Monday afternoon forecast 20/12/21

  • 2 days ago
20 December - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there and welcome to the latest update from the Met Office. A quiet start to the
00:04new week but I don't think it will end quietly as far as the weather is concerned. Same again
00:09for most of us, cloudy skies covering much of the country, something a little brighter
00:13coming along in the east later and fairly breezy in the south west around the periphery
00:19of the area of high pressure which is generally keeping things dry and settled for the vast
00:23majority but once again a lot of cloud covering the country. Some cloud breaks here and there,
00:30mostly western Scotland I think, parts of west Wales as well but in many spots the cloud
00:36covering the hills is a dreary afternoon, some patchy drizzle where that cloud lowers
00:41enough. However, brighter skies in the east as a weak cold front introduces slightly higher
00:46cloud bases through the afternoon, 6 or 7 in the east, 8 or 9 further west. And then
00:52that higher cloud base works its way westwards through the evening and overnight and that
00:58allows some cloud breaks to come and go through the night, again fairly tenuous so I think
01:04for many it's going to be a cloudy night. But where we do see some cloud breaks coming
01:07through, 0 to minus 2 Celsius, a frost first thing Tuesday, otherwise 1 to 4 Celsius as
01:15we begin things and a lot of cloud again on Tuesday morning but a better chance I think
01:21on Tuesday of seeing those cloud breaks emerging, seeing some sunny spells at last across some
01:26parts of central, western England, Wales, western Scotland for example. Once more they'll
01:32be fairly tenuous, they'll come and go and for many it will be another cloudy day but
01:37the cloud base is a little higher compared to Monday so brighter skies on the whole I
01:42think for many and still quite breezy in the southwest but with those higher cloud bases
01:47it's colder air, 4 to 6 Celsius, feeling a little chillier compared to Monday. And with
01:52that chillier air in place, the higher cloud bases and some broken breaks in those clouds
01:58so we're going to see a more widespread frost forming I think on Tuesday evening and overnight
02:03particularly for central, western, northern parts of the country. And that sets the scene
02:07as we see a change in the weather start to emerge from the Atlantic. This area of rain
02:13wants to move in but a battleground begins to set up which makes things interesting for
02:20the rest of the week and heading into the Christmas weekend because we've got all this
02:23cold air to the north and the east of the UK but the Atlantic, mild wet weather pushing
02:29in from the southwest. And these colours are indicative of the temperature at about 5,000
02:35feet and you can see quite quickly mild air spreading in across the country along with
02:40bands of rain. But if I switch to the temperature at much lower levels at the surface you'll
02:45see that cold air is still in place and that leads to the risk of some freezing rain over
02:51the higher ground of northern England and Scotland and then later on Wednesday the risk
02:57of snow primarily across the Scottish mountains. And as we end the week we've got mild unsettled
03:03weather in charge across many parts of the country but with that bumping into cold air
03:07to the north there's a chance of some significant snow especially across parts of Scotland over
03:13the higher ground. And of course we'll keep you updated on all of that on our social media channels.
03:18Bye bye.
