Thursday morning forecast 23/06/22

  • 2 days ago
23 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Thanks for joining me for this national weather update.
00:03Changes are afoot.
00:04Lots of blue sky across the UK on Wednesday,
00:07an increasing chance of thunderstorms for Thursday.
00:11Wednesday evening, though, a balmy summer's evening
00:13for the vast majority.
00:14Still quite cloudy over Western Scotland.
00:16That cloud thickened up through the night
00:18for a bit of drizzly rain over the Northern Isles
00:20and the Western Isles.
00:21Quite windy in the Northwest as well.
00:23Elsewhere, the winds are pretty light.
00:25Most places with clear skies, quite a warm night.
00:28Temperatures in urban areas staying in the teens.
00:31By morning, however, notice the threat
00:33of thundery showers close to the Channel Isles
00:36and even some just drifting up towards the southeast.
00:39The greatest risk of thunderstorms
00:41during the late morning and through the afternoon.
00:44That's when the Met Office have a yellow warning in place.
00:47We are concerned about intensity of the downpours.
00:50Hit and miss, not everywhere.
00:52Seeing them in this warning area.
00:54But where they do occur, large hailstorms,
00:56possible gusty winds, a lot of lightning as well,
00:59obviously, as a lot of rain falling
01:01in a short space of time.
01:02So as I said, not everywhere in this warning area
01:05is gonna see the thunderstorms,
01:07but it's the potential for disruption.
01:09A lot of spray, surface water on the roads,
01:11even the risk of local flooding where they do occur.
01:15And most will start with blue skies during Thursday morning.
01:19It's through the morning, initially across the southeast,
01:22but spreading more widely over the Midlands,
01:24East Wales, Southwest England and East Anglia.
01:27We'll always keep a fair bit of cloud again
01:29for Northern Ireland, parts of Western Scotland,
01:32but the Apache rain should be petering out
01:34over the Northern Isles and the Western Isles.
01:35So we'll see a bit more sunshine across Northern Scotland.
01:38Plenty of sunshine over Northern England.
01:40Late in the day here,
01:42the risk of some of those thunderstorms drifting northwards.
01:45Now, as I said, they're gonna be hit and miss
01:46where we do see those downpours,
01:49but they could cause some problems.
01:51The peak of the temperature is likely to be
01:53in this sunnier zone over Northern England,
01:55the North Midlands.
01:56We could touch 30 Celsius.
01:57Not as hot as Wednesday across the South,
02:01but still feeling pretty oppressive, pretty humid,
02:04even if it does stay dry and sunny
02:06and you do dodge those downpours.
02:08We'll see more of those heavy showers
02:10with the risk of thunder and hail
02:12pushing further north during Thursday evening
02:14and spreading into parts of Scotland.
02:16And all the while,
02:17the risk of more heavy showers coming up from France,
02:20as well as the breeze starts to pick up.
02:22It'll be a pretty warm and humid night once more.
02:25Again, temperatures staying in the mid-teens
02:27as we head into Friday.
02:30Again, Friday, we'll see plenty of hazy sunshine
02:32across the UK,
02:34but we are seeing a bigger change.
02:35On the bigger picture,
02:36notice these lines of rain
02:38just heading into Northern Ireland.
02:39They are weather fronts.
02:41And ahead of them with more moisture,
02:43an increasing chance again of seeing more cloud,
02:45but also more of those heavy,
02:47perhaps thundery downpours.
02:49Again, they will be hit and miss,
02:51but where they do occur,
02:52they could cause some problems.
02:53Temperatures not as high by Friday,
02:55still in the sunny spells across the east.
02:57Mid-twenties is possible,
02:58but generally temperatures ticking down on Friday
03:01and that trend will continue into the weekend
03:04as we see cooler and more showery weather
03:07arrive for all of us during Saturday and Sunday.
03:09More on that in our 10-day trend video.
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03:13and you won't miss our forecasts.
03:15And also make sure you're following us
03:16right across social media.
