Monday afternoon forecast 28/06/21

  • 2 days ago
28 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello, welcome to your latest update from the Met Office.
00:03A bit of a north-south split with the weather at the moment.
00:06Much of the north of the country dry and fine
00:08for the rest of today with smells of sunshine.
00:11Further south, some places have got a bit of sunshine,
00:13but there's the potential for one or two big thunderstorms
00:17here and there.
00:18They'll be hit and miss, but they could just
00:19cause a bit of disruption.
00:21You can see the swirl here on the satellite image.
00:24It's an area of low pressure.
00:25It's brought quite a lot of rain across the south overnight.
00:29That is steadily fizzling out, but you
00:31can see it's spiraling around.
00:33And it's still close by, and as I said,
00:35still the potential for some big showers later on.
00:38Further north, the odd shower across eastern Scotland,
00:40but that's fizzling out, and much of Scotland, Northern
00:43Ireland, Northern England dry and fine with sunny spells.
00:46Then we've got this central slice
00:48across the Midlands, Lincolnshire, North Norfolk,
00:51much of Mid Wales, where it's rather grey and damp.
00:54And it's in the south where we could see skies brightening up,
00:57but we could also see those thunderstorms breaking out.
01:00There's a Met Office yellow warning in place.
01:03Torrential downpours likely, but they will be hit and miss.
01:06So if you catch one, well, it could cause some disruption,
01:09some local flooding, but many places
01:11won't see those torrential downpours.
01:14And in the sunshine across the south, 23, 24 is possible.
01:17Temperatures getting into the low 20s across Scotland
01:19and Northern England too, but under this cloudier zone,
01:23it feels pretty chilly at just 15 or 16 Celsius.
01:27Potential for those thunderstorms
01:28to keep rumbling on across the south well into the evening,
01:31and then perhaps a bit more rain just coming along
01:33to the south coast through the early hours.
01:36Some uncertainty about how far north that rain gets.
01:39A few showers lingering across parts of the Midlands,
01:42Lincolnshire, but again, much of the north
01:44will be dry and clear overnight.
01:45And here, temperatures could drop down to single figures,
01:48certainly in some sheltered glens,
01:50whereas most towns and cities across the south,
01:53where it stays cloudy, staying in the teens.
01:55Into Tuesday, and again, a bit of a north-south split
01:57with a lot of cloud across the south.
01:59Some rain on the south coast early on,
02:01but that should peter out.
02:03A few outbreaks of rain here and there over the Midlands.
02:05Wales may be trickling down towards the southwest.
02:08But once more, much of Northern England, Northern Ireland,
02:11Scotland dry and fine with sunny spells.
02:14It will be cool and cloudy at times
02:16where the breeze is coming in from the sea,
02:18and will feel quite fresh, I suspect,
02:20in parts of the North Sea coast, 16, 17 degrees.
02:24Elsewhere, again, with some sunshine,
02:26across Western Scotland, 24, 25 is possible.
02:30Further south, high teens, low 20s,
02:32where it's likely to stay predominantly cloudy
02:34for much of the day.
02:35A lot of that cloud still around through Tuesday evening,
02:38but bar the odd lightest shower, most places will stay dry.
02:42Notice the cloud just increasing
02:44around these North Sea coasts through Tuesday night.
02:46That's probably going to be around into Wednesday, too.
02:49So we will have a bit more cloud, and as a result,
02:51it will be cooler through the rest of this week
02:53across parts of the east.
02:55But apart from a bit of showery rain
02:57across the southeast on Wednesday,
02:58many places look dry through the rest of the working week,
03:01certainly with some spells of sunshine.
03:03The weekend is a different matter.
03:05For a full week ahead forecast,
03:07we'll have one of those available for you on YouTube
03:09by Monday afternoon.
03:10And of course, make sure for the latest,
03:12you're following us on social media.
