Saturday morning forecast 18/06/22

  • 2 days ago
18 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Welcome to your latest national weather update from the Met Office.
00:03If you're not a fan of the heat, well, good news.
00:06Certainly for England and Wales, things are turning a little cooler through the weekend.
00:09Now, it's already turned cool and quite wet across Scotland and Northern Ireland,
00:12thanks to this weather front.
00:14And that is slowly but surely arriving for all of us during the weekends.
00:19But timings will vary depending on where you are.
00:23So Friday was the peak of the heat across England and Wales.
00:25But this cold front will introduce the cooler conditions for most
00:29during Saturday. But notice there's a little ripple on it, a little wave, as we call it.
00:33And that is a source of uncertainty about just how cool it gets across the southeast
00:39during the weekend and also where we see some rain on that weather front, too.
00:43It's not producing too much weather front during Friday evening,
00:46but certainly turning damp across parts of northwest England and north Wales.
00:50Clearer skies following for Scotland and Northern Ireland,
00:52quite windy in the northwest with a few showers over the Highlands and the Western Isles.
00:57It is fresher across much of northern Britain, a much more comfortable night
01:01with temperatures dropping down into single figures,
01:03maybe as low as six or seven through some sheltered glens.
01:06Meanwhile, it is another very warm and uncomfortable night across the southeast.
01:11Into Saturday, a bit of a messy picture,
01:14certainly a lot cloudier for the Midlands and Wales.
01:17Mostly dry to start with, but as we go through the day,
01:20an increasing chance of seeing some heavy showers in this central zone.
01:24Much of the far southeast will probably stay dry,
01:28largely dry over northern England as well, although with increasing amounts of cloud.
01:31But where we see that rain, it could be on the heavy side.
01:34Now, for Scotland and Northern Ireland, pretty pleasant day, bright and breezy, yes.
01:37And there will be some showers over the Highlands, the Northern Isles and the Western Isles
01:41where it will actually be pretty windy.
01:43But some sunshine through the central belt and across Northern Ireland.
01:46We'll hang on to the warm and humid conditions across the southeast,
01:50where temperatures again could get close to 30 Celsius, not as hot as Friday.
01:54And certainly in this zone here, temperatures across the Midlands,
01:58parts of eastern England and Wales could be 15, 16 degrees lower than Friday's values.
02:03So quite a shock to the system.
02:05And some of that rain could turn heavy through Saturday evening,
02:08particularly parts of Wales, maybe southwest England and again across the Midlands too.
02:13We'll see a few more showers coming in across northern Scotland.
02:15The wind just switching direction to a northerly here.
02:18And all in all, that adds up to a much cooler night for most of us,
02:22a fresher feel as we go into Sunday.
02:24Still double digits in the south, but these temperatures are a lot lower
02:28and they will be first thing on Saturday morning.
02:30And that weather front is still around here, just wiggling, waving its way around.
02:34So some uncertainty about where we see the rain on Sunday,
02:37but certainly across the south, there's the risk of some showers
02:40for the southeast and the southwest.
02:41Again, they could be heavy, but they will be hitting this for large chunks of the country.
02:45Sunday looks like being a fine day, dry and bright,
02:48still a bit breezy in the north and certainly a lot cooler,
02:52with temperatures back around or maybe even a touch below average
02:55for the time of year, peaking in the high teens.
02:57A much fresher feel for all of us as we head into the new week,
03:02which will, as I'm sure, be good news.
03:04And I'll be sure it will certainly be good news for some of you.
03:08As for the outlook into next week, well, for more details on that,
03:11why not follow us across social media?
