The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E13 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00Long before the hero of Ente Isla had taken her first breath, constant massacres left
00:10the soil of the demon realm under a blanket of crimson blood.
00:16After the ancient king's demise, demankind was left without a unifying force.
00:22Living became surviving.
00:24In a lawless world of fear and violence, they were left without a choice.
00:29In my opinion, the idea there is one paradise is rather suspect.
00:35Many might disagree, but I find the red that paints this land beautiful.
00:40But red is so scary.
00:47Those lights, you fear not the color they boldly paint?
00:51Would you like me to tell you this color's name?
00:54Then I shall teach you about the world in full.
01:00This requires a willingness to look past your aversion to red and see a different side to
01:04the color.
01:05Tell me, what is your name?
01:07It suits you well.
01:08Prepare yourself as I bestow the knowledge of the world unto you.
01:20Knowledge that will empower you to find the beauty in your once-fear-clouded red.
01:31That color shining from above is called...
01:33This is freakin' sick!
01:37We're rocking automatic faucets?
01:39No way!
01:41And we've gone tankless in the toilet department!
01:44These bad boys'll be way easier to clean!
01:46Plus a motion sensor!
01:49No more pissy lids around here!
01:51The bathrooms are great, but it just gets better.
01:54Don't waste all your excitement.
01:55This ain't nothing.
01:57The booths were re-covered in muted colors to evoke the look of expensive leather.
02:01All the new furnishings have a simpler, more understated look.
02:04We switched out the old burger griddles for the latest model, and now we have three instead
02:09of two!
02:10And now, the piece de resistance the world's been waiting for!
02:14Our second-floor cafe space, McCafe!
02:17Happy place!
02:19It doesn't look like McGar's at all!
02:21And I mean that in a classy, good way.
02:24The space itself is way more refined, but it still has that same chilled-out McRonald's
02:28It's no fair that you got to go see it without me.
02:31I was still waiting for a shift assignment.
02:33If you don't mind my asking, sire, what's the true difference between this McCafe and
02:38the standard McRonald's?
02:39Come on, the answer is right in the name.
02:41Coffee and lots of it.
02:43It's a ton.
02:44We've got cafe au lait, latte, espressos.
02:47There'll be some new snacks, too.
02:49Fancy cafe cakes and stuff.
02:51Whoa, intense!
02:52Could you remind me of the difference between a cafe au lait and a latte?
02:56Yeah, sure.
02:57It's pretty simple.
02:58You see, cafe au laits are loaded up with milk, and lattes are loaded up with milk.
03:02Hey, wait a sec.
03:04So they're both coffee-flavored milk.
03:06How thrilling.
03:07How dare you!
03:08You've got no respect for the carefully curated cafe li-
03:11Ah, you wretch!
03:15You know good and well that he who finishes always replenishes.
03:18Lay off, Mom.
03:19There's still some tea left.
03:21Hey, yo.
03:24That cream dice was a gift from Miss Sasaki.
03:27At least thank her before you destroy it.
03:29And once you've finished your treat, rinse the container prior to throwing it away, lest
03:33you want to attract more Blatella-
03:34Though they once fought grand wars, now our petty demon generals prefer tiny squabbles.
03:40Oh, great.
03:41Would it really kill you to knock?
03:43Hi, Chibi.
03:45Hey, there, Alice Robbins.
03:48We're gonna borrow Chiho for a while, okay?
03:50What do you mean, borrow, creep?
03:52How curious.
03:53Didn't you spirit her off somewhere yesterday as well?
03:56It's known as girl talk.
03:57Brett nods.
03:58Why don't you look for something on TV to watch with the kiddo?
04:03Help go with it, short stack!
04:04Chi and the others are gonna be busy for a bit, so you get to hang with me.
04:08Chiho laughs.
04:23I can't tell.
04:24Is Mr. Mo getting suspicious?
04:26I hate using Alice Ramos as a decoy.
