The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - S02E20 - English

  • 5 days ago


01:44We're almost there
02:00We made it in days
02:12Welcome back home. Thank you
02:25This map will point you to Sloan so follow it carefully
02:29The good news is there's a caravan that leaves from this village. That'll get you close a
02:35little coin never hurt
02:39Thanks, but will you not be coming with us?
02:43The area is still in disarray after the devil's invasion. So the Grand Hoshin Church has bought up a lot of land for reconstruction
02:51Grand Hoshin Church, so that means Olba's involved. Well, he's seen as a big-time war hero here in Ante Isla
02:59He's involved in a lot of different things. I
03:02Don't know all the details, but for now, I think it's best that I be extra careful around here
03:07I'll sneak in and pick you up a week from today. We'll plan to meet up at this spot
03:13Okay, sounds good. One more thing
03:15This is an angelic quill pen Lila left behind
03:20That was my mom's yeah, and I think it's a good idea for you to keep it with you
03:25It's super handy lets you open a gate wherever you want
03:30Thanks, but you keep it. We should split up all of our trump cards
03:35Good idea
03:37Please be careful. Okay
03:46Bye-bye! I miss you!
03:52All right, I need to find a clue one that'll lead me to mom
04:07We gotta locate that caravan next
04:29What is this the motel zero
05:02Just slightly better than the outhouse it's gross. Yeah, I'm sorry, but you still need to eat something right and mama does too
05:12The veggies in Japan are a lot better
05:16No way!
05:26This sucks, I miss convenience stores
05:40Next stop, home
06:04The sweet dad grew it
06:12Beautiful, it's still alive
06:17I'm so happy! Dad's weed is still alive!
06:26Mama, where are you?
06:28Know what this means? There's hope! I can't give up. I won't give up
06:33I think dad might actually be alive too!
06:37The house! It's...
06:42My childhood home, I can't believe I'm back
06:47If I want clues about mom and dad, I'll find them here
06:59It's a bust
07:04I was positive I'd find something useful here, but
07:08Mama, I'm so hungry!
07:11Me too. I guess it's time for dinner
07:27I honestly didn't expect to be digging into the Japanese food I brought already
07:32Hey, I was just wondering, do you sense any shards of Yasod or something like that around here?
07:44Kinda weird there's not a clue in sight
07:49Wait, hold on
07:52What's this? It says it's a license to cultivate new land
07:56What new land?
08:02Hmm, this has to be the most rinky-dink map I've ever seen
08:18The very latest I would get back is the morning of the 12th
08:22I have to keep my promise to them
08:27Is something wrong? What is it?
08:30This way!
08:34Wait! Alice Ramos, come back!
08:41Some kind of barrier field?
08:44There you are
08:49Alice Ramos? What is this place?
08:53It's your house, silly mama! It's got big mama's smell
09:00Sweetie, tell me something
09:03What is your mama's name?
09:10Hold on a second, has she been seeing my mom and me this whole time?
09:14She thinks I'm Lila?
09:16Mama, let's go inside
09:21My mother saved Satan when he was just a kid
09:24And even gave him a shard of Yasod
09:28Alice Ramos was born from that shard
09:32But why? Why would an angel save the devil himself?
09:46She scattered the broken pieces of Yasod everywhere
09:50But is she trying to pull them all back together now?
09:53Did dad know about that?
09:57Hey, Alice Ramos
10:01Asiyeth! Asiyeth!
10:09Mama, where'd Asiyeth go?
10:11She was right here! She went far back!
10:14Calm down, honey
10:16Now, tell mama
10:19Do you mean Asiyeth Allah?
10:23No, please calm down. Oba's gonna find us
10:32Oh, crap!
10:46No, they're here
10:49Been far too long, Emilia
10:51Forgive the sudden nature
10:53But you needed an Efzahan if you would kindly join us
10:57Why should I? What are you planning to do there?
11:00Your father?
