The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E21 - English

  • 5 days ago
00:00I'm late! Are you even listening to me? Emi!
00:13What's up?
00:15I found a ramen place that looks pretty bomb. You wanna do lunch?
00:19Heck yeah I do! It's been too long.
00:22One second. Hey, how are you?
00:26Super great, Miss Yusa! I'm getting really excited for dinner tomorrow night!
00:33I look forward to it too. If you wouldn't mind, could you get me a few ingredients?
00:40What could you possibly be doing with that many eggs?
00:44I thought I'd try making a quiche. Miss Sasaki tells me it's a thrifty delicacy.
00:49Next time, pinch pennies on your own, ma'am.
00:52That sounds great. The kiddo and I both love eggs, don't we?
00:56Mama, can we go see Dada now?
01:02How weird. Hey, Mao! Have you gone all shut-in freak on us or what?
01:07Hello? You alive in there? Should we be worried?
01:23There you are. You really freaked me out. You're supposed to answer when people knock, you know.
01:28Or get ritzy and invest in a doorbell. In other news, our friends disappeared.
01:33So I'm pretty glad to see your ugly mug.
01:36Once they're back, we should all get together for a dinner.
01:40Just a dream. Why do I always want whatever I can't have?
02:00Guess we should go.
02:02Wait, but what comes next?
02:04All that's left for us to do now is try our best to be patient.
02:08I have faith in our friends.
02:10Mr. Mao and Miss Susanoo are going to keep everyone safe and bring them home soon.
02:14They said they would.
02:20As soon as I get here, I'm building crap.
02:23Complaining won't help.
02:25Having fun in there?
02:27Come now?
02:28It's a little early for Betty-bye, don't you think?
02:31I won't be judged by the likes of you.
02:33In order to stay combat-ready, I must get used to movement in this.
02:37I introduce you to the Tucked In Twinsies!
02:40Wow, real mature.
02:42Just couldn't wait to try out your sleeping bags, could you?
02:45No, that's not true. I'm simply training.
02:50Mao, it fell down!
02:52Incredible, now you've derailed everything!
02:55Yeah, yeah. Give me a minute to fix it.
02:57Change behind a tree or something.
03:01Before you go, put on some bug spray.
03:04I don't need your guidance!
03:06Twinsie, help me out.
03:10Here's a question.
03:12When did you and Nor get to Japan in the first place?
03:15According to my calculations, I've only been alive for about a year, so...
03:20For real? Just one?
03:22Yep! I've been living with my dad ever since I was a whole zero years old,
03:26and I've got no idea what went on before that.
03:29A year, though?
03:31It's weird you got a human form before Alice Ramos if you're the younger sister.
03:36From where I'm sitting, it seems like Nor's been in Japan for a while.
03:40My brain hurts.
03:42Why's that?
03:43Things are so confusing.
03:45We'll need a big family meeting to make sense of it all.
03:48Hey, be careful! You scared me!
03:51You're at fault for not watching your back.
03:54What's wrong now? Readying new complaints about my wardrobe?
03:58Nah, it is a pretty intense look, though.
04:01Those are church vestments, right?
04:04They're meant to blend in with the masses.
04:06These will prevent suspicion when we pass through towns.
04:09Why are you looking at me like that?
04:12I've only seen you wear a kimono, so this is a lot to take in.
04:17Kimono are cool and all, but you should give western clothes a shot.
04:22You pull off those vestments well.
04:25You... don't take!
04:27Hmm? Why'd you get all weird?
04:30I did not get weird.
04:32But since my choice of earthly apparel has been called into question,
04:35I prefer kimono because they resemble these church robes in weight and length.
04:42So, you'll believe this carb suits me?
04:45Yeah, it does for sure.
04:47Also, I know I don't rock a kimono,
04:50but western clothes are way more cost-effective.
04:53Think about it. You chuck them in the wash.
04:56There we go.
04:58What's the problem now?