04:28But with a baby in his hands, he won't notice anything else.
04:31Knowing the two of them, I fear Alciel is the one who will start asking questions.
04:36You'll pay for what you've done.
04:39Yeah, nice.
04:40He looks angry for sure.
04:42Two days now.
04:43Doesn't that strike you as odd?
04:45What do you mean?
04:47They're girl talks.
04:48They've had them two days in a row now.
04:50Strange, yes?
04:51Hey, I'm not complaining.
04:53Whatever they're doing in there, it means we get extra time with Baby Smith Apple.
04:57They call it talk, though I suspect more than mere chat.
05:12Her heroic highness will beat your ass if she finds out you eavesdropped on them.
05:19Well, spill.
05:20It seems they're watching Uncle Rainbow too.
05:22Intense choice of soundtrack.
05:24Weird, huh?
05:26The talk has commenced.
05:30No choice.
05:32Who the heck do they think they're fighting?
05:35Before too long.
05:36The frequency of our meetings will make it hard to keep them in the dark.
05:39We should devise a cover story while we still can.
05:43Who's in the dark?
05:44Cover story?
05:46What could they be talking about?
05:48Well, cutie, you heard anything juicy?
05:51It's a plan to pay with your life!
05:57They've exited the room.
05:59I bet they're taking their combo to a restaurant or something.
06:03Whatever's going on, no way Chi would betray us.
06:05Let him do their thing.
06:07I shall keep an eye on them.
06:11Come on, don't be a weirdo.
06:13Let him do his thing.
06:21What could be inside that mysterious baggage?
06:32Dead corners.
06:42Uh, hello?
06:43Hello, have I reached Ms. Suzuki's phone?
06:46Uh, hi Ashia!
06:48So, you calling for a reason or just to chat?
06:51If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you for a potentially sensitive piece of information.
06:55I don't.
06:56Please, feel free to ask away.
06:59No luck.
07:01They gave me the slip.
07:03Desperate for information, I called Ms. Suzuki to ask if Emilia had been exhibiting any strange behavior as of late.
07:08But much like my first mission, nothing came of it.
07:11Stalking a group of chicks wasn't your brightest move.
07:14But sire, the talk!
07:16What's worse is you probably got poor Rika's hopes up with that call of yours.
07:22I'm a big ol' dumb dummy for expecting anything.
07:26Alice Romis!
07:27We're back!
07:29Hold up, where's Chi?
07:30At her place.
07:31And I walked her all the way home, so don't even worry.
07:35Hey there, sweetie.
07:37Have you been a good girl?
07:38I love stinky boat.
07:40Me and Dada.
07:41So, where were you for so long?
07:43Just around.
07:44So your girlish gossip couldn't be contained in Belle's room?
07:47It's super musty in this place.
07:49Plus, we found a swanky new pasta shop.
07:51We've been wanting to try it, so we did.
07:53Why, you!
07:54Must you smear your exorbitant wealth in our faces at every chance?
07:58Next time you gorge yourself, keep in mind that our dinners consist of discount cabbage
08:02paired with verge of expiration pork,
08:04purchased at less than one yen a gram
08:06and seasoned with but a few sad flakes of salt and pepper.
08:09How about we don't advertise our poverty?
08:11It's depressing.
08:13No way Sasuke's got a pasta joint you could call swanky.
08:16Not true!
08:17Don't intersell our glorious town!
08:19Now tell him you're sorry.
08:21Emilia's clearly hiding something.
08:23But what could be her endgame?
08:25I don't think that there's any sinister plot.
08:27I bet she's just taking her mind off things.
08:30What things?
08:32You remember.
08:33I doubt that new info Gabriel gave her is easy to shake off.
08:37Emilia's daddy-o?
08:39Man is alive and kicking.
08:41All I did was tell her so.
08:43Taking you down was like the chick's whole mission in life.
08:46Maybe they're brainstorming.
