The Devil Is a Part Timer! S01EP06 - English

  • last week


00:00Ha ha! How does it feel to be powerless against these flames which consume you?
00:08King Seijin.
00:09Your flesh, your entrails. I shall nourish my ambition and devour you until nothing remains but memory!
00:16Sire, could you listen to me for a moment?
00:18Now, let the feast of feasts begin! The time for the first sacrificial offering has finally come! You're mine!
00:24Your Majesty!
00:26Jeez, Ashiya, what's your problem?
00:28Please feast a bit more quietly, Sire. You're disturbing the people around us.
00:36Whoops. Sorry, I'm just really excited.
00:39Look at this! Beef intestines are so good! For the first time, I totally get those demons who love eating entrails!
00:46That's certainly wonderful to hear, Sire. But vegetables are just as important as vital organs. A proper diet is balanced.
00:54Will you lighten up for once? Come on, we're celebrating my promotion tonight.
00:58Oh, hey, you think we should buy dinner for Urushihara before we leave?
01:02I bet we can grab something to go.
01:04Hardly necessary. Apparently, he learned the online shopping recently. That cretin is utterly demolishing our budget.
01:13I implore you to bring the hammer down on him, Sire.
01:24Let's go!
01:54To the shining sky
01:59I want to fly as high as I can
02:04With the best smile
02:07Let's go with a smile
02:11Let's fly to the unknown world
02:17I'll choose the future and decide for myself
02:22Let's chase after it
02:24There are days when we cry
02:26That's an important wish
02:29Don't fade away
02:32I'm sure we'll meet again
02:34For you of tomorrow
02:40True sky
02:53Is that you, Ulba?
02:56Yes, I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:03I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:07Of the King of Emilia?
03:10Ulba, you're the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:16I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:18I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:20I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:22I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:24I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:26I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:29I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:31I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:33I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:35I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:37I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:39I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:42I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:44I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:46I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:48I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:50I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:52I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:54I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:56I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
03:58I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:00I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:02I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:04I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:06I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:08I'm the daughter of the King of Emilia.
04:10I amphinê²¼.
04:12I am no longer the daughter of Emphilia.
04:14I am not the daughter of the King of Emilian left yet.
04:18I am the role of the Queen of the Commonwealth,
04:20The queen of the Enquisition.
04:22My father is Emphidiridis.
04:26I am enough.
04:28I can warrior for ever.
04:30fail we're home good I'm starving try to be polite and welcome our master back
04:40home properly without his majesty's benevolence you would be homeless right
04:44now lucky we brought a present for you you guys get to go out to eat but all I
04:49get is a crappy pork ball from a cheap convenience store we obtained that
04:54computing device an internet environment for you how much do you think that cost
04:58you've no right to complain but I can't eat the computer can I then do what
05:03you're supposed to do and gather information on existing magic in this
05:06world for his majesty depending on your success you can get a large pork bowl
05:11instead or maybe even a jumbo one jumbo pork that's all about this computer
05:16stuff are you seriously good at it because I don't get it at all well if
05:20you don't believe me I'll show you some of what I can do right now
05:28boo I wish today would hurry up thank you for calling the doco demo customer
05:33service center my name is Emi Yusa how may I help you today whoa you got
05:37through nice one dude you are good what hey Emi can you hear us oh now I'm
05:44working right now and you know it what do you think you're doing oh don't be
05:49mad this is a hacking experiment who she Horace said he could do all kinds of
05:53stuff we had a computer so I made my first big credit card purchase and got
05:57I have several questions for you but first of all who's a Ruzza horror oh
06:02that's Lucifer thank you very much mr. now you were like so cool I mean you
06:18already made ship manager after less than a year you should be proud you
06:22think I feel like I'm just a cheap substitute for the boss when she's not
06:25around wait doesn't this mean well even if it's only a couple people for not
06:30that long a time you're technically ruling over humans right wrong I won't
06:34allow it Emi welcome to McRonald's I need to talk to you I'm working right
06:40now and you know it what do you think you're doing you started it while I was
06:44shut up I see what you did just there excuse me might I interest you in a
