Thursday afternoon forecast 08/12/22

  • 2 days ago
08 December - National weather forecast presented by Luke Miall.
00:00Hello again. The cold weather is very much with us now across the UK. Last night we dropped
00:05down to minus 8.9 at Shap in Cumbria. A hard frost out there. Lots of sunshine through
00:12the central slice of the UK. This is the picture from space but you can see a peppering of
00:16showers affecting our coastal regions north, east and west. And those showers are of a
00:22wintry flavour across Scotland as snow and ice warning in force here through the course
00:27of the day. Those showers trickling down eastern counties of England. A few affecting
00:31Northern Ireland and the western coasts of Wales and Cornwall as well. But in between
00:35plenty of sunshine. Look at those temperatures. Very cold for this time of year. Twos and
00:39threes for some. Maybe a six down towards the far south west. Feeling colder than that
00:44still in those keen northerly winds. Now through the course of this evening we'll see ice developing
00:51where we've seen those showers through the day. So further Met Office warnings are in
00:55place as those temperatures plummet away. Could see a little bit more rain, sleet and
00:59snow feeding down some eastern sides of England. We continue to see those showers out towards
01:04the west. Another sharp frost across the country through the course of tonight. Minus four,
01:10minus five in some of our towns and cities. Out in the countryside we could again fall
01:14out down to minus seven to minus nine. So a bitterly cold start to the day. Further
01:20snow showers then feeding in across Friday across Scotland. We'll see accumulations of
01:25two to five centimetres at lower levels. Perhaps a bit more than this up over the higher ground.
01:30But away from where we've got the showers along the coasts we'll continue to see lots
01:34of sunshine through many parts of the country. But again feeling very cold. And those showers
01:39perhaps just starting to feed more into North Wales and through the Cheshire Gap through
01:43Friday afternoon as the winds come round to more of a northwesterly direction. But once
01:48again another very cold day. Two to five degrees Celsius. You can see the blue on the
01:55map developing quite widely through Friday evening. So again as soon as that sun sets
02:00we'll see quite a widespread frost developing. With lighter winds across the south as well
02:05you can see the risk of some freezing fog patches developing here as well. That's one
02:09we're keeping a close eye on. It could cause some disruption into the start of the weekend.
02:16And looking at the bigger picture you can see the air coming down from the Arctic. Low
02:20pressure in charge of our weather so there will be further showers to come for the next
02:24few days and they'll continue to be of a wintry flavour. I'll see you later. Bye bye.