Friday morning forecast 24/06/22

  • 2 days ago
24 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Welcome to your national weather update.
00:02Plenty going on over the next few days,
00:04including through the weekend.
00:06First of all, we've got plenty of very warm sunshine
00:09to end Thursday, but also one or two isolated thunderstorms.
00:13There's a bigger Met Office yellow warning in place,
00:16but not everywhere in that warning
00:18is going to see the thundery downpours.
00:20They're very hit and miss, but where they are occurring,
00:23some large hail is likely, a lot of heavy rain
00:25along with some gusty winds.
00:26They're drifting northwards through the evening
00:28and the overnight, some heavy showers likely
00:30across parts of eastern Scotland,
00:32but tending to move through here further south.
00:34Tending generally dry, some clearer spells,
00:37but it's not going to make the temperatures drop off too much.
00:40Quite a warm, humid night,
00:42temperatures holding in the mid-teens in most urban areas.
00:45So not a particularly comfortable night for sleeping.
00:48Onto the details for Friday,
00:50and again, it's going to be a rather messy one
00:52with some places having plenty of very warm sunshine,
00:55but others, again, likely to see some showers.
00:58Initially, most likely over Wales and southwest England,
01:01but as the sun gets to work over northern England,
01:03particularly east of the Pennines,
01:05there's a danger of further big thundery showers
01:07breaking out here come the afternoon.
01:10It could also cause some disruption, again,
01:12a potential for lightning, hail and gusty winds.
01:16A scattering of showers further south,
01:18one or two for Scotland, but large parts of Scotland
01:20are actually just dry and bright.
01:22Might be a little bit of mist or har on the coast
01:25across the far northeast.
01:26Not too many showers across the southeast of England
01:29and east Anglia, and then further west,
01:31we have a band of rain moving in,
01:33and that's going to turn things pretty soggy
01:35across northern Ireland through the day,
01:36and that will then spread into Wales
01:38and southwest England later on.
01:40Still reasonably warm, especially across the east,
01:42but temperatures generally a few degrees lower than Thursday.
01:46Still feeling quite warm and quite humid at this stage.
01:49However, fresher air is coming in from the west.
01:52This band of rain sweeping into Wales and southwest England
01:56already across northern Ireland will kind of arch its way
01:59across all parts as we head through Friday night
02:02and into Saturday.
02:03Behind that, clearer air, but also with some showers
02:06and things turning windier as well.
02:09That line of rain is a weather front.
02:12If we just rewind it
02:14and then move through the sequence again,
02:16you can see how that weather front introduces cooler
02:18and fresher air across the country.
02:20So things getting more comfortable at night,
02:22although it'll be late in the night
02:24before the temperatures start to drop
02:26off across the east of England.
02:27So still fairly warm and humid here to start Saturday.
02:31But a fresher feel on Saturday across the board.
02:34Still some sunshine to be had,
02:36especially over central and eastern parts of England
02:38once that weather front has cleared through.
02:40But plenty of showers coming in for Wales,
02:42western England and western parts of Scotland
02:45and more rain edging into northern Ireland too.
02:48And all the while, the winds will be picking up,
02:49especially so for northern Ireland,
02:51turning quite gusty here.
02:53It will be a fresher day.
02:54We could still get to 23, 24 in the sunny spells
02:57across the southeast,
02:58but generally we're looking at high teens,
03:00low 20s at best.
03:02You can see that swirl there.
03:03That is an area of low pressure
03:06that will dominate the weather through the weekend,
03:08bringing strong winds to northern Ireland initially.
03:10But as that low just kind of ambles its way
03:13a little further north,
03:14we'll see some gusty winds developing too
03:16across parts of western Scotland.
03:18Nothing too strong in terms of the wind strength,
03:21but for the time of year,
03:23I think that is pretty gusty conditions
03:26that could cause a few issues.
03:27So on seasonally windy conditions
03:28across the northwest in particular,
03:31a breezy but fresher day for most on Saturday.
03:33And it'll be a similar story on Sunday
03:35with another mixture of sunshine and showers.
03:37More details on that with a full weekend forecast
03:40if you subscribe to our YouTube channel.
