Wednesday morning forecast 02/03/22

  • 2 days ago
02 March – National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.


00:00Hello there, welcome to your weather update from the Met Office. Cloudier skies with some
00:05showery bursts of rain through Wednesday, slowly pushing their way northwards. Brightest weather
00:10will be across the far north and northeast of Scotland through Wednesday afternoon.
00:14Through Tuesday evening, wet across central and southern parts of England and Wales.
00:17Quite a breeze towards the southwest, clouds spilling ahead of it across northern counts of
00:22England. But for the far north of England, Northern Ireland and much of Scotland, dry here
00:27with starry skies and temperatures falling below freezing, so expect a fairly widespread frost
00:32through the early hours of Wednesday morning. But these parts will dawn dry and bright,
00:37certainly some sunshine for much of Scotland. So through Wednesday morning, we watch as this
00:42rain slowly creeps its way northwards. Now much of the rain will be sporadic, but some moderate
00:48bursts can't be ruled out from time to time. And the breeze will pick up some strength across
00:52Northern Ireland, even Scotland as we head through the afternoon. Hanging on to some brighter
00:57weather across central and northern areas of Scotland as rain arrives across the Central Belt,
01:02Dumfries and Galloway, Ayrshire and even border regions. Eastern counts of England down towards
01:06the southeast will see more clouds, the odd spot or two of rain here. Temperatures towards the
01:11southwest will reach double figures, generally around eight or nine degrees Celsius. So that's
01:17the picture come Wednesday. Here's your bigger picture through the latter part of the working
01:22week. This is the weather front which will deliver that cloud and outbreaks of rain.
01:27It's a slow-moving system, bringing with it cloudier skies and wet conditions from time to time.
01:33A bit of a breeze, but the breeze will ease as we head through the latter part of the day
01:37across more southern areas on Thursday, and slowly but surely it will clear off the scene as we head
01:43through Friday. So here's your city's list for Thursday, generally cloudy skies with some
01:49outbreaks of rain temperatures around average for early March. Come Friday a hint of some brighter
01:54weather coming through, not as much rain, certainly some drier skies, and that pretty much sets the
01:59scene for the weekend where we're expecting high pressure to assert itself, bringing with it some
02:04sunshine but also some frosty nights.