11:02I believe this gentleman told you that he is still alive, did he not?
11:07In fact, he should be in the heavenly regiment's custody right about now
11:14You scumbag! You're even worse than I thought!
11:24Okay, so what do I do now?
11:31It looks like Kawachi and Katori are out
11:34Who else can I get to cover a shift?
11:36Come on, now! We gotta move!
11:39Me big sister could be in trouble, you jerk!
11:41Don't sit there picking your butt!
11:43You lazy dum-dum!
11:45You're killing me!
11:47Are you okay, Mr. Mo?
11:49I heard you scream. Everything good?
11:51See that? Chiyo brought us some frozen treats!
11:54Hey, freeze!
11:56For ice cream!
11:58Oh, you startled me!
12:00Bad freak! Don't scare our guests!
12:02I'm trying to heal in here. Dial it back a notch
12:11So yum! I'm gonna pop back inside for a post-snack cuddle, okay?
12:16No! Keep your baby hands to yourself!
12:18Ever heard of personal space? Get off of me!
12:21How cute! Maomao's so shy-shy
12:23Here's the deal, pal
12:25You're clearly making him uncomfy, so either you can cut it out
12:28or no more ice cream for you
12:30Loud and clear, ma'am!
12:32What are you doing?
12:34When Alice Ramos gets back and sees you've been spoiling Asu,
12:37she'll get jealous and develop some serious data issues
12:40I'm dying. Shut up
12:42Can we please get down to business, people?
12:44Yeah, of course
12:47I had Chiyo fill me in on everything going on with you guys
12:50Emi's the hero, Ashi is a demon, and they're an end to Isla now, right?
12:55Whatever. The devil thing threw me for a loop, though
12:58You're brave to come back here after learning all that
13:01I hid in bed for two days, working up the courage
13:04After some thought, I know where I stand
13:06Before anything else, Emi and Ashi are going to have to go
13:09I know where I stand
13:11Before anything else, Emi and Ashi are my friends
13:14I want to help them any way I can
13:16I don't want my memories erased
13:18I see. They're real lucky to have you in their corner
13:24Satan, a moment please
13:28Anybody care to explain?
13:31How did these bad boys wind up here?
13:33It's no sorcery, my dude
13:35Susan-o drove one and I drove the other
13:37Can't drive? No license?
13:40A consoir. Freshly won
13:42You can seriously beat me?
13:44I don't know what kind of twisted game you're trying to play, but you're on
13:48What was the alternative?
13:50Did you intend to embark upon this journey to Entei Isla without a reliable mode of transportation?
13:55We need a simple way to carry provisions
13:58If we tried to travel through the air, we would be detected immediately
14:02Our power levels would give us away
14:04You're forgetting I don't have a license yet
14:07You don't need a moped license to drive a scooter in Entei Isla
14:11I... So, how much did these scooters cost?
14:15They're used, so about 500,000 yen in total
14:18That hurts!
14:22So much stuff
14:25So what? Do we think Emi's okay?
14:28I can tell you that Emi isn't hurt
14:31If you're worried about her being in physical danger, stop it and save your energy
14:36Whenever Emilia is in Entei Isla, a tank could fire at her using its full force
14:41And she would be able to walk away from the skirmish without so much as a frayed hair or broken nail
14:46This ain't manga!
14:47My worry is if someone so strong is having it tough, the rest of the world is in shambles
14:55What's up?
14:56Oh wow, you're so compassionate
14:59You're much sweeter than most people think
15:02Huh? I'm not sweet?
15:04Maybe not, but you are dense
15:06Oh, to be young and dumb
15:08He's trying, though
15:09Well, as I was saying, in order for Emi to get stuck like that, I'm sure her hands are tied
15:15They could be holding the whole country hostage
15:17And Alba's the only jerk I know that's scared of a fight
15:21If she's with him, I bet they're in Evzahan, home to the Marlboron she stirred up
15:27There doesn't seem to be a wealth of evidence for your conclusion
15:30Wealth of evidence? Nuts
15:34Here, jerk
15:35Why rest when I can root around like a hog?
