Monday afternoon forecast 20/03/23

  • 2 days ago
20 March - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, welcome along to the national weather update.
00:03Some sunny spells here and there.
00:05But for most, it's a rather cloudy Monday, a mild Monday,
00:09with some rain around as well.
00:10The UK is hiding under these areas of cloud and rain.
00:14A couple of weather fronts pushing slowly northwards.
00:16We've seen some brightness early on across the far northeast,
00:18but that's going to disappear as the cloud heads northwards.
00:21Outbreaks of rain spreading from southern Scotland
00:23into central areas.
00:24Another pulse of rain coming into the west
00:26of Northern Ireland and showery rain for Wales
00:29and southern England.
00:30In between, something a bit brighter,
00:32northeast Wales, northeastern parts of England.
00:35That's where we've got the best chance of some brighter skies.
00:37And that's where we'll see the highest temperatures.
00:40We could get to 15, perhaps even 16,
00:42if we see a bit of blue sky.
00:44But for most, it'll stay cloudy.
00:45Even where it's cloudy, though, it's pretty mild.
00:48Northeast Scotland, though, single figures
00:49here with a bit of a breeze.
00:51But elsewhere, we're looking at temperatures into the teens.
00:54There will be rain around, though,
00:55and that rain will become a little more extensive again
00:57through this evening.
00:58One area works across northern Scotland.
01:00Further pulses of rain then come into Wales and southwest
01:03England and eventually back into Scotland and northern England.
01:06Some heavier bursts are possible.
01:10It'll be a pretty mixed night then
01:12with spells of rain moving through, a lot of clouds,
01:15a brisk breeze, and mild air.
01:17So temperatures staying in high single figures.
01:20Some towns and cities staying in double digits.
01:22So not a cold start to Tuesday.
01:24Another mild day, perhaps overall a brighter day.
01:27Some rain early on over the northern isles.
01:29And then we'll see showery rain again for northern Ireland,
01:32southern Scotland, and showers breaking out
01:34through the day over the Midlands and parts
01:36of eastern England too.
01:38But between the showers, perhaps a bit more
01:39in the way of blue sky, a bit more sunshine.
01:42Not too many showers for Wales and southwest England.
01:44So overall here, quite a bit brighter.
01:47And the rain tending to ease off across much of Scotland
01:49through the afternoon, so turning drier.
01:51Always quite breezy, which means the showers
01:53will tend to move through.
01:55And it will be a mild day.
01:56But then notice more rain coming across northern Ireland
01:59during the afternoon too.
02:01Temperatures, as I said, on the mild sides.
02:03Double figures certainly across the board.
02:05Many places getting into the teens.
02:07And some sunny spells across eastern England, 15, 16.
02:10It is likely feeling perhaps a little cooler
02:13because of that breeze.
02:14And the wet and windy weather moving into northern Ireland
02:17will then spread across most areas
02:19as we go through Tuesday evening.
02:20This is likely to be a decent spell of rain.
02:23You can see there the brighter colours.
02:25Some of it is likely to be heavy.
02:27All shimmying through during Tuesday night
02:29and into Wednesday.
02:30Look at the low pressures gathering up to the northwest,
02:33dictating our weather for the rest of this week.
02:36The isobars often close together,
02:37weather fronts whizzing by.
02:39And it's always likely to bring spells of rain.
02:42So it is going to be a fairly breezy week, a pretty mild week,
02:46with spells of rain tending to come and go.
02:49For more details on the week ahead,
02:50we'll have a full week's worth of weather for you
02:53if you subscribe to our YouTube channel.
02:55And of course, don't forget to follow us
02:57right across social media.
