The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E15 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00I don't know what to do with myself right now, but I'm going to try my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my
01:31A truly pathetic hole in the wall you have here. Sorry. Thank you
01:43Lovely a
01:44gift from the mall branch
01:47Freebies are far less thrilling when they're coming from traders. You couldn't pay me to touch that thing. Oh
01:52Good, so I guess you guys aren't gonna go along with those meanies. Of course not
02:00Hey Chiho, how did you manage to cross right through a Rhone's forcefield that magic was like industrial grade
02:05Well, my speculation is that it had to do with Chiho's ring. I believe it shares the sephiric origin with her own
02:15Our issue is that corporate costumed fool his demonic master, yes, I agree
02:21Wait one moment
02:23You know of Alice Ramos and the other Sephira
02:26Yes, of course that being said Deborah's recent recruitment was completely unbeknownst to me
02:38What's the problem if he's just doing what Farfarello says let's forget the kid for now and kick that demons sharply dressed ass
02:45You're a fool
02:47If we defeat Farfarello now, they'll send a stronger opponent in his stead
02:52Ideally we convince him to leave on his own if we play into his sense of reason and speak rationally with him
02:57We have a chance. Well
02:59We're on the wrong foot and that's not the only way I fudged up. I
03:05Instinctively protected Chi from him and unless he's a complete idiot
03:09he could tell that she's someone we know and care about and
03:14Probably saw I couldn't protect myself, but I can't fight. What does that mean?
03:19Well, I know what I would do kidnap you
03:24Don't look so shocked. If it wasn't a good plan, I wouldn't have done it myself
03:29It's exactly as I feared
03:33You need you mr. Sorry, yeah, would you pretty please help me take my idea linking to the next level?
03:41Now are you insane? Why would I spend my time doing something for you? I understand. It's not a small favor to repay you
03:48I'll try and make things right between you and miss Kisaki
03:56Calling it now this ends bad
03:58We have no choice the shrinking angels lame, but not our biggest problem if we win over far farello
04:05There are no problems. This all will end peacefully
04:08This must work. Miss Sasaki is a vital part of his majesty's plan. Thus. We need this brute to take her seriously. Yeah
04:17Flashy, holy spell might make her look like less of a joke, but it still seems risky
04:21It's a gamble, but the only play we've got
04:34Interesting if you can get to a clear state of mind, it doesn't matter how I
04:39used him to train I
04:41Don't think I ever told her that though
04:43Sure, but why this radio calisthenics song easy this one always makes me super happy
04:51Well, try sending the songbird something if she can get a handle on receiving perhaps understanding the sensation will help her send out a message
04:59Of her own prepare thyself
05:03Let's see, what shall I say? It should be something that will trigger her to reverse my desired flow of communication
05:13Good she hope you want to met or exchange nuptial vows with the devil. Do you not?
05:33And with that display my pupil has overcome her first hurdle judging by the way Bell received her idea link
05:39She hope fired off quite a powerful response
05:43My skull had fractured
05:45Well, everyone should we plan on training again tomorrow same time same place?
05:50That suits us fine
05:52If I reserve the space now, there's a healthy window of time open between one and four sir schedule over here
05:58Well that time slot work for
06:02Something up sorry. Oh
06:07Whoa, hey gang fancy meeting you here. I wasn't expecting to see anyone this late
06:13Yeah, same here. Oh weird. Well, if it isn't Saru, what are you doing here? Oh, yes
06:25You fool if you messed with my crew or my customers you'll live to regret it
06:35Nice place
06:37That's my dream I want to join their ranks wait miss Kisaki, don't tell me you're quitting no
06:44Don't panic. Okay, but uh, I know
06:48I've been acting a little distant the past few days. I blame the new mid cafe
06:53It reawakened something a dream. I've kept tucked away for a while you
06:59Have dreams, of course
07:02They're not just for crazy kiddos like you, you know, I want to see if I could do it
07:07If I could keep my head above water without having a big name to lean on
07:12So does that mean that you're planning to start your very own cafe down the line
07:17Maybe but it's much less of a solid plan and more of a that would be nice
07:22But you're looking for real estate seems like a pretty concrete step to me. There's still a lot
07:28I need McGonald's for I'm not out of there yet
07:31It's a place to hone my skills, for example, I've been working to memorize all of our regulars coffee preferences
07:38Which is no small task. Trust me
07:42Wait, your coffee is so good because you're customizing every cup
07:47Ma you like your coffee bitter and not too hot Chi you like plenty of cream, but no sugar
07:53The truth is I'm no coffee wizard might have been a cheap way to impress you but it did up your respect for your manager
08:00With all that said you could both learn a lot from barista training and I still suggest you go
08:05If you try your best to learn about the things that seem small now
08:09You'll be more prepared to learn about the things that seem big later on
08:14Any dream that's come true was achieved through a series of small steps
08:19We learn and with some determination we grow
08:22The greater your resolve the greater your dream can be but fear not
08:27I'm barely taking steps dreams. Take time to come true. I
08:31Apologize for the lecture. It's good to see you. Please. Come by McGar's next time. You're in the neighborhood. Good night
08:41Oh and chicken boy, I hear you're depressed because I banned you from the store
08:49It's tricky part of me worries
08:52I'm using your feelings for me to hurt your employer, even though that was never my intention in the slightest
08:57Disarming a business rival outside the realm of business is wrong. A barman would never do such a thing
09:03Do you mean come by the shop whenever you want, but?
