Friday evening forecast 09/06/23

  • 2 days ago
09 June – National weather forecast presented by Luke Miall.


00:00Hello again. Our weather is on the change, some hot and humid weather heading towards
00:05the UK. Clouds bubbling up like this and the risk of some thunderstorms. And we can already
00:10see this change taking place. This is the earlier satellite picture and you can see
00:14it's really starting to show this area of low pressure that is heading closer towards
00:20the UK after what's been a very prolonged spell of high pressure and drier weather.
00:25And that's throwing up some cloud towards the southwest, so already across parts of
00:29southwest England, we've seen those cloudier skies and that will continue as we go through
00:34the next few hours and over tonight as well. And as we zoom down, you can already see some
00:39of those showers bubbling up across the northwest of France and that's what's going to be heading
00:43in towards the UK. But through this evening and overnight, aside from a few heavy showers
00:48in the far southwest, most places staying dry and clear. And we have again got that
00:53low cloud feeding in off the North Sea, so some grey and mistiness for northeast England,
00:58eastern Scotland into the Midlands. But further towards the south, one or two of those showers
01:03knocking around, but the temperatures remaining on the very warm side and starting to see
01:07that humid air spilling its way up from the south. So 16 or 17 for some places, an uncomfortable
01:13one for sleeping. So any early morning cloud will tend to burn away quite quickly and then
01:20we'll see plenty of sunshine across much of the UK. But down to the southwest, that's
01:24where we've got the risk of those heavy showers and thunderstorms. And with the heat of the
01:29day, boom, they really do start to pick up through parts of the Midlands, Wales, central
01:34southern England through the day. We do have a thunderstorm warning in force for those.
01:38We could see 30 to 40 millimetres in just a few hours. With the dry baked ground, that
01:44could lead to some flash flooding and some tricky travelling conditions if you get caught
01:48under one of those thunderstorms. And temperatures hotting up through the course of the day,
01:54highs of 30 degrees. That'll be the first 30 we've seen this year across the UK. But
01:58even away from that, we'll see temperatures widely into the mid to high 20s, cooler along
02:03some of those eastern coasts with the breeze here and a little bit fresher down towards
02:08the far southwest as well, with a bit more cloud in the sky. Now, those showers will
02:13rumble on for a time through the evening, but with the heating of the day easing, they
02:17will tend to fade away. But having said that, a few will push in across Scotland so we could
02:21see some quite heavy thundery downpours overnight for western parts of Scotland. Elsewhere,
02:26it's dry, it's clearer, but that warm and humid air pushing all across the country,
02:31so those temperatures really not falling away much overnight. An uncomfortable one for sleeping
02:35once again. I think you really, really will start to notice it as we head into the first
02:40part of Sunday. Sunday itself then, it's a bit of a rinse and repeat of the forecast.
02:45We have lost a lot of that low cloud for the east, but elsewhere with the sunshine through
02:50the day, the temperatures heating up and once again, thunderstorms breaking out through
02:54the afternoon. Some potentially quite lively ones for, again, central southern England
02:59into Wales, the West Midlands, but also across western parts of Scotland and indeed for Northern
03:04Ireland as well. So, another thunderstorm warning is in force on Sunday and it's a little
03:08bit more widespread across those western areas where we could see it. But over towards the
03:13east, one or two showers are possible, but for many areas, it will stay dry with those
03:18sunny spells and temperatures much more improved across our eastern parts where we've seen
03:24days and weeks of temperatures struggling. You could see temperatures into the mid to
03:27high 20s, so you really will notice that. Otherwise, 27 to 29 possible, possibly again
03:34the chance of a 30 degrees somewhere to the north of London. Now, looking on ahead into
03:41Sunday evening, most of those showers will once again tend to fade away. And then looking
03:46at the bigger picture, we keep the risk of showers, but gradually through Monday and
03:50Tuesday they start to become more focused up towards the northwest of the UK. And as
03:54high pressure builds back in, we may once again develop a bit of an easterly breeze.
03:58So, settling down I think through next week once again with high pressure staying close
04:03by. So, a lot of dry weather still to come, a lot of sunny weather still to come, but
04:07as I say, still the risk of one or two thunderstorms from time to time. Of course, you can keep
04:11up to date with all the latest across our social media channels and I'll see you again
04:15very soon. Take care, bye bye.
