Wednesday afternoon forecast 19/10/22

  • 2 days ago
19 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. The outlook for the next several days and nights is for things to be quite a bit
00:05milder than you'd expect at this time of year. Milder but also often wet and windy. And this
00:10big swirl on the satellite image is a big area of low pressure that's throwing up the
00:15air from the south, hence why it's mild, but also throwing up bands of heavy rain. We've
00:19seen some thunderstorms today across parts of Wales and a pretty wet afternoon across
00:23Northern Ireland. Heavy bursts of rain likely here. On to watch. It could cause a few problems,
00:28rain edging into parts of northwest England, southwest Scotland by the end of the day. A
00:33few showers following for south Wales and southwest England, but generally turning
00:36drier here. Some brightness across the southeast and a fine day for much of western Scotland.
00:42The breeze is coming in from the east, so the east coast is rather chilly and that wind
00:47going to get very gusty at times over parts of Wales, particularly the west coast and to the
00:52north of the mountains. So that's something also that could cause a little bit of disruption this
00:57afternoon. It is quite mild, though. Look at the temperatures in the south, 18, 19, possibly 20
01:02Celsius, where we see some sunshine. As I mentioned, it does feel a little cooler on those North Sea
01:06coasts. Through this evening, that rain is going to march northward. Some heavy bursts for northwest
01:11England spreading eventually into parts of Scotland. Further pulses of heavy rain for
01:15Northern Ireland as well. Some showers this evening for Wales and southwest England, but
01:19they do tend to ease off and much of the south will have a dry night, quite misty and murky
01:24because we've got this warm air sitting in place. Temperatures holding up in the teens, maybe in
01:29some towns and cities across the south. A little cooler further north, but still temperatures well
01:34above average. The winds will ease for Wales and southwest England, but it will get windier
01:40across Scotland and quite a wet start to Thursday here. Some heavy bursts of rain through the central
01:45belt marching their way slowly northwards, but tending to ease off across northern England and
01:51southern Scotland. Certainly a much drier day for Northern Ireland and Wales with some sunny spells
01:56to come tomorrow. But notice further east, there's this line of rain that may even develop into an
02:01area of low pressure, a little hook of rain across initially southeast England, spreading into East
02:06Anglia and up towards Yorkshire. Some uncertainty about the extent of that rain, but it could easily
02:11curl back inland a little bit more if it develops. And we'll see temperatures ranging quite a bit
02:17again on Thursday with more cloud in the east. Probably a cooler day, but still above average
02:21and probably feeling quite a bit warmer for Wales and southwest England, with lighter winds
02:25up to 18 or 19 degrees Celsius. As we go through Thursday evening, the likelihood of some more of
02:31this rain just getting into parts of northeast England and returning to parts of eastern Scotland.
02:36But as I say, some uncertainty about the extent of that rain. So if you've got plans tomorrow afternoon,
02:40just keep up to date with the forecast. A drier slot before another band of rain approaching from
02:45the southwest, and that's a signal for more bands of showers to come across the country on Friday.
02:51For a longer term outlook Friday, the weekend and even beyond, if you're on half term
02:55next week, make sure you check out our 10-day trend video that'll be available on YouTube
03:01come Wednesday afternoon.
