Tuesday morning forecast 28/06/22

  • 2 days ago
28 June – National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin


00:00Welcome to your national weather update.
00:02I think we'll all see some moody skies over the next couple
00:05of days, some heavy showers in places.
00:08Seen some big downpours on Monday from this weather front.
00:10And then there's more waiting in the wings out in the Atlantic.
00:14These will bring more persistent rain,
00:15particularly across western areas during Tuesday.
00:19In between that, we'll have some clearer skies
00:21and that will allow temperatures to fall away overnight.
00:24But initially through Monday evening,
00:26still some heavy showers over northeast Scotland
00:28and the eastern parts of England.
00:29They are scooting out into the North Sea.
00:31Here comes that next weather system, though,
00:33turning into a pretty wet night for Northern Ireland.
00:36And that rain will really start to pep up
00:38by dawn over southwestern parts of Scotland.
00:41Elsewhere, those largely clear skies
00:43I talked about between those weather systems
00:44will allow temperatures to drop down
00:46to single figures through central and eastern parts
00:48of England, certainly in rural areas.
00:51But a fine sunny start here to Tuesday.
00:53And actually, for much of eastern England,
00:55it's going to be a pretty pleasant summer's day.
00:58But further west, a wet start for Northern Ireland
01:01and a wet old day for western parts of Scotland.
01:04That rain, particularly heavy and persistent
01:05over the southwest, where we have a Met Office
01:08yellow warning in place.
01:09That rain will eventually creep into other western parts
01:12of England and Wales by the afternoon,
01:16clearing from Northern Ireland.
01:17But heavy showers are likely to follow.
01:19They'll be hit and miss, but some further downpours
01:21certainly possible.
01:23Now, that rain will be across southwest Scotland,
01:26southern parts of the Highlands,
01:27but probably not too much getting
01:29through the central belt.
01:30Much of eastern Scotland, northern Scotland looking dry.
01:32And as I said, much of eastern England as well.
01:34With sunny spells here, feeling quite pleasant,
01:3622, 23, possibly even 24 Celsius.
01:40But blustery and increasingly wet conditions
01:43on these western coasts means it will feel pretty cool
01:46for the time of year.
01:47That weather front will continue to work its way
01:49eastwards through Tuesday evening,
01:51tending to break up a little bit as it goes,
01:53so the rain won't be as persistent.
01:55But nevertheless, turning fairly soggy,
01:57it looks like through the night,
01:58across much of northern England and the Midlands.
02:01And then we're kind of left with a line of cloud
02:04down the spine of England on Wednesday.
02:06This whole weather front, which may get re-energized,
02:09could spark some heavy, potentially thundery showers
02:12on Wednesday afternoon,
02:13most likely over northeastern England,
02:15but also the threat of heavy thundery showers
02:17into the southwest.
02:19Away from that, well, the showers will be
02:22a bit more scattered, so a decent chance
02:24of some lengthy dry spells,
02:25and certainly a much brighter day
02:27for western Scotland to come on Wednesday
02:29with more sunshine and temperatures here
02:32back up to the high teens, maybe low 20s.
02:34But again, the highest temperatures
02:35probably over eastern England,
02:36where if we keep some lengthy spells of sunshine,
02:40east Anglia could get 23 or maybe 24 Celsius.
02:43Potential, though, as I said,
02:44for some of those heavy downpours to come later on
02:47on Wednesday over the northeast and the southwest,
02:49and a continued risk with low pressure nearby
02:52further heavy showers right across the country on Thursday.
02:57However, there are signs that that low
02:59will just start to retreat enough
03:00to allow high pressure to build
03:02in at least across the south during Friday
03:04and into the weekend,
03:06bringing something a little bit drier
03:08and a bit warmer and brighter here as well.
03:10But plenty going on with the weather throughout this week.
03:13If you subscribe to our YouTube channels,
03:15you can get a full week ahead forecast
03:17and make sure you're following us
03:18right across social media.