05:00They're easy to clean, and I think they would look good on you.
05:02I... shall not be swayed again!
05:07This is gonna be a long asphalt trip.
05:25Paul, now!
05:28What's up?
05:33Guess we'll take the scenic route.
05:39Any specific reason I have to wear this dumb armor?
05:42Do you hear that sound? The cries of hopeful masses.
05:48This nation is in desperate need of a hero.
05:51Someone they can put their faith behind to liberate Heaven's Sky and the imprisoned Emperor Unifier.
05:59Exciting, yes?
06:01The brave hero Emilia's second operation to retake Heaven's Sky is about to commence.
06:11It's her! The hero!
06:13When I heard she was alive, I could hardly believe it.
06:15She's going to save Exahan and his people with it!
06:18Please, free the Emperor Unifier!
06:22Do you hear how they adore you?
06:24You've become a symbol for their cause.
06:26Clinging to hope is the only thing of which these moronic Feigen citizens are capable.
06:31In fact, that's something they share with fools of the Maul branch,
06:34who so firmly believe they could avenge Satan.
06:37Hold on. Have you...
06:40Speaking of our friends the demons,
06:42you and I are about to hunt down the fearsome few who've been eating away at Exahan.
06:48Huh? But I don't wanna!
06:50We have no choice.
06:51The closer we get to the capital, the more likely we are to be found out.
06:56Your journey must end here.
06:58I was just starting to master the art of driving turbo-powered Dullahan III.
07:03I'm glad you're enjoying your scooter,
07:05but taking it any farther could mean death for Emilia and the others.
07:10Now seems like an appropriate time to ask.
07:13Why do you name your modes of transportation Dullahan?
07:18If I'm not mistaken, Dullahans are demons from Earth's mythology, correct?
07:22Yeah, you know your trivia.
07:24Too bad we don't have any Dullahans in the real demon realm.
07:28Precisely. So why use the name?
07:31It's not crazy deep or anything.
07:35But before I made it to Migars,
07:37Ashi and I got axed from loads of jobs.
07:40Go on.
07:41When everything started to look up,
07:43I bought a bike to commute to the New Gake.
07:45It was a huge purchase, and it'd suck to get axed again without any savings.
07:50T'would indeed.
07:52Wait a moment.
07:53Sounds like you're on to it, but it's always been a good luck thing.
07:57Because Dullahans are headless demons, yeah?
08:00Well, if there's no head to chop off, it can't get the ax.
08:04That is ridiculous.
08:05Hey, watch it. You brought it up, not me.
08:09I'd almost prefer you named it after a supernatural beast
08:12and a sad attempt to transplant your demon king life.
08:15Please, I'm way less pathetic than that.
08:18Your reasoning is hilariously human.
08:20I'm so done with you, I don't play with bullies.
08:26So Mal, tell me.
08:28Why did your kind come to Entei Isla?
08:32I was always under the impression your goal was to rule the Five Continents.
08:36Ruling and destroying are not the same.
08:39Think of Efsahan.
08:41Alsiel ruled it brilliantly.
08:45Good Chihou is scarily perceptive at times.
08:48Well, that and she didn't come into this with any harsh preconceptions about you.
08:53She quickly picked up that you were a leader who wanted the best for their people.
08:57Sure, but it's no secret that I'm a king.
09:00What's your point here?
09:05What the hell are you doing?
09:07You can confess.
09:08As a clergy member, I can't disclose your secrets.
09:12And sitting like this, you can't gauge my reactions.
09:15No matter what you confide in me, I will not hold it against you.
09:19So, what was your goal?
09:21Why did you invade Entei Isla?
09:26When I was a little kid, the Demon Realm was a shitty-ass place governed by violence and violence alone.
09:33I put together an army because I wanted to change that.
09:37Thanks to demons like Kamio and Alsiel, we were able to craft a new nation that was more advanced than any before it.
09:43Demons didn't have to die just because they were weak.
