The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E17 - English

  • 5 days ago


00:00Thank you for the food!
00:02Thank you for the food!
00:08Mama! Help me!
00:10You got it. Coming right up.
00:14Bad! Mine!
00:16Don't blame me. I told Alciel to leave the ginger bud off mine.
00:20He knew I was going to be sharing with Alice Ramos.
00:23I'm helping. Nobody likes a picky eater, so I'm saving her the hardship.
00:28Thoughtful, but still. I think ginger buds may be a little too intense for a baby.
00:33Reach, sister. It's too intense for me, too.
00:36No surprise. You are quite the infant yourself.
00:39To be frank, they're a bit much for me, too.
00:41Say it's not so, sire!
00:43In other news, firework season is upon us.
00:46Chances are there will be a spectacular show in your area.
00:49A refined custom. I'd love to experience it in the flesh.
00:53You can count me out.
00:55Too many people.
00:56I would not take you even if you begged me.
00:59Huh? Why not? You know good and well why not!
01:05Can I help you?
01:12Don't freak out, but I'm going to stay at my parents' place for a while.
01:19Mia, Mama's ready to go!
01:26I'm going to miss you.
01:28I'm going to miss you.
01:30I'm going to miss you.
01:32I'm going to miss you.
01:34I'm going to miss you.
01:36I'm going to miss you.
01:38I'm going to miss you.
01:40I'm going to miss you.
01:42I'm going to miss you.
01:44I'm going to miss you.
01:46I'm going to miss you.
01:48I'm going to miss you.
01:50I'm going to miss you.
01:52I'm going to miss you.
01:54I'm going to miss you.
01:56I'm going to miss you.
01:58I'm going to miss you.
02:00I'm going to miss you.
02:02I'm going to miss you.
02:04I'm going to miss you.
02:06I'm going to miss you.
02:08I'm going to miss you.
02:10I'm going to miss you.
02:12I'm going to miss you.
02:14I'm going to miss you.
02:16I'm going to miss you.
02:18I'm going to miss you.
02:20I'm going to miss you.
02:22I'm going to miss you.
02:24I'm going to miss you.
02:26I'm going to miss you.
02:28I'm going to miss you.
02:30I'm going to miss you.
02:32I'm going to miss you.
02:34I'm going to miss you.
02:36I'm going to miss you.
02:38I'm going to miss you.
02:40I'm going to miss you.
02:42I'm going to miss you.
02:44I'm going to miss you.
02:46I'm going to miss you.
02:48I'm going to miss you.
02:50I'm going to miss you.
02:52I'm going to miss you.
02:54I'm going to miss you.
02:56I'm going to miss you.
02:58I'm going to miss you.
03:00I'm going to miss you.
03:02I'm going to miss you.
03:04I'm going to miss you.
03:06I'm going to miss you.
03:08I'm going to miss you.
03:10I'm going to miss you.
03:12I'm going to miss you.
03:14I'm going to miss you.
03:16I'm going to miss you.
03:18I'm going to miss you.
03:20I'm going to miss you.
03:22I'm going to miss you.
03:24I'm going to miss you.
03:26I'm going to miss you.
03:28I'm going to miss you.
03:30I'm going to miss you.
03:32I'm going to miss you.
03:34I'm going to miss you.
03:36I'm going to miss you.
03:38I'm going to miss you.
03:40I'm going to miss you.
03:42I'm going to miss you.
03:44I'm going to miss you.
03:46Well, uh...
03:48Is it okay if I see you off?
03:50That's so sweet.
03:52Amarada's opening the gate Monday afternoon.
03:54I believe you'll still be in school then.
03:56I appreciate it, though.
03:58Don't fret.
04:00I'll see her off for you.
04:02There's no need to be sad.
04:04The very latest I would get back
04:06is the morning of the 12th.
04:08The 12th, huh?
04:10Yeah, that's right.
04:12Your joint birthday party with Chi.
04:14Oh, yes.
04:16I suppose your birthday would be in the autumn
04:18by this world's calendar.
04:24I'm going to be fine.
04:26I am the strongest hero in history, you know.
04:28Plus, I won't try anything too risky
04:30with the baby there.
04:32I'm basically going to clean up my folks' old house.
04:34I'll come back soon.
04:36Okay, I trust you.
04:38While you're away,
04:40I should try and perfect my kid curry recipe.
04:42It'll be a hit.
04:46Kid curry?
04:48No, don't eat kids.
04:50Nobody's eating kids, Sleepy.
04:52Well, it's time for Betty-bye.
04:56See you next week for the party, Chiho.
04:58Belle, I'll message you later.
05:00Night-night, guys!
05:02Night, Dada!
05:04Night, Chibi!
05:06Night, Tsuzumi!
05:10I'm home.
05:12Looking radiant as always, sire!