06:49delicious order of jalapeno fries there are featured item today Oh suck it can't
06:55handle online gaming that was the whole point of this thing I know you
07:04Cappadocia given all the evidence I've amassed it is not impossible this site
07:09is the former home of a lower-level demon who was banished to earth and if
07:13that's indeed the case there's a chance we may be able to replenish our magic
07:16there although there's no telling how many months worth of his majesty's
07:20wages it would take to fund a trip to Turkey the landlady thank you goodnight
07:29so what do you want from me now oh like you don't know what was with that phone
07:33call yesterday I already told you Arushi Hara did it why is Lucifer randomly
07:38Arushi Hara well with the police arresting all but he's trying to lay low
07:42to answer your next pressing question yes for the lack of a better option I'm
07:46letting him stay at my place for a while three men in that tiny apartment I
07:50know it's not like I have a choice at this point I'm basically all out of
07:55magic we couldn't go back to into Isla even if we wanted oh sucks for you I can
08:00go back there anytime I want to I don't have to slave away looking for a source
08:04for my power controlling the gate is hardly anything I need to worry about
08:07then why don't you leave me alone and hurry on out of here because I am a hero
08:12as long as you stay in this world I have a duty to keep my eye on you why is she
08:18always such a pain hey guys I'm home Arushi Hara hang in there who did this
08:26to you
08:35sire you mustn't look at that please it's not worth it
08:43you saw the landlady in a swimsuit correct she said she was visiting Hawaii
08:50and for some reason included a photo of herself frolicking in the waves at
08:54Waikiki Beach yeah it's unbelievable why would she show us something so awful
08:58isn't vulgarity supposed to be censored really guys what kind of demons freak
09:02out over a simple picture fine you look at it then enough of this swimsuit
09:12business have you gathered info on this world's magic dude no fair you're trying
09:17to pull a fast one on us his majesty is not pulling a fast one sometimes a
09:21valiant retreat is simply the best option valiant retreat my butt whatever
09:26I just found some very interesting magical info if you care how exactly
09:33does this qualify as information about magic you can find magical spots here
09:37all over there's a lot more to this world than just the pyramids and Stonehenge
09:41if you look you can find a whole bunch close to us that info is not necessarily
09:47available at the library though this might be the best candidate in the area
09:52a sealed-off classroom yep there's an old room in the school that's been
09:56completely abandoned supposedly you can hear stuff every night
10:01whispers and laughter and footsteps freaky stuff like that you ask me
10:06there's probably a demon involved in that story
10:10I guess this is the place you know I'm surprised it looks so cheery do you
10:23really think there's a magical spot and a possible demon here I don't know I'm
10:29not sensing anything so far well sire one does not simply walk into a high
10:34school one does not attend and start exploring the place miss Sasaki oh yeah
10:45I knew the name of this school sounded familiar for some reason must because
10:49she's talked about it before hey chief is that the boy you work with
10:59no way are you telling me two men are sharing an apartment oh my gosh do they
11:03share a bed too I bet it's a twin home she certainly seems to be enjoying her
11:15conversation I wonder what it's about a sealed-off classroom yeah from what I've
11:22been told it's supposed to be one of your school's seven wonders do you know
11:25what any of that means yeah those stories are pretty famous actually people
11:29have said they can hear monsters groaning and other mysterious voices
11:32whispering some have seen reflections of demons in the windows wait a minute that
11:37wasn't you by chance was it no certainly not but it still might have something to
11:43do with into Isla so I was thinking I should you know I should probably check
11:47it out that makes perfect sense to me I can set the whole adventure up for you
12:03the old part of the building is this way why was the room sealed off in the
12:07first place it happened before I was even born now this is only a rumor but
12:14apparently a student disappeared from that room almost like he was spirited
12:18away so they closed off the room and never used it again so how would you
12:23guys like to take a break and have a little snack you do realize this is not
12:26a field trip seems like you're having a good time with this well yeah because no
12:31matter where we are I'm always the one who ends up needing you to help me out
12:35it feels pretty good to be on the other side for once you're not scared no I'm
12:41fine as long as I'm with you cool so if there are seven wonders what are the
12:46other six supposed to be um let me see here the north stairway with a different
12:55number of steps going up and going down the statue that walks around covered in
13:01blood the sculpture in the art room that gets a fold in his eyelid at 3 in
13:06the morning the dictionary in the library where the words for curse are
13:10stained red and the piano in the music room or one of the notes sometimes won't
13:15play with the sealed off classroom that only makes six wonders though nobody
13:23knows the seventh one it is said that if someone learns all seven if they learn
13:29all seven what yeah what happens then they get a call on their cell phone from
