Tuesday afternoon forecast 18/10/22

  • 2 days ago
18 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. If you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to hit subscribe, and then you'll always
00:04be up to date with the weather. For most, Tuesday is the brightest, driest, sunniest
00:10day of the week. It's going to be a fine one for most places, although we did start off
00:13with some fog. Notice lurking down to the southwest. However, there's a lot of cloud.
00:18This is a large area of low pressure that will continue to churn away and just edge
00:24ever closer over the next couple of days, introducing more and more showers and a stronger
00:29wind too. It's already throwing a bit more cloud across the far southwest, and the breeze
00:33will pick up here through the day. A bit breezy across northern Scotland as well, with the
00:37odd shower over the Northern Isles and parts of Aberdeenshire. But for the vast majority,
00:41it's dry and it's fine. The fog's taken a few hours to clear away. Well, we have seen
00:46it through this morning, but generally, it's going to be an afternoon with sunny spells
00:51and temperatures reasonably high, certainly in the south, 18, perhaps even 19 Celsius.
00:56A cooler, cool northerly breeze across parts of northern Scotland. But even here, the wind's
01:00a lot lighter than yesterday. It feels warmer at 13 or 14 Celsius. Now, the winds will pick
01:06up further this evening across the southwest, the cloud increasing here and across Wales.
01:10And the first arm of rain from that big area of low pressure starts to approach. It's going
01:16to produce showers really over southwest England initially into parts of Wales and as we head
01:20towards dawn up towards Northern Ireland. Elsewhere, though, most places again will
01:24stay dry with a bit more breeze and a bit more cloud. It won't be as cold or it won't
01:30be as foggy either as it was through last night. Temperatures, though, through some
01:34rural parts of Scotland could still dip down close to freezing and still in single figures
01:39across parts of eastern England, but a pretty mild night in the southwest. And the mild
01:43air is going to win out over the next few days. But along with that mild air will come
01:47more showers and gusty winds. Wednesday is a bit of a mishmash. We're going to see some
01:51heavy bursts of rain pushing up towards Northern Ireland and across parts of Wales through
01:56the morning spread northwards. And we may develop some heavy showers over parts of northwest
02:01England as we go into the afternoon, getting quite blustery around these western areas
02:05to for Wales and southwest England. And then look at this. More showers coming in through
02:09the afternoon again for parts of Wales and southwest England throughout much of the Midlands,
02:15eastern England and Scotland. Dry and fine at once more with some decent spells of sunshine
02:19across the west coast of Scotland and at times over the Midlands and East Anglia, too.
02:24There will be more of a breeze and that will bring a cooler feel, but still in the south
02:28we could get into the high teens, perhaps a fresher feel, though, certainly on some
02:32of these eastern coasts as that breeze starts to pick up. Gusty winds continue through Wednesday
02:37around southwest England and west Wales, particularly over the hills and around the coast. Very
02:42blustery indeed through Wednesday afternoon and evening. And the showers just get going
02:47as we head through Wednesday night and into Thursday. Notice the bright colours there.
02:50Some heavy downpours, southwest England, Wales, parts of Northern Ireland, northwest England
02:55during Wednesday night and into Thursday. That weather front continues to push northwards
03:00during the night. That low pressure still dominating down to the southwest and throwing
03:05further showery bands across the UK. Thursday, the ice bars open up and there will still
03:10be some showers. But generally between these weather fronts, there'll be some dry and bright
03:14weather to be had as well. And continually for the next few days, with that low to the
03:18southwest, the winds and the air coming up from the south mean it is going to be pretty
03:24mild both by day and by night, especially where we see some sunshine. This low kind
03:29of makes more of an effort to move across the country on Friday, which means the showers
03:32will be more widespread by then. Make sure you keep up to date with the latest from the
03:37Met Office. Best way to do that, of course, be following us right across social media.