09:47But for all that good, I made one big mistake.
09:50Which was?
09:51I failed to take into account that demons get magic, the energy that they need to survive, from emotions like fear and despair.
09:58My unification brought order and peace, so fear and despair lessened and slowly disappeared.
10:05As a result, our magical reserves began to decline.
10:09In hindsight, it was inevitable.
10:11I had cut off their source.
10:15If I didn't do something fast, they would have all starved because of me.
10:20So attacking Entei Isla was your last option?
10:23We plundered and colonized, all to restore a resource that I had senselessly depleted.
10:29Pretty standard motivation for a war, huh?
10:33Wiping you guys out wouldn't solve our problem.
10:36I figured the best solution would be to rule mankind with a decent amount of fear.
10:41I gave strict orders. Show no mercy, but always accept a surrender.
10:46You know the story from there.
10:49Emi freed one continent after the next, and I ran away and ended up in Japan.
10:56Once we invaded Entei Isla, I researched constantly.
11:00How could humans create civilizations without killing each other?
11:03While I was here, I never understood the difference between you guys and us.
11:09But three days in Japan, and I knew exactly what it was.
11:15You eat food and we don't. That's it.
11:18Demons can survive on magic alone, but humans can't.
11:23No food and they're toast. It drives the entire economy.
11:28It's no wonder the structures of their societies are so different.
11:33I had to find a whole new world to realize that simple fact.
11:37They believed in me, and because of my ignorance, I led them to their deaths.
11:43So you were in a corner.
11:44It was the human world versus the lives of the subjects that you vowed to protect at any cost.
11:50That was your duty as their king.
11:54What torments you now? What sin keeps you awake?
11:58I betrayed them.
12:00My subjects trusted me, and I killed them.
12:04All that to say, I took the wrong path.
12:07How will you go forth? How will you repent for your misgivings?
12:12Be king, and do everything I can for them until the day my time is up.
12:17A good answer. You wish to become a king who rules demons and humans alike, don't you?
12:24No reason holding back in a confession, I suppose.
12:26Speaking of which, would your god be willing to forgive the sins of a demon?
12:31The demon king's sins are considered most unforgivable, by conventional wisdom.
12:36Well, that's lame! Are we just killing time with my trauma, then?
12:40No. Now I can forgive you.
12:43You mean that?
12:45Satan, king of demons, I have heard your humble confession.
12:49I have listened to your woes and know that your words of remorse come from the heart.
12:53Therefore, I absolve you of your sins in the name of Crestia Bell,
12:57regardless of whether God or anyone else in this world would refuse to do so.
13:02I think this Enta Isla air is getting to you.
13:08Yes, perhaps it is.
13:11Report! A battle is in progress on the front lines between the inlaid Crimson Scarves and an unknown enemy leader.
13:17Understood. I'll join them.
13:20That's unnecessary.
13:23But I can end this, here and now!
13:26Need I remind you you're the commander-in-chief of the Crimson Scarves?
13:30Yes, I am.
13:32You're not the only one.
13:35But I can end this, here and now!
13:38Need I remind you you're the commander-in-chief of the Crimson Scarves?
13:41You can no longer have the privilege of acting so rashly.
13:46Then I'll use my new position to declare this.
13:49We're going to invite the Maul branch to surrender before there's any more needless loss of life out there.
13:54Our objective is supposed to be freeing cities, not senselessly massacring the enemy.
13:59Are you suggesting for a moment that we should allow the demon scum to live?
14:03Well, I just...
14:05Idealing for the front lines!
14:07After a battle with their leader, they've been routed!
14:10Finally, Gwynvan City is free!
14:17Well, Ashia! Oops, I mean, well, Demon General Asiel.
14:22What's it like to be back in Heaven Sky?
14:24It's sickening.
14:26Now explain. What role are you trying to foist upon me?
14:29Don't worry. Your new job's going to be a walk in the park, friendo.
14:33Just sit back, relax, and kick it on that throne.
