying that excuse!
07:47What? Something funny?
07:49No, not at all. It's just in the car I was thinking.
07:53This whole trip. I think it's going to let me see a different side of you.
07:57I'm excited.
08:00Cool. I'm not super sure what you mean.
08:04I can't express how grateful we are.
08:06We won't make you do anything too difficult. No fear.
08:10We will just need help with things like harvesting and weeding.
08:13All the super tedious but fairly simple tasks.
08:16Great. Hey, are you sure it's okay for them to ride back there?
08:20For some reason, this doesn't make me feel as pukey.
08:23While I'm ever so happy for you,
08:25we are currently breaking the law and if caught by police, could face a fine!
08:29That won't be a problem here. All of this land is ours.
08:34Now, there aren't too many vegetables that get harvested here in the summer,
08:38but those that do need to be hand-picked, and we have quite a few.
08:42The greenhouses are full of eggplants, and nearby are cucumbers.
08:48We would call that a hefty city block in Sasazuka.
08:51The harvest doesn't start until tomorrow morning, but let's warm you up.
08:55It'll be good to dip your toes in.
08:59It's nothing scary. Just some light weeding.
09:06Hey, Ushihara, are you dead?
09:09Tough loss. Ashiya, nothing.
09:15Warrior, fine. Weeding, dead.
09:18Mr. Mao, can we come in for a sec?
09:20Yeah, just watch the bodies.
09:23Poor boys. It looks like they started you out early.
09:27There's still a little bit of time before dinner,
09:29so Kazuma invited us all to check out a hot spring.
09:35Wow, what a beautiful building.
09:39Just went up last year.
09:41It's a hotel, but you can also come just for the hot spring.
09:44How about we meet back up at 6.30?
09:49Well, hi, teamie.
09:51Wait, Alice Ramos?
09:54Slow down for Mama, cutie.
09:56Short legs, but such speed.
09:58So, what's going on?
10:00Why are you here?
10:02Hilarious comment from you!
10:04That's strange. Do you know these folks?
10:07Did you say Alice Ramos?
10:09That's the baby he took in, right?
10:11Mama! My dada is here!
10:20Let me make sure I'm understanding this right.
10:22So, when Mao and his roommates came to Nagano with us,
10:27they left Alice Ramos under the care of...
10:29Susan O. Kamizuki, ma'am.
10:31Of course, Miss Kamizuki.
10:33And your friends with Sweet Emi,
10:35who happens to bear a striking resemblance to the baby's real mother.
10:38How am I doing so far?
10:40Quite well, but you see, the poor child couldn't stand to be apart from Mao,
10:44who she thinks of as a father.
10:46We did research into the area and found this hot spring hotel nearby.
10:49It was perfect.
10:51I knew it would be an inconvenience,
10:53but we came anyway in hopes the baby could see Mao.
10:56How cruel, Mao.
10:58You should have brought the baby with you, actual father or not.
11:02Right. I know that now.
11:04But worse than that,
11:06her real parents have abandoned her for so long she's forgotten who they even are.
11:10Tell your relatives she started calling someone else mom and they might come back.
11:14Wouldn't worry about it all that much.
11:17I have a friend that's so busy his kids hardly know him.
11:20Each family's different.
11:23Um, Mr. Sasaki?
11:26We just met, and I'm fully aware this might be out of line to ask,
11:30especially after our painfully embarrassing introduction, but...
11:33What is it?
11:35Will you hire us? Susanoo and I would prove most valuable.
11:39I actually grew up on a wheat farm, so I for one know what I'm doing.
11:48I'm sorry, Belle. Didn't mean to drag you into this.
11:51Please, it's fine. I have no qualms with manual labor.
11:55And I understand all your concerns about the boys.
12:00Imagine those clowns working in the fields.
12:08What a total pain in my ass.
12:12Mr. Mao, are you asleep in there?
12:16Not yet. Sup, Chi?
12:24Gosh, I'm sorry. I need a sec to get in the right space.
12:37Hi. Good evening, Mr. Mao.
12:40Hey, you good?
12:42So... I'm kinda underdressed. Like, it's embarrassing.
