Friday morning forecast 22/07/22

  • 2 days ago
22 July - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome along to another national weather update with me, Alex Deakin.
00:04Again, a lot of cloud across the country on Friday and probably a few more showers around as well.
00:09Maybe even one or two thunderstorms.
00:11The showers on Thursday evening are few and far between and fairly light.
00:15Some across northeast Scotland, northwest England.
00:17We'll see a few more developing through the night over the Midlands and parts of southern England and south Wales.
00:22But many places will stay dry.
00:24That blanket of cloud keeping the temperatures up for most, not as oppressive as earlier in the week,
00:29but still fairly warm across the south, 16, 17.
00:32The low in some towns and cities further north and east.
00:36Temperatures generally dipping down into the low teens.
00:39Another cloudy day then for many on Friday.
00:41I suspect we'll see some sunshine though, particularly for Northern Ireland.
00:44By and large, a fine day here, the west coast of Scotland, parts of the southwest of Wales and southwest England too.
00:51But also in this zone, the potential for some pretty tasty thunderstorms to develop.
00:57We'll see showers across the Midlands spreading into parts of northern England and southern Scotland during the day.
01:02But as I said, it's this zone here where we're a bit concerned that we could see some very intense thunderstorms.
01:08Not everywhere in our yellow warning area we'll see those downpours.
01:12Some may stay completely dry, but where they do occur, they could cause some disruption.
01:17A lot of rain falling in a short space of time.
01:19Local flooding is possible and certainly a lot of spray and surface water on the roads.
01:24The M5 and the M4 may not be too clever.
01:27Those thundery showers will continue into the evening.
01:30Temperatures in the south getting into the low even mid-twenties.
01:33Further north, we're mostly only looking at high teens at best.
01:37And we'll continue with showers in many areas actually during Friday evening.
01:41Something to bear in mind, as I said, if you are traveling away for the weekend.
01:44The showers do tend to fade through the evening.
01:47Many places becoming dry as we head into the weekend.
01:50But notice there's a big exception to that with wet weather coming into Northern Ireland.
01:55That's a weather front which will push rain into western Scotland.
01:58And the wind's picking up as well across the western coast.
02:01A bit of showery rain getting into north and west Wales and northwest England.
02:05Much of southern England, the Midlands, eastern England will stay dry and fine through Saturday.
02:10It may turn a little breezy in places, but actually turning warmer here as well.
02:14In the sunshine, temperatures back into the mid, possibly even high twenties.
02:19Whereas it is cooler with the cloudier, windier and wetter weather further west.
02:24That will continue to trickle its way in across parts of the country during Saturday evening.
02:28And into Sunday as well.
02:30Part of a big area of low pressure.
02:32You can see that swirl there.
02:34And it is steadily moving in, but high pressure is still controlling things further east.
02:40And that will continue to bring some warm, sunny weather across parts of East Anglia and the southeast.
02:45We could be back up over 30 Celsius across that southeastern corner on Sunday.
02:49Whereas elsewhere it will be cooler with stronger winds and further outbreaks of rain.
02:53A full weekend forecast is available on our YouTube channels.