05:14Have you been huffing cleaning supplies?
05:16Oh, please.
05:18I'm simply glad to be rid of Amelia.
05:20A moment of peace.
05:22I've been holding onto this for a special occasion.
05:24Let us splurge
05:26and indulge in a feast of grilled organ meats.
05:28Hey, boss.
05:30I messaged you asking to bring me home some flan.
05:32Did you miss it?
05:34Must have.
05:36And the one time that Mom lets me get a sweet little treat.
05:40Is something wrong?
05:42Growling? Chill out.
05:44The second she leaves,
05:46she'll blow our budget!
05:48I busted my ass getting her to trust you jerks!
05:50Do you want to prove her right?
05:52The demons need a babysitter!
05:54Hey, silent, you fools! You're bothering the neighbor!
06:04It's that time.
06:10When Miss Yussa passes through the gate,
06:12I wonder if it'll do something.
06:36I hope Enta Isla's peaceful for a while.
06:38And she and Alice Ramos get there safe.
07:04Your Majesty.
07:06Your Majesty.
07:08It's time you take a break from your studies.
07:10Yeah, you're right.
07:12I can't believe the devil is asking
07:14the government for permission to do anything.
07:16Let alone to drive a moped.
07:18Silence, you ingrate!
07:20Don't discourage your lord's efforts!
07:22Are you sure that you want to get the license
07:24and start delivering?
07:26I know you're McRonald's best boy and all,
07:28but are you looking for extra work?
07:30I've been getting assigned shift manager
07:32more and more recently.
07:34I need to be ready to cover if anyone's out.
07:36It's part of being responsible.
07:38Sire, your allegiance is admirable.
07:42I'm just trying to do my job, so...
07:50It would seem Amelia hasn't returned just yet.
07:54How weird.
08:04Good day.
08:06Have you seen any sign of her?
08:08Still not back, huh?
08:10There's been no correspondence either.
08:12I thought she might have phoned you, but...
08:14She would never reach out to us
08:16over you or Chi.
08:18You should try getting in contact
08:20with the Marauder.
08:22I did try, and she's not answering as well.
08:24It's a dance.
08:26It's a dance.
08:28It's a dance.
08:30It's a dance.
08:32It's a dance.
08:34Ente Isla's in turmoil.
08:36Send out too many idea links,
08:38and the wrong person might detect them.
08:42like our old buddy Olba.
08:44Amelia has bested your armies
08:46and Archangels, so an incident
08:48that would warrant radio silence from her
08:50would surely be apocalyptic.
08:52If she is wounded,
08:54Ente Isla is done for.
08:56When you get fully powered up,
08:58you can open gates, right?
09:00Here's my idea.
09:02Get jacked up with Suza's Celestial Force
09:04juice again and get your mojo back.
09:08Then you can check out Ente Isla for yourself.
09:10That's not gonna work.
09:12He is correct.
09:14I can't do it without Amelia.
09:16I doubt I possess half the power she has.
09:18It wouldn't be enough to overload him.
09:20Well, that blows.
09:22I thought I was really doing something.
09:24Wait a sec.
09:26Are you suggesting I need to go
09:28save her? You ordered Flan
09:30when she left, and we don't even know if she's hurt.
09:32At the heart of all of this,
09:34she and I are enemies.
09:36I don't give a damn what the humans in Ente Isla are doing.
09:38If they're duking it out in World War
09:40whatever, let them fight.
09:42Even if
09:44Amelia's in trouble over there,
09:46there's nothing that I can do here.
09:48And regardless, it isn't my concern.
09:50But Satan, you don't...
09:54That's all I have to say.
09:56If she doesn't show up,
09:58the party will be cancelled, right?
10:00I've got a study for my moped license test tomorrow.
10:04Tell me.
10:06What if Chihou approached you?
10:08Would your tune change?
10:12I might word it more gently,
10:14but I'd tell her the same.
10:16Mr. Ma?
10:22It's Miss Sasaki.
10:24Damn, so we're playing dirty now.
10:26Gee, I...
10:28Don't lie.
10:30I know you would never ever break a promise.
10:32You're too good of a guy to do that.
10:34When I got kidnapped,
10:36do you remember what you said?
10:38The amazing present
10:40that you gave us?
10:42You said that me,
10:44Miss Susanoo, and Miss Yusa
10:46were all your generals now.
10:48You promised to show us
10:50a new world if we stayed by your side.
10:52You poor dear.
10:54All this promise is in that big, scary place with her.
10:56Don't pretend.
10:58I know that you're worried about both of them.
11:00It's hard.
11:02For all of us.
11:04So don't lie.
11:06There, there.
11:08This was my plan.
11:10Don't blame Miss Susanoo because I'm the one who asked her to do it.
11:12I tricked you guys.
11:14I'm sorry.
11:18I'll evaluate
11:20the best course of action on my end.
