Thursday afternoon forecast 23/06/22

  • 2 days ago
23 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Welcome to your national weather update. Some hot sunshine in places today, some
00:05big downpours in others. The big picture from space shows largely clear skies
00:11earlier but there's a weather front up to the north that will become more
00:14important as we go through tomorrow. But for today it's what's happening further
00:18south. A cluster of showers already breaking out across the southeast and
00:23spreading further northwards and they're going to get more intense and become
00:26more widespread as we go through the day. We do have a Met Office yellow
00:30thunderstorm warning in place. The area has been slightly tweaked through this
00:35morning and again must stress not everywhere in this area we'll see any
00:39rain. But where the thunderstorms do occur they'll be hit and miss and we
00:44will see torrential downpours, large hail, gusty winds as well as the potential
00:49impacts from a lot of rain falling in a short space of time. So these hit and
00:53miss downpours just becoming more widespread this afternoon over the
00:56Midlands spreading into parts of Wales and drifting into northern England. Some
01:00showers across the southwest as well. Most of Scotland and Northern Ireland
01:04actually dried a little brighter than yesterday across the far northwest and
01:08plenty of sunshine over northern England. Sunshine just turning a little more
01:11hazy as the day goes on. But it's in this zone over northern England, northeast
01:15Wales where we'll see the top temperatures. We could get close to 30
01:18Celsius in one or two places. Not as hot temperature-wise across the south but if
01:24anything the humidity will be building as we go through the day today. So feeling
01:29very comfortable 24-25 in Aberdeenshire top temperature across Scotland. And then
01:34through the evening still the risk of these thundery showers and if anything
01:38they'll drift further north. So we'll see more of them over northern parts of
01:40England. Easing off a little bit as they spread further north into Scotland but
01:44still some heavy showers likely here overnight. Further south it should become
01:48a little drier. Quite a misty murky night and a warm sticky humid night. A tricky
01:53night for sleeping as temperatures hold up in the mid-teens in quite a few
01:58locations. So not a very comfortable night for sleeping and a humid start to
02:02Friday. Be a bit more cloud around tomorrow. Generally any sunshine will be
02:06fairly hazy. Early showers over parts of northern Scotland drifting away to the
02:11north. Many other areas then having a dry morning. But showers in the southwest
02:15and Wales and then again we'll see heavy showers breaking out in response
02:19to the heat of the day over the Midlands and northeast England. Again hit and miss
02:23but again the potential for some disruption from these heavy showers. Much
02:29of Scotland looking dry fine and sunny for most of the day but we will see
02:32cloud and rain pushing into Northern Ireland. That is a sign of a more
02:36significant change perhaps as we go into the weekend. Temperature wise won't be as
02:40high tomorrow. Still fairly warm and humid across the east with some sunshine
02:4425, 26, maybe 27 Celsius. But generally temperatures are a few degrees down
02:49tomorrow compared to today. And then we'll see this band of cloud and rain
02:53streaming into Wales, southwest England. Some heavy rain for time during Friday
02:57evening. Quite a wet end to Friday across Northern Ireland. Still a likelihood of
03:01heavy showers over northern England and southern Scotland as well. But this band
03:06of cloud and rain is a cold front. Quite an active one as well. It swings across
03:10the country and introduces colder air. And then it's low pressure system that
03:14it's tied to then just hangs around through the weekend. And it's quite an
03:18intense area of low pressure. Some pretty gusty winds especially for
03:22Northern Ireland, western Scotland. Unseasonably windy here for the time of
03:27year. If we just rewind the clock and show that cold front moving in again you
03:31can see how it pushes away the warmer air and we're all in the cooler fresher
03:35conditions as we go through the weekend. So there will be showers around this
03:38weekend. It's going to be blustery particularly the showers and the gusty
03:42winds in the west. Still some sunny spells to be had in the east. For a full
03:46weekend forecast make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channels and of course
03:50stay up to date by following us right across social media.
