The Devil Is a Part-Timer! S02E07 - English

  • last week


00:09On the register alone we racked up
00:12350,000 yen, that's not counting everything. We've still got snow cones to go orders and shower rentals
00:18You might just break
00:20500,000 new record
00:22If the ladies hadn't swooped in you'd be telling a different story
00:26We should reevaluate our game plan quit being such a buzzkill and get excited about the bonus I'm gonna give you hey wait
00:39The one who swallowed up my soldiers and that mighty dragons roar was her
00:49Meet me at the lighthouse tonight and bring the bird don't tell Amine
00:55We're going out tonight, so get ready gentlemen
01:11Honey no, no, honey, or you take a look at
01:16Hi, I couldn't I don't know
01:18Oh gosh, she didn't
02:30Fun fact this place has one of the five active first-order lenses in Japan a fun fact indeed
02:36But I haven't the faintest idea if that's impressive or not
02:41You came alone
02:43Where are the others? I explained the situation to Bell and asked her to hang back with Chiho and Alice Ramos
02:50Here, duh
02:51Hold up. Are you like trying to do me? Well, that sounds like a blast. That's not it
02:56Tell them what you told me bird
03:00Not long ago something odd occurred tweet
03:03I was in Saitama's Ark when a visitor arrived a peculiar human who dropped in and requested my presence a human in the realm
03:11He told me and the others of a sacred sword
03:14Whoever possessed it would reign supreme over our realm heaven and into Isla tweet the surviving zealots
03:21You left behind were easily deceived by his honeyed words
03:24They sought the power of the sword to avenge you tweet a lot changed when you left the realm was split into pacifists and zealots
03:32Kamio told me his wings were full just keeping the peace tweet the humans came and destroyed the balance
03:39It gets worse
03:40He said there were two swords one of which is who could have guessed it better half
03:45There aren't many humans out there who know my sword and even fewer who know it's in Japan
03:50Right that man took the zealots with him and vanished from the realm tweet
03:55He went by the name old Bombay tweet. I called it that geezer can't sit still
04:00We made a grave mistake by showing him mercy now Chancellor who has taken leadership of the zealots
04:07It's Barbara each year marked aid to Malakota demon general of the south tweet tweet, dude
04:13Cut it out. The tweets are killing me. You sound like a poker jerk. And why are we out here?
04:18We could have skipped the hike and talked back at ogros
04:21Did you forget if Amina could thrash Kamio and his crew no chance. She's a normal human
04:28I'd be hesitant to tip her off on what's about to go down and what might that be my original goal in coming to this
04:34Place was to get my talons on the sacred sword before Barbara each year and his men were able to eat
04:39Alba told us the sword was in a far-off world a land of treachery known as Tokyo tweet
04:46So it's a coincidence. You're in Shoshi on the contrary. It's far from it tweet before he disappeared
04:52Oh, but left us with what he said was a clue to lead us to the sword when we use it. It led us straight here
04:59Seems this clue reacted to your sword, huh?
05:03Apparently there's a large unit of zealots on their way to Japan right now
05:10If my intelligence is correct, they will arrive tonight at midnight
05:14I'd usually be more concerned but the strength of the woman you call Amina is extraordinary tweet
05:20The zealots are a force to be reckoned with but up against her. They'll be squashed the same as my men
05:26I couldn't care less what happens to that bunch of demon trash
05:30That said if all was involved then I am too we brought our war into this world. It's our responsibility. I
05:37Don't care how powerful Amina is. She can't fix this for us
05:42It seems like they're on our side both Amina and her aunt. I'm sort of amazed you're going along with this at me
05:50Please it isn't like I trust you, but I'm fairly sure all the Kamiya stuff is true
05:55You said it in front of Chiho and Alice Ramos, so what I don't think you're honest
06:00But I hope you wouldn't lie to the two people willing to be there for your broke-ass
06:04Unconditionally, I'll do this thing with you. Let's take responsibility
06:09Hush I'm as honest as Ashiya is anal retentive
06:14But whatever glad you're in
06:18This doesn't mean that I won't kill you
06:24Don't make my girl work too hard, so I'm glad that teamwork is making the dream work
06:29I'm not sure that we'll be able to take these guys, but wait your majesty
06:34I have something that might be of assistance tweet
06:37The sword I brought with me. It's actually
06:43That must be them
06:45Are you second sight?
06:48Kamiya was on the money. I don't see Barbariccia up there with them
06:53But no doubt that's the mail brunch Malakota's soldiers about a thousand of us, let's see it up close
07:01Wanna help mama take out the trash
07:06Hey Kamiya
07:07Where's that sword now? Oh, but of course the sword thankfully I had the force I took to bring it with me
07:14So it's right here. You're my just tweet
07:17And I just told everyone how smart you are
07:21It's okay. Oh, yeah, will you go grab it of course sire?