12:48Doesn't seem like a problem.
12:50What's up? Need something?
12:53I just... Never mind, I'm being silly. It's not that important.
12:58Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever seen you dress so casually.
13:04You look cute with your hair down. You should wear it like that more.
13:08Yeah, I don't think I can do that. It's fine to look like this at home.
13:12But I can't go exposing my home self to just anybody.
13:16I guess that makes sense. So, what did you come here for?
13:20So, I... I wanted to talk to you about Miss Yusa.
13:26You know what? Why don't we take a walk outside?
13:33Why can we see so many stars out here?
13:40I'm no scientist, but if I had to guess, the mountains are blocking out the moonlight.
13:45Ah, makes sense. Good thinking, Chi.
13:50Might as well just dive in. So, about Miss Yusa...
13:54Oh, yeah. She is what we came to talk about, huh?
13:57I found out the real reason why she asked my uncle to work on the farm with you guys. Do you wanna know?
14:04Yeah, but I doubt you heard it from her.
14:06Miss Yusano told me about it. She explained Miss Yusa was really upset by the idea of you doing farm work.
14:13I thought that might be the case.
14:16Why? Did you notice something?
14:18Nothing major, but it did occur to me that her family back on Entei Isla ran a farm.
14:24I see how that would make this upsetting. We treated her family like they were nothing.
14:30She'd say we have no business going anywhere near a farm.
14:33That's the gist of what she told Miss Yusano.
14:36It's kinda creepy. I could picture Emi's reaction to stuff like this almost perfectly.
14:42That makes me kind of jealous.
14:44Please don't be. No need.
14:47For real, I'm sure it's hard for her to come to terms with things.
14:52You're right.
14:54You know, something's been on my mind.
14:57I wonder if there's a way for all of the people I've grown to love to find happiness with each other.
15:02That seems doubtful.
15:04At least pretend to give it a shot.
15:08We better head back.
15:11This was such a lovely walk. Thank you for coming.
15:25Rise and shine, League of Mediocre Gentlemen!
15:31Hey! What? Leave! You have ten seconds to explain what you're doing.
15:36Weren't you paying attention yesterday?
15:38I'm working here and it's the first day of the harvest, idiots.
15:41I know, but did you have to wake us at-
15:43Huh? This is a freaking felony!
15:48Summertime! It's normal. On your feet, nerds!
15:54Good morning, everybody.
15:56Please, escort yourself to an empty seat.
15:59You can't come to someone's house and totally monopolize their kitchen!
16:02Where might the third stooge be?
16:04Risking life and limb by clinging to his futon.
16:10This morning we'll split up into teams to harvest eggplants and cucumbers.
16:14Great, here we go.
16:16Yusa, have you ever picked eggplants?
16:19Yes, sir!
16:20In that case, Mao and Yusa, you can take that greenhouse.
16:24Hinako and Kamizuki, head over there.
16:26Ashiya, you and Pops can take that one.
16:29Urushihara, you're with me today.
16:32Okay, let's hit it, folks!
16:34Have a great time, hun. I'll pick you kids up in four days.
16:37Thank you. Drive safe. Bye-bye!
16:43Oh, gosh. Hope it's going well.
16:52Good grief. I figured it would be cooler in the morning, but I'm sweating like a hog.
16:58Do you know the reason why we started picking these so early?
17:03Early morning harvests are actually standard for summer veggies.
17:07Why is that?
17:09At night there's no sunlight and temperatures go down, so plants kind of get a break.
17:14They use that time to replenish nutrients.
17:16So if we pick them early, they'll have just replenished and are at their most nutritious?
17:21Yeah, exactly.
17:23Even if crops come from the same field, they'll still taste different depending on when they're picked.
17:28Gotcha. Guess rising at the butt-crack of dawn was worth it.
17:32So then, if we don't finish picking them soon, can't we come back tomorrow morning?
17:39Why not?
17:41Any vegetables that are at their peak today will overripen at the speed of light by tomorrow.
17:46They would be all spongy and not taste as good. No way they'd sell.
17:51Harvest too late and you lose everything. The farmer takes a massive financial hit.