11:22Excuse me.
11:36Your Majesty, if I may.
11:38Oh, great.
11:40You gonna tell me to go save Emi, too?
11:44Because in my humble opinion,
11:46we have far graver matters at hand.
11:48She is strong.
11:50Even our mightiest troops couldn't defeat her.
11:54if humans are warring with their own kind of Enteisla,
11:56and anything poses a threat to Emilia,
11:58that indicates to us
12:00someone is not fighting fair.
12:02She has enemies
12:04in the Church and in Heaven itself.
12:06Now in the Malbranche as well.
12:08She is a target.
12:10If any of them are keen on her whereabouts,
12:12and see she's an Enteisla,
12:14they'll use this time to attack.
12:16No way they could beat her in a fight.
12:18But, maybe,
12:20they could take hostages.
12:22Think somebody got Emirada?
12:24It needn't be someone so strong.
12:26Anyone she cares for would do.
12:28A person whose well-being
12:30would make her think twice.
12:32The list is near endless.
12:34I guess.
12:36But why would the Enteislans go that far to hurt her?
12:38She's the freakin' hero who saved their world.
12:40What you sent Farfarello home with.
12:42The news of Belle and Emilia
12:44becoming your demon generals.
12:46I fear that it was unwise.
12:48Yeah, I mean,
12:50I got carried away in the moment, for sure.
12:52But I did all that to protect Chi,
12:54and to keep any of Farfarello's friends
12:56from showing up in Japan.
13:02Hold on.
13:04Oh, crap!
13:06I can't believe it.
13:08Hold on.
13:10You think that news made it back to the humans?
13:12And now Emi and Suze are traitors?
13:14Some have always
13:16harbored doubt.
13:18I'm sure they'll use this to try to bring down the hero.
13:20And Emi and Suze realized that?
13:22I assume so, yes.
13:24But they were willing to take on
13:26the danger for Miss Sasaki's sake.
13:28Didn't Emilia herself mention
13:30returning home because she was tired of playing
13:32defense here?
13:34I believe
13:36she and Belle work rather hard
13:38to protect our status quo.
13:40They want to preserve this lifestyle
13:42where, as incompatible and prone
13:44to bickering as we are,
13:46we sit at the same table.
13:48Where the hell did I put that thing?
13:50I know I left it in here last time.
13:52It's no time for aimless rummaging!
13:54The adults are having a discussion!
13:56He's fine.
13:58Well, go on.
14:00Right. On a human battlefield,
14:02Emilia will always prevail.
14:04That said, certain forces value her
14:06for more than her prowess in combat.
14:10The angels.
14:12That's all speculation.
14:14You guys are just too used to these cushy Japanese
14:16trains that are always on schedule.
14:18People can run late, you know.
14:20That's weirdly optimistic, coming from you.
14:22Even if there's a hostage,
14:24Emi's fine.
14:26There's no one there or here, for that matter, who could kill her.
14:28Even worst-case scenario,
14:30she's still alive.
14:32Maybe he's chilling.
14:34Not that she can't kick ass, too.
14:36If Emi was in some kind of trouble,
14:38she wouldn't want your help anyway, dude.
14:42Hey, guys, listen.
14:46Thanks a lot.
14:48You both calmed me down,
14:50and I needed that.
14:52For now, I'll concentrate on my test.
14:54Whenever she does get back,
14:56I'll rub my license in her face.
14:58Try being late with this.
15:00May you return victorious, sire.
15:02It's not war, man.
15:04Just a license.
15:08Maybe I'm a little more nervous
15:10than I let on.
15:12It's often beneficial to be on your toes.
15:14I'm sure you'll pass the test.
15:16As always, you have my undying faith, sire.
15:18Well, see ya.
15:20Oh, see ya.
15:34Look, Dad, we made it!
15:36Don't be a slowpoke. Hurry, hurry!
15:52Whoa, hey!
15:54I'm terribly sorry, sir.
15:56These ain't locals.
15:58Tsubasa, apologize to him.
16:00Okay, I will, Dad.
16:02Sorry, mister.
16:14Next stop, Shikinjo Sengoku.
16:16Exit here for the driver's license headquarters.
16:18Well, that's me.
16:28They should be dry by afternoon.
16:32Ms. Suzuki?
16:36There's still some time before my turn.
16:42You're here for a license, too?
16:44How many times have you tested?
16:46This is going to be me and Dad's tenth time.
16:48The big one-zero!
16:52Uh, this is only my first attempt.
16:54My dad can't read kanji too good yet,
16:56so I came to be his super reader helper.
17:00Uh, that's nice.
17:02This would be a lot nicer if I'd studied.
17:04Good luck to ya.
17:06Got a name?
17:08What is it?
17:10Yeah, uh...
17:12Mine's, uh...
17:14Mine's Tsubasa Sato.