14:37The rest of it'll take care of itself.
14:39I see now. You brought me here so you can say Asiel has returned.
14:45Of course I'd be your first choice. I'm the only general that remains undefeated.
14:49Our old players have all returned, and the Angels want Emilia to defeat the demon army on some grand stage.
14:56Correctamundo! And here I am.
14:59I thought you were just a cheapskate that digs around for the big eggs at the grocery store.
15:03You pest! How dare you spy on me at my most vulnerable hour!
15:07You're no fun.
15:09Heaven's surely driving this. No doubt your people cajoled Ulba and the demons.
15:14What is it you're after?
15:19Saving Heaven is the name of the game these days.
15:22Excuse me?
15:24Hey, I'm only going to ask you for one tiny little thing.
15:26When Emilia shows up, keep fighting for as long as you can hold out.
15:31One less demon. One less enemy of mankind in the world, right?
15:36He was the enemy. Always has been. It's us. Or them.
15:43So why is this so hard?
15:57Stay quiet.
16:02Somebody found our camp.
16:07A phone?
16:09As much as a friend would be my preference, I'm thinking you're right.
16:12I know this one. I believe it's called a scooter.
16:17You aren't as quiet as you think. Is it the devil? Alciel? Lucifer? The Sasaki girl?
16:23Or could it be Crestia Bell?
16:26Why would you listen to that? It's no enemy.
16:29I assume this meeting isn't a coincidence. Is it now, Albert Ende?
16:37What is that? New species of demon?
16:40Take that back at once, wretch!
16:42Where'd that coward Ulba go? He must be to blame.
16:47See? I knew we should have followed his majesty's orders.
16:50That hardly helps now.
16:52General Alciel!
16:54I need someone to catch me up to speed.
16:57There have been rumors going around about people in church robes roaming the forest on rather curious wagons.
17:03A lucky break.
17:05Guess that means we weren't as sneaky as we thought.
17:08You were fine. There are millions of rumors floating around Epsahan right now.
17:12Yours isn't very popular. I just had a hunch.
17:15Let me guess. Here to rescue Amelia?
17:17Indeed, we are.
17:19Are you privy to good Emirata's whereabouts?
17:22I tried sending an idealink but heard nothing. I'm quite concerned.
17:26Should be.
17:28She was supposed to meet with Amelia a while back.
17:31But then she got a summons from St. Ire's capital.
17:36Must have been a move by the church.
17:38They branded Emirata an apostate who defiled their will.
17:42All in an attempt to cover up Ulba's crimes.
17:44Word is, she has to appear before the Inquisition.
17:47So they've gone over my head.
17:49Her position is quite valuable.
17:51It secures Amelia's safety as well as my own.
17:54I took a trip to Amelia's village. No one was there.
17:58I tried to check on Emirata, but they wouldn't let me in.
18:02They said it's to prevent her from any wrongdoing during the trial.
18:06That must be why she didn't respond to my idealinks.
18:09If she had been caught, she would have been killed.
18:11That must be why she didn't respond to my idealinks.
18:14If she had been caught trying to contact you, you would be in a world of trouble.
18:19Come on, Albert. Join forces with us.
18:22Rescuing Emi won't be enough to settle this.
18:29So in less flattering words, you let Ulba and some heavenly vermin pull one over on you.
18:34And you failed to take the Devil's castle.
18:36It seems all you have done is sacrifice demon lives in vain.
18:39Does that sound correct?
18:41Yes, sir, and I make no excuse.
18:44What you must understand isโ€”
18:46Silence, you imbecile! And accept your mistake.
18:48I, for one, will not fault you for raising an army.
18:51But why, when you were given specific orders from His Majesty, did you buffoons choose to ignore them?
18:57King Satan gave you clear instruction to return to the Demon Realm.
19:02I'm ashamed of myself, sir. Truly.
19:05But if we would have gotten our hands on the Sacred Sword, none of this would have happened.