09:08Step out of line and I'll see your ass in court
09:14Awesome so all's well that ends well, huh? Yeah Wow
09:19Please try to control yourself
09:26We'll begin our course by watching this 20-minute video showing you the McCafe way
09:31It's not the most hands-on activity, but it should give you a good idea of our mission here
09:36Afterwards, we'll dive right into the meat of this course
09:41Please enjoy the video
09:49I'm confused. What's this?
09:53Farfarella wasn't here. It's only you and me this time. You've been using that big-ass barrier of yours to sneak around
10:00It's my job to see what you're up to. I'm supposed to find out what you're doing here to achieve your mission
10:06So what is this? Is it necessary for world domination? Yep. That's why I'm here
10:12I've got to take every opportunity to study stuff like this
10:16Study yeah, you know learning things. I'm taking some action to expand my knowledge of this world
10:23That makes sense
10:25My army might have been strong, but they didn't have a clue what it meant to be a nation or to fight for a cause
10:31That's why I'm here in Japan this place. It's the perfect playground to figure that stuff out. This class is a part of it
10:39I'm taking small steps for now
10:41I've got a new dream for world conquest. It'll just take some time a new dream. I see
10:48Sounds like fun
10:53On to today's lecture everyone, please open your texts
11:01Hey Chi back there
11:09Come with me, please
11:15All right
11:23Why is he here he seems erratic, where is the good Chiho?
11:28Come on
11:30Have you seen she she's supposed to be at the class with you. When did you lose her a few minutes ago?
11:36Nobody just vanishes out of thin air like that
11:39I'm almost a hundred percent certain a run's barrier was involved if you're going to beg I suppose I can help you
11:47That ring she wears on her left hand it contains the shard of your sword. Yes moon mirror
12:01Anticlimactic she's a stone's throw away really where as fate would have it. There's a barrier pitched right on the roof of that building
12:13Real sorry ladies, but I'm gonna need to borrow your power. And how do you expect us to give it to you? I
12:21Noticed something. I'm like Chi. I'm a human being now the same as her
12:28Understand you came here willingly
12:30Why didn't you try to resist I was pretty sure that you would beat me up if I tried to fight back
12:37Interesting you have steadier nerves than your appearance suggests
12:43Have you well
12:52How does this compare
12:57Behold my true form cowering fear girl
13:03Something a little more dramatic
13:06Hush child, you're merely feeding my desire to skin you alive
13:12Just so you know Satan hasn't come close to giving up on his dream of ruling the world
13:17He's learning a whole lot like new strategies to strengthen his campaign. He's studying
13:26Mister real quick question
13:29Satan why do you ever invade into Isla?
13:32What does that place have that made you guys want to conquer? It's so bad
13:37Funny, why do you care to know to help him?
13:41If I can figure out why it went wrong the first time I can help make his dream come true. No
13:48Really confused lately. He keeps saying the way he did things last time was wrong
13:53Damn girl, a multi-recipient idea leaked so soon. She shouldn't be capable of such a feat yet. Do you think that she's somehow doing it subconsciously?
14:04Why you're an average human aren't you a hundred percent sir, then explain
14:10Why would you choose to help us demons over your own kind?
14:13Hush, no demons versus humans. They can get along if they can do it now they can do it forever
14:20There's some way to rule the world where the devil and the hero can be friends
14:26This dream it might not look like the same kind of world conquest you tried before but it's worth a real shot if you ask
14:32Me what does it look like devil and hero unite?
