Friday afternoon forecast 22/12/23

  • 2 days ago
22 December - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello there's lots to talk about with the weather as we go through the
00:03Christmas period including for some of us a little bit of snow although most of
00:08us are not going to have a white Christmas. Here's the bigger picture on
00:12Friday morning a large area of high pressure down to the southwest we've
00:16seen the back of Storm Pier clearing away but it's left a legacy of some
00:20gusty winds still through Friday not as windy as Thursday but still it is quite
00:25breezy out there and got some outbreaks of rain coming into northwest England
00:29it's been a very soggy start here Western Scotland will continue to see
00:33some through the day and across the far northeast through Shetland further snow
00:37flurries coming in here and we have a Met Office yellow warning in place but
00:41for a good part of the country much of eastern Scotland's eastern southern
00:45England Wales and Northern Ireland most of the day will just be dry and cloudy
00:49but as I say it is still quite windy temperatures above average for the time
00:53of year double digits for the vast majority but the cold air in place
00:56across Shetland hence why we have that warning for the snow showers which
01:00continues through the evening now the cold air in place across northeastern
01:04Scotland meeting some wet weather means we could see some heavy snow here
01:07through the night as well and it's a rain warning in western parts of
01:11Scotland as that rain starts to come in through the night and lasts for most of
01:15Saturday so some disruption possible across parts of Scotland either from
01:19snow in the northeast or rain in the northwest there'll be patchy rain
01:23across southern Scotland northern England but again for most of England
01:26Wales Northern Ireland most of the night will be dry and cloudy still
01:30fairly breezy and that combination of cloud and breeze keeping the
01:34temperatures up a very mild night again main exception will be that
01:38northeastern corner where there will be some snow and an ice risk as we head
01:42into Saturday the rain continues in western Scotland so again that rain
01:46really building up through the day could cause some disruption further south the
01:51rain will be not as heavy over southern Scotland in Northern Ireland but a
01:55fairly damp Saturday nevertheless the rain at times is trickling into
01:59northern England particularly over the Pennines further south again most places
02:03dry some brighter skies to the east maybe a hint of sunshine but generally a
02:08fairly gray Saturday and a mild day as well Saturday before Christmas
02:14temperatures getting up to 12 13 degrees Celsius perhaps even a little bit higher
02:18if we do see any sunshine poking through across parts of the east very mild in
02:22western Scotland as well but obviously not feeling very mild with a strong wind
02:26and that rain which is going to last for most of the day and indeed most of the
02:30night and last into Sunday also hence why we have that warning in place
02:34there'll be some rain just slowly trickling south as we go through
02:37Saturday night and into Sunday and that could then start to cause some problems
02:41further south into parts of Wales especially but again much of the south
02:44staying dry as we head into the main Christmas period then this low pressure
02:50tracking between Scotland and Iceland the ice bar squeezing together so that
02:54means it's going to be quite windy particularly see that little dip in the
02:57ice bars there across parts of northern England milder air always lingering in
03:02the south but at times it will get a little colder across northern Scotland
03:07what does that mean for our weather through the Christmas period well there's
03:10that rain coming south into Wales that could cause some issues as it builds up
03:13into Sunday and then gusty winds picking up through Sunday to northeastern parts
03:18of England but also across northern Scotland close to that low could see
03:21some very blustery conditions on Christmas Eve also something for Santa
03:26to bear in mind the rain easing perhaps across North Wales and trickling
03:29southwards and likely to be in place here on Christmas Day Christmas Eve
03:34temperatures again very mild 13-14 degrees again with a bit of brightness
03:39in the east maybe even a little bit higher than that obviously feeling colder
03:43though with the gusty winds staying pretty mixed on Christmas Day there'll
03:47be some winter sunshine likely across parts of northern Scotland a cold
03:51perhaps even frosty start here and we are in for something of a white
03:55Christmas perhaps as this wet weather pushes northwards it will bring some
03:58snow mainly over hills but potentially even to lower levels for a good part of
04:04England or Wales though most of the day looks like being cloudy and we are in
04:07line for some outbreaks of rain some uncertainty about exactly how far north
04:10and south this rain band lies so if you've got plans for a Christmas walk do
04:15keep up to date with the forecast but be prepared for some soggy weather as
04:19say across a good part of England and Wales still pretty mild as we saw
04:23temperatures likely to stay even in the teens in some but the colder air more
04:27widely across Scotland hence why we could see some snow on the hills and
04:30across the north even perhaps at lower levels as I said there is an awful lot
04:35going on please keep up to date with those Met Office weather warnings
04:39through our app or through our website and give yourself a Christmas present if
04:44you've not already hit subscribe on our YouTube channel