07:27Buyers remorse wasted by my own impulsive purchase
07:33Here's this that I'd save you the run
07:38Don't ask me why I'm here. I'm not in the mood to get interrogated
07:42We need to focus on what's important, so just tell me what you're planning to do with the sword
07:48That was an awesome opportunity for a speech way to blow it now
07:54I've only spent two days with you, but I think I have a handle on what kind of people you are
08:00Do not let me down show me how you're gonna clean up this mess
08:10Take some ownership devil
08:17Do you really think what misuse it told us was true
08:20I'm unsure as of this moment. I don't sense much magic hate to burst your bubble, but it's true
08:29You can let your guard down. I
08:32Assure you I'm not your enemy
08:35They say they're gonna take care of this so I'll let them don't worry if something goes wrong. I'll step in
08:43Don't underestimate me human
08:45In case you didn't know overall means great darkness I could wipe out everyone who doesn't belong in this world
08:53I'd have no issue blasting them beyond the veil of light
09:00So just stay here and wait for your friends to get back
09:05Well I think I should probably head over and see what Mao and the bird are up to see you gals later
09:46It'd be easier to just kill these Zagos make way
09:52Impressive skills human girl. How odd are you?
10:07You make this too easy for us hero, it's you hello Amelia Justina holder of the sacred sword
10:14My name is Chiri Ato
10:15I am one of the leaders of the mail brush if your power truly exceeds the demon King Satan and his four generals
10:22Then I have no choice but to hit you with everything. I've got and once I defeat you the sacred sword will finally be mine
10:31If you withdraw your forces now there will be no need to hurt you
10:35The swords blade is evolving for the first time since I arrived here. You can bet this baby's gonna hurt
10:42That sword terrorized our men. I'll make it mine and use it for the good of the new demon Kings army
10:48She's mine leave her to me. I won't be able to hold back
10:54That's fine by me
11:06Don't take more than that to scare me rather skin you to the bone then take the easy route of killing you
11:14Sorry kid, but we need to even the playing field this way I won't destroy him. Ah
11:20Don't be gentle
11:22Even if I can avoid killing Chiri Ato, I don't know if his troops will stop fighting
11:27They don't have to kill all of them
11:33Just listen to yourself any you've gone soft
11:39Chiri Ato, I need you to explain something to me
11:43What is this new demon Kings army? Huh? The hell are you dare a lowly chief address us in such a manner?
11:51Did you seriously think we were gonna let you screw up our whole vacation without saying anything? I see you to finally show up
11:58Yeah, sorry. It's been a hot minute since I last transformed
12:03Who are you tell me behave yourselves male branch look before you and realize whose presence you're in
12:11Stop now, would you let a human's words deceive you into attacking your own master master?
12:18Seriously warriors of male branch you're in the presence of King Satan bow down
12:26Did he just say King Satan
12:28like the real King Satan and there's all CL the general of the East and there's Chancellor cameo and
12:36Lucifer no cool title for me
12:39Paula general Lucifer you guys need to come up with something better and quick or you'll be falling on these hands
12:46I apologize for my rudeness
12:49funny, I
12:50Don't recall putting anyone but cameo in charge of the realm during my absence
12:55If you have an excuse, let's hear it though
12:58We acted out sire everything the male branch has done is meant to keep the realm safe
13:03We needed to get the sacred sword before it fell into the hands of an enemy
13:08You've kept the realm safe. Yes
13:11Baba Ritchie, I pretended to be deceived by the humans so that we could gain access to the swords location
13:16What utter foolishness if that were true, you could have sought approval from cameo
13:21Good point. I'll see how I apologize your majesty
13:26Chiriato, may I take a look at that pendant?
13:32It's a link crystal
13:34All that light was coming from this little thing for what purpose?
13:38All we were told is that if we follow the light we should come upon the sword
13:42But if it's linked to a specific location, I have no clue
13:46Are you able to use the gates from which you came to take you back to the realm the gate?