13:34the netherworld and their soul is totally stolen that doesn't make any
13:38sense at all I mean why would just finding out get your soul stolen what if
13:42it was like a coincidence it wasn't even your fault that you found out sire
13:45please calm down for a moment and think about it rationally why would the story
13:50about this room which existed well before miss Sasaki was born involve a
13:53cellular telephone good point what are you shouting at me for where are you to
14:05make it to the sealed room no not yet so what are you calling for I'm trying to
14:10help you geez listen the room in question is most likely an area where
14:14the gate is opened at some point before the gate yep once the gate is open
14:18someplace magnetic fields at that particular location destabilize and it's
14:22easier for it to open there again then that story about the student who was
14:26spirited away could actually be true could be I bet the poor kid got sucked
14:30into the gate anyway if we can manage to be there next time it opens or at least
14:35figure out when that is maybe we can get some magic from it you never know just
14:39holler at me when you get there late Oh Rushi Hara and his inter whatever I
14:44don't understand how we could find out so much so quickly it's like a series of
14:48magic tubes you guys heard that too right maybe it's a security guard so we
15:00might see a demon who came through the gate from another world knowing that
15:03ahead of time means there's nothing to be scared of bring it on but do you have
15:07an adequate amount of magic left to fight side if not you can use this what
15:11is it a potent talisman it has already proven effective against demons like us
15:16the landlady's letter
15:21I hear footsteps
15:32what are you idiots thinking bringing a teenage girl here after dark Emmy oh I
15:40get it your goal was to find some way to get magic from the sealed-off classroom
15:45is that right first of all I don't have to tell you and second of all what are
15:48you doing here the great hero is trespassing
15:54inside would you mind changing into these look I was following you guys
15:59around as usual and I saw you sneaking into a school after it was closed so I
16:03came in to find out what was going on I'm still not sure what you weirdos are
16:06up to so just deal I'm here I'm going with you and there's absolutely nothing
16:11you can do about it
16:14get back here I feel guilty is it really okay to ditch her you bet it is
16:21she's annoying and nothing but trouble keep on walking
16:26oh hey what's wrong is everything okay
16:56nailed it no you did psycho it's like a doll what brave Amelia the only hero in
17:08the history of the universe ever to slice up an anatomical model with a
17:11sacred sword makes me question how well she do against an actual opponent you
17:16need to do something about this mess woman man these things have got to be
17:19expensive and I ain't paying for it
17:26that's probably out of the question huh
17:31you learn how to take some personal responsibility come on use your magic to
17:36fix it why should I use my precious magic to cover up something you did this
17:42model it only had one heart mr. Asha I don't know how demons work but humans
17:48only come with one heart so it's across this passageway huh would you please
17:55quit waving that thing around it's like you're compensating for something nice
17:58try bucko but I don't take orders from you that's the old part of the building
18:02there the room we're looking for should be on the third floor all the way up the
18:07stairs okay let's go
18:18yeah I'm gonna say this is it I don't remember there being any actual boards
18:24though what did I just say about waving that around mr. Asha what was that noise
18:31for look someone has clearly used this door recently they're not even attached
18:40so the door isn't even actually sealed
18:55is it me or is someone been living here agreed based on the trash I would hardly
19:00say this place has been sealed shut for years what's that isn't it a game system
19:11what now Arushi Hara don't be rude are you there yet just walked in what's with
19:18you stop calling every five seconds it's really annoying do you see anything on
19:23the floor like say a game system yep it's here we have it right now yeah I
19:30knew it I had a feeling that's where it got left where it what huh oh nothing
19:36never mind why don't you just go ahead and bring that on home with you just tell
19:40me one thing do I have to punch you when I get home what why you said this was an
19:45easy place for the gate to open this is where you and all but came through when
19:49you got to this world yeah that's the place
19:55we sort of lived there for a while and I accidentally forgot to grab the game I
19:59was playing before we left Arushi Hara better not have sent us out here just to
20:03bring back a stupid game don't be silly give me some credit I thought you know
20:08maybe the gate opened again and someone else came through obviously did you find
20:12anything if not get back here already I'm starving I'd even be fine with a
20:16portable at this point food is that little jack wagon of a demon think he is
20:21if you ask me sire we should just sell it at the used game store we could
20:26certainly stand to have the extra cash your cheapness never ceases to amaze
20:38dang it yesterday was a complete waste of time
20:46you only get one hour of gaming per day and you should be grateful we didn't
21:11sell it for cash like I want it looks like we have a new neighbor
21:28okay miss majesty are you all right yeah but uh this girl just sort of fell
21:44on me out of nowhere