14:36everyone is happy and
14:38Demons and humans work together so they all get enough to eat
14:42That's what I want to see. That's what I'm gonna help make happen
14:46Mm-hmm. Look far for ello a barrier
14:59You're good
15:11She might be a sweetie, but it's obvious you kidnapped my friend. Sorry, but I'm not feeling quite as sweet
15:17What's your game panties all due respect? I wanted to be thorough and hear your story from a third party my board
15:31I see
15:32Next time guys, just ask me that crap to my face
15:37I'm always here and questions. Don't scare me
15:42Far for ello sire ever seen something like this before I have my board
15:48It's what humans trade for goods and services
15:51Right. It's called money forget about magic. This bill is tons more powerful than that chunk
15:57You claim that a measly scrap of paper has more power than magic itself
16:02We give it power, but we decide shapes the world around us
16:07That's just one of the things I've picked up on during my time here still my lord
16:12What could something so small mean in the face of true might?
16:16Nothing yet, but in time if I build this system the right way
16:21Even the hero the one whose mission it was to kill me will give me power for cold hard cash
16:29Next time let's figure out a way to express that that doesn't make me sound like a sword-slinging pimp. Hey chief showtime
16:37I've got some work to do keep yourself safe
16:46Sire, please tell me the meaning of this at one state there
16:51Better be able to handle this much force. There's no reason to worry ladies. Just watch. I'll blow your minds
16:57It's morning once again the day is full of hope
17:11So look up to the sky and reach up to the clouds as the radio guides you
17:19So breathe deeply and think sweetly
17:22And take in the beauty of the world
17:27I'm hopeful and grateful to date starting
17:33Jeez that hurt not it might pass out for a second there. He's so huge
17:38This is quite unheard of what the heck just happened to you. You know the answer don't you see?
17:47When a body gets an overdose of celestial force it starts producing magic most cases result in a nasty poisoning
17:55But I had a feeling that said our mouse body wouldn't be so easy to break and I was right
18:00Next time just give us a heads-up more participants in some whack job experiment King Satan. I
18:06You what?
18:08Are you satisfied now?
18:11I was very rash and thoughtless in my actions my lord. I'm sorry punish me for my crime
18:17However, you see fit skip punishment and do me a favor
18:21When you get home go tell Barbariccia
18:24There's a new army and it's led by me and the four great generals 2.0. Allow me to introduce them
18:33Hmm firstly
18:35Alciel and Lucifer you remember that ask for new additions the hero Amelia
18:41She's an expert on the battlefield and might be even stronger than me might
18:46doctrinal correction council investigator death site spell with her background in the church's missionary division
18:52Her wisdom on into Eastland affairs makes her invaluable
18:57Finally the woman who turns enemies into allies the crux of our operation to win hearts and my aid future McRonald's barista
19:04Chiho Sasaki
19:06All of them will serve as the four great generals of the new devil's army
19:13You've got to have a conversation with someone before you declare him your general all willy-nilly
19:22No reason to smile seems they're having a grand time. There's no longer warrants a barrier
19:31Here take it King Satan's magic, thank you my lord
19:36This is all great news and will surely boost morale leave my name out of your news got it
19:47Alice Ramos long time
19:52Don't know I wish I did sorry, but I'm good
20:08You must correct the record
20:10There can't be five for generals who says there can't be that sounds just peachy to me
20:15Hell I take six if you already want more than replacing me should be no issue
20:20You're the kernel of cuteness haven't you arbitrarily thrown out enough nonsense titles today
20:29Whatever then if you think your generalship is really such nonsense. Well, let's say you're tagging along to keep eyes on
20:38Come on I know that you're in a weird spot
20:41You don't know whether to keep treating me as an enemy or as a friend
20:45So maybe we can start fresh decide for yourself if I'm your enemy
20:50Sound good. Yeah on opposite day
20:53Just give me a chance if you're willing to start our relationship over clean slate. I swear. I'll show you
20:59I'm not the devil you think me the hero. Let's be a team
21:04As I build a new world, I'll show you how incredible that world can be
21:12Wow game recognizes game
21:14You're such a stupid jerk, do you have a clue what any of that mushy crap implies you oblivious dumpster fire of a demon, huh?
21:23Sup G
21:26Let's go and buy me some cake
21:29My birthday is coming up. So you owe me cake silly, but why right now don't get me wrong
21:34I was planning to get you a president stuff
21:37For some weird reason I get the feeling you're bad at me, too
21:41Am I
21:45Friends make us fresh and put courage in our breasts and now often if this angel must go time for my first big cafe
22:40They won't
23:28There is something rather pressing that we need to discuss
23:32We learned that angels are people. Yes
23:35If that much is true, what does that make demons?