19:08The Sacred Sword?
19:10If you mean Emilia's better half, it is a holy being born of the Sephira called Yasod.
19:16As demons, we have no celestial force.
19:19Therefore, it would be powerlessโ€”
19:21Now excuse me, General, but you're wrong.
19:23That's not the case.
19:27When he was on Earth, you saw Farfa utilize that boy alone, didn't you?
19:30That proves my point.
19:32A Sephira's power is not restricted to only humans and angels.
19:36Is that aโ€”
19:38As you see, it responds strongly to our magic as well.
19:43But that means the Sephira, the sword, not one of them is holy.
19:49I came here with someone. Where is the man known as Nord Justina?
19:54We were given orders to lock him away in a room in Heaven Sky.
19:58You saw him? Was he armed with the Sacred Sword?
20:01No, he was not, sir.
20:03While I still don't see his objective, I'm starting to piece together Gabriel's puzzle.
20:11How pathetic. A great demon general being forced to dance to that lunatic's tune.
20:20I've waited two thousand years.
20:23You'd better bust a move if we want the new Great Devil Born.
20:26This may well be the last chance we've got.
20:30What do you say? Let's mess with their plans like those jerks messed with our friends.
20:35Give them a good spanking.
20:37Well, that sounds like a pretty good time.
20:39But first, is that the little girl who fused with Emilia's sword?
20:43Actually, no. Alice Ramis is still with Emi.
20:47They're pretty similar, though.
20:49She's got her own Sacred Sword thing going on.
20:52You can see for yourself.
20:54Asiath, go back to sword form.
20:56Okie dokie. But it might not go the bestest because I kinda don't feel super great.
21:01I'm sorry?
21:03It's whatever. I'll give it a shot anyway.
21:15Can't say this is what I expected from a Sacred Sword.
21:18Is something the matter in there, Asiath?
21:20Yeah, kinda. It feels like he's refusing to let me use my power.
21:25Hold on, who's he?
21:27You, stupid goose!
21:29What the hell do you mean, me?
21:31I'm the one who told you to go sword mode, so why-
21:41I don't know what's going on, but this means using the sword is off the table, right?
21:46Unfortunately, I think so. Something isn't sitting right with me.
21:52I don't understand why everything's going haywire now.
21:56It's been smooth sailing up until this BS.
21:59Mao, don't you find this odd?
22:02Find what odd?
22:04That we're back in Entei Isla.
22:07And you've yet to return to your demon form.
22:19็›ฎ่ฆšใ‚ใฆ ๆ€ฅใŽ่ถณใช็ง’้‡
22:33ใ•ใ‚‰ใถใ‚Š ่‰ฒใŒๆททใ–ใ‚‹ไธ–็•Œใจ
22:39ๅค‰ใˆใ‚‹ใ“ใจใชใ„ ๅค‰ใ‚ใ‚‰ใชใ„ ใ“ใฎๆฐ—ๆŒใก
22:47ๆ‡ใ‹ใ—ใ• ่ฆ‹ใŸใ‹ใ‘ใ‚‰้›†ใ‚
22:54ๆฐ—ใซๅ‡บใพใ™ ้ ผใ‚Šใงใ‚‚ ๅฅฝใใงใ‚‚
23:01ใชใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‹ใ‚‰ ใ‚ญใƒฉใ‚ญใƒฉ
23:05ใปใ‚‰ๅ…‰ใ‚‹ใ‚“ใ  Give me
23:08็œฉใ—ใใฆ Smile
23:11้ ฌใจใปใฃใบใซใƒ‘ใƒƒใจ้–‹ใ
23:19่ˆžใ„่ธŠใ‚‹ใ‚“ใ  Dreaming
23:22ๆŠฑใใ—ใ‚ใฆ Fly
23:26ใ‚ใตใ‚ŒใŸ้›ซ ็™บๅฐ„ใ™ใ‚‹ใ‚ˆ