13:52You see I would like to send you back, but I'm worried if you return empty-handed
13:58You'll be punished for your failure, huh? You mean that you'll chill out
14:04King Satan is about to hit you with a get-out-of-jail-free card
14:08Precisely, but I am going to send you all back where you belong
14:12It's a long trip. No complaining. Of course not and here's something so you aren't empty-handed
14:19Tell them that demon King Satan lives and that they shouldn't fear for he possesses one of the swords
14:27I'm in a new world and here I will further my powers. I'll return and bring peace to the realm
14:34But until then use these words to keep them calm
14:38Chariot, oh, I order you to serve as kami-o's aid unite the demons and lead as an example for them
14:45Now don't let the door hit you gents
14:53Right everyone line up don't cry I hear it doesn't hurt too bad
14:57Kami-o don't punish Chariot. I leave our home in your care sire
15:10Our final challenge is closing the gate indeed you can get your hands off of me
15:17We're loose
15:22Help us seal the gate pretty, please. This was supposed to be a girl's trip. Oh me. I
15:30Haven't felt like this in a while. I'm even stronger than I remembered
15:35I'll sever the gate from this realm after that. It's all you will muscly one make it sound so easy
15:43No sweat off my back
15:45Real that's disturbing
15:55Dang you know what to do
16:06Look it's clearing up
16:08Is it done?
16:09I'd say so your friends must be exhausted
16:13Fingers crossed they're decent swimmers. Looks like they dive-bombed a pretty good ways off the coast
16:36All of us are fine, it's done for the time being anyway
16:49It was so cool
16:55Yeah, there was some bad guys, but then they did a big old bump, then they did a hug and then a whoosh
17:05You sent the demons back without killing them yeah, does that make me a softie hope not I
17:11Just realized I need to stop killing out of hatred
17:15If blood needs to be spilled, let's save it for when we're out of this realm
17:19Though our time was short. Thanks a million for making it so sweet not to kick you out, but I'm kicking you out
17:27Don't be sad. There's good news to your apartments are all fixed cool
17:32I mean since aunt Mikiri sent you I was confident there would be more to you people than what meets the eye
17:39But you're still a little bit too intense for my customers
17:44Interrupt, but do you all see that to a child shape shadow thingy or am I losing it?
17:52Hell, oh boy
17:58Chill out. This is like 50% you guys fault
18:04Remember what I told you about the more nyasa those drowned spirits that was bull in reality
18:10This is one of the few places where the dead can clean their souls during obon
18:14My dad and I watch this place and we fight to protect the souls of the dead. I guess you could say we're their guardians
18:21Last night, whatever magic you were fleeing around all willy-nilly distorted the environment of the sacred place
18:29These souls are on the verge of losing their human shape
18:33You have to leave they can't handle any more of your chaos
18:37So these are real life ghosts sure if that terms helpful to you
18:42Anyway, thank you so much for your hard work and enjoy that bonus for me
18:49As the daughter of being
18:51Listen when I say you need to find the dock of your world and restore it to its true form
18:56That's gotta be what I'll make it. He is waiting for
19:01Wait, did I miss something?
19:16Certainly hope this won't disappear like a hominy did
19:21I'm trying to call her but it just says she's unavailable
19:25Your majesty. I found this atop our luggage
19:29Huh? Well, that's nifty
19:35Goes on forever
19:37My leash, this is mere child's play compared to the size of our dimension
19:41Whether it's big or small
19:43Joshi would be dirt if it had just been me here. No chance. I could have protected this place on my own
19:49You can't be so certain son. It doesn't really matter. I doubt I could have taken the demon realm without you guys by my side
19:56It's funny looking back before we were enemies
20:00But look at how far we've come you're always on my side
20:04Couldn't that same thing happen with humankind?
20:07How curious it seems possible. I thought you'd be more surprised at the suggestion
20:13Well, what can I say? I have grown used to your machinations. I
20:17Just think it'd be a waste to lose them the way they make electricity is awesome
20:22I mean these people built a sky tree taller than my castle without magic
20:26Apparently that's Choshi Tower and it's not taller than your castle
20:30Look at that big old boy. It's amazing. They have things like this and still use the electric railway to maintain some kind of tradition
20:38We can't destroy these people
20:41Think about it wouldn't ruling over subjects like these be super cool
20:46That's quite a lofty goal sire. In the meantime, let's work on your ability to use magic consistently
20:52Wait, hold up a minute. How'd you get enough magic to transform back into your old self?
20:57The sword the one Kamio brought it's weird, but it was my horn you broke it still had some magic left
21:05He told me that all but brought it with him. I'm more concerned about this thing
21:12Somehow he must have adhered it inside the sword sheath
21:15Kamio mentioned that all but left him some kind of clue to lead them to the sword. This must be it
21:22So that's a fragment of you sowed must be
21:26You should hold on to it. Thank you. Wait a second. So you're not even a little bit worried
21:32This will make me more powerful
21:34I'm not scared. Just who do you think I am?
21:37You should sleep with one eye open because when I get my power back, I'll dominate you the same as everyone else
21:45When you say dominate, you mean in the conquer the world way, that's a bedroom way, right?
21:49I don't
21:51Now you wouldn't made it creepy
21:53It's not too late, you know, let's find your amine and have her banish him back to the demon realm
21:58We should refrain from drawing attention to ourselves
22:45No, I
