Tuesday morning forecast 13/09/22

  • 2 days ago
13 September - National weather forecast, presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, welcome to your national weather updates.
00:03We are looking at high pressure moving in later this week
00:06to bring a lot of dry weather.
00:07But before we get there, weather fronts
00:09are likely to bring some outbreaks of rain.
00:11We've seen some heavy rain earlier today
00:13from this weather front pushing south.
00:14It's a cold front, so it's introducing cooler conditions
00:17across the north, whereas to the south,
00:19still quite warm and humid through Monday night.
00:22A bit of rain clearing away from the East Midlands
00:24and through East Anglia before midnight,
00:26and then just the possibility of one or two showers
00:29grazing the south coast will certainly continue
00:31with some showers across the far northeast,
00:33where it will be a pretty windy night,
00:35especially so in Shetland.
00:37Elsewhere, though, the winds are easing
00:39and temperatures will be falling.
00:41But under this cloud in the south,
00:43it will stay pretty warm and humid,
00:45with temperatures in urban areas
00:47staying perhaps in the high teens.
00:49Compare and contrast with further north
00:50with that clearer, cooler air,
00:52temperatures will drop down to single figures
00:54and well down into single figures in some rural areas.
00:57So a bit of a fresh start to Tuesday,
01:00but for many, it'll be a fine and a bright start
01:02with quite a bit of sunshine around.
01:04Still quite windy, certainly initially across Aberdeenshire
01:07and the Northern Isles with a few showers here,
01:09but those showers should tend to fade.
01:11Further south, though, showers are going to be developing,
01:14I think, through the day.
01:15Somewhat hit and miss, but some heavy downpours are possible,
01:19certainly by the early afternoon
01:21across parts of southern England,
01:22perhaps even into parts of south Wales.
01:24From the Midlands northwards, however,
01:26most places will be fine and bright on Tuesday
01:29with some lengthy spells of sunshine.
01:31Fresh air, but still in that September sunshine,
01:34temperatures likely to top out at 19 or 20 Celsius.
01:38The air in the south is still pretty warm and humid,
01:40so despite the lack of sunshine here,
01:42temperatures could still reach 21 or 22 Celsius.
01:45But the threat of these showers
01:47turning quite heavy during the afternoon
01:49and particularly into the evening,
01:51some uncertainty about how far north they get,
01:53but we could see some quite heavy rain
01:55into parts of the Midlands south Wales
01:56and certainly on the M4 corridor.
01:58Not great conditions on the roads through Tuesday evening
02:02and overnight into Wednesday.
02:04That showery rain will linger, it looks like,
02:06as we go into Wednesday.
02:08One or two showers returning,
02:09perhaps to the far north of Scotland,
02:11but again, many central areas dry and bright on Wednesday
02:14with some sunshine and some hopeful in the south
02:17that the showers will tend to peter out
02:19since skies may start to brighten after a while.
02:23Temperatures again on Wednesday in the sunshine,
02:26high teens, maybe low 20s,
02:27a little cooler perhaps compared to Tuesdays.
02:30But again, in the south,
02:31likely to see values into the low 20s come the afternoon.
02:35That showery rain from that weather front
02:37will clear away as we head into Thursday
02:40and high pressure is moving in, as I said at the start,
02:42bringing quite a bit of dry weather, it looks like,
02:44as we head into the weekend.
02:46As that high bumps close to the low pressure,
02:48the isobars squeeze together
02:50and the winds will be coming down from the north.
02:52So things likely to turn cooler for all of us
02:55as we head towards the weekend.
02:57A full week ahead forecast is available
02:59if you subscribe to our YouTube channels
03:01and stay up to date with the latest across social media.