08:48I wouldn't say it quite like that, but that's what I'm thinking.
08:51Well, she and I are both on the first shift tomorrow.
08:54Maybe she'll spill me some beans.
08:58Thank you for dining with us, sir!
09:01Are you feeling okay?
09:02Sounds like your volume controls make a bluey.
09:04Gosh, was I being too loud?
09:06I didn't know.
09:08Hey, after we're done here,
09:10do you want to go talk somewhere?
09:12No, I'm good.
09:13I'm good.
09:14Hey, after we're done here,
09:16do you want to go talk somewhere?
09:18You mean like a date?
09:19Yeah, until it's fun!
09:21Though, you kind of caught me on a busy day.
09:24What's you up to tomorrow?
09:26If you're free, maybe we can hang out then.
09:28I hear there's a new swanky pasta place.
09:30They have something neat like that in Sir Sasuka?
09:33Man, I wish I could go, but I'm busy then too.
09:42Surprise, surprise.
09:44What other mom would hand off their kid to the literal devil?
09:48You're not bringing Chi this time?
09:50We don't hang out every day, you know.
09:52Only two girls are required for a girl talk,
09:55so Emilia shall suffice.
09:57See ya, and try not to drop the baby, bucko.
10:01Tail him.
10:02Just leave it to me, Your Majesty.
10:04Agent Ashiya at your service.
10:06Dumb plan.
10:07You've gotta move past this old-school crap, you geezer.
10:14This is so overboard.
10:16I haven't uninstalled the tracker I used in Nagano yet.
10:19And if you've got it, flaunt it, right?
10:21Flaunt away, Urushihara!
10:23Does this convince you that I have value
10:25and am more than just a moocher?
10:26You moochie-mooch!
10:30Look, they stopped!
10:31That place!
10:33The bathhouse?!
10:37This is where I lost them before.
10:39I assumed that they had slipped away from me
10:41down one of these streets.
10:42To think that they were in the bathhouse
10:44that lies before my very eyes.
10:45But they don't have any reason to be sneaky
10:47about a bathhouse, right?
10:49Time to kick back, relax, and blow some money on Jungle.
10:55You ain't seen anything yet, baby face.
10:57I'm gonna teach you what real moochin' looks like.
10:59My lord, it seems...
11:01Yeah, they put up a legit barrier.
11:05This better be good.
11:07Don't freak, but we've got trouble.
11:09It's a message?
11:10Straight from the landlady?
11:15It's not just a tape this time.
11:17We've got a DVD.
11:20Our first stop is the bathhouse.
11:22It's a place where you can relax
11:24and have a good time.
11:26Our first digital screening.
11:28This should be a joyous occasion.
11:30Why do I feel so wracked with fear?
11:32Come on, man, you know why.
11:40Is that...
11:42The Amazon?
11:44Why the Amazon?
11:46Hello there, boys.
11:48I hope you darlings are doing well.
11:50I'm terribly sorry that job I sent you off on fell through.
11:52My niece's schedule got in the way,
11:54but I'm sure you young people relate...
11:56Wait, is her niece...
11:58Miss Amane, dude?
12:00You know, from the beach in Choshi?
12:02Right. Now it's coming back.
12:04This might not make up for that awful inconvenience,
12:06but would you strapping young men
12:08be so kind as to read the backyard for me?
12:10This will be your payment, if you're willing.
12:12I'll deduct it directly from your rent.
12:14Thank you in advance, my darlings.
12:18I appreciate the 15,000 yen, but...
12:20She paused an Amazonian expedition
12:23to ask for lawn care?
12:25I'm just glad this video was safe for work.
12:29She wants us to weed.
12:33We can use this!
12:43Screw this, son.
12:45I agreed to some light weeding, not melting to death.
12:47I'll admit, this is harder labor than I anticipated.
12:49I feel awful that you got stuck
12:52helping us, Chi.
