Friday afternoon forecast 21/10/22

  • 2 days ago
21 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. A lively spell of weather over the next few days.
00:04There's going to be plenty more showers zipping in on a fairly brisk wind.
00:07But actually, for large parts of the country, Saturday will be dry.
00:11Friday, however, is far from dry.
00:13This is the big picture from space.
00:15You can see a swirl of cloud up to the north and another one down to the southwest.
00:19In between, we've had some mist and fog.
00:21That's clearing as the bands of showers from the southernmost area of low pressure drift northwards.
00:27There's some heavy downpours around and we'll continue to see some downpours through parts of Wales,
00:32southwest England extending into the Midlands this afternoon.
00:36Some showers elsewhere, but for much of eastern England, it's a lot drier than yesterday.
00:40And the rain will tend to peter out across northern Scotland, lingering in the Northern Isles.
00:44Yes, but parts of Aberdeenshire across to the Highlands should turn a little brighter.
00:48Temperature wise, it's mild.
00:50It is quite blustery, so it doesn't feel quite as mild.
00:53And certainly when these heavy downpours drift through central southern England and into the Midlands, temperatures will drop off.
00:59But either side of the heavy showers, temperatures could easily get up to 18, 19 or perhaps even 20 Celsius in the south.
01:06And 15, 16 further north is above average.
01:10It's going to be a mild evening as well.
01:11But notice those heavy downpours do work across eastern England and northern England this evening.
01:16Bear that in mind if you're heading out onto the roads.
01:18More showers then drift northwards across northern Ireland, northern England into southern Scotland.
01:24But across much of England and Wales, the second half of the night becomes mostly dry with clear spells.
01:30Still a bit of a breeze blowing and it is, as I say, going to be very mild.
01:35These are the temperatures at the end of the night in towns and cities generally staying in double digits.
01:40So it won't be a cold start to Saturday.
01:42And actually, for most of England, Wales should be a fine and a bright start.
01:46There'll be some sunshine around, some early showers over northern England,
01:50a wet start through the central belt of Scotland and northern Ireland.
01:53But even here, I suspect it will turn drier and brighter as the day goes on.
01:57So Glasgow, Edinburgh cheering up.
01:59There will be further outbreaks of rain across central and northern Scotland,
02:02staying quite misty and murky around the coasts in the northeast.
02:06Elsewhere, brighter skies compared to Friday, a bit more in the way of sunshine.
02:12But notice the showers are returning to the southwest come the afternoon.
02:16Won't be as windy through Saturday, but it will still be very mild.
02:20Temperatures again in the south, 18, 19, perhaps even squeaking up to 20 degrees Celsius.
02:25Stays mild on Saturday evening, but we are going to see more showers coming in at this stage.
02:29Again, some heavy ones, some bright colours there across parts of Wales,
02:33extending into northwest England and northern Ireland.
02:36And generally, those showers becoming more extensive as we head into Sunday.
02:40Low pressure continues to dominate.
02:42One kind of fizzles out, but another one joins in from the southwest.
02:46These weather fronts will be bands of showers heading northwards.
02:50And again, the isobars just starting to squeeze together along the south coast.
02:54The winds will pick up during Sunday.
02:56Sunday then there will be some sunny spells, but there will be those bands of showers heading their way northwards.
03:01But temperatures remain in the mid to high teens and the mild and fairly showery outlook will continue as we head into next week,
03:09which is half term for many.
03:11For more details on that, make sure you stay tuned to the Met Office by following us on social media.
