Tuesday afternoon forecast 23/08/22

  • 2 days ago
23 August - National forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. Welcome along to a national weather update from the Met Office.
00:04Quite a warm, humid feel out there today.
00:06Some places seeing a bit of sunshine, but generally fairly cloudy skies,
00:10as you can see from the satellite image.
00:12Bit of a swirl out to the northwest.
00:15That is an area of low pressure, but it's not providing huge amounts of rainfall.
00:19Most places are going to be dry today.
00:21We do have some patchy rain drifting across western Scotland and a few showers
00:24developing this afternoon over eastern Scotland and northeast England,
00:28where there's just a chance you may even see a heavy one.
00:31Elsewhere, showers few and far between. Most places dry.
00:34Some breaks developing in the clouds, so some sunny spells, particularly on the south coast.
00:39Really does feel quite warm out there, especially if you do get a bit of blue sky
00:43and a bit of sunshine. Temperatures getting into the mid or even high 20s
00:46across parts of East Anglia and the southeast.
00:48A little cooler further north and west, but still temperatures in most areas are above average.
00:54Through this evening and overnight, we are going to see a bit more of a change.
00:57A few showers scattered across the northeast, fading away.
01:00But then down to the southwest, look at more cloud and rain coming in to Wales initially,
01:05but spreading into parts of northern England and into parts of southern and central Scotland by morning time.
01:11Again, not much rain tonight across eastern parts of England where we could really do with some.
01:16And it will be a very warm and humid night as well.
01:19Quite a sticky night. Temperatures holding up in urban areas in the high teens across parts of England and Wales.
01:26So again, a humid feel to Wednesday morning, a wetter start, though, for many,
01:30certainly across northern parts of England and parts of Wales.
01:33And this rain could persist all day across parts of south Wales.
01:37Notice some brighter colours in there as well.
01:39Rain could be quite heavy at times, affecting maybe the north coast of Devon and Cornwall as well.
01:45Should turn a bit drier through the morning over northern England and southern Scotland.
01:48But the rain could then push back across north Wales into northern England come the afternoon.
01:53Again, some heavy bursts possible, possibly one or two showers over the Midlands as well.
01:58Most of Scotland, Northern Ireland, after some rain early on, looking dry and bright through the afternoon
02:03with some sunny spells, although the winds will be picking up in the far northwest.
02:07And for much of East Anglia and the southeast, it is going to be a very warm day.
02:12Could get up to 30 Celsius.
02:14That line of rain being caused by a weather front, which marks the boundary between very warm and humid conditions
02:19persisting over central and eastern parts of England.
02:22Cooler and fresher conditions for Scotland and Northern Ireland,
02:24although still pretty pleasant here in the sunshine.
02:26If you're stuck under that weather front, though, it could be quite a cool feeling day with temperatures,
02:31say, Manchester and perhaps parts of west Wales and in the high teens with that rain around,
02:36which will last, it looks like, into Wednesday evening.
02:39Again, some heavy bursts, perhaps as it moves steadily away.
02:43And then we're looking down to the far south with the possibility of some heavier outbreaks of rain
02:49drifting up from France and affecting parts of East Anglia and the southeast.
02:53That will be welcome rain.
02:55It could be quite heavy, but still some uncertainty about the details of that.
02:58So make sure you keep up to date with the forecast potential for some thunderstorms mixed in with that area of rain.
03:04That's on Wednesday night and perhaps into Thursday morning.
03:07But as I said, a bit of uncertainty about that.
03:09So stay tuned for more updates.
03:11And then looking further ahead into the weekend bank holiday for some,
03:14looking as if the dry weather will return for most areas with some sunny spells.
03:19But again, for the details, make sure you stay up to date over the next few days.
03:22The best way to do that, of course, is to follow us right across social media.