12:54It's okay. I'm always down to help you guys.
12:56That's why I offered.
12:58Thanks for your skills, Suze.
13:00Environmental tidiness falls on the whole community.
13:06Hey! Look who it is!
13:08Oh, hi! What's up?
13:10What's up with you? You know it's boiling out here, right?
13:12Dost thou have eyes?
13:14We're weeding!
13:16It seems we finished just in time.
13:18We ready to go, girls?
13:20I'm going, too.
13:22You're leaving?
13:24Yeah. We're gonna clean up at the bathhouse.
13:30Crazy! You were planning a bath, too?
13:32What a hilarious coincidence!
13:34Maybe we should skip today.
13:36We can't go on this way.
13:38We stretch the wool far too thin to pull over their eyes.
13:40Hey, what is that supposed to mean?
13:42Just girl talk stuff.
13:44Mama! Dada!
13:46With me!
13:49Hey, cutie! Mama and Dada can't bathe together with you.
13:53Three adults, please.
13:55Yes, ma'am.
13:59Sorry, hon.
14:01Dadas aren't allowed on this side.
14:03A moment, ma'am.
14:05Of course. What's up?
14:07That your wife?
14:09You could say she's my baby mama.
14:13We're the first folks here again.
14:18It's bath time, girls.
14:22Yay! I'm ready to do this thing!
14:26It sounds like it, but for what?
14:36To begin, drink this.
14:40What do you think she's drinking?
14:42Ooh! Perhaps that coffee-flavored milk.
14:44Bringing in outside drinks is a big no-no.
14:46Damn, not a no-no.
14:48That, and what training requires coffee-flavored milk?
14:54I think not.
14:58They always get me.
15:00How can our compositions be so different?
15:02My nutrition is just as good.
15:04Think about it for a second, Belle.
15:06Those things would be a huge nuisance in battle.
15:08You're right.
15:10Non-combatants can afford such luxuries.
15:12Non-combatants? What?
15:15Nuisance in battle?
15:17I'm big time lost.
15:21Is something wrong?
15:23Look in the mirror and take a guess.
15:25It's not a concern.
15:27Let us proceed.
15:31Your vital signs appear to be stable.
15:33Any changes in your condition?
15:37No need to be nervous.
15:39Just relax and breathe normally.
15:41That's why we're at the bath, after all.
15:44Let's begin. We'll start with waterfall training.
15:48Waterfall training for a McCafe job?
15:50I'm telling you, this isn't about McCafe.
15:52Who cares?
15:54How could they even do that in a bathhouse?
15:56I have your answer, sire.
15:58With those!
16:10All right.
16:12That should be plenty for now.
16:14Next, you'll need to get into a lukewarm bath.
16:22Relax and put your focus onto that little spot
16:24where the water from the shower was hitting your head.
16:26Imagine a celestial force starting there
16:28and flowing through your body
16:30to the tips of your toes.
16:38You're doing well.
16:41This is when I do that thing we worked on, right?
16:43That's correct.
16:45Our techniques give form to a mental image.
16:47Though, trust me,
16:49I know the activation of celestial force
16:51can be difficult to imagine.
16:53Thus, we vocalize.
16:55Like how Belle says,
16:57or like how I say,
16:59To make your image concrete,
17:01just say it out loud.
17:03Jeez, what's the big deal with the celestial force crap?
17:05All you could use in here is divine towels.
17:07What bath was bathhouse, huh?
17:10I warn you against it, sire!
17:12Take one naked step onto the female's territory
17:14and the police will be called at once!
17:16Don't think it matters if his step is naked or not.
17:20No need to worry, Kachiha.
17:22They can't do anything here.
17:24Not so long as we're in the women's bath.
17:26I put up a strong barrier.
17:28I can make sure the front desk lady is still asleep
17:30if that'll make you feel better.
17:32Cry out with all your might.
17:34Since you're merely activating the force,
17:36any words will do.