17:18Dad's Hiroshi Sato.
17:22Nice to meet you. I'm Mao.
17:24Are you some kind of demon king?
17:34Sounds like the name of a final boss in a video game.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:38No cool demon kings around here.
17:40You can't go sniffing strangers!
17:42Be careful.
17:44You don't want to stand out.
17:46His smell...
17:48It's almost like I remember it from somewhere.
17:50It was warm and cozy.
17:52A place from a long time ago.
18:06Have some tea.
18:08Oh, thank you.
18:10How were you able to locate our domicile?
18:12I exchanged contact info with Susanoo
18:14when we went TV shopping.
18:16Don't get me wrong,
18:18I felt bad about showing up at your place
18:20without giving you a good heads up.
18:22But, uh,
18:24I felt like I had to do something.
18:26You're here about Yusa.
18:30So please, tell me that you've heard from her.
18:32We can't get a single message through.
18:34None of them are even showing up as read.
18:36I went to her place, but nothing.
18:38She's been gone from work without taking leave
18:40for a long time now.
18:42Her folks, they don't live here.
18:44They're pretty far abroad, right?
18:46Yes, that's right.
18:48She said she had some family business.
18:50But because her family is so far
18:52and most of her friends are from work,
18:54we're all worried that if something bad had happened to her,
18:56we wouldn't hear about it soon enough
18:58to help her out when she needs us most.
19:00I do apologize.
19:02But I'm afraid none of us here
19:04know anything more than you.
19:06Maybe we should start to consider calling the police.
19:08Friends aren't supposed to drop all contact
19:10with you for an entire week.
19:14Pardon? Will you repeat that time frame?
19:16When did you two last talk?
19:18I told you, it's been a week.
19:20Understood. Thank you.
19:22That's valuable information.
19:24Do you recall the exact date and time
19:26you heard from her?
19:28It was sometime last Friday night.
19:30We haven't heard from her in two weeks.
19:32We lost touch with her the Friday before last.
19:34Or rather, that's the date she told us
19:36we could anticipate her return.
19:38I suppose it's been three weeks now.
19:42Did she call or what?
19:44Yeah, she did. I'll show you.
19:48An unknown number.
19:50Could it have been someone posing as her instead?
19:52Not a chance.
19:54It was Emi's voice.
19:56Plus, she said her name before I could even get a hello in.
19:58She sounded the same as she always does.
20:00Not to pry,
20:02but what was it that you spoke with her about?
20:04She just wanted to know
20:06if she could swap shifts with me.
20:14What is it?
20:16It was so sudden just a minute ago.
20:18The forecast said it wouldn't rain
20:20until the afternoon.
20:22Anything unusual about the call?
20:24She might have sounded a little bit far away
20:26from the phone.
20:28And her voice was kind of breathy.
20:30She was talking faster than usual, too.
20:32But she's dealing with some tricky stuff overseas,
20:34so I didn't think much of it.
20:38What caused her to choose Rika?
20:42Excuse me.
20:44There's laundry to save.
20:46Oh, dear.
20:48I believe I left my window open.
20:50One moment, please.
20:52You live here. You should help.
20:58A lady's present!
21:00Have some decency, please!
21:02I've seen undies before.
21:04It's no sweat.
21:06Wowza, look at that sky.
21:08I don't think the weather report
21:10predicted this much rain.
21:14What happened?
21:16Take this.
21:18This is...
21:20eel's booster, right?
21:22An S.O.S. from Chihou.
21:24A successful idea, Ling.
21:26Right now?
21:28You're our only option. Let's fly.
21:30Do you know where she goes to school?
21:32Maybe. I hope.
21:34It's Sasahara North, right?
21:36I'm pretty confident I know where that is.
21:38Wait, she?
21:40The same one I know?
21:42Go! She's in need! Hurry!
21:44In time, Rika.
21:46I shall explain this all to you,
21:48but for now we must depart.
21:50The damage could be great.
21:52It may very well extend beyond her school by now.
21:56Divine Boots of Light!
22:26I whispered to myself,
22:28waiting for the day
22:30to come.
22:32This world
22:34is so colorful
22:36and full of colors.
22:38This feeling
22:40will never
22:42wither away.
22:44This feeling
22:46will never change.
22:48I gathered
22:50the fragments
22:52of nostalgia
22:54and I'm listening.
22:56I'm listening.
22:58It doesn't matter
23:00how much I love you,
23:02I'll get used to it.
23:04Twinkle, twinkle!
23:06Look, it's shining,
23:08dreamy. It's dazzling,
23:12I open my cheeks
23:14to my cheeks.
23:16I'm one again today.
23:18Twinkle, twinkle!
23:20I'm dancing,
23:22I'm holding you tight.
23:26The overflowing drops
23:30are reflecting.
23:32You were
23:34right there.
