Wednesday afternoon forecast 14/09/22

  • 2 days ago
14 September - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello, a lot of fine weather to be had over the next several days, thanks to a large area
00:05of high pressure. But today there's some wet weather around across the far south. This
00:09weather front has been really slow moving overnight, bringing quite a wet night across
00:13southern England. It is now starting to pull away, clearing from the London area, lingering
00:18across some southern counties, across parts of Kent and Sussex in particular, into the
00:23afternoon. But even here, clearing by the evening time. One or two scattered showers
00:27coming in across northern Scotland, possibly for Northern Ireland too. But for most places,
00:32it's dry and as skies start to brighten in the south, you should see a bit of sunshine
00:36lifting the temperatures up to the low 20s, 22 or 23 is possible. But it is turning cooler
00:42as this northerly wind sets in, temperatures across Scotland and Northern Ireland only
00:46in the mid-teens for many. And that cooler air will continue to push southwards through
00:51the night time period. So where the skies are clear and where we've got light winds,
00:55it will turn really quite cold. A few showers continuing across northern Scotland. It will
00:59keep a lot of cloud, I suspect, across parts of eastern England overnight. That'll keep
01:04the temperatures up here, but certainly elsewhere, we are looking at temperatures dropping in
01:08rural areas down to single figures, particularly across northern England and parts of Scotland,
01:13well down into single figures in the countryside. So a chilly start to Thursday, but for many
01:19a sunny start for Wales, northern England, northern Ireland. Quite a lot of cloud across
01:23eastern England, quite a grey day in the London area. Only a very small chance of a light
01:27shower here. It should be largely dry with skies brightening. We will see more showers
01:32though coming in across northern parts of Scotland. Again, blown in on that strengthening
01:36northerly breeze, which will also continue to bring a chilly feel across much of Scotland.
01:42Northern Ireland temperatures only 14 to 16 degrees and the cooler air is filtering further
01:47south. The temperatures won't be as high here. Still feeling pleasant enough in the September
01:51sunshine at 20 or 21 Celsius. But that northerly wind continues to strengthen, especially down
01:57the east coast, making it feel really quite cold here, I suspect, during Thursday night
02:02and into Friday. And again, a colder night across the Midlands and southern parts of
02:08England. So that's something to bear in mind in the London area in particular, turning
02:11quite cold as we go through Thursday night and into Friday. High pressure is moving in
02:16and it's squeezing against an area of low pressure. And the two squeezing together,
02:20just enhancing that northerly wind. So that wind really picking up in eastern areas, particularly
02:25noticeable on Friday, but still quite brisk on Saturday. But generally, this area of high
02:30pressure moving in is going to continue to bring a lot of fine weather, a few showers
02:34in northern Scotland. But apart from that, a lot of dry and bright weather with sunny
02:37spells as we go through the weekend.