17:39Shelf them with your full chest.
17:41Release them out into the world.
17:43But what if Mr. Mao can hear me yelling?
17:45Overcoming humiliation
17:47greatly intensifies psychological release.
17:49With Mao just beyond that wall,
17:51I suspect our training session today
17:53will be more effective than usual.
18:03That's cheap!
18:05I'm begging you to come to your senses, my lord.
18:07You'll be branded a pervert for the rest of your days!
18:09Well, in that case...
18:11Moocher, get over here!
18:13You'd better quit acting like I'm the obvious candidate
18:15for perverthood around here!
18:17Let it fill out from your soul!
18:23Pipe down!
18:25Come on, baby girl.
18:27Not you too!
18:29Make them stop, Nene!
18:31I don't know what you're up to,
18:33but I can't tolerate disturbers on the base!
18:36I'll explain later! Just ignore it, okay?
18:38May I take your order now?
18:40This is gone too far!
18:42Keep McDouble's name out your mouth!
18:44Wait, my lord!
18:52Emi! Fessa!
18:54What the hell are you two doing to Chi?
18:56You can't tell?
18:58Technically speaking, I guess we didn't use that much.
19:00Much what?
19:02You're shooting yourself in the foot.
19:05It might be fun and games right now,
19:07but next time there's a battle,
19:09you're gonna waste forces protecting a soldier who can't fight.
19:11Good grief, of course we're not.
19:13And Chi-Ho knows that, trust me.
19:15This whole thing was her idea.
19:17She just wants the ability to warn us
19:19if she finds herself in an emergency situation.
19:21Warn us, huh?
19:23You mean...
19:25Yeah, idea linking.
19:27When Sariel kidnapped her,
19:29he took her phone so she would be completely cut off from us.
19:31It makes sense.
19:33So Chi...
19:35If a crisis like that happens again,
19:37she doesn't want to cause you any more trouble than necessary.
19:39She's doing all this to help you.
19:41Please know,
19:43the good Chi-Ho spent several days
19:45thinking over this path before proceeding.
19:47I asked that you respect her wishes.
19:51just want to help.
19:53Yeah, I know.
19:55When this blows up, I told you so.
19:57You want this?
19:59You sure?
20:02Yeah, cause now...
20:04I won't get in your way or drag you down.
20:06Not as much as I have before, anyway.
20:10I need to make sure I can always escape.
20:12And if I can't,
20:14then at the very least I'll be able to help you guys help me.
20:18Come on, Chi.
20:20We're monsters from another world.
20:22You can leave all the responsibility to us.
20:24Besides, we got you mixed up
20:26in this great big mess.
20:28So it's our job to pull you out.
20:31She's not the type to let you carry her burden.
20:33Especially since there's a way to lighten it.
20:35She doesn't want power so she can leap into danger,
20:37but to stay safe for us.
20:39I find that very touching.
20:45Thank you very, very much for today.
20:47You'll get some practical experience next time.
20:53have something to report.
20:55Or it's just possibly something
20:57that I really think you want to know about.
20:59There it is. Report away, Private.
21:01It's just...
21:03whoever it was that was living inside my body...
21:05I left some memories behind.
21:09I have this clear image of a big man.
21:11He seems like a nice middle-aged guy
21:13with a beard and a shortish ponytail.
21:15He's in a golden field.
21:19A race?
21:21Is there any chance
21:23that golden field might actually be wheat?
21:25I suppose it could be.
21:28He speaks to me, too,
21:30even though he only says one word.
21:36Does that mean anything special to you?
21:40I'm sorry.
21:42It doesn't.
21:44But if you really have such a vivid memory
21:46of that man,
21:48the person in your body had to have been...
21:54It's late.
21:57Nothing much.
21:59We made the right call, didn't we?
22:27I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:16I'm sorry.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:20I'm sorry.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:28I'm sorry.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:32I'm sorry.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:38I'm sorry.
