Friday Afternoon forecast - 17/11/23

  • 2 days ago
17 November - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. There is more rain to come over the weekend, but for most of us, it's a fine Friday out there, generally dry and bright with a little bit of November sunshine.
00:10Look at the satellite image, however, and it tells us there is a big swirl, a big area of low pressure out in the Atlantic,
00:16and that will bring a spell of wet weather across the country overnight.
00:20It's approaching the southwest, some of the cloud drifting ahead of it already.
00:25So the sunshine here turning hazy and later on we will see some rain.
00:29There are a few showers around at the moment.
00:31There have been some this morning over parts of northern England, but they're tending to fade.
00:35Some fog patches over parts of northern Scotland.
00:37They could be pretty stubborn through some of the valleys and stick around for most of the day.
00:41It's not blue skies everywhere. There is some cloud, but many places just dry and fine.
00:46And while we do have a little bit of sunshine with light winds, temperatures may be a touch below average,
00:51but it doesn't feel too bad out there at all, mostly 10 or 11 across the south, 8 or 9 further north.
00:57Down to the southwest, though, it is turning milder as well as wetter.
01:01The rain creeping into the isles of Scilly and Cornwall before dusk, and the winds picking up as well.
01:06And the rain will then spread into south Wales, across southwest England and northern Ireland.
01:10We've got a weather warning out for the rain here from 9 o'clock,
01:14and we also have a warning from midnight for south Wales and southwest England.
01:18Because it's been so wet, this rain moving in through the night could cause some further problems,
01:23and certainly it's going to be a lot of spray, surface water on the roads.
01:26So just bear that in mind of heading out first thing on Saturday morning.
01:29But most places looking pretty soggy first thing on Saturday morning as that rain moves in,
01:34but it will be bringing the milder air.
01:36So although temperatures will dip early on, particularly across northern Scotland,
01:40may even get down to freezing in some locations.
01:43These are the temperatures by first thing in the morning, so well above freezing.
01:46Look at these numbers in the south, double figures even into the teens to start the day on Saturday.
01:51So it won't be a cold start, but it will be a wet start for south Wales, southwest England,
01:55first of rain should be scooting through reasonably quickly,
01:59certainly by mid-morning most of that wet weather in the southwest clearing through.
02:03Wales brightening up quite nicely, northern England brightening up nicely by lunchtime as well,
02:08and central and eastern parts of England also cheering up through the afternoon.
02:11We'll get brighter for Scotland and northern Ireland at times,
02:15but here there will still be showers moving in and moving in on a fairly stiff wind.
02:20Some gusty conditions across the south likely as well.
02:24But it will brighten up and with some afternoon sunshine,
02:26temperatures quite a bit higher than through Friday up into the teens in many locations,
02:31but feeling cooler with that breeze.
02:33Speaking of the breeze, it will continue and if anything strengthen as we head through Saturday night
02:38and into Sunday, it'll continue to power showers into western Scotland.
02:42So some heavy downpours likely to continue here, some clearer spells perhaps further south.
02:47It's all driven by this area of low pressure, which just sits up to the northwest on Sunday,
02:52and the isobars squeeze together across the south.
02:55So as I said, it's going to get windier on Sunday,
02:57and we'll see further cloud and outbreaks of rain moving in.
03:00It won't rain all day, there'll be some brighter spells,
03:02but certainly for a good part of England and Wales,
03:04the emphasis is on the showers rather than anything brighter.
03:08For eastern Scotland, maybe northeast England may not see too many showers on Sunday.
03:12So here we could see some lengthier spells of sunshine.
03:15Blustery though certainly in the south.
03:17So again, feeling colder than these temperatures would suggest,
03:21but most places are maybe a touch above average for the time of year.
03:24It does look as if the weather will be calming down a little bit
03:27and turning a lot drier certainly in the south as we go through into next week.
03:31For more on that, make sure you stay up to date.
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