Wednesday afternoon forecast 22/06/22

  • 2 days ago
22 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Welcome to your national weather update from the Met Office.
00:03The weather is going to be changing
00:04over the next couple of days, but plenty of sunshine
00:07out there today, certainly across England and Wales.
00:10The satellite image from earlier shows a lot of cloud
00:13toppling in across Scotland and Northern Ireland.
00:15But even here, some sunny spells are likely, particularly
00:18across eastern Scotland.
00:20The cloud always thickest across the far northwest,
00:23where we'll continue to see one or two spots of drizzly rain
00:25and quite windy across the Western Isles
00:28and the Northern Isles of Scotland, too.
00:30Otherwise, the winds are light, many places
00:32seeing plenty of blue sky.
00:34And we'll see that cloud breaking up further
00:36across central southern Scotland and Northern Ireland.
00:39Temperatures are really responding
00:40to that sunshine, a little warmer than yesterday
00:43for most, certainly on the south coast of England
00:45and across northeastern England.
00:47Temperatures a few degrees higher,
00:49probably peaking at 27, 28 degrees Celsius.
00:53Always a bit cooler on some coasts
00:54and obviously much cooler with that stiff wind
00:57and the thicker cloud across the far northwest.
00:59That will continue through the nighttime period.
01:02The wind's easing perhaps a little bit overnight,
01:04many places keeping the clear skies.
01:07But also, it is going to be a pretty warm evening
01:10and temperatures will only slowly drop off
01:12as we go through the night, maybe down to single figures
01:15through some rural parts.
01:16But for most, certainly in towns and cities,
01:19we're going to stay in the teens.
01:20So a pretty warm night.
01:21And just notice the threat of some showers coming up
01:24from France as we head through the latter part of the night
01:28and into Thursday.
01:29And that is the big concern for Thursday,
01:31the likelihood of some thunderstorms breaking out.
01:34By no means everywhere seeing these downpours,
01:37but we do have a Met Office yellow warning in place
01:39covering a large portion of England and Wales
01:42for these thunderstorms during the day.
01:45Not everywhere in this yellow area
01:47is going to see these downpours.
01:49That's just the area where there is the risk.
01:51They're always going to be hit and miss,
01:52these kind of summer thunderstorms.
01:54But where we do see them,
01:56going to drop a lot of rain in a short space of time.
01:58Large hailstones, gusty winds and lightning
02:01will be an extra hazard as well.
02:03So as I say, we start the day generally dry and fine,
02:06but the chance of some showers early on across the Southeast
02:09that have drifted up from France overnight.
02:11And then as the sun gets to work
02:13and the temperatures start to rise,
02:15an increasing chance in this zone in particular
02:18of seeing some thunderstorms breaking out.
02:20As I said, they will be hit and miss.
02:22Don't take this graphic
02:25as absolutely what's going to happen.
02:27They'll be hit and miss,
02:27not necessarily in these exact positions,
02:29but big thundery downpours are possible in this zone.
02:33And as I said, they could cause some disruption.
02:35Most of Scotland, Northern Ireland,
02:36it's a fine dry day with plenty of sunny spells,
02:40probably a brighter day across the far North
02:42and the winds not quite as strong either.
02:44Temperatures, well, it is going to still be
02:46a pretty warm and humid feel,
02:48but obviously with more cloud across the South
02:50when we see these thunderstorms breaking out,
02:53it won't be as hot here.
02:54Temperatures probably peaking North Midlands,
02:56Northern England, where we could get up to 30 Celsius.
02:59Again, the coast will be a little cooler
03:00and again, cooler in the far Northwest
03:03where there will be a little bit more cloud around.
03:05During Thursday evening,
03:06we are likely to see a few more of these thundery showers
03:09breaking out in places,
03:10perhaps drifting a little bit further North
03:12as we go through the course of the evening.
03:14Some heavy ones are still possible,
03:17spreading more into parts of East and North Wales,
03:20but a continued risk across the South.
03:22Still hit and miss, as I said,
03:24still not everywhere seeing those downpours,
03:25but where they do occur,
03:27a lot of spray surface water on the roads, an extra hazard.
03:30For more details on that weather warning,
03:32check out the app or the website
03:34and of course, for hour by hour updates,
03:36make sure you're following us on Twitter.
