Wednesday evening forecast 02/08/2023

  • 2 days ago
02 August - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there, welcome to a weather update from the Met Office. Now through the next
00:04few days it's rain or showers and the weather turns lively yet again on
00:09Saturday. For the time being that's Wednesday evening, weather warnings
00:13remain in force for thunderstorms across England and Wales and some heavy rain
00:17across eastern counties. Notice the winds as well touching Galefort along this
00:21east coast here. This whole system is clearing towards the Low Countries but
00:24it will be a slow process. We've inherited a cool north to northwesterly
00:28breeze delivering cloud and showery bursts of rain and that northwest wind
00:32will also bring showers towards the south of Wales as well as the West
00:35Country. In between some drier weather, some clearer skies but temperatures
00:40holding up 12, 13, 14 degrees Celsius and a cool start to the day come Thursday
00:44morning particularly with this wind. Now the winds won't be as strong as they
00:48were on Wednesday across the south coast but still a keen breeze and that breeze
00:52bringing cloud and showers streaming in as well. We'll lose the showers across
00:57East Anglia through the afternoon but exposed to this breeze it's going to
01:01feel rather cool. Some breaks in the cloud, the Midlands perhaps Northern
01:05England but we'll see some showers developing particularly across the West
01:08initially and then eastern parts of Scotland, North East England through the
01:11afternoon. The risk of thunder is out there as well. We continue to see
01:16showers across the far north and a few showers for Northern Ireland but in
01:19shelter you'll see some brighter weather. So here are your temperatures
01:2317 to 22, 23 degrees Celsius. Now through Thursday evening and overnight
01:28these showers continue for a time and they will be heavy in places and again
01:33it's going to be wet across central and northern areas of Scotland with that
01:36brisk wind here. A few showers continue to run down the North Channel
01:40clipping Northern Ireland, Irish sea coasts as well but inland again we'll
01:45see some clearer skies as showers continue across eastern counties into
01:49the early hours of Friday morning. So come Friday this is where we'll see most
01:55of the showers central and eastern areas. Notice some brighter skies for Northern
01:59Ireland, a few showers clipping the far north there. Some brighter weather also
02:03for Scotland, Western Scotland seeing some sunshine and some sunshine coming
02:07through further west across Wales as well as the West Country. These showers
02:11though could be heavy again with the risk of thunder through the afternoon
02:14but this ridge moves in dampening shower activity for a time before through the
02:19early hours of Saturday morning. This area of low pressure deepens and tracks
02:23across the country. You can see a squeeze on the ice bars, outbreaks of rain, some
02:27thunderstorms will be associated with it as well as it clears again towards the
02:31east into the early hours of Sunday and then things look a little bit better
02:35through Sunday afternoon. A ridge extends across the country, still some showers in
02:40the north but some dry skies coming through towards the southwest. So here's
02:43your city's list on Saturday. Yes it's rain or showers and temperatures will be
02:49suppressed 16 or 17 degrees Celsius. For England and Wales not a lot of
02:54difference. Most of the heaviest rain will be in the north as well as the west
02:58but even south we'll see some showers again with the risk of thunder. Highest
03:02temperatures possibly 20 degrees Celsius. Bye bye.
