Tuesday morning forecast 19/12/23

  • 2 days ago
19 December - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. During recent days, we've had high pressure centred over northern France
00:04and that's brought largely dry conditions to the south of the UK. All changed this morning.
00:09That high pressure has slipped away and the rain has returned across the south. Heavy
00:14in places and persistent through much of the morning, the rain finally eases into the afternoon
00:20away from the south east. But plenty of sunshine replaces that rain across England and Wales.
00:25Meanwhile, Scotland and Northern Ireland, well, we're going to keep the blustery north-westerly
00:30airflow and quite a number of showers feeding in, especially for western Scotland, parts
00:36of Northern Ireland as well. Those showers will be falling as snow over the hills of
00:39Scotland because this is a relatively cold airflow coming from the north-west, although
00:44temperatures not far from average this afternoon. Temperatures in some parts of the south will
00:49actually be falling through the day because we lose the mild feed as the cold front moves
00:54south-eastwards. Into the evening, we keep those showers going across northern and western
00:59parts of the UK. Some showers affecting Wales, north-west England and south-west England
01:03as well. But the bulk of the showers really moving into Scotland and Northern Ireland.
01:08More persistent rain turns up by the end of the night into western Scotland and Northern
01:12Ireland along with thicker cloud. The wind continues and with the cloud, the wind and
01:17the showery rain, most places will be frost free by dawn. But clear skies and some shelter
01:23from the wind in the south and south-east means that a touch of frost is possible here.
01:29Certainly a colder start compared with this morning. But plenty of bright skies for East
01:33Anglia, the south and south-east of England, so certainly better chance of blue skies as
01:39we begin Wednesday. However, thicker cloud will tend to affect many places by the afternoon.
01:44That cloud containing outbreaks of rain. Initially, there could be a few flakes of snow over these
01:48Scottish mountains as the rain moves in, but this system that's bringing the cloud, the
01:53slight change in wind direction and those outbreaks of rain is bringing also some milder
01:58Atlantic air. So back in the double figures fairly widely by the afternoon, although the
02:03north-east of Scotland staying relatively cold. Then those outbreaks of rain continuing
02:09into Wednesday night before eventually being replaced once again by a showery north-west
02:14of the airflow. But watch this. This area of low pressure heading into Scandinavia is
02:19unusually low for the time of year. This area of high pressure is unusually high and
02:24as a result we've got this set up with a very marked pressure gradient, very tightly packed
02:29isobars in other words, and widespread gales, especially across the northern two-thirds
02:35of the UK, particularly strong winds in the north and north-west around coasts and hills.
02:41So yellow warning in force. You can find the full details about that on the Met Office
02:44app and website and we'll keep you updated right here on the Met Office YouTube channel.
02:51Make sure you subscribe so you never miss an update. Bye bye.
