Tuesday morning forecast 12/07/22

  • 2 days ago
12 July - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, welcome to your national weather update.
00:02A hot start to the week, and it could end even hotter.
00:07But more on that in just a moment.
00:08First of all, let's take a look at the big picture.
00:10High pressure is in control for the time being.
00:12We're going to get a change as this weather front moves in,
00:15introducing cloud and some rain across parts of Scotland
00:19and Northern Ireland overnight.
00:21High pressure still controlling things for England and Wales,
00:24a balmy summer's evening here leading into a dry night.
00:27But here's that weather front turning things
00:29a little damp across Scotland and Northern Ireland.
00:31It will eventually introduce cooler air
00:33to the far northwest.
00:34But for most, it's a pretty difficult night for sleeping.
00:38Temperatures staying in the mid to high teens.
00:41Parts of eastern England may stay over 20 Celsius.
00:45The details for Tuesday then, and a very different day
00:47for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
00:48Certainly a lot of cloud here early on,
00:50with some outbreaks of rain drifting
00:52through the central belt and spreading
00:54across Northern Ireland.
00:55Nothing too heavy, but certainly, I say,
00:57a change compared to Monday.
00:58Brighter skies will follow to the northwest.
01:00For England and Wales, well, the cloud
01:02may be a little thicker in places, perhaps even
01:04one or two light showers.
01:05But for most, it's another day of hot, hazy sunshine here.
01:09And temperatures responding ahead of that cold front
01:12into the mid to high 20s once more.
01:15Perhaps not quite as high as Monday,
01:17but still up to 31, 32 across the southeast.
01:20Behind that cold front, temperatures
01:23much closer to average, but still
01:24into 22, 23 on the east coast of Scotland
01:27with some afternoon sunshine.
01:29That weather front will continue to drift south
01:32during Tuesday evening.
01:33Again, the rain, though, continuing to fizzle out.
01:36So no more than a spot or two here or there.
01:38There will be some showers coming into the Highlands
01:41of Scotland and the Western Isles.
01:42And for many, temperatures will drop a little further
01:45as we head into Wednesday morning.
01:46So not quite as difficult for sleeping,
01:48but still in the south on Wednesday morning,
01:50temperatures likely to be in the high teens.
01:53So it'll be another difficult night for sleeping here.
01:56We could start with quite a bit of cloud, though,
01:58on the south coast on Wednesday.
02:00It should move away, the odd spot of rain,
02:02but not really anything useful for gardeners.
02:05There will be more showers coming in
02:07across northern Scotland with a fairly brisk wind.
02:09But for most, Wednesday is a dry day
02:12with plenty of sunshine once more.
02:14But that cold front will have moved through,
02:17and so temperatures won't be as high.
02:19Still into the low to mid 20s for many,
02:22and maybe up to 27 or 28 across the southeast.
02:25Generally, a slightly cooler day all in all,
02:29which is, again, of course, northern Scotland
02:31only in the mid-teens,
02:32where there will be a fairly stiff breeze
02:34blowing throughout.
02:35That'll continue through Wednesday evening as well.
02:38The outlook is for high pressure to move back in
02:41as we go through Thursday and into Friday.
02:44But there are these weather fronts
02:45toppling around the top of it,
02:46which will bring some showers.
02:48But then the high's set to control the weather
02:50right across the land by the time we get to the weekend.
02:53That will have an impact on the temperatures.
02:56So initially, we've got the heat, obviously.
02:59This cold front, though, will oust that heat,
03:01pushing it away.
03:02So temperatures through the middle of the week
03:04won't be quite as high.
03:07But then as the high pressure starts to build back in,
03:10what we could see this time is the potential
03:13for us to tap into some of the heat
03:16further south across Europe.
03:17And that may well push northwards
03:19by the time we get to Sunday.
03:21Details of the exact extent of the heat
03:24and the numbers we'll be talking about,
03:26well, it's too far off to say.
03:27But we are concerned that the temperatures
03:29could get into the mid or even high 30s.
03:33And so on Monday, we issued an amber extreme heat warning
03:37across much of England and parts of Wales.
03:40We're concerned that if those temperatures
03:41do get up into the mid to high 30s,
03:44that could cause adverse health issues
03:46and not just for the elderly and for the vulnerable,
03:48but quite widely across the public.
03:52Transport disruption is also likely
03:53with those temperatures affecting road surfaces,
03:56but also the rail network as well.
03:58So this is something we're concerned about.
04:00It's a few days off.
04:02We will firm up on the details over the next few days.
04:04If you want more information about that weather warning,
04:07download our app or visit our website
04:09and make sure you stay up to date
04:11with the progress of things throughout this week.
04:14And the best way to do that, follow us on social media.