17:56Well, that sounds rough.
17:58Trust me, it is. I'd know.
18:01Miss Susan-o told me about it.
18:03She explained Miss Yusa was really upset by the idea of you doing farm work.
18:09What's wrong?
18:11Are you regretting what you did?
18:13If you're planning to dump your guilt on me, don't waste your time.
18:17Guilt about what? Jeez.
18:20Maybe having your demons destroy my hometown and burning down my father's fields?
18:26I'm still angry, and I won't forgive you.
18:30But if you're sorry, maybe a little fraction of that anger will start to go away.
18:35But just a tiny little bit. Like if an ant took a crap like that amount.
18:39In retrospect, your remorse doesn't matter much.
18:44Just give it a rest. That issue is between you and me.
18:47I don't want to impact the Sasukis and the amazing opportunity they're giving us by bringing the past into this.
18:53So go ahead and farm your little heart out, old McRonald.
18:57Jeez, Emi.
18:59Why jeez?
19:00Could you be a bigger pain?
19:03Are we certain what we're doing here is ethical, sire?
19:06We rose quite early this morning and the labor was intense, but still.
19:11They're being way too nice.
19:13They gave us an awesome meal and let us have a nap for over two hours now.
19:17I feel as though heaven would frown upon us for taking our full pay.
19:21Be real, man. Heaven hates you already.
19:24I'm going to need to sit here till the end of time.
19:27You know, maybe we suck. I bet they're letting us nap because that's all we're qualified for.
19:32My liege, if we want work, we'll have to go get it.
19:36Picture Yusa. She's using her unique skills to find work around the farm.
19:40Yeah, guess you're onto something.
19:43Let's go ask Grandma A if she has any jobs for us.
19:46We got skills, too!
19:48Aw, don't cry, He.
19:50Wanna play with your new friend? Here.
19:53Come play with me!
19:54A job? Of course.
19:56How about taking Hitoshi on a walk to see his mama out in the field?
20:00The poor dear's been crying to see Hinako since she left this morning.
20:03Leave it to us, ma'am.
20:06They actually got up.
20:08What inspirational colleagues I have. I truly respect their grind.
20:14How's the weather up there? Ya hot?
20:16Nope. He, we have matching hats. Yours is very cool.
20:20What a sweet girl.
20:22You're a little Miss Polite, huh?
20:24Yeah, Miss He.
20:26I think your new buddy might prefer He, mister.
20:32Aw, thanks. He must have missed me.
20:35Quite. Glad we could be of service, ma'am.
20:38What have you been up to?
20:40Just picking some millet.
20:42Hey, where's Susano?
20:44She's back at the house, helping out with dinner.
20:47Huh? I didn't know that.
20:49She went outside right before you came down.
20:51I think she said she was sharpening a knife.
20:55Well, that's big serial killer energy.
20:57Be quiet, that's how you become victim number one.
21:00I can let her know you said that.
21:02I have a suspicion that someone will go hungry tonight.
21:07I can handle a lot, but not that!
21:09I'm sorry, I take it back!
21:12Huh? Is something the matter, Hanako?
21:14No, not yet at least.
21:16Everybody needs to stay calm, crouch down and hush.
21:20Right there.
21:28What now? Where's Kazuma?
21:30He went down to the canal.
21:32Look at him. He's so thin.
21:35If he wants food, we're in trouble.
21:37He looks hungry.
21:39Let's get out of here before it gets closer.
21:41We can go down where Kazuma is.
21:44That isn't a bad idea.
21:46Now, Alice Ramos, quiet time.
21:49Why quiet?
21:51Don't rush, nice and slow.
21:55Honey, please, calm down.
21:59Hitoshi, Mama needs you to be quiet.
22:06Oh no, he heard us.
22:09Oh no!
22:39When I woke up from my dream, you were gone
22:44Beautiful things always seem to reach, but they don't
22:53No matter how much I cherish you
22:58I wonder if I can protect her
23:03In the shadow of a cold night
23:08I embraced you as if to pray
23:14So that this unchanging present can continue
23:19Even if the world cannot become one
23:24Ah, every time I smile from now on
23:29I can see a new light
