Wednesday afternoon forecast 23/03/22

  • 2 days ago
23 March - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello again. If you're a fan of spring sunshine, you'll enjoy the next couple of minutes and
00:05you'll enjoy the next several days because high pressure continues to dominate, bringing
00:10plenty more blue sky across the country. There is some patchy cloud up to the northwest and
00:15we have seen one or two mist and fog patches first thing this morning, but they're now
00:19clearing away. A cloud bubbling up at times over northern England, a small chance of one
00:24or two showers here, maybe northeast Scotland, most likely over the Grampians. But I say
00:29the vast majority dry and fine with plenty of blue sky and temperatures responding to
00:33that sunshine as well. It was chilly first thing, but by this afternoon with light winds
00:37for most feeling pretty warm, temperatures widely in the high teens, 20 degrees maybe
00:42somewhere close to London up towards Cambridgeshire. Still a bit breezy across Cornwall and the
00:46hours are silly, but even here the winds lighter than over recent days. Light winds and clear
00:51skies will allow temperatures to drop pretty sharply this evening. Again, some mist and
00:56fog patches possible, most likely over parts of northeast England. A little bit more cloud
01:01just slipping in through the night into western Scotland, the western Northern Ireland with
01:05again one or two very isolated showers here. But for most it's dry and it's clear and it
01:10will turn pretty cold again. Temperatures widely down to single figures, low single
01:15figures and so in the countryside, certainly across more southern parts of England and
01:19Wales, we will see a frost for Thursday morning. But we will again see plenty of sunshine and
01:24any mist and fog will clear away pretty rapidly through the morning. Now, there will be more
01:29clouds tomorrow over the Highlands and that cloud just increasing elsewhere across Scotland
01:33and perhaps Northern Ireland having a cloudier day. One or two isolated showers possible
01:38here. Western parts of Scotland and again over northern England, a very isolated shower
01:43can't be completely ruled out. But for the vast majority, it's dry and it's bright, certainly
01:48plenty of sunshine across the south. We'll again see those temperatures well above average
01:53for the time of year, 18, 19, 20 Celsius is possible. A little lower with a bit more
01:59cloud over western Scotland and northern Ireland, but still temperatures here above average
02:03into the mid-teens for many. A bit more of a breeze picking up over the western isles,
02:08some thickening cloud, maybe again one or two showers over the Grampians pushing up
02:12to Aberdeenshire through Thursday evening. But again, very hit and miss. Most places
02:17won't see them and stay dry and clear and well, high pressure is responsible for this
02:22fine weather and it's not shifting too far. At times, weather front is just flirting with
02:27northern Scotland, so perhaps a bit more cloud here into the weekend. But generally, with
02:31that high sitting right over us through Saturday and Sunday, chilly nights, but plenty of warm
02:38sunny spells by day. See how warm we do get by following the Met Office hour by hour on
02:44Twitter and we're right across social media.