15:38There wouldn't be any rooting if you weren't such a slob
15:41The castle gave Gabriel a call
15:43You're telling me angels have cell phones?
15:46Guess so
15:47And thanks to that goon leaving his number with Arushihara, we could confirm that Ashiya, Emi, Alice, Ramus, and old Nordy are kicking it in Evzahan
15:56I don't know why we would trust Heaven's Himbo
15:59I'm with you
16:00That's why I'm leaving you in Japan to keep an eye on things at home
16:03If any real shit goes down, it'll have to wait till I'm healed
16:07Couldn't you use the extra muscle?
16:09I'm sure that we could
16:11Alas, it's impossible
16:12The more bodies we have entering through the gate, the more celestial force expenditure
16:17But I worry, we'll barely have power for two
16:21No biggie
16:22Worst case, Amane pops over
16:24I totally saw that one coming
16:26Are you going to tell us why you're here? We're on the edge of our seats
16:30Please, you don't want to ruin the mystery
16:33Anyway, to thank you for the food and shelter, I'll protect Chiho and Rika if things go south on our end
16:40You know, Evzahan is an immense region. Where first?
16:44Use your head, that's a given
16:46They'll be right where the Demon King stuck it to Emilia
16:50Heaven's Sky Keep
16:55I told everybody to wait at the apartment
16:57Don't be mad, they wanted to see you off
17:00Jeez, Ma, you must be up to something important
17:03You rarely ask for time off on short notice, let alone give up shifts
17:08And on top of that, she seemed on edge
17:10Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I'll be back soon
17:14No need to be sorry, just don't hurt yourself
17:17I'll be back soon
17:19Sorry about that. I'll be back soon
17:21No need to be sorry, just don't hurt yourself or get sick while you're away
17:28I can't afford to lose such a strong member of my front line
17:34I'll keep that in mind
17:35Hey Chiho, come here
17:38What's with your manager? Is she super strong or something?
17:42I mean, she has the literal devil doing her bidding after all
17:45She's just like you and I, a regular Japanese gal
17:49But she's a great boss that's easy to respect
17:52She pays close attention and learns all her employees' strengths and weaknesses
17:57She acknowledges us for our work and praises us for a job well done
18:01Mr. Mao went from being a demon king with a bunch of power
18:04To a normal guy that the world had power over
18:07That made him really respect Miss Kisaki's strength
18:10You don't need armies to have power
18:13Oh no, Jesus, boundless as the sea for my beloved goddess Kisaki
18:16So sharp, so fierce, and divine to boot
18:18It is no wonder my love did take root
18:20Where poetry flourishes, manners lack
18:22But come to me, Mr. Saruwat, you...
18:27Hey, watch it!
18:33Is something wrong, Ma?
18:35Oh, nothing. Just making that java
18:37What did I say about rhyming?
18:39Forgive me, miss
18:40And more than that, I'm afraid I must ask you to make my order to go this evening
18:51You have any clue what got into her?
18:53Is she going crazy?
18:54Mean! Let me out!
18:56Enough out of you!
18:57I don't know for sure
18:59But Asieth and Alice Ramis have some anti-angel thing going on
19:02Let me out, poopy head!
19:04Was that little wretch the child condemned to fuse with Emilia?
19:08They're the same being, I think, but different forms
19:11And what form is that?
19:13She seemed like a shard
19:14Beats me
19:15The Sephiroth stuff is after my time
19:18I ditched heaven way before all that crap
19:20Sounds boring, so I'm glad
19:22So who's this Joker?
19:24Not a regular Sentucky fried guy
19:27That's the archangel Sariel, I'm sure
19:32That's the archangel Sariel, and he too comes from our realm
19:35You're telling me that he works with that jerk Gabriel?
19:38Lovely. What has Gabriel done this time?
