Thursday evening forecast 02/03/23

  • 2 days ago
02 March - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome to your national weather update.
00:02High pressure continues to dominate,
00:05but it is going to be turning colder.
00:07Here's the large area of high pressure,
00:09fairly cumbersome beast, only slowly moving.
00:12And around high pressure, the winds go clockwise.
00:14So feeding in quite a lot of cloud and moisture
00:17from the North Sea.
00:18And we've also seen a few showers
00:20coming into parts of southern Scotland, northern England,
00:23the odd one for the east of Northern Ireland.
00:25Still a few of those around through the evening,
00:27but tending to ease off.
00:28A lot of cloud across these eastern parts,
00:30but where we've got clear skies, of course,
00:32West Wales, southwest England, and a good chunk
00:35of northern Scotland, we are likely
00:37to see a frost with temperatures perhaps as low as minus six
00:40through some sheltered glens in Scotland.
00:42Where we've got the cloud, temperature's just about
00:44hovering above freezing for most,
00:46but still going to feel pretty cold on Friday morning,
00:49especially under the fairly gray skies.
00:52Most will have a dry day, but the cloud
00:54could be thick enough here and there over the Midlands,
00:56eastern England, for the odd light shower.
00:59A sunny day for a good part of Scotland,
01:01even the south and central belt should brighten up
01:03through the day.
01:04And I'm hopeful for some sunny spells
01:05to develop over eastern England, too.
01:07But it'll come and go, I think, any sunshine with cloud
01:11never too far away.
01:12And certainly for Wales and southern England,
01:14a much grayer day on Friday compared to Thursday.
01:17Across northern Scotland, the northern isles in particular,
01:20there will be a few showers drifting south
01:22on the brisk breeze.
01:24Elsewhere, the wind's fairly light.
01:26Temperatures around or a touch below average in the sunshine
01:30with light winds shouldn't feel too bad.
01:32But stuck under the cloud, I suspect 7 or 8 Celsius
01:35might feel quite cold.
01:37During Friday evening, not a great deal of change.
01:39We may see a few more breaks in the cloud over the Midlands,
01:42northern and eastern England.
01:43And wherever we've got clear skies,
01:45that is going to allow a frost to form once more.
01:48So again, turning pretty chilly into Saturday morning.
01:51And the northerly wind's getting going as well.
01:54A few more of those showers drifting into northeast
01:56Scotland during Saturday.
01:58A small chance of one or two of them
02:00grazing the east coast of England by the end of the day.
02:02With a brisk breeze blowing here again,
02:04going to feel pretty cold where it stays gray.
02:07But with a bit of sunshine, temperatures
02:09could get to 8 or 9 Celsius in southwest Scotland.
02:12But generally turning colder as we go through the weekend.
02:15That line of showers is a weak weather front.
02:19But it's a cold weather front.
02:20So although it's not producing much rain,
02:22it is going to introduce colder air as the high pressure
02:26finally slinks away.
02:28Northerly winds, not especially strong,
02:31but introducing colder and colder air.
02:34So a much chillier feel through this weekend,
02:36particularly where it is breezy across northern and eastern
02:40parts during Sunday.
02:42Colder feel with temperatures around or touch below average.
02:44But it may well get colder still as the northerly winds
02:48bring colder air in through Monday and especially Tuesday.
02:51And as these weather fronts and low pressure
02:53may introduce more moisture, that
02:55does increase the chance of some snow
02:58as we go through next week.
02:59Too early to say exactly where, exactly how much.
03:02This is Tuesday of next week.
03:04But increasing chance of some wintry weather with frost, ice,
03:08and yes, some snow on the card.
03:10So stay up to date with the forecast.
03:12We'll be constantly updating you if you
03:14follow us on social media.