19:41I assumed you already knew
19:43He did bring out an army to try and drag me back to enter Isla with him
19:48But when I threatened him with the gaze of the Fall, he gave up
19:51That fool
19:52How dare he obstruct business
19:54You poor guy
19:55You're turning into Mao as we speak
19:58Perhaps this place has changed me too
20:01The moment I gazed upon my goddess Kisuke, I felt the desire to use my power for someone other than myself
20:07It was a new feeling for me, but one I most certainly found joy in
20:11In this world, I'm allowed to care for other people, not solely the security of heaven's walls
20:16The only walls I care about now are the ones I'll build for my goddess and our beautiful family to live in someday
20:21Well, at least you're a classy creeper
20:24Thus, whatever you and your little ragtag gang decide, I'm not in the business of helping or hindering
20:30Starting now, the only thing I care about is pursuing a future with a beautiful babe
20:35It would suck if one of our Yasuo homies killed you before you could live the dream
20:40Spill the beans. The hell did you guys do to the Sephiroth?
20:43Oh, give me a break
20:45I was never in a position to do anything to the Tree of Life directly
20:49What I can tell you is heaven's motive for making the tree a priority in the first place
20:56Everything they've done has been to prevent a true god from being born in Ente Isla
21:02Not a lot of brain cells between those guys, huh?
21:09Hey, are we hidden? Is someone gonna tell on us?
21:12Aren't you supposed to be the freaking devil? Crow a pair!
21:15We're trespassing? That's like a felony
21:19Show me the way
21:42The gate!
21:43Move, now!
21:45Let's go!
21:46Be careful!
21:48The gate!
21:49The gate!
21:50The gate!
21:51The gate!
21:52The gate!
21:53The gate!
21:54The gate!
21:55The gate!
21:56The gate!
21:57The gate!
21:58The gate!
21:59The gate!
22:00The gate!
22:01The gate!
22:02The gate!
22:03The gate!
22:04The gate!
22:05The gate!
22:06The gate!
22:07The gate!
22:08The gate!
22:09The gate!
22:10The gate!
22:11The gate!
22:12The gate!
22:13The gate!
22:14The gate!
22:15The gate!
22:16The gate!
22:17The gate!
22:18The gate!
22:19The gate!
22:20The gate!
22:21The gate!
22:22The gate!
22:23The gate!
22:24The gate!
22:25The gate!
22:26The gate!
22:27The gate!
22:28The gate!
22:29The gate!
22:30The gate!
22:31The gate!
22:32The gate!
22:33The gate!
22:34The gate!
22:35The gate!
22:36The gate!
22:37The gate!
22:38The gate!
22:39The gate!
22:40The gate!
22:41The gate!
22:42The gate!
22:43The gate!
22:44The gate!
22:45The gate!
22:46The gate!
22:47The gate!
22:48The gate!
22:49The gate!
22:50The gate!
22:51The gate!
22:52The gate!
22:53The gate!
22:54The gate!
22:55The gate!
22:56The gate!
22:57The gate!
22:58The gate!
22:59The gate!
23:00The gate!
23:01The gate!
23:02The gate!
23:03The gate!
23:04The gate!
23:05The gate!
23:06The gate!
23:07The gate!
23:08The gate!
23:09The gate!
23:10The gate!
23:11The gate!
23:12The gate!
23:13The gate!
23:14The gate!
23:15The gate!
23:16The gate!
23:17The gate!
23:18The gate!
23:19The gate!
23:20The gate!
23:21The gate!
23:22The gate!
23:23The gate!
23:24The gate!
23:25The gate!
23:26The gate!
23:27The gate!
23:28The gate!
23:29The gate!
23:30The gate!
23:31The gate!
23:32The gate!
23:33The gate!
23:34The gate!
23:35The gate!
23:36The gate!
23:37The gate!
23:38The gate!
23:39The gate!
23:40The gate!
23:41The gate!
23:42The gate!